HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 01.06.1968 MINUTES OF DEFENSE COUNCIL MEETING CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE JANUARY 6, 1968 9:30 A.M. (Regular meeting) Attending: Mayor Anderson Col. Graves Henry L. Alsmeyer Col. Bowden - -State Deputy Jake Canglose Civil Defense John Hill Director Fred Sandlin Judge Vance (absent - -out of Emmett Trant town) Item I CSP (Community Shelter Plan) proposed by State Civil Defense office (Col. Bowden). a. Needs discussed by Col. Bowden as to what we need for a CSP. b. State will provide a planning shelter officer free of charge. c. Local work- -need house count and projection of county population thru 1975. Need to: I: Physical house count in both cities and county. Need II. Policy committee to set up shelter plan Po Y Need III. Techinical committee. Fixed policy: Person in an area will go to fixed shelter location - -not just any area. Traffic movement and police plan. TIME: Need a contact man for police needs. Recommendation: This program to be studied and final answer by January 12, 1968, -- Policy group OK'ed by Jake Canglose, Judges, Mayors and CD Directors. Item II : Mr. McCord of the State Health Office called and he will be here January 22nd to exchange RADEF Kits. (Reservation made by Canglose at Western Motel.) Kits will be shipped from Austin to Civil Defense Office. Item III : Need for warehouse space to house shelter supplies coming in. Net Weight - -- 47,294. Item IV : Report of National Shelter Spaces -- 11,396,000 spaces.