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Captain Warren M. Heffington 1977
4 - 1: 1-7---- T 4 aF DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE (co HEADQUARTERS AIR RESERVE PERSONNEL CENTER :.> DENVER, COLORADO 80280 ; '� REPLY TO O 't A ?f� 1978 ATTN OF: RTPQE SUBJECT: Revision of AFR 36 -10, Officer Effectiveness Reports (OER) Program TO: Brazos CO Civl Del:erse Cfi ice rapt Warren i'i He finCton Brazos CO Couthouse Bryan, TX 77801 1. In the past, officers assigned to the 9006th Air Reserve Squadron (Civil Defense) received OERs only when they completed their active duty tour. Because OER cycles are scheduled annually, there were many individuals who could not perform their tours of duty at such a time to receive controlled OERs. The new OER program now allows reservists to perform their active duty tour at convenient times and still receive controlled OERs. 2. On 1 Jan 78 the following changes took place in the OER program for Civil Defense Reserve officers: a. When OER is Written: (1) OER will be written only during the annual cycle for that grade. (2) A controlled report will be written only upon completion of an active duty tour of at least 12 consecutive days duration since the preceding report. (3) An abbreviated report will be written on officers selected for promotion to grades captain through colonel if the selec- tion is officially announced on or before the closeout date of the OER. b. How the Program Works: (1) At the time an individual performs his active duty tour, this office will forward AF Form 77a, Letter of Evaluation (LOE), to the unit of attachment. The individual most familiar with the performance of the officer will render the LOE using the format in attachment 1 of this letter. Upon completion of the LOE, it will be forwarded to ARPC /RTPQE. During the annual cycle, the LOE will be forwarded to the reporting official for use in preparing a controlled OER. The OER and LOE will be forwarded to regional headquarters for review and then to ARPC for file in the master records. F /'/ k IAPAAUcti\ 1,4 eitilitAAAVit (2) A LOE will be written on officers for each active duty training through attendance at any approved seminar. (3) An optional LOE is authorized for officers who perform active duty training through attendance at any approved seminar. (4) The annual cycle closeout dates are: Colonel 31 May Lt Col 30 April Major 31 December Captain 31 October Lieutenant 31 August 3. If the individual pulls his active duty tour during the annual cycle an LOE will not be written. ARPC /RTPQE will forward an OER package to the reporting official who will forward the OER to regional headquarters for review and then to ARPC for file in the master records. 4. For further information please call SSgt Carter, toll free 1 -800- 525 -1965, or AUTOVON 926 -7475. FOR THE COMMANDER &An /br adie CLAUDIO REBELLO, Major, USAF 1 Atch Chief, Personnel Division LOE w /instructions Directorate of Individual Reserve Programs 2 f . TT_ yL :N c : OVA - ,rv; R Ur, SP n11t OL a JUG t r . =" `i 4C� REP�r -- 1 SEI? {C('VI.RSi• ■ when cost saviitesar•e reported u., 1 ! CTFD aY T1!• ' PRIVACY OF 19` -, i N i OR INSTRUCTIONS i 1 EJ FiAF KI;W(A)7501 .. , i t ‘, C. 270 and S012;44 U.S.C. 310, ,. Executiv,- Order 9397. i . RPO : :: To provide record of duties performed on tour of active duty. s.. I V t 1 � S: To provide a summary of active duty tour and establish monetary saving realized through use of MAS. SSAN Is required j , B on l'1.I'Iti VOLUNTARY: Failure to provide th, information and SSAN may prevent ro er evaluation o °u rive duty supervisor TO: (MAJCOdT Reserve Affairs FROM: p p f � ai p ll; ary address) Office) (Name grade and current mailing address) T ,nd mi �� Cuaglose HEFFINGTON, Warren M, Capt, USA 7 ' 11 ctor Brazos Co CD 9006 ARS (ARPC) 1304 Augustine Court a�=:� - +ti sue,_ Bryan, TX DENVER, CO 80280 College Station, TX 77840 2. OAFSC 3. UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT - > 0511 9006th Air Reserve Squadron • )NIT OF ATTACHMENT 5. UNIT WITH WHICH TRAINING PERFORMED .:ra -os County Civil Defense Brazos County Civil Defense -. ■E OF REPORT (Check one only) SAVINGS '_,7 NO OF TOUR. COVERING 12 DAYS FROM 22 May TO 2 Jun 78 7 (Round COST towholedollars) } RESERVE ORDER NO. JA -3199 ISSUED BY HO ARPC A. COST IF MA HAD NOT BEEN ;,'.'AIL• ABLE $ B. COST OF MA I-J INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING (1DT). COVERING $ PERIODS (4 itrs each) FROM • TO C. SAVINGS $ u. BRIEF SUMMARY OF DUTIES PERFORMED (Be specific; include explicit data and details. Continue on reverse if required.) )erformed assigned duties as Assistant County Communications Officer on .'le Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Plan (RACES Plan) and the Fallout Shea r:er Communications Plan for Brazos County. Inventoried Brazos County iter data. , on the RACES Plan involved completion of the plan beginning from an ::_tial draft, and included coordination of the completed plan with the :D:1.ty Civil Defense Director and the County RACES Officer, and sched- of printing of the plan. Duties performed on the Fallout Shelter o:_ :,anications Plan involved an inventory of shelter space available by locus at the various shelter sites and preparation of a table showing ~dresses, identification data, and capacities of all shelters so the ,..ty Shelter Communications Officer could assign Citizen Band radio _.rators to each shelter. Net with the County Shelter Communications =facer and briefed him on his duties in completing his portion of the In the course of work on the Shelter Communications Plan, the - _os County shelter data was inventoried to identify lacking data and 2crepancies between the 1975 National Shelter Survey and the shelter .ps of individual shelter areas prepared in the late sixties. :.eviewed the Brazos County Fallout Shelter Plan, the Crisis Relocation ?Lan, National Shelter Survey, all individual shelter files, and outdated : ;hei communications information. In addition, reviewed the Brazos 7ou_aty Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan and attended a meeting of .r-zos County Civil Defense Officials regarding implementation of the lan . DATA r SIGNATURE OF RESERVIST C -1-- - -- f f f FOR HAF /RE USE ONLY > Jun 78 (/:(1 I : i (,' /J ''.73-1 ' MAJCOM/SOA FY ° 'SIGNA U E'OF , TIVE D Y SUPERVISOR I ' CODE SUBMITTED ACCEPTED MANDAYS 1 // i Y 77 ► 7.s i , DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4ti�T oFa • HEADQUARTERS AIR RESERVE PERSONNEL CENTER � �774 � 7300 EAST FIRST AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80280 c q1li, ` =4o-.- REPLY TO 2 5 JAN 1919 r ,r` °s rai.i P � ATTN OF DPRMS SUBJECT: Eligibility of Reservist for Promotion to Major TO: Director Brazos County Civil Defense Office Bryan TX 77801 1. The Non -EAD Major Unit Vacancy Promotion Board will convene at this headquarters on 6 April 1979 to consider nominations of outstanding USAFR captains for promotion in advance of their contemporaries. Such promotions are contingent upon an assignment to a MOBDES position controlled by HQ ARPC, grade of Major, prior to or effective upon promotion. 2. Captain Warren M. Heffington, attached to your office for duty, is eligible for consideration. 3. If, in your opinion, this officer merits such consideration, please complete the attached AF Form 212, Recommendation for Promotion in the USAFR, and return to reach HQ ARPC / DPRMS not later than 19 February 1979. Justification for the recommendation must be entered in the Rem arks _segt - }on and may be continued on bond paper if necessary. The following factors should be considered: a. The degree and the manner of participation in assigned duties and related activities in accomplishing the overall mission of your office. b. Specific accomplishments that prompted the recommendation. c. The degree and the manner in which the officer furthers public interest in the Air Force Reserve Program. d. The officer's special efforts to increase his or her educational, technical and professional knowledge that relate to the needs of the Air Force and the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. e. Comments on the officer's potential, ability, and desire to accept additional responsibility. f. Comments on the officer's leadership qualities. g. Any other comments the person recommending the officer considers appropriate. 4. Please complete and sign the certificate, to include the address of the organization. We have completed the top portion of the form (unit, AFSC, position title, PCN, and grade). 5. If you have any questions, please contact this office toll free at 1- 800 - 525 -1965 or 1968. Negative replies are not required. NOZA-t-g-U/e DONALD R. MICHELS 1 Atch Chief, Special Programs Mgt Br AF Form 212 Directorate of Personnel Resources 2 LPG L ar� �� s a + RECD[ ..€9DAT I O FOR PR OT 1 Oil IN THE D ATE 6 Feb 1979 UNITED STATES AIR FOnE RESERVE UNIT POSITION TITLE ...N 9006 AID, (tiRpc) E Denver CO 80280 DI,7aster Preparedness Officer POSITION CONTROL NUMBER I AFSC GRADE oo 7 ' 0511 THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS ARE RECOMMENDED FOR PROMOTION TO FILL THE VACANCY A PROMOTION LAST NAME - FIRST NAME - MIDDLE INITIAL SSAN GRADE SERVICE DATE u Heffin. Tl, ',7arren L L . ' .. 1 Captain 31 Jan 7 , i , Ln cc W _J lil W REMARKS Capt . . Heffington Tis assigned to the 9006 ARS on 3 Dec 77 per R,0 JA 17585, HQ ARPC, 9 Nov 77. He holds It;_FSC 2845 and 2AFSC 0511. Capt. Heffington's duties since his assignment to this office Dec. 3, 1977 I has consisted of updating civil defense emergency plans, preparing plans and manuals g 4 relating to emergency resources, shelters, communications, hazardous material accidents, and radiological training needs and assignments. i His work assignments require a good knowledge of the overall mission and the ability to work and communicate with individuals from all areas in the county, cities and the community. Capt. Heffington has the ability and background to perform his duties with the minimum amount of direction. His appearance and attitude is a credit to the Air Force and this office. He has completed two civil defense home study courses and is f presently enrolled in the Shelter Survey Technician Course. He has reviewed the 1 state and local emergency plans and attends meetings when notified. (see additional remarks on attached page) CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER OFFICERS KNOWN TO ME WHO ARE SPECIALLY QUALIFIED AND AVAILABLE TO FILL THE POSITION ORGANIZATION OF COMMANDER Brazos County Civil Defense, County Cou#thouse B an, xas 778, TYPED NAME AND GRADE OF COMMANDER 1GNATU 7 Jake Canglose, Director !! I AP FORM 2I2 PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE 1 OCT 71 Additional Remarks: In addition to other duty assignments, he has been appointed Liason Officer to the Local Red Cross unit for this office. His civiliam occupation at Texas A &M University is Associate Professor. This background highly qualifies him for emergency preparedness work which requires the ability to instruct, coordinate, research and compile emergency planning data and instructions. Based on his ability, attitude and work accomplished since his assignment to this office, I highly recommend Capt. Heffington for promotion to the rank of Major. I wish I had three more just like him. 2 Feb 79 ■I13■40RANDUM / TO: Jake Canglose Director, Brazos County Civil Preparedness Organization FROM: Warren Heffington, Capt., USAFR C Qt. � / - I/ C Assistant County Communications Of icer V / SUBJ: Promotion Information Requested 1 Feb 79 •Since transfer to your organization 3 Dec 77 1 have done the following things: 1. Accomplished four weeks of active duty, two for the period 6 Nov 77 -5 Nov 78 and two for the period 6 Nov 78 -5 Nov 79 (please see attached Air Force forms for records of accomplishments during those periods). 2. Correspondence courses A. Civil Defense USA (H.S. 6), completed 21 April 78. B. Introduction to Radiological Monitoring (H.S. 3), completed 7 September 78. C. Shelter Survey Technician Course ( H.S. 2), in progress. 3. Received hands -on training in the use of radiological monitoring instruments and calibration devices available in the county. 4. Familiarized myself with national, Texas, and Brazos County Civil Preparedness plans and directives, including review of representative plans from other states and regions. S. Reviewed CP MOBDES program information and directives. 6. Been appointed by the County Director to perform liason activities with the local Red Cross. 7. Contacted DCPA officials regarding the possibility of conducting a local course for Shelter Survey Technicians. 8. Attended all meetings of County Civil Preparedness officials which I have been asked to attend. 44 " �,F'5 ;., — ,) /j , j MOBILIZATION AUGME .E (MA) 1 l' RrCONTROLSYMB ;(�Checkonly SF,) R1 ?VF.,RSF en cost savings are repnrte rdi t item 7c) END OF TOUR /TRAINING REPORT FOR INS'TRUC'TIONS (THIS FORM IS AFFECTED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974) ❑ 11AP- REW(A)75O1 AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 270 and 8012; 44 U.S.C. 3101 and Executive Order 9397. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide record of duties performed on tour of active duty. ROUTINE USES: To provide a summary of active duty tour and establish monetary saving realized through use of MAs. SSAN is required for identification DISCLOSURE IS I'OLI Failure to provide the information and SSAN may prevent proper evaluation of duty performance. y THRU: (Active duty supervisor R TO: (MAJCOM Reserve Affairs FOM: (Name, grade and current mailing address) u name, grade and rniiltary address) Office) , Jake Canglose IiEFFING�ON, Warren Ti, Capt, USAFr 9006 ARS (ARPC) 1304 Augustine Court I s' Sfi hu. -��r Brazos 4 Co D T'" DENVER, CO 802E College Station, TX 77840 2. D AFSC 3. UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT 9006th Air Reserve Squadron 4. UNIT OF ATTACHMENT 5. UNIT WITH WHICH TRAINING PERFORMED Brazos County Civil Defense Brazos County Civil Defense 6. TYPE OF REPORT (Check one only) 7. COST SAVINGS I,] >ND OF TOUR. COVERING 12 — _DAYS FROM 22 M yro 2 Jun 78 (Round to whole dollars) ON RESERVE ORDER NO. .TA -11 99 ISSUED BY Ho Appc A. COST IF MA HAD NOT BEEN AVAIL- • $ B. COST OF MA ❑ INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING (IDT). COVERING _ $ PERIODS (4 hrs each) FROM TO _ —_ _ C. SAVINGS $ 8. BRIEF SUMMARY OF DUTIES PERFORMED (Be specific; include explicit data and details. Continue on reverse if required.) Performed assigned duties as Assistant County Communications Officer on the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Plan (RACES Plan) and the Failout Shel- ter Communications Plan for Brazos County. Inventoried Brazos County shelter data. Work on the RACES Plan involved completion of the plan beginning from an . initial draft, and included coordination of the completed plan with the County Civil Defense Director and the County PACES Officer, and sched- uling of printing of the plan. Duties performed on the Fallout Shelter Communications Plan involved an inventory of shelter space available by floors at the various shelter sites and preparation of a table showing addresses, identification data, and capacities of all shelters so the County Shelter Communications Officer could assign Citizen Band radio operators to each shelter. Met with the County Shelter Cornrunications Officer and briefed him on his duties in completing his portion of the plan. In the course of work on the Shelter Communications Plan, the Brazos County shelter data was inventoried to identify lacking data and discrepancies between the 1975 National Shelter Survey and the shelter maps of individual shelter areas prepared in the late sixties. Reviewed the Brazos County Failout Shelter Plan, the Crisis Relocation Plan, National Shelter Survey, all individual shelter files, and outdated shelter communications information. In addition, reviewed the Brazos County Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan and attended a meeting of Brazos County Civil Defense Officials regarding implerentation of the plan. DATE T SIGNATURE OF RESERVIST � J !11 FOR HAF /R F, USE ONLY 2 Jun 78 / `/ p / !l,X1 MAJCOM/SOA FY DATE SIGNATURE OF ACTIVE DUTY SUPERVISOR CODE SUBMITTED ACCEPTED M ANDAY_ _ AF MA R77 1735 • MOBILIZATION AUGMENTEE (MA) REPORT CONTROL SYMBOL (Check only SEE REVERSE when cost savings are reported in item 7e) END OF TOUR /TRAINING REPORT FOR INSTRUCTIONS ( 771 /S FORM IS AH•'L'CTL'U BY 7'11E 1'Rll•ACY AC'T ON 1974 ) ❑ HA0.- REW(A)7501 AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 270 and 8012; 44 U.S.C. 3101 and Executive Order 9397. 1'R /NC /PAL. PURPOSE; To provide record of duties performed on tour of active duty. ROUTINE USES: To provide a summary of active duty tour and establish monetary saving realized through use of MAs. SSAN is required for iden tifica don DISCLOSURE IS l'OLUNTARY: Failure to provide the Information and SSA Nmay prevent proper evaluation of duty performance. THRU: (Active duty supervisor TO: (MAfCOM Reserve Affairs FROM (Name, grade and current mailing address) flame, grade and military address) Office) HEFFINGTON, Warren M., Capt, USAFF Jake Canglose, Dir 9006th ARS (ARPC) Brazos County CD Denver, CO 80280 1304 Augustine Court Courthouse, Bry,, .i College Station, TX 77840 1. SSAN 2. DAFSC 3. UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT 9006th Air Reserve Squadron 4. UNIT OF ATTACHMENT 5. UNIT WITH WHICH TRAINING PERFORMED fiQ ARPC Brazos County Civil Defense Office 6. TYPE OF REPORT (Greek one only) 7. COST SAVINGS ® END OF TOUR. COVERING 6 _ DAYS FROM 18 Decro 23 Dec (Round to whole dollars) ON RESERVE ORDER NO.JA -12614 ISSUED BYHQ ARPC A. COST IF MA HAD NOT BEEN AVAIL- • ABLE f 8. COST OF MA INACTIVE DUTY TRAININC1 (IDT). COVERING $ PERIODS (4 hrs each) FROM TO C. SAVINGS 8. 8RIEF SUMMARY OF DUTIES PERFORMED (Be specific; include explicit data and details. Continue on reverse if required.) • Performed assigned duties as Assistant County Communications officer to enable emergency or disaster - related assistance teams to quickly comm- unicate resource needs to public and private service and supply organi- zations. Duties included personal visits to approximately twenty (20) private firm* supplying fuel, tires, generators, radios, and related repair services to secure their agreement to assist the Brazos County Civil Defense Off- ice on a 24 -hour basis in the event of an emergency or disaster. At each firm the purpose of the emergency resource assistance was explained to the owner or manager, and a limited inventory of the firm's emergency resources was secured. All public organizations, including precinct commissioners, and city and county governments, that could respond with appropriate emergency equipment and services were also contacted, the program explained, and their resources inventoried. Composed a resource manual (Brazos County Emergency Resource Manual) de- tailing the above firms, organizations, services, inventories, and non - business hours contact information. DATE SIGNATURE' OF RESERVIST / IUITTED F /RR USI �R Drc �� ea `� ""�1 MAJCOMJSOA FY D �J ---- ACTIVE _ _. [__L�I__1_L i 1 1 1 DATE SIGNATURE OF ACTIVE ERVIS;)R CODE SUBM ACCEPTED MANDAY5_ ��I�i 1i= -- - 1 Lh I AF M ,V 77 1735 • b • MOBILIZATION AUGME EE (MA) T 'PORT CONTROL SYMBOL (Check only END OF TOUR /TRAININ REPORT SEE REVERSE .en cost savings are reported in Item 7c) ti (771IS FORM IS AFFECTED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974) P(1R INS fR U('7'1ONS I ❑ HA!'- REW(A)7501 AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 270 and 8012; 44 U.S.C. 3101 and I.'xecutive Order 9397. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: Ti) provide record of duties i rf need on tour of active duty. ROUTINE USES: To provide a summary of active duty tour and establish monetary saving realized through use of MA s. SSA N is required for identification OISCLOS(TRE IS VOLUNTARY: Failure to provide the Information and SCAN may prevent proper evaluation of duty pel/ormance. TH RU: (A ctive duty supervisor TO: (MAJCOM Reserve Affairs F ROM: (Name, grade and current mailing address) name, grade and military address) Office) Jake Canglose, Dr. 9006th ARS (ARPC) Heffington, Warren M., Capt. Brazos County, C.D. Denver, Co. 30280 1304 Augustine Court Cou rthouse , A r TX . — �7�4 e Std —- -- 1. SSAN 2. 3. UNIT O ASSIGNMEtCT _ 9006th Air Reserve Squadron 4. UNIT OF ATTACHMENT 5. UNIT WITH WHICH TRAINING PERFORMED HQ ARPC - t l3razos County Civil Defense Office 6. TYPE OF REPORT (Check one only) 7. COST SAVINGS U END OF TOUR. COVERING 6 DAYS F ROM 8 Jan. TO 13 Jan • (Round to whole dollars) ON RESERVE ORDER NO JA-126I3 ISSUED BY t 0 — A. COST IF MA HAD NOT BEEN AVAIL- — • ABLE $ B. COST OF MA El INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING (IDT). COVERING $ PERIODS (4 hrs each) FROM TO C. SAVINGS $ 8. BRIEF SUMMARY OF DUTIES PERFORMED (Be specific: include explicit data and details. Continue on reverse if required.) Performed assigned duties as Assistant County Communications Officer. Duties included production of an addendum to the Brazos County Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan, which was a list of possi sources of emergency food and shelter for evacuated persons including telephone numbers and addresses. Verified the Brazos County list of Radiological Monitors, and supplied addresses and telephone numbers for all personnel listed therein. Began update of shelter manager and assistant shelter manager roster, providing status, addresses, telephone numbers, and places of work for the listed personnel. Assisted County Administrative Officer in replacing batteries in radiological monitoring kits assigned to Civil Defense in this area. DAT SIGNATURE OF RESERVIST /' /J FOR HAF)RE USE ONLY I'2 ,a,1 79 W 2 �� /w '......, MAJCOM / FY 111 1171111 DATE SIGNA UR F ACTIVE D Y RVISOR 1 / / CODE SUBMITTED ACCEPTED MANDAYS /6 ✓ LT I s 1 1$ 1 I 7 zC ' / r e _� z� . AF MAY FORM 7 1735 t . (V414A-/ s - iq" 1 . PLANS DEVELOPMENT )�� �. f��l �J /►�yp�t /( e4 C k') F.e e t A A 4 _ - 4 PA"- _ V i /P 7 q a rv oi r 6t i Tr-e — 1 E--e- ctv-Ai ' ;Ze:04, optgiN ; ,' / ( _ g i 7zeIL44A-9,64744, 6 asyy, _ lo -, � 4 2 . TRAINING /L � t - 3/ q -7-s e —1 514-rte-v- 4,44% Y- ibit 06(Vp-iet4A . 11 / - 4 , 4/ 19,_ i _ 1 i ,' ' , Al &te-/,t/)-e 0� -64; -7/7t, ° • ( "` S �ttil , Q /34 COMMON I CATIONS k .���� /�� , & 0 , _ _.� G c `i , T � 4) - `fir, -c l- tA-A -t. . 4,e,0 0 ' ; 9'a(z& , - 7 , r. p/ <0 4. RAD I OLOG I CAL DE FENS .w` R .)- 0 / yt,,-d- P 4 6afr C / ) c / 5. WARNING / " • f- .�L� 6. TEST AND EXERCISES 4f4 /7 I TCCA ;1(1 ( " 1/71 " r 4 . .‘47 /- 9.4Lept6 0,cLoi cktiL 7. PUBLIC INFORMATION � /`oacer i h k2 -- 8. OTHER 7/ 6 , • tvfokaliq &-lAy-4/41`A A A 4 f- ? i\ P C ) „.,,,1/4_ c AiL -4 ` ,t,v‘k,t. o-vt / 4't12- i OPV h - / ? ` d( A /I S /a 10/2/78 ri BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY PLANNING PROGRAM GOALS FOR 1979 TARGET DATE ---. 1. CENTRAL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS STUDY. A. t ' JANUARY 6 o 2. BRIEF PUBLIC OFFICIALS ON EMERGENCY PLANNING. �' JANUARY a� 3. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING WORKSHOP. 'ra u 1 4. REVIEW NUCLEAR ACCIDENT PLAN. FEBRUARY /V6"{ Nor 5. EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION WORKSHOP. 6. TRAIN ALL POLICE OFFICERS (BRAZOS COUNTY, BRYAN, FEBRUARY A V� 7' 14 - ' COLLEGE STATION, TAMU) IN TORNADO SPOTTING. 7. TRAIN AUXILIARY POLICE, FIREMEN AND VOLUNTEER MARCH • iH` 6 -1 -'` - SPOTTERS. 8. HOLD TORNADO WARNING SEMINAR. MARCH et 9. COMPLETE CRISIS RELOCATION (CRP) INTERNAL, PLA, . APRIL 10. COMPLETE CRISIS SHELTER MARKING PLAN. P l - ►\°yA 0.3° ° °6� JULY „ L 11. PROVIDE EMERGENCY PLANS FOR RESOURCE NEEDS IN JULY FOLLOWING AREAS: 1. FUEL - GASOLINE, DIESEL 2. RADIO EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE. '")" 3. EMERGENCY GENERATOR REPAIR SERVICE. `'ir 4. VEHICLE TIRE - (ROAD REPLACEMENT & SUPPORT) r—,.....■"" f . . PART 1. JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION o.ot. o+ w Civil Preparedness Agency t O.M. No. � - LOCAL 'REPAREDNESS 120-R0036 •' I " ANNUAL PROGRAM PAPER Approval Expires r Oct. 1979 1.1 Agency: ; ZS CC CIVIL DEFE' S 1 -2 Address: CJcJ ITV CUURTNUUSE _ 55165 A 550TC 1 -3 City: km y.,'-.' 1-4 State: TX 1 -6 Zip- 7 7V1 TEN (Table Entry No.) - CODE (DCPA UesOray) - (Risk /Host No.) JCT 1, i97? 9_ _ ']]QQ _ 2 7 -1 1970 POPULATION 57973 2 -1 AS or DATE 2 -2 SU1 i 51b10 DATE 2- 33OS7i llQ DATE 7 -2 EST. CUR RENT POPULATION 3 -1 CLEARLY DEFINE JURISDICTION(S) BERG REPORTED ON 7 -3 1970 POP. COVERED BY OUTDOOR WARNING 1► F.I ZDS CDu • T T, CLUCIG rz:YA : 4• ,� _ POTENTIAL HAZARDS FACING JURISDICTION C LLE' .): ST:Tj-. 83 OTHER (Specify) V 8 -1 DIR. EFF. RISK fl 8 -8 WINTER STORM 1 8.2 FALLOUT RISK 138.7 FLOOD /FLASH FLOOD 4. CPDIRECTOR {N...J . .KE C l' G;.DS� 8-3 NUCLEAR INCIDENT1118 -8 EARTHQUAKE CURRENT ANNUAL FUNDING REQUESTED AND PROJECTED 8 -4 TORNADO �E -9 TRANS. ACCIDENT (to nearest do!lar) FEDERAL � 18 -5 HURRICANE 5318 -A INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT FUNDS A. FY 1978 B. FY 1979 C. FY 1980 B -C IN LNOSTOF FY, DISASTER ALERTS I ` l A (OCCURRENCES( r5 I 5-1 P&A �_ �-,I` o CD P REGULAR L - W i HOURS PER EEK 5 2 MS R &M ♦ $ • cincluding Director) 2 4 8 20 .30 I 40 5-3 SM © 1 $ a $ a 9-1 P&A PAID • • • 5-4 EOC 10111111111111 �_ $ e 9.2 OTHER PAIC A 3 1 , 1 4 0 0 (For Local funds list only monies NOT ma:cried by Feoe -al funds; I 9 -3 VOLUNTEER 1 e j a to i 5 -5 LOCAL ( FUNDS L 9,000 1 1 1 s $ I 6. ABILITY TO EXECUTE EMERGENCY PLANS 9-4 TOTAL OTHER VOLUNTEER MANHOURS IN LAST FY 50 6 -1 1 �i �N War 6-2 6 -2 © 0 Peacetime Nuclear UUU ttt���iOperations Incidents 6 -3 a ❑O stMsacet ma 9 -5 DIRECTOR HOURS PER WEEK: Paid — 7 Vol.E PART I1. STATUS OF LOCAL CIVIL L EFENSE PROGRAM. (Highlighting currant accomplishments — Key to Standards tor Local Civil Preparedness.) 1. PLANS DEVELOPMENT: CRP in development phase.` RACES Emergency Flag Nuclear Peacetime Plan completed (Cyclotron). Hazardous Material Handling Plana 12 Shelter Supply Inventory. Tornado & Severe Weather Plan updated. Citizen Band Emergency Communications Plan updatcJ. 2. TRAINING: i r^.OBDES Officer • • Assistant C. D. Director - State C.D. Sem_..r f Sixty (60) Tornado Spotters trained Tornado Warning Plan Exercise 3. COMMUNICATIONS: Coordination & Communication ability established with National Weather Service. NOAA Radio Station in Waco for Emergency Warning. - RACES, Citizen Band; updated and excerised. 4. RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE: Home study courses . Shelter Radiological kits inspected New batteries received for replacement in kits 5. WARNING: Tests conducted on Tornado Warnings. 6. TEST & EXERCISES: Twelve (12) Tornado Warning tests conducted. (i 7. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Public information on Tornado Warning & Severe Weather & CRP cTiven to local radio, newspaper and TV Stations. 8. OTHER: Purchased one (1) Tone Alert NOAA Weather Radio for use by Tornado Warning Officer. C)a of Ostend, defense Cvra Preparedness Ajs 0 M NG. '• PART III. PROJECTED PROGRAM ACTIVITIES LOCAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS 1 AIJNUAI PROGRAM PAPER Av aa Roo�6 Oct 1 Exp.p t P ACT Od. 19s9 NUJECTS ANN • .tAJDR ;'„ i TIFS s THE LOCAL JURISDICTION INTENDS TO CARRY OUT OUR:NG THE FISCAL V { 10 NCRE f?.SASTER RESFuNSE CAFAHiI ;TY I EAR INCLUDE STATE AND iEUEHAI. ASSISTANCE ItNGLUQtNG FUNDS; I Ei]U (4E C; 1 Sre Frop•srn L_■st and Ir pr. Ril.wsr ; 1 Pf rf;s De.. 1pi t - - - - - /�9v ►z `V Description of Acti „�(� _ "`CCC FEDERAL FINDS Review Potential Hazards NEEDED Develope Plans for CRP IS -____Crisis Shelter Marking -- ! , r e. —y 4 o-tc` Brief Local Officials on C.D. Plans I 2. Training I De$Crlpto)" of A,.t4.ly FE+:kRAL FUNDS Tornado Warning Seminar. 4 VEEOED g !. Provide Training Materialsr J Tornado Spotter Training Class. To: Schools, Fire Dept,, - - -- i RACES Radio Training Class.i- Police Dept., Update MOBDES .•. Hazardous Material Workshop. a training _! Communications ■ Description of Ac; ., :' I FEDERAL E L,N 'S Update ap..a; e-r- -c -epe an Emergency Co: 'nunications` NEEDED Buy additional C.D. ccmrtunicaDion equipment. f i S - - 1 i y:' of ,.�; _ ,.r FEDERAL F; t.DS 'inspect inventory RADEF equipment. —AP' NEEDED L......m Eychange batteries. ------p , I Update Radioactive Accident Plan '(tins -- RecaCtar) Badiolosical Rea s. T FFDERAL F'vr.DS NEEDED Txad Tarhaao - Spo-t r• .twor - (refresher course) -1.41— stigate possibi for - -.4.- CBu - nty -wide Emergency IS _ Descr Ut'U'1 of Activity / FEDERAL FUNDS i Take part in: State -wide NAWAS Test.' °--- NEEDED i Test Tornado Warning p( 1 Hold tornado drills in schools. is 1 1 F •. se Readiness Reporting $y ter Ex e. 7 Public information ( Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS Hold two (Z) Emergency Public Information Workshops: NEEDED Hazardous Materials Accident & Evacuation. Y on Crisis Relocation. Is 1 1 8 Direr i Participate in State & Federal Tornado Warning Tests Or FE FUNOS exercises and other programs to update local Civil Defense NEEDED posture. is --1 t*• i A ! t t ee u r s ,), ` r etas r.ae he pew, nut un�.* , Rs Rs program m :roads tb.s rep-oH ■t cu s!rA 6r• d ss'.,a . by •.is.• ®r "f 22S3 2281. 2286 t 1o9R2 37 C F R lSO1 J 1807 S. 3 "P.�..,,y�y!PLc- ° +f' 4€ F T(TExtRT ;...,1 IR RESTF FORTS TO CARRY r+ f. A + A( 'M4� ?(/1EC7S AIVU AC', 15f1T uifirn +pF ;, 1 f -- S gam. *l,,•e or u •• L•••r• f .+.. � .i ( Ph. i . r - . + : r : APrR IIS) ,,S Nu T. AV/A:4„,, I i. July 24, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: JAKE CANGLOSE DIRECTOR, BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL PREPAREDNESS ORGANIZATION • FROM: WARREN HEFFINGTON, CAPT., USAFR, Cgit4/4444/14,1 . „--- ASSISTANT COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER SUBJECT: PROMOTION INFORMATION REQUESTED BY CD DIRECTOR This is a continuation of similar information supplied on February 2, 1979, with considerable attention paid to the period of my recent active duty. The following major items have been accomplished: 1. Participated in the College Station disaster exercise, April 8, 1979. 2. Successfully accomplished the eleven -unit correspondence course, "Shelter Survey Technician", January 1980. 3. Performed two weeks of active duty from May 19, 1980 through May 30, 1980. 4. Successfully accomplished the five -unit correspondence course, "Civil Defense Director /Coordinator ", June 1980. 5. Participated in the Brazos County Civil Defense and RACES communication exercise, June 19, 1980. 6. Attended local radiological monitoring short course, July 22 -23, 1980. 7. Attended meetings of Brazos County Civil Defense Officials. 8. Complied with all applicable Air Force and Civil Defense directives. During the active duty period, May 19, 1980 to May 30, 1980, I performed assigned duties as Assistant County Communications Officer involving preparation for a communications exercise to demonstrate the ability of the Brazos County. RACES organization to support emergency co,►ununications in the area. Initial meet- ings were held individually with the County Civil Defense Director and the County RACES Officer early in the active duty period to begin planning for the exercise. A date and broad scenario (tornado strike in the city of Bryan) were tentatively selected, Page 2 and from this point, I drafted a very broad test plan. The plan was designed to test the County RACES organization's ability to support communications within the local area between Ice operational points, with the state control center, and with other points in the state in the event a tornado, or other emer- gency, disrupted all land -line forms of communication. Drafting of the plan involved organizing the actions of about ten public and volunteer agencies in a manner which would assure a compre- hensive test of the RACES organization, and which would demand only a minimum of support from each affected agency yet flexibly allow for more than minimum effort in the event a supporting organization wished to conduct an internal test or exercise a supplementary emergency plan peculiar to that organization in conjunction with this RACES test. Once the plan had been written and approved by the County Civil Defence Director and the County RACES Officer, I obtained multiple copies and set out to hand deliver the plan and perso- nally brief each affected agency. At each agency with which meetings could be arranged, I met with the key personnel (usually the agency head or the communications officer), deliver- ed a short briefing on the plan, and answered questions. Personnel contacted in the course of these activities included the following: Chief Phelps, Bryan PD Major Maddox, Bryan PD Chief McDonald, University PD Mr. Stiteler, University Health and Safety Officer Sgt. Beamer, Sheriff's Office Mr. Koehler, College Station Mrs. Greenblatt, Red Cross At each meeting, an invitation was extended to each agency to send representatives to a coordination meeting of all agencies on June 5, 1980. I subsequently prepared an agenda of key points which had arisen to aid the County Civil Defense Director as he chaired the meeting. I. RATEE IDENTIFICATION DATA (Read AFR 36 -10 carefully before filling in any item) 1. NAME (Last, Fist, Middle Initial) 2. SSAN (Include Suffix) 3. GRADE 4. DAFSC GTON. WARREN M. :APT NON -EAp 0524 5. ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, LOCATION 1 G. PAS CODE 9006 ARS(ARPC) LOWRY AFB, CO W /ATCH BRAZOS COUNTY, TX CIVIL DEFEN 9631FW32 7. PERIOD OF REPORT 8. NO. DAYS OF 9. REASON FOR REPORT SUPERVISION FROM: 3 DEC 79 I THRU: 2 DEC 80 366 Annual II. JOB DESCRIPTION 1. DurY TITLE: DOD /JT ACTY DISASTER PREP OFFICER 2. KEY DUTIES, TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Assist the Civil Defense Director in preparing and coordinating with local Government Officials. Capt. Heffington's duties include coordination and particaption in local Government Exercise's, Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning, Radiological Training, RACES & Communications Emergency Planning, attending all Local Government Emergency Planning Meetings, assigned second Officer in Command of local MOBDES Unit and performs other special duties as required. III. PERFORMANCE FACTORS NOT OBSERVED FAR/ WELL/ IS eci is example performance required OR LOW MEET ABOVE' P f P fP f 4 NOT RELEVANT STAN STANDARD BELOW' STANDA RD STANDARD STANDARD - 1. JOB KNOWLEDGE (Depth, currency, O 1 U X breadth) Officer attends all meetings, reviews plans, directives, takes all available C. D. Correspondence Courses and complies with all directives. 2. JUDGMENT AND DECISIONS (Consistent, O IX accurate, effective) Officer exercise's valid and logical decisions. Exhibits leadership qualities and all decisions are consistent with ( Military & Civil Defense policies. 3. PLAN AND ORGANIZE WORK (Timely, O I I [ X creative) Assigned tasks are accomplished efficiently, ahead of schedule & in a thorough manner. 4. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES O I I —X (Manpower and material) Capt. Heffington obtains superior results with minimum cost by efficiency and good management. 5. LEADERSHIP (Initiative, accept 0 I __X_ 1 1 responsibility) Readily accepts any assigned task and their inherent responsibilities with tact and superior leadership ability. 6. ADAPTABILITY TO STRESS (Stable, O l X L_J flexible, dependable) Officer remains calm during high stress and reacts in a logical manner. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATION (Clear, O X concise, confident) Officer expresses himself in a concise, clear and confident manner. 8. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (Clear, �� concise, organized) 0 All emergency plans prepared by Capt. Heffington are well organized, well written and accurate. 9. PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES (Attitude, O X dress, cooperation, bearing) The Officer is always courteous, cooperative and his military bearing and dress is excellent. 10. HUMAN RELATIONS (Equal opportunity I 1 - - -- - I - J 1 J - _ - - - -- _.� J _— participation, ,sensitivity') - Officer is always fair, impartial and courteous with all contacts. AF =79707 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE OFFICER EFFECTIVENESS REPORT IV, ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDATION: I STRONGEST QUALIFICATION 2. SUGGESTED JOB (Include AFSC): 3. ORGANIZATION LEVEL: 4. TIMING: ■ V. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL: 1 I Compare the ratee's capability to assume increased responsibility with that — 1 -c of other officers whom you know in the same grade. Indicate your rating by placing an "X" in the designated portion of the most appropriate block. t X i i , H ADDN INDORS- ADDN INOO RS- ADDN INDORS- • ADDN INDO RS� RATER RATER RATER RATER RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER Lowest 41 - VI. RATER COMMENTS Capt. Heffington has completed a eleven unit Shelter Survey Technician Corres pondence Course, a five unit Civil Defense Director /Coordinator's Course and completed a classroom Radiological Monitoring Course. In addition to perform ing assigned duties as Assistant County Communications Officer he has part- icipated in a Disaster Exercise, a RACES Exercise, and has updated several Civil Defense Emergency Plans in other areas of Emergency Preparedness. Capt Heffington demonstrates excellent Leadership ability and a willingness to accept any assigned task and do an excellent job of i T O ian occuption: Asst Professor of Engineering (PhD) T exas he A . NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE Jake Canglose Director 5 — I - 8_1_ Brazos County Civil Defense SEAN SIGNATURE Count Courthouse Br an TX. VII. ADDITIONAL RATER COMMENTS 77801 21 CONCUR ❑ NONCONCUR This Officer does an excellent job and is a credit to our County Emergency Preparedness Office. NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE R. J. Holmgreen County Judge I5 -1 -81 Brazos County Courthouse SSAN SIGNATURE Bryan, Texas 77801 ^__ VIII. INDORSER COMMENTS CONCUR ❑ NONCONCUR NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE - 1 DATE 4 SEAN SIGNATURE 1 0 0 1. RATEE IDENTIFICATION DATA (Read AFR 36 -10 carefully before filing in any item) I. NAME (Last, blest, Middle Initial) 2. SSAN (Include Suffix) 3. GRADE 4. DAF lipt .. FINGTQN.-, WAKEN M ..__ -__ Capt NONEAD 0524 8. ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, LOCATION 6. PAS CODE 9006 Air Reserve Sq (ARPC), Lowry AFB, CO, w /Atch FEMA Region VI 963IFW32 7. PERIOD OF REPORT 8. NO. DAYS OF 9. REASON FOR REPORT p SUPERVISION FROM: 3 DEC 80 LT HRU: 2 Dec 81 365 Annual I1. JOB DESCRIPTION I. DUTY TITLE: DOD /JT ACTY 2. KEY DUTIES, TASKS AND RESPONSIE;ILITIES: Heffi ngton has the responsibility for updating and drafting selected county -wide emergency plans such as the Brazos County Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan. His duties include preliminary coordination meetings with area officials such as police chiefs, fire chiefs, and other key county individuals. Duties also encompass the periodic review of certain area emergency plans specific to organizations which are partici- pants in the county Civil Defense effort. He has responsibility for planning and scheduling final coordination meetings for area plans to which all affected organizations are invited. He is also used as a staff assistant as required by the County Director during his annual 1 1 - 1 111. PERFORMANCE FACTOR NOT OBSERVED FAR/ WELL/ 1 Sped u example o performance required oR BELOW BELOW' MEETS ABOVE/ ABOVE f P fP f q NOT RELEVANT STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 1. JOB KNOWLEDGE (Depth, currency, O I x breadth) L Capt Heffington has updated the local Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan during inactive duty training periods. During his active duty this past year he was responsible for review of the -o- .- y hl of the Bryan, TPxa OPolicP DepartmP- a I n Tex�� A I I rsity__ � 2. JUDGMENT AND DECISIONS (Consistent, accurate, effective) l_:J The ratee has been trained as an engineer and thus has been trained to think creatively and logically. The emergency plans he writes or edits are solutions to future problems and are remarkably._clpar. and concise. - — -- — �- -- -- 3. PLAN AND ORGANIZE WORK (Timely, © — j J 1 1 creative) He definitely looks beyond the immediate task of organizing work to generate a documen to the time when the document must be available, and ultimately to the time when the plan may be used. • a_l-wau-s_w ks__-te -- make --a- pI -a-n -u -sable , not to lust make a pl n , -. 4. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCE O 1 (Manpower and material) Capt. Heffington not only uses the minimal resources of the Civil Defense Office in a cost - effective manner, his tasks include balancing emergency resource availability against emer- gency_r- esource needs..---- - - - - -- - 1 5. LEADERSHIP (Initiative, accept 0 I — responsibility) The ratee sought an important task to do during periods of inactive duty training and conse- quently was assigned to update the hazardous materials plan. He is effective in arranging meetings of-key county offici purpose of coordinating p1-an 5. ADAPTABILITY TO STE SS (Stable, O J flexible, dependable) Officer reacts in cool logical manner under stress observed during Emergency xercises. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATION (Clear, O concise, confident) �--- Capt. Hef is able to communicate thoughts, ideas and preliminary plans to others of diverse backgrounds in a manner which obviates the need for some written drafts and some pre relim' n ni AT , l . W rv-- 'COMMUNI mee- (Cle concise, organized) Capt. Heffington is extremely effective in written communications. Emergency plans by their nature must be clear, concise, and well - organized so that everyone from the bottom to the top of _an -or-z _can- understand em.- I 9. PR ESSIONAL QUALITIES (Attitude, dress, cooperation, bearing) O L _ He is cheerful and has a very positive attitude about any assigned task, He is interested in furthering the objectives of the organization, and is very much a "team - player." IO. HUMAN RELATIONS ( q E ualopportunity -T participation, sensitivity) --- [ J� The ratee is sensitive to the needs of groups regarded as under - priviledged. He was particu- larly sympathetic to a member of the Civil Defense team who recently experienced a personal tregpA,y AF NOV 79 707 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE OFFICER EFFECTIVENESS REPORT IV. ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDATION: I. STRONGEST QUALIFICATION: 2. SUGGESTED JOB (Include AFSC): I 3. ORGANIZATION LEVEL: 4. TIMING: V. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL: Compare the ratee's capability to assume increased responsibility with that • e, of other officers whom you know in the same grade. Indicate your rating r e d by placing an "X" in the designated portion of the most appropriate block. X RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN 1NDORS- / RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER Lowest • -- - - - - -- ___--/ V1. RATERCOMMENTS Capt Heffington is a very outstanding officer who is extremely valuable to Brazos County. For some of his recent inactive duty periods he actively sought an important task and was assigned that of updating the Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan, He organized the effort so well that he began work on the plan 1 Dec 80 and the final result was coordinated, published and distributed by mid - March, 1981. He is very effective in communicating with city and county officials who are frequently burdened with work and other demands to the point that simply scheduling meetings at their convenience is difficult. Even with his involvement with a non - military organization such as civil defense, Capt. Heffington remains aware of his militar■ status and his responsibilities to the Air Force. He has successfully completed three of the four exercises in the Squadron Officer School correspondence course. He has done these three exercises in addition to his other assigned duties, and he will probably finish the course around the first of 1982. Capt Heffington has a PH.D. in Engineering Sciences (Engineering Physics) from the University of California - yt a - nd has been as Assistant Professor of Mechanical NA DE NA 1 ;'BR OF 5�7�, OR�u"N C, O 'C1 LOCKTIO N' r Cht "fY'LE He does—re-starch- - - �Dmbl St - YOrT ._( DATE - - -__ JAKE CANGLOSE Director ,� -18 -81 Brazos County Civil Defense SAN E 7 County Courthouse, Bryan, TX. L" Gam: ' VII. ADDITIONAL RATER COMMENTS - CONCUR U NONCONCUR NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE R. J. HOLMGREEN County Judge 111 -18 -81 Brazos County Courthouse "AN SIGNATURE ' 4 Bryan, Texas 77801 /Z, ! t=%+ �---. Viii. INDORSER COMMENTS MCONCUR / ❑ NONCONCUR .f? r3 Z !?.,S G c7 C. ,.r '/7 e / .0 et tie. .t-i se /0 .-- v 7 r vA „ -` •4 .t-' of •i e . .S NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE SSAN ^ SIGNATURE - 411 411 r I L C / 4 2 - 71 e Y I. RATEE IDENTIFICATION DATA (Read AFR 36 -10 carefully before filling in any item) 1. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) 2. SSAN (Include Suffix) 3. GRADE 4. DAFSC HEFFINGTON, WARREN M. Maj(NONEAD) 0511 5. ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, LOCATION 6. PAS CODE 9006 Air Reserve Sq (ARPC), Lowry AFB, CO w /Atch FEMA Region VI 9631FW32 7. PERIOD OF REPORT 8. NO. DAYS OF 9. REASON FOR REPORT 3 Dec 82 2 Dec 83 SUPERVISIO FROM: THRU: 365 Annual I1. JOB DESCRIPTION 1. DUTY TITLE: Jh'Y' /"' ACTY Disaster Preparedness Utticer 2. KEY DUTIES. TASKS ANDRESPONSIBILITIESM aJ. Heffington has the responsibility for updat- ing and /or drafting selected county -wide emergency plans such as the Brazos County Severe Weather and Tornado Warning Plan. Additional duties include providing inputs to other emergency plans, surveys of government and civilian resources available for emergency use, and arranging meetings between Civil Defense officials and other agency representatives, including civilians. He frequently coordinates Civil Defense planning activities with other agencies, including local law enforcement and fire departments. During his tours of active duty, he serves as a staff assistant to the County Director. He also serves as Chairman, Military Liaison Division, and Deputy County Communications officer. II I. PERFORMANCE FACTORS FART WELL] BELOW BELOW' MEETS ABOVE/ ABOVE ISpecific example of performance required NOT OBSERVED STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 1. JOB KNOWLEDGE (Depth, currency, breadth) O L J As Disaster Preparedness Officer, Maj Heffington has contacted all rural tor- nado spotters in the county (about 24) edited the Tornado and Severe Weather W a ninq Plan and arranged meeting ofbroadcast news media representatives T .1_ roa ca i.• eatner in o ma ion. 2. JUDGMENT AND DECISIONS (Consistent, O accurate, effective) The ratee is given considerable latitude in making decisions regarding his tasks. His work always meets the needs of the county, even when he is given only sketchy or very minimal requests. 3. PLAN AND ORGANIZE WORK (Timely, O creative) I am always amazed at how much well - directed work Maj Heffington is able to accomplish during his inactive duty periods, even with minimal supervision and instruction. 4. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES O \ (Manpower and material) ` !� Maj Heffington plans his inactive and active duty periods well so as not to waste the resource of time. 5. LEADERSHIP (Initiative, accept 0 responsibility) The ratee is eager to accept responsibility for taking the lead in preparation of county planning documents, and seeks the responsibility on his own initiative. ` 6. ADAPTABILITY TO STRESS (Stable, O - I flexible, dependable) The ratee was observed during a recent period of severe weather as he assisted in the radar room of the Tornado Warning Center. He was calm and helpful. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATION (Clear, O concise, confident) L Maj Heffington communicates well on a personal level, and is able to discuss preliminary plans in a way that eliminates some written drafts of plans. 8. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (Clear, T concise, organized) O I ><- Maj Heffington is extremely effective in written communications. Civil Defense documents are used by a variety of agencies and personnel of varying missions and backgrounds, and thus must be clear and concise. 9. PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES (Attitude, O ` I dress, cooperation, bearing) / x l Assigned tasks are accepted with a Positive, "can -do" attitude. He does not waste any time explaining how busy 7 is or why he should not be asked to per- form assigned tas: {s. 10. HUMAN RELATIONS (Equal opportunity >< participation, sensitivity) The ratee is sensitive to the special needs of selected groups in our society, such as the elderly. AF NO 80 707 PREVIOUS EDITION WILL BE USED. OFFICER EFFECTIVENESS REPORT IV. ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDATION: 1. STRONGEST QUALIFICATION: 2. SUGGESTED JOB (Include AFSC): 3. ORGANIZATION LEVEL: 4. TIMING: V. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL: Compare the ratee's capability to assume increased responsibility with that of other officers whom you know in the same grade. Indicate your rating X>‹. by placing an "X" in the designated portion of the most appropriate block. RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER Lowest VI. RATER COMMENTS I have had the opportunity to observe Ma] Hettington for about six years as his supervisor in Brazos County Civil Defense. In addition to all the comments on the other side, which pretty well sum up how he handles l7 his assigned Civil efense activities, Ma Heffingto is also a facult mem- berat Texas A &M University, He is an Associate Processor in the Mechanical Engineering Department, having been only recently romoted to that rank, and of his interest in the students, he has also assumed the position o Assistant Department Head, with responsibilities for advising students with severe academic problems. He has recently been doing research in the area of combustion and energy, and has more recently turned his attention to problems dealing with educational productivity. He is a professional engineer in the State of Texas. He is an outstanding individual, and because of his perfor- mance with Brazos County Civil Defense and his knowledge of Texas A &M Univer- sity and other facets of county organization, he is an exceptionally good asset to Brazos County Civil Defense. NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE JAKE CANGLOSE Director 12 Dec 83 Brazos County Civil Defense SSAN ' A Courthouse, Bryan, TX 77801 VII. ADDITIONAL RATER COMMENTS ❑CONCUR NONCONCUR This officer is an asset to the County Emergenc Preparedne s Office. His initiative in dealing with all facets of Civil Defense planning projects is outstanding. He accepts responsibility for assignments and completes them punctually. NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE R. J. Holmgreen County Judge 12 Dec 83 Brazos County Courthouse SSA re SIGNATURE Bryan, TX 77801 VIII. INDORSER COMMENTS ❑CONCUR ❑NONCONCUR NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE SSAN SIGNATURE {*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980- 333 -212 ,- RATEE IDENTIFICATION DATA !Read AFR 3E -1;1 carB(aUy before `illiric n any item) I NL` :.:':, i - St 'iddir lniti7i, 12. SSA N ( foc ' Su 1 1 HEFFI 4 GTON,WARREN M. i , iaj (NONEAD) 0516 _. ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, LOCATION -- ' 6. PAS CODE I • 9006th Air Reserve Sq(ARPC),_Lowry AFB,_ CO w/a F_EMA Region VI 963IFW32 ._ C R R E P O? -- 3 Dec 84 2 Dec 85 - 365' Annual __ES :RIPTION Disaster Preparedness Officer. ..E":' ::..1T!ES.TA5::S •. N.i 5 ?Cn S'_IL - - ' S Maj. Heffington holds primary responsibilities for-updating, composing, and implementing key Brazos County emergency plans. This past year has seen Maj. Heffington complete a detailed and complex map cf oil and gas wells in the county. He was able to use his civilian talents as a professional engineer in the production of this map, which materially affects our ability to respond to certain hazardous materials emergencies. .He was instrumental in implementing a network of raingauges throughout the county to aid response to severe weather emergencies. _-t ...i:: j: i': •it Je7"L..;7'.n7. C' i'i.l:tii''(: .'..,_ 5: 0.1 =c _�. , Ec7c A OVc. AcO \E ' :C E K NOV, -C :. C. E '.:.:%. p.'i:. CUi': `: AC ii Maj. H effington can be counted upon to update assigned -- county emergency plans of extreme importance with no supervision. He reads plans and sample plans I received from other agencies in order to remain abreast of the field. i : .L' :GMENT AND DL= ISIONS ?C !I„,":c .• ^ ___ --- :c :. >are. e) -, evil e; v The ratee is a professional engineer, and uses his training i n log c cal, creative thinking and actions to excellent advantage in his various assign- ments. PLAN AND :RGAN!ZE WORK (]In: ei t'. :1 - - - -- -- -_ - - -- - - - - - -- j i'aj. Heffington's work is always ready when expected and needed. He antici- pates bottlenecks and avoids their impact by managing and working around them. - - - - - - MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES - - —1 Inactive and active duty assignments are well planned to avoid waste of time or of our limited resources. , F. LEADERSHIP (Initiative. accept n r - - __.. T _ -_ –... , _ ; sp- Jusil'llir'.'l V Maj. Heffington readily accepts responsibility, and is innovative in accom- plishing emergency management goals. E. ADAPTABILITY TO STRESS ($ra b1C, O L- I 1 X Jlexib /e. Dependable/ The ratee reacts calmly and positively to pressure, and is able to increase his output in stressful and nonstressful situations as the need requires. 7, ORAL COMMUNICATION (Clear, r ? !< �or:�ise. e- on 0 I —_ Maj. Heffington expresses himself clearly and succinctly in the meetings required to coordinate Brazos County Emergency Management. E. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION !Clear, ( I concise. organi_ed) 0 ! I I - Emergency plans must be clear, concise and well- organized. Maj. Heffington does it in an outstanding and noteworthy fashion. _. PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES /,a ttirtlde, 0 1 1 , 1 i` dress. cooperation, bearing/ Maj. Heffington behaves and carries himself as a professional military officer should. He is an unquestionable asset to the organization from the standpoint naNis_m. 1C: HUMAN RELATIONS (Equal OppOrDMity 1 I participation, sensitivity) The ratee supports equal opportunity for disadvantaged groups, and is sensi- tive to their needs and rights. • AF ,;„ PREVIOUS EDITION WILL BE USED. OFFICER EFFECTIVENESS REPORT IV. ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDATION: I. STRONGEST QUALIFICATION: 2. SUGGESTED JOB Include AFSCJ: 3. ORGANIZATION LEVEL: 4. TIMING: V. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL: - Compare the ratee's capability to assume increased responsibility with that of other officers whom you know in the same grade. Indicate your rating by placing an "X•• in the designated portion of the tnost appropriate block. X><. A 11 1 RATER AODN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ADON INOORS - RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER /.OWeSf - I VI. RATER COMMENTS I have had the pleasure to work with Maj. Heffington for about !eight years at this point. He has made an outstanding, invaluable contribu- l tion to this organization during that time. He should be promoted to Lieuten- ant Colonel at the earliest possible time. He should be promoted ahead of his peers and ahead of schedule. He conducts a significant part of local emergency planning in an innovative and thorough manner and I do not antici- pate being able to replace him with a like - quality individual. He has spent a large amount of time on development as a military officer, and completed •ACSC during the year. In his civilian job, he is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and an Assistant Department Head at Texas A&M Univer- sity. He has a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences and is a professional engineer. He received an Outstanding Faculty Award from the Student Engineer's Council - for outstanding achievement in student relations in April, 1985. NAM. G°ADE. ER CF S "C. CRGN CCM°. LOCATION 'DUTY T:T LE - -- ,DATE , JAKE CANGLOSE 1 Director ,�7 Dec. 2, 1985 Brazos County Civil Defense 1 >SAN SIG iT � _ Courthouse Brian TX. 77801 / ! ,, Y � �- Z'e _ h.AD T!ON>L rO,UI' E :iS ! N uR -- -- - - - -_ L` �' /�. N ONCC.VCUR I strongly concur with Mr. Canglose's comments regarding Maj. Heffington, and particularly with the statement to promote him ahead of his peers and ahead of schedule, at the earliest possible time. The rank of Lieutenant Colonel is ,far more appropriate to his duties in the organization and to his position 1 as an engineer, should he be recalled to active duty as an engineer. - - -- — - T OA _ . ' R. J. HOLMGREEN . County Judge ,Dec. 2, 1985 Brazos County Courthouse — -- - _ -- j , -- ' Bryan, TX. 77801 .�_ v, .. l,ti:, �;_R J -- _- T � __ �.__..w._..._ _ _�.__�.�_ _�. _ `� / ,l r 'L,:L- .4..i– e -t't.� • • ++ N.■.w:: ,R, :.:: e. e,.,: sve. oRe! . : c>>a.L_..;T.o t oter .._t — - - - - -- _ I SSAN 'SIGNATURE r 1 :: 'J._. GOVE R`.:•_`:T PRINTING OFFICE: f ?30 333-21: • Please note that the handwritten X's must be handwritten on the final version in blue or black ink. They cannot be typed. Whoever types this shoud be careful of the margins. The OER folks don't want anything out in the margins. Also enclose is an AF Form 40a for points. Please sign it in two place s and return it to me in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Thanks again for all your help and for being a good man to work for. e:7 1444a \"6. "1472;L ist44,409,:& e-A‘g°1( 2 W Afr) 0104e' P -4 2 11-/— ) 1.4 I 4 I 1 '?ATEE IDENTIFICATION DATA (ReadAFR 36- 10carefully before filling in any Item) 1 7. NAME .last. r .:fiddle initial; 2. SSN 3. GRADE ' d. OAFSC 1HEFFINGTON, WARREN M. Maj(NONEAD) 0516 5. ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, LOCATION : 6. PAS CODE !9006th Air Reserve Sq (ARPC), Lowry AFB, CO w/a F'EMA Region VI H963IFW32 '. AE RIOD OF REPORT , 3. NO. DAYS OF SUPER- 9. REASON FOR REPORT =ROM: 3 D 85 ' THR U: 2 Dec 86 VISION 365 Annual H. ..OBDESCRIPTION 1.JUTYTITLE, Disaster Preparedness Officer j 2. KEY DUTIES, TASKS. AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Holding key responsibilities in local emergency planning, Maj. Heffington is an essential part of local emergency preparedness. He has completed ,implementation and documentation of a county rain gauge network flood response !plan to aid response to severe weather. Local flood response affects neigh- boring areas of the state. He was a representative to a state -wide two -day +conference on emergency management and assisted in identification and relocation of vital government emergency resources. mi. PERFORMANCE FACTORS - WELL NOT 3ELOW 3ELOW MEETS ABOVE ABOVE 'oecific xamote. tPerformancerequired - OBSERVED STANDARD 5TANOARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD I. JOB KNewLEDGE(Depth, currency, breadth) !Expert in emergency planning. Take the lead in keeping plans updated, ! published, and coordinated. I ;� 1 2. JUDGMENT AND DECIsIoNS(Consistent. accurate, effective! ' � ;Maj. Heffington's actions are well- reasoned and consistent. He avoids ;future problems by wise planning. Thinks creatively and logically. 3. PLAN AND ORGANIZE WORK(Tbnely, creative) 0 I 1 ! J ` I 1 V 1 i —�1 ! 'Gets work done ahead of time under adverse circumstances. Planning and organization skills are superbly systematic and timely. 4. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES(ManpOwer, materiel, fiscal) O + t j j Successful manager under less than desirable conditions. ; Manages limited resources available to him through county agency in outstanding fashion. i 5. LEADERSHIP(Initiative, accept responsibility) 0 I I 'Maj. Heffington seeks responsibility. He has influenced private c to !volunteer in county emergency preparedness efforts. i I 6. ADAPTABILITY TO STRESS(Stable, flexible, dependable) O _____j , , i ' 'Accomplished tasks in spite of severe and unusual demands on his time due to civilian job. 7. ORAL. COMMUNICATION(Clear, concise, confident) O I 1 i 1 Effective communicator. Convinced private citizens to join in emergency preparedness efforts during one -on -one conversation. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION(Clear, concise, organized) 0 1 I 1 L___1 Writes clear, concise, and well - organized emergency plans. Only an expert writer such as Maj. Heffington can fulfill this planning role effectively. 9. PROFESSIONAL OUALITIEs(Attitude, dress, cooperation, bearing) 0 l + I 1____ i_J Continues PME (finished ACSC '85, requested AWC by correspondence this year). He has an excellent reputation in the community. �� 10. HUMAN RELATIONS(Equal opportunity participation, sensitivity) I I 1 � 1 1 j ✓t I Able to achieve consensus from diverse groups. Support equal opportunity in efforts with others. AF AUG e4 707 PREVIOUS EDITION WILL BE USED OFFICER EFFECTIVENESS REPORT !`!. .SSIGNMENT ECOMMENLIATION: .1RONGEST JUALIrICATION:Effective leader and decision - maker? =sT , - Engineering research leader 3. ORGANIZATION LVEL: Major command or Air Force - .4ING '`I. E'VAL'JAT'.ON OF ?OTENTIAL: i I ?tiler "7! ?. .' :' :aaniiit' - L.rum •., •reased r"sponstbiti •vith rear , :t otrler , rt peers whom volt Know in rne'ame ,race. Indicate vour rating .. .., " 1 7 1 .,o': . t r '' ff. to :iC > 1 • ? .TFR •ODN .ODORS- -.ATER DON , .ODORS- =AT_R ADON MOO'S- ?ATER :DON MOORS - ?AT =R �:? :1 - rco ::Z -RATER :R .?ATER 'cR • ;VI. RATER COMMENTS t Maj. Heffington has made an outstanding, vital contribution to Brazos ! County Emergency Management through his emergency planning efforts. Emer- , gency and responsibility are items which most people avoid; Maj. Heffington • handles them in an outstanding, unequaled manner. He is an Associate Professor and Assistant Department Head in the Mechanical Engineering Depart- ment at Texas A&M University. He has functioned in the past year as Acting Head, a duty that placed severe and unusual pressure upon him. In addition, funding was not available for his active duty period from FEMA which led to ' difficult scheduling of his activities for this office. He has performed with calm and consistent service and leadership. He has a Ph.D. and is a professional engineer. He leads research and service activities in the area l of energy management. He should be promoted immediately, ahead of his peers 'and ahead of schedule. ?NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC. ORGN, COMO, LOCATION DUTY TITLE TE !JAKE CANGLOSE Director 6 11987 ' Brazos County Emergency ManagemEliC" SI g_, ,Courthouse. Bryan. TX 77801 l ,V11. ADDITIONAL RATER COMMENTS XCONCUR — ONCONCUR !Maj. Heffington is a key individual in Brazos County Emergency Management, a !leader at Texas A&M University, and a great asset to the Air Force Reserve. II strongly and happily endorse and concur in the above recommendation for his ?promotion to Lt. Colonel. 1 J } NAME, GRADE, aR OF SVC. ORGN. COMD. LOCATION !DUTY TITLE DATE R. J. HOLMGREEN 'County % Judge / / Brazos County Courthouse jSSAN TA-3,7,7 i' p !Bryan, Texas 77801 VIII. iNDORSER COMMENTS CONCURnONCONCUR NAME, GRADE. BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE 'DATE 1 !SSAN ,SIGNATURE AF FORM 707, AUG 34 (REVERSE) - u.S.GPO:1964-0.449.301 I 1 SEP 2 8 1987 DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 5805 N. Lamar Blvd. LEO E. GOSSETT WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. Box 4087 Director Governor Austin, Texas 78773-0001 ROBERT A. LANSFORD Duty Hours 512/485-2138 Coordinator Nonduty Hours 5121485.2000 September 25, 1987 Mr. Jake Canglose, IMA Supervisor Brazos County Emergency Management 300 E. 26th Street, Suite 103 Bryan, TX 77803 Dear Mr. Canglose: The attached letter from FEMA Region VI outlines new policy guidelines on distribution of IMA postitions. These policies will affect your IMA programs. After studying the letter there are several options open to the reservist and to you as supervisor of the program. Please let me know at your earliest convenience what options you select. I will be glad to discuss this further with you by telephone at 512/465 -2195. As you can see they have requested that changes for category reassignments, transfer or retirement, should get under way by October 1, 1987. Sincerely, W allat AO• 7 Ralph D. Freeman IMA Coordinator RDF:sjm Attachment w -, Federal Emergenc Management Agency y g 4 " f ct v ; . d� Region VI, Federal Center, 800 North Loop 288 ° Denton, Texas 76201 -3698 EM -SL AUG 2 5 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: REGION VI STATE DIRECTORS ATTENTION: IMA Coordinators .1 FROM: Ed Hargett, Regional Director SUBJECT: IMA Program After a year of studying the question of how to best employ IMA reservists paid by FEMA, the State and Local Programs Directorate has issued a major revision in its policy on the distribution of IMA positions to state and local governments. CPG 1 -11, which will describe the new policy in detail, is being updated and should be published by about October 1, 1987. Meanwhile, FEMA has notified regional offices of the most important IMA policy changes, which we at the regional and state offices need to consider. CPG 1 -11 restricts assignment of Category D (paid) reservists to certain areas of large and concentrated population. Furthermore, to be elig ble for assignment of an IMA position, a qualified city or county must lso participate in the Emergency Management Assistance program. The gen ral rule for distribution of IMAs as applied nation -wide, follows: State emergency agencies 7 positions Urban areas over 500,000 population 5 positions Places with 250- 500,000 population 3 positions Places with 100 - 250,000 population 1 position Attachment 1 contains an extract from CPG 1 -11 showing places in your state considered qualified and the number of positions authorized for each area. Category H (unpaid or "points only ") IMA reservists may be attached to places of less than 100,000 population or as "overstrength" to qualified places with a full complement of Category D IMAs. General Rule: Places with 50- 100,000 population 3 positions Places with up to 50,000 population 2 positions Places qualified for Category D positions as needed and reasonable Attachment 2 shows places in your state where our records reflect that Category D reservists are now assigned to an unqualified place or are assigned as overstrength to qualified places. In accordance with our instructions from State and Local Programs Directorate we must conform to the new distribution 2 scheme by removing reservists from unauthorized positions as soon as possible. The target date for completing the realignment is October- 1, 1987. That is, all reservists in unauthorized or overstrength positions should have been notified and any necessary personnel action should have been started by that date. There are several measures which should be taken to effect the realignment: 1. Stop recruiting Category D reservists for unauthorized positions. 2. Remove Category D reservists from unqualified places. The reservist has the option of: (a) Transfer to a place with an authorized funded position, (b) Transfer out of the FEMA IMA program, or (c) Transfer from Category D (paid) to Category H (unpaid) status, with the same (or other) emergency management organization. 3. Remove Category D reservists from overstrength positions in places where the total authorized positions have been exceeded. In these cases the state and local government should decide which of these Categor' D reservists to retain in that status. The others have the same opt ons as in 2. above. (Please refer to the General Notes at Attachment 3.) 4. Continue recruiting for authorized Category D and Category H positions • within the limit prescribed by CPG 1 -11. Please contact each of the IMAs in unauthorized locations to inform them that the positions they have been occupying will no longer be funded. (A suggested letter is attached at Attachment 4.) Also please ask the emergency management official at the overstrength location to identify the names of the IMAs who must be transferred in order to stay at the allocated ceiling. (A sample letter is at Attachment 5.) Other information regarding transfers, special considerations, etc., is contained in General Notes at Attachment 3. I realize that this is a difficult and sensitive matter and I hope that the valuable and dedicated services of the IMAs now filling unauthorized or • overstrength positions can be accommodated through transfer within the program guidelines. Attachments 5 Attachment 3 GENERAL NOTES 1. To transfer within the FEMA IMA program, there is no special paperwork that the IMA has to fill out, since the IMA is only being transferred to duty at a new location. Request name of new rater and location of assignment be submitted by letter. Transferred IMAs should also be added to the Annual Training list that you will submit to Region VI. 2. To transfer to a Category H position in the Army, Form DA 4651 -R should be used in addition to a letter requesting the individual's transfer from the FEMA IMA program to status as a Category H reservist. An Air Force IMA interested in transferring to a points -only position should submit AF Form 1288 requesting transfer to the Ready Reinforcement Personnel Section. However, during this transaction, the Air Force may offer the reservist another assignment in Category A, B, or D. Transfer to Category H is limited to authorized locations at the median city /county level (100- 250,000 population) and to EMA jurisdictions with smaller population where there is a valid tie to national security preparedness activity. 3. To tranfer out of the FEMA IMA program, a letter must be submitted through the region to the individual's service requesting that the IMA be separated from the FEMA IMA program at the request of the IMA. 4. State emergency management agencies may recommend exceptions to the Category D assignment policy for assignment of Category D reservists to places that are not otherwise eligible, provided that: (a) The place is participating in the EMA program, and (b) The place has a demonstrable need in connection with national security. Requests for special consideration should be forwarded to Region VI in writing. 5. In regard to transfers within the FEMA IMA program, The IMA must actually perform duty in the new location. Attachment 2 TECAS CATEGORY D IMAs PLACE AUITERIZED FILLED UNA71r2IZED/ PO6ITICIZS PCISTI'ICNS PC ITICN6 CVMSTRENGTH AVAILABLE STAT£ OFFICE 7 4 0 3 Fr WOR H /TARRANT 4 13 8 0 SAN AN1rNIO CITY 8 3 0 DALLAS CITY 5 5 0 0 HOUSTON /HARRIS CO 5 1 0 4 EL PASO CITY /00 3 3 0 0 ALUM CITY 3 0 0 3 BOW CO 1 0 0 1 DFNICN CITY /CD 1 0 0 1 CDE.SSAJa T- t CO 1 0 0 1 PASADEM 1 3 2 0 BF,AUM:NT 1 0 0 1 WAL10/rLII1AN OD 1 2 1 0 CCU CHRISTI 1 2 1 0 ARIL O /PCITIER /RANDALL GU 1 1 0 0 . MA TYIEI2/SMTTH CO 1. 0 0 1 FT BEND CO 1 0 0 1 GALVESI N CO 1 4 2 0 WICHITA CO 1 0 0 1 MARFA 0 1 1 0 BRAZCS CO 0 1 1 0 MISSION 0 1 1 0 DALLAS CO 0 4 4 0 MIDLAND CITY /00 0 1 1 0 SAN ANC£LO /GREEN CD 0 1 1 0 HOC3CLE'Y CO 0 1 1 0 45 56 27 17 Attachment 1 IMA PROGRAM AUTHORIZED STAFFING (frat1 CPG 1 - 11) Region VI TOTAL Dallas Regional Office - 15 15 Arkansas - 7 10 Pulaski Co. - 1 Little Rock City - 1 Washington Co. - 1 Louisiana - 7 26 Orleans Parish - 5 Caddo- Bossier Parish - 3 E. Baton Rough Parish - 3 Jefferson Parish - 3 Calcasieu Parish - 1 Lafayette City Parish - 1 • Ouachita Parish - 1 Rapid's Parish -Alex Parish - 1 St. Tammany Pariah - 1 New Mexico - 7 10 Bernalillo Co. -3 Oklahoma - 7 14 Oklahoma City - 3 Tulsa City /Co. - 3 Layton /Comanche Co. - 1 Texas - 7 45 Ft. Worth/Tarrant Co. - 5 San Antonio City - 5 Dallas City - 5 Houston - Harris Co. - 5 El Paso City / Co. - 3 Austin City - 3 Bazar Co. - 1 Denton City /Co. - 1 Odessa /Ector Co. - 1 Pasadena City - 1 Beaumont City - 1 Waco /McLennan Co. - 1 Corpus Christi City - 1 Amarillo-Potter-Randall Co. - 1 Tyler -Smith Co. - 1 Fort Bend Co. - 1 Galveston Co. - 1 Wichita Co. - 1 120 I. RATEE IDENTIFICATION DATA (Read AFR 36 -10 carefully before filling in any item) 1. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) i 2. SSN 1 3. GRADE i 4. DAFSC Heffington, Warren M. 1 1 MAJ NON EAD1 0516 ` 5. ORGANIZATION. COMMAND, LOCATION I 6. PAS COOS 9006 Air Reserve Sq (ARPC) Lowry AFB, CO w/a FEMA Region VI 19631FW32 7. PERIOD OF REPORT 8. NO. DAYS OF SUPER- 9. REASON FOR REPORT FROM: 03 De 86 I THRU: 02 Dec 87 VISION 365 ANNUAL II. JOB DESCRIPTION 1. DUTY TITLE: Disaster Prep Otticer 2. KEY DUTIES, TASKS, AND RESPONSIBILITIESt Maj . Heffington composes and updates important local emergency plans and inventories. He solicits, gathers, and coordinates data from state, local government, volunteer, industrial and civilian sources, and writes documents for future use in emergencies. He is defining require- ments for a mobile emergency command post. III. PERFORMANCE FACTORS FAR WELL Specific example of performance required NOT BELOW BELOW MEETS ABOVE ABOVE P fP T 4 OBSERVED STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 1. JOB KNOWLEDGE(Depth, currency, breadth) o _� I_I Essential person in emergency planning. Familiar with all plans and has composed or updated many of them. 2. JUDGMENT AND DECISIONS(COn3lstent, accurate, effective) O } � • Maj. Heffington exercises logical and creative thinking and actions in an � effective manner. Wisely pursues professional military education. 3. PLAN AND ORGANIZE WORK(Tlrnely, creative) I >< 0 l I_ His actions and writings are organized far above standard. As a civilian engineering educator he teaches planning and organization to students. 4. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES(Martpower, materiel, fiscal) O ■ l 1 1 Intelligently manages the limited resources available to emergency management. Makes the most of valuable time in planning. 5. LEADERSHIP(Initiative, accept responsibility) 0 Obtains willing cooperation from other agencies. Actively seeks responsibility. 6. ADAPTABILITY TO STRESS(Stable, flexible, dependable) 0 1 1 › Y Converting from Category D to H for the convenience of the government. Uncomplainingly has seized this as an opportunity to more actively pursue PME. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATION(Clear, concise, confident) 0 ><I Meets often with various individuals to gather important data. Clear, concise communication is a must and Maj. Heffington excels. ><1 3. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION(Clear, concise, organized) 0 His written plans are examples for others to follow. 9. PROFESSIONAL OUALITIES(Attitude, dress, cooperation, bearing) 0 _1 1 ' 3 ‹ Continues professional military education (he has finished the first volume of AWC). Personal appearance is neat, trim, and military. 10. HUMAN RELATIONS(EQual opportunity participation, sensitivity) 1-25]. Moves among various groups and individuals to accomplish our mission. Does it harmoniously and effectively. AF AUG ,4 707 PREVIOUS EDITION WILL BE USED OFFICER EFFECTIVENESS REPORT IV. ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDATION: 1. STRONGEST QUALIFICATION: Effective and creative leader. 2. SUGGESTED JOB (Include AFSC): Engineering or scientific research leader. 3. ORGANIZATION LEVEL: Maor command or Air Force 4. TIMING: Upon reca.l . V. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL: Compare the ratee's capability to assume increased responsibility with that d of other officers whom you know in the same grade. Indicate your rating ec by placing an "X" in the designated portion of the most appropriate block. A RATER ADDN INDORS RATER ADON INDORS- RATER ADON INOORS- RATER ADDN INDORS- RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER RATER ER ---) Lowest VI. RATER COMMENTS Major Heffington is an outstanding organizer and planner, and is an essential person in local emergency planning. His efforts have produced emergency plans and updates of superior quality. He is an Associate Professor and Director of the Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas A &M University. There he directs a racially diverse group of high- achieving engineering graduate students in energy audits. He leads research and service activities in the area of energy management. Promote as early as possible, definitely ahead of schedule. NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC. ORGN, COMD. LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE JAKE CANGLOSE Director /.2 / /S/ 7 Brazos County Emergency Mgmt. SSAN IR Courthouse, Bryan, TX 77801 ,e, y VII. ADDITIONAL RATER COMMENTS ❑CONCUR FA NONCOM CUR Maj. Heffington performs important and essential planning for Brazos County Emergency Management. He should be promoted immediately. NAME, GRADE, BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE) / R. J. HOLMGREEN County Judge Haim l,,, 1 Brazos County Courthouse SSAN SIGN TuRE Bryan, TX 77801 VIII. INDORSER COMMENTS ❑coNCUR ❑NONC(CUR NAME, GRADE. BR OF SVC, ORGN, COMD, LOCATION DUTY TITLE DATE SSAN SIGNATURE • AF FORM 707, AUG 84 (REVERSE) r U.S.OPO:1984.0 -44 $-301 C. ,11) :5):4 ,..treek i .000 0 Vv April 1, 1989 Mr. Jake Canglose Director Brazos County Emergency Management Office Brazos County Courthouse Bryan, TX 77801 Dear Jake: Jake, I am writing to thank you for the excellent job you have done as Director of Brazos County Civil Defense for all the years that I have known you, and to thank you for being a good man to work for during those years. You helped make the dozen years (almost) that I worked for you productive for Brazos County, FEMA, the Air Force, and me. As you know, the FEMA budget cuts really had a negative impact on my activities, and I have not been able to do much for you lately. I have remained active by taking AF correspondence courses. During this time I have also been considering other assignments, and one has finally come along. This week I received orders assigning me as an Air Force Academy Liaison Officer, a position from which I will still be able to perform community service by helping high school students who might be interested in attending the AF Academy. A copy of my orders are enclosed for your records. They are effective in about a montlh. Also enclosed is what is probably my last AF Form 40a for you to sign (two places, as always). Jake, thank you again for your help over the past years. I hope that things go well for you, your staff, and this area in the future. If you need me, please give me a call. I will try to help if I can. Sincerely, (g Warren M. Heffington, Maj, USAFR