HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.21.1994 Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting Minutes BRAZOS COUNTY LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, July 21, 1994 4:00 p.m. Brazos Center Room 106 Bryan, Texas MINUTES PRESENT: Fred Forsthoff, Chairman, LEPC; Brazos County Emergency Management Jeridan Strong, Brazos County Emergency Management Steve Beachy, College Station Emergency Management Bobby Riggs, Sheriff, Brazos County Ken Bost, Brazos County Health Department Steve Gonzalez, Brazos County Health Department Bill Kennedy, Chief, College Station Fire Department Darlene Kennedy, TAMU Emergency Management Dick Phillips, Bryan Disaster Cmte., United Methodist Church Mason Newton, College Station Police Department Bobby Maddox, Bryan Police Department Frenchy Bennett, Brazos County Firefighters Assn. David White, Fire & Safety Specialists, Inc. Roy Ross, Bryan Emergency Management Peggy Calliham, College Station Public Information David Giordano, EMS, College Station Fire Department Kevin Brost, Chief, Prec. 1 Volunteer Fire Department Bill Thomas, American Red Cross, Bryan Bridgette George, College Station Emergency Management Chris Carter, Brazos County Emergency Management ABSENT: Hon. R. J. Holmgreen, County Judge, Brazos County Stephen Ogden, State Representative Mayor Marvin Tate, City of Bryan Mayor Larry Ringer, City of College Station John Blackburn, Bryan Emergency Management (sent Ross) Lee Freeman, Chief, Bryan Police Department (sent Maddox) 1 ABSENT (continued): Edgar Feldman, Chief, College Station Police Department (sent Newton) Bob Wiatt, TAMU Security /University Police R. Harry Stiteler, Safety /Health Office Jim Bland, Chief, Bryan Fire Department Quintin Joines, Chief, Prec. 2 Firefighters John Hicks, Chief, Prec. 3 Firefighters Joe Ondrasek, Chief, Prec. 4 Firefighters Emily Staples, Chief, Millican Firefighters Paul Mras, EMS, Bryan Daniel Fuqua, EMS, Texas A &M University Dr. William Conkling, Brazos Cty. Health Dept. (sent Bost, Gonzalez) Jon Turton, St. Joseph's Hospital Pat Cornelison, Brazos Valley Medical Center Douglas Williams, TAMU Bus Operations Sam Logan, Brazos County Public Relations Joe Brown, Bryan Public Relations Ed Ilschner, Bryan Public Works John Woody, College Station Public Works Dr. Bennie J. Camp, Mega Laboratories, Inc. Randy Patton, Fire Protection Training Division, TEEX Dianne Bell, Occup. /Envirn. Safety Training, TEEX Greg Petrey, Brazos Cty. Emerg. Comm. Dist. (911) Garry Lange, College Station Public Utilities Bob Foust, TAMU University Police PROCEEDINGS: o Call To Order - 4:10 p.m. by Fred Forsthoff. o Recognition of Visitors - None present. o Approval of Minutes - of April 21, 1994 meeting. No additions or corrections offered. Motion made by Chief Kennedy and seconded by Sheriff Riggs. o Vote on Bylaws - Twenty attendees at the meeting. Twelve LEPC members and five other persons representing members of the LEPC. Motion made by Steve Beachy and seconded by Frenchy Bennett to accept votes of those representing LEPC members as well as member vote for adoption of the bylaws. Motion carried (15 yea; 0 nay -- -five votes by persons representing LEPC members.) 2 o Vote on Rules of Operation - Vote held on rules were 17 yea; 0 nay -- -five votes by persons representing LEPC members. o Emergency Plans Status Reports (Strong) - Annex H (Health & Medical) - meeting scheduled for July 28 at St. Joseph's Hospital. Annex J (Damage Assessment) - Needs signatures. Annex 0 (Human Services) - Needs signatures. Annex P (Hazard Mitigation) - Draft circulating. Annex K (Public Works /Engineering) - Forwarded to D.E.M. Annex L (Utilities) - forwarded to D.E.M. Annex S (Transportation) - Returned by Steve Vaughn for corrections. Corrections made and returned to D.E.M. for approval. Only 3 annexes left to complete -- -Annex H, Annex N (EOC- Direction & Control), and Annex P. o Exercise Design Committee Report (Beachy) - Annex C (Shelter & Mass Care) to be rewritten due to exercise in May. Majority of changes deal with reception center at the Brazos Center. Three shelters opened. Had two external evaluators (Madison County and Brazos River Authority). Exercise involved many departments and agencies from the two cities and the county. The changes will update and revise procedures that did not work as well as had been planned for. Everyone worked well together. Excellent critique exercise is being plannned for VFD's in area of incident command system. o Communications Committee Report (Kennedy) - 800 - megahertz system - College Station is going to tag onto A &M System, probably by 1995, on 10- channel trunking system. Each entity is looking at the cost of radios, etc., and will probably phase in. College Station will contract within the next month with TAMU. TAMU will be on- line in 30 days. Holmgreen supports opportunity for S.O. and VFD to participate. $2.57 per mo. /radio fee to A &M. Hensel Park and water tower are antenna locations. Five channels in each place. o Early Warning Committee Report (White) - Sirens largely ineffective except in specified locations such as the A &M Campus and areas of population concentration. Sirens not the answer for everyone. Other systems available are cable company systems mandated by Congress. Not a single method available to alert different sectors. May need a consultant to assist us in determining avenues to approach. Doppler system at KBTX will help. KBTX attempting to provide space for Emergency Management Coordinator and RACES operators at the radar location. RACES Skywarn spotters doing good job when warnings are issued to provide up -to- minute information on weather conditions. NOAA Weather Radio - Weather Service will broadcast messages but time delay makes this useless. We need to try to obtain permission to transmit on their system locally, but that requires political maneuvering in Washington. White and Forsthoff may try to contact officials to do so. 3 o Hazard Analysis Committee Report (Giordano) - Not been a lot accomplished at this point but more contacts are being made within industrial community. o Other Business - Hazmat Response Issue - very limited countywide and regionally on hazmat response. College Station has made a commitment to begin response program to include entire county and,. sometime in the future, to include regional status. So far about $14,000 has been to obtain level A & B suits and other equipment. College Station has trained 22 people to technician level of response. Bryan has intent to train some folks also. Need a pool of people to staff the unit. Additional funds needed for transportation equipment. Chief Humphries and David White are going to present a program to Brazos Valley Oil Production Assn. or A.P.I. group to discuss needs. Meeting scheduled for August 6. Regional concept would include seven counties. Meetings with them will be planned. There are 150 firefighters in Bryan/College Station. Training needs to be continued to aid call -back capabilities. Unit will not be a cleanup and disposal service. Mitigation only is the target. Benefit of regional response is to upgrade and keep proficiency at a high level. This unit is not the same unit that Chief Bland was referring to in the last LEPC meeting in April. Frequency Changes in Mobile Command Post - Difficulty in using two radios because of redundancy of frequencies. Plan is to install primary frequencies on one radio and secondary frequency on other radio. Need for a Larger Mobile Command Post - Sources are the Texas Forest Service and confiscated motorhomes from drug arrests. o Adjournment - Motion to adjourn at 5:13 p.m. by Giordano and seconded by Brost. FCF:cpc 4