HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty oil, gas worth $57M from 1980 (12-23-1981) „,.. ,. ... • •. = 4. e Bryan- College Station Eagle Wednesday, December 23, 1981 Page 4 • County oil gas worth � $57 million from 1980 .--• By STEVE LEE cluding five wildcat wells. Of t Business Writer wells, 59 oil and two gas wells wer” Oil and gas produced in Brazos completed. County during 1980 sold for $57.6 , .An estimated $948,778 was lost in million, ranking the county 112th out drilling dry holes, or wells drilled with • of 207 oil- producing counties across out finding oil or gas in commercial' , the state, according to figures released quantities. this week by the Texas Mid - Continent There were two gas processing • . Oil and Gas Association. plants operating in Brazos County in The Dallas -based oil and gas lobby- 1980 with a total capacity of , 65 ing group, comprised of both major million cubic feet of. natural gas per and independent producers, also day. reported that - Brazos - County con- Elsewhere in the - Brazos Valley, tributed $2.8 million in state produc- Burleson County, which ranked 21st tion tax payments in 1980, aside from in the state with more than 10 million property taxes. barrels of oil production in 1980, The county produced 2.4 million ranked 36th in oil and gas value. Here barrels of crude oil in 1980, valued at are other 1980 Valley figures: — $529 million, and 3.1 million cubic BURLESON COUNTY feet of natural gas, valued at another Oil production, 10.2 million barrels, oil value, 5220.5 million; gas produc- 7 million. Brazos County ranked tion, 17.1 million cubic feet; gas value, 525.5 million; total oil and gas value. $_. OUnt y 5246.1 million; state rank, 36th; royalty payments, 530.7 million; oil produc- - 72nd among Texas counties in number tion tax, SI0.1 million; gas production tax, 51.9 million; total production tax, 512.0 million; estimated drilling expenses, 5178.1 million; dry hole — o� barrels of oil produced that year. losses, 56.1 million. Local o and gas operators have Producing wells March 1981 — oil 633, gas 30, total 663; natural gas plants, 3, with 30.3 mcf capacity; oil and gas workers, 138; payroll, 51.9 predicted increases in those figures million. this year to reflect stepped -up activity GRIMES COUNTY in Austin Chalk production zones in Oil production, 133,943 barrels; oil value, 52.9 million; gas production, , Braz ` Count . Throw h October 3. million cubic feet; gas value, 55.1 million; total oil and gas value, 58.0 } g million; rank, 172nd; royalty payments, 51.0 million; oil production tax, drilling permits had risen from 82 in 5133,211; gas production tax, 5387,628; total production tax, 5520,899; estimated drilling expenses, 513.7 million; dry hole losses, 53.3 million. 1980 to 1 18, a 43.9 percent increase. . Producing wells March 1981 — oil 4, gas 34, total 38; natural gas plants, 0; oil and gas workers; 28; payroll, 5200,840. Operators, however, indicated a MADISON COUNTY drilling slowdown in November. They Oil production, 1.0 million barrels; oil value, 521.8 million; gas prodne• said many wells in the chalk zone were tion, 8.1 million cubic feet; gas value, 512.1 million; total value, 533.9 still being evaluated for potential pro- millton; rank, 2816; royally payments, 54.2 millton; oil production tax, 51.0 g p p million; gas production tax, 5907,661; total tax, 51.9 million; estimated drill• duction. Meanwhile, activity in other ing expense, 59.2 million; dry hole losses, 51.4 million. Producing wells March 1981 — oil 102, gas 58, total 160; natural gas zones around Bryan was reported plants, 4; capacity, 15.3 mcf; oil and gas workers, 166; payroll, 52.4 million. steady. LEON COUNTY Production figures for this year are 06 production, 287,495 barrels; oil value, S6.2 million; gas production, ' not expected for several months. 5.1 minion cubic feet; gas value, 57.6 million; total value, 513.8 minion; rank, 163rd; royalty payments 51 million oil production tax. .8 Texas Mid - Continent did, however, _ gas production tax, 5572,326; total production tax, 5858.378; estimated report that through March of this drilling expense, 520.9 million; dry hole losses. S2.5 million. p g Producing wells March 1981 — oil 100, gas 94, total 194; natural gas year, there were 194 producing wells plants, 2; plant capacity, 5.4 mcf; oil and gas workers, 47; payroll, 5259,288. • in Brazos County — 189 oil and five ROBERTSON COUNTY • gas. Oil production, 12,726 barrels; oil value, 5275,263; gas production, 2.1 million cubic fat; gas value, 53.1 million; total value, 53.4 million; rank, In other 1980 figures reported by 18616; royalty payments, 5427,280; oil production tax, 512,662; gas produc- tion tax, 5235,724; total production tax, 5248,386; estimated drilling en- Mid- Continent, some_767 oil and gas penses, 17.2 million; dry hole losses, Sl.6million. industry employees in the county Producing wells March 1981 — oil 18, gas 16, total 34; natural gas plants, y 1; plant capacity, 11,000 mcf; oil and gas workers, 41; payroll, 5341,692. received wages of about $12.8 million. WASHINGTON COUNTY ' Those figures are also expected to Oil production, 378,202 barrels; oil value, 58.1 million; gas production, skyrocket this year. 1.0 million; gas value, 51.5 million; total value, 59.7 million; rank, 169th; royalty payments, 51.2 million; oil production tax, 5376,303; gas production Oil and gas operators spent a tax, 5114,553; total production tax, 5490,856; estimated drilling expenses. reported $29 million in drilling 194 518. 9minion ; dry hole losses, 51.4million. P Producing wells March 1981 — oil 114, gas 18, total 132; natural gas Brazos County wells in 1980, in- plants, 0; oil and gas workers, 129; payroll, 52.0 million.