HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 03.04.1976 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE TUFTING March 4, 1976 Present: Capt. Oscar L. Torbett, III - National Guard; North Bardell, James Presswood, Lee Roy Johnson, Col. Carroll Bell, and Ben Wormeli. (Jake Canglose home sick with the Flu.) Presided: B.C. (Ben) Wormeli 2 -25 -76 Austin, Texas - 15th Annual Preparedness Conference for State and Local Officials.Guess approximately 200 attended from all sections of Texas . 2 -25 -76 Brazos County - Jake Canglose, Charles Phelps, Bill Koehler, Dr. George Huebner, 0.L. Luther, James Presswood and Ben Wormeli. 2 -27 -76 B.C. (Ben) Wormeli Much discussion concerning changes in funding at National level for 1977 . 1. Cut budget - will cost Texas $ 1.4 Million Dollars. 2. Restrict use of Federal money to Nuclear Preparedness. Suggested: Call your priorities to the attention of your legislators. Jake: Jake has done a lot of work updating the Base Plan and the SOP's and Ordinances . They are about complete. Some still being re- worked. Chuck After 3 -25 -76 exercise in Pasadena - Chuck Harrison will return here Harrison: to assist in completing and putting together the total Emergency Disaster Planning Program. Our exercise is scheduled for the last week in May Vance Tornado Season is here - Moyer: Vance Moyer started on March 1st a scheduled test of the Tone Alert Warning System to be conducted at 9 :01 A.M. the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. James Why was 3 -1 Alert 20 min. late? Presswood: Jake is re- working the Severe Weather and Tornado Warning Plan. He will appreciate suggestions from Judge and City Managers - Copies for them. A meeting of the Tornado Warning group is planned soon. The College Station schools have reviewed their plans in the event of a Tornado. Question: Have the City Councils thought of public buildings that can be opened to people hunting shelter, in the event of a tornado? - 1 - March 4, 1976 Answer: College Station has O.Koed use of City Hall and Fire Station - but have small space Question: Have an- plans developed on the use of sirens on police and other cars to warn of a tornado approaching? Answer: Not yet. Question: Can CD racks with leaflets be placed in Bryan and College Station areas where utility bills and taxes are paid? Answer: 85% of bills are paid by mail. North North Bardell suggested setting some up in super ziiarkets, for short Bardell: periods. - 2 -