HomeMy WebLinkAboutWhen Disaster Strikes Directory 1981 ;RYAN, TEXAS .. ERAZGS C[:UNTY CHh■PTER A[ ERTCHi` RED CRL5S WHEN DISASTER STRIKES Call One of the Following: Day Night Red Cross Disaster Headquarters 846 -3716 846 -8717 Red Cross Office 822 -3369 846 -5449 Chanter Chairman, Dr. I.P. Trotter 846 -6390 846 -6390 Disaster Chairman, Col. Walter H. Parsons, Jr. - -846 -8716 846 -8161 Disaster Vice - Chairman, Dan Whitt 346 -8715 846 -6771 Executive Secretary, Mrs. Ada Locke 822 -3369 346 -5449 If no answer, call: Bryan Police Department 822 -1595 822 -1596 County Sheriff's Office 322-3775 823 -1108 Red Cross responsibility in time of disaster is the relief of families. Governmental responsibility in time of disaster is,in general, the same as in normal times -- protection of life, health and property- - maintenance and repair of public property and maintenance of law ank, order. WHEN DISASTER STRIKES REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Dr. Ide Trotter Chapter Chairman Col. Walter H. Parsons, Jr. Disaster Chairman Dan Whitt Disaster Vice - Chairman Sub - Committee Chairman Mr. Ernest L. Harvell Survey Mr. R. A. Jenkins Dr. T. 0. Walton, Jr. Rescue Medical Nursing Aid Mr. 0. 0. Haugen Transportation and Communication Mr. Allen Madeley Shelter Col. Fred Dollar Food Mr. L. R. Johnson Clothing Registration and Information Mr. Joe Buser Public Information Mr. Wes Donaldson Central Purchase and Supply GENERAL ORGANIZATION TOT4NS AND DISASTER CHAIRMEN OF BRAZOS COUNTY Edge Smetana Kurten Harvey Community Tabor College Station Reliance St. Hark Steep Hollow Mr. M.D. Hartsfield Wellborn Benchley Rock Prairie Mooring Peach Creek Community Mudville c•Iil lican Sims Canthon Law Allen Farm Fountain Nelleva Bryan Rogers Ta?NS AND DISASTER CHAIRMEN OF BRAZOS COUNTY SURVEY `,THEN DISASTER STRIKES REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TA.O YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Rescue Day Night Mr. R. A. Jenkins 846 -8716 846 -7829 I. Responsibility: To warn, evacuate and rescue in time of disaster. Red Cross supplements governmental agencies in :yarning, evacuation and rescue. II. Supplies and equipment to secure: 1. Ambulance and trucks Contact 0. 0. Haugen, Transportation Chairman. Phone 346 -8716 Day Phone 346 -7607 Night Phone 2. Jacks, Hoists, Ropes. Call Garages. 3. Inhalators -- Funeral .Homes. 4. Torches -- Physical Plant, Texas A&M University. 5. Respirators. - Physical Plant, Teas A&M University. III. First Alders available for service. IV. Water Safety Committee- - V. Report frequently to disaster headquarters. RESCUE ??HEN DISASTER STRIKES REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Shelter Day Night Chairman, fir. Allen Madeley, 112 Pershing 846 -5713 846 -5149 I. Responsibility: Provide housing facilities for disaster sufferers in compliance with Public Health and Sanitation Regulations. Operate Red Cross Shelters. II. Shelters: Establish and supervise as many as necessary. III. Contact chairman Medical Aid Committee and Transportation Committee. IV. The use of homes of friends, relatives and neighbors should be en- couraged. class shelters create many problems. V. All shelters designated by Red Cross Flags. SHELTER • E WHEN DISASTER STRIKES REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Public Information Day Night Chairman, Mr. Joe Buser, 1208 Hanes 846 -4904 846 -8922 I. Responsibility: Keep public informed through press, radio, and other sources on extent of disaster and action taken. Chairman of disaster preparedness should approve all Red Cross publicity. Issue bulletins on progress of disaster and rescue. PUBLIC INFORMATION 1 t°)iiEii DISASTER STRIKES REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGIIT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Food Day Night Chairman, Col. Fred Dollar, 1700 Jersey 846 - 4796 846 -4426 I. Responsibility: Requisitioning, preparing and serving food for disaster sufferers and workers. II. Emergency feeding stations. Check with Shelter Committee Chairman for designated emergency feeding stations. III. Mass Feeding. IV. Maintain contact with disaster headquarters, also sub - committees on Central Purchasing and Supply, Shelter, Survey, Rescue, Registration and Information. V. All feeding centers designated by Red Cross Flags. VI. iiass purchasing will be made within the Chapter area insofar as possible. FOOD HEN DLSASTt K S'1'K1KI b REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAM, YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Clothing Day Night I. Responsibility: Requisitioning clothing for disaster sufferers during emergency. II. Report frequently to disaster headquarters and maintain contact with committees on Purchasing and Supply, Shelter and Registration and Information. III. Gray Ladies can be available for disaster services. CLOTHING 1N U 1J U15AbrEK STRIKES REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Purchase and Supply Day Night Chairman, Tres Donaldson, 405 Timber 846 -7721 846 =7854 I. Responsibility: Purchasing general relief supplies, primarily bulk purchases during emergency period only. Arrange for warehousing of donated and pur- chased supplies, maintain inventories. Secure necessary office equip- ment. II. Copies of all disbursing orders must be routed through Central Pur- chase and Supply. III. Unusual and large purchases should not be made without prior approval of disaster chairman, vice - chairman or person administratively charged with the responsibility. CENTRAL PURCHASE AND SUPPLY REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Registration and Information Day Night Chairman, L. R. Johnson, 1800 Carrabba 846 -8716 322 -3549 Responsibility: 1. Take applications, answer inquiries of relatives, friends and others. Answer general and specific inquiries of disaster sufferers and others about relief policies and services. Grant emergency relief. Refer sufferers to sources of aid for food, shelter, and other basic necessities. Maintain records. 2. Forms to use: a. Registrations on Form 901 b. Disbursing orders on Form 2050 c. Welfare inquiries on Form 2079 3. Hang registration committee at disaster headquarters and at emergency shelters. 4. Aid and direct chapter to meet all needs. 5. Designate Registration and Information center with Red Cross Flags and necessary signs. REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION 1i3L'.LY Ulotlal. IZA 71KLLCC5 REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Medical and Nursing Aid Day Night Chairman, Dr. T.O. U alton,Jr.,1005 Dominik Dr.--- 846 -4613 846 -4034 I. Responsibility: To organize and direct activities of Red Cross Medical Aid, Dental and Nursing Center. II. Contact Chairman on Survey, ascertain Hospital space required. Con- tact Chairman on Shelter, secure emergency hospitals and First Aid Stations. III. Direct activities of Volunteer Doctors, Nurses and Nurses Aides. IV. For Ambulances and Transportation call Chairman of Transportation Committee 0. 0. Haugen - -346 -8717 or 346 -7607 If cannot contact call Red Cross Headquarters. V. The supervision of Public Health in disaster areas and furnishing of Biologicals are the responsibility of State and Local Public Health Departments. Immunizations are provided under their directiop. MEDICAL AND NURSING AID REPORT TO RED CROSS OFFICE TAKE YOUR FLASHLIGHT AND RAINCOAT Sub - Committee on Transportation and Communication Day Night Chairman, 0.0. Haugen, 1200 Orr 846 -8716 346 -7607 I. Responsibility: Provide adequate transportation for all sub - committees for evacuation and rescue. Movement of supplies and personnel. Provide necessary communication within and outside disaster area. II. Source of supply. 1. Trucks- -all motor companies and wholesalers. 2. Ambulances - -All Funeral Homes. III. Communications: Western Union -- 823 -6415 Radio Station KORA = -822 -1240 County Sheriff- -322 -3775 City Police -- 822 -1596 IV. Check with each Red Cross installation not less than twice each day, more often where necessary. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION RED CROSS RESPONSIBILITY GOVERNMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY (Red Cross Funds) (Ta:; Funds) Red Cross responsibility extends Governmental responsibility is to to Disaster affected population. the entire population within its jurisdiction. Assist in: 1. Warning. Protect Persons and Property. 2. Voluntary evacuation. 1. Maintenance of law and order. 3. Rescue. 2. Public health and sanitation measures. Supply the Emergency Necessities of 3. Fire protection. Life: 4. Maintenance of public institu- 1. Food tions. 2. Clothing. 5. Control of traffic. 3. Shelter 6. Enforced evacuation if necessarr 4. Medical Care 7. Care of the dead. Supply Emergency Services: Survey of public damage. 1. Transportation for refugees. Carry on Usual Services: 2. Transportation of supplies. 1. Public health and welfare. 3. Communications. 2. Public institutions. 4. Public information. 3. Transportation (public). 5. Welfare inquiries. 4. Communications (public). 5. Registration and survey. of 5. Removal of debris from public family losses. property. Rehabilitation of Families (if own 6. Inspections of buildings for resources inadequate): safety. 1. Temporary maintenance. 7. Salvage of unclaimed property. 2. Building, repair homes. Restoration of Public Property: 3. Household furnishings. 1. Public buildings. 4. Medical Aid. 2. Sewage systems. 5. Occupational and agricultural 3. Water systems. assistance. 4. Streets and highways. 6. Counseling and guidance for 5. Other public projects. families and individuals FL - TIONS OF RED CROSS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES IN TIME OF DISASTER