HomeMy WebLinkAboutFaster Alert Against Killer Storms 1975 Whatever Happened to .. . The Army's Green Berets ... Faster Alert Against Killer Storms ... Tuna War Off South America 7 Green Berets: Back to Guns Tornadoes: Better Warnings Fishing Dispute: Truce Ends The Army's specialists on guerrilla In the past two years the U. S. has A two - year -old truce in the long - warfare, after a fling at domestic- been raked by a record number of term "tuna war" off South America's action programs, have been given deadly tornadoes. In 1974 alone, Pacific Coast came to a sudden end new orders —to concentrate on com- twisters killed more than 360 per- late in January. bat training. sons —the most in 21 years. The truce, in effect since January, When the Green Berets withdrew At the National Weather Service, 1973, ended when Ecuador seized a from Vietnam combat in 1971, units far - reaching improvements are under group of U. S. fishing vessels based in were sent from their base at Fort way to give earlier warning of the San Diego. Each boat was in the Bragg, N. C., to communities across approach of these "killer storms." 1,000 -ton class and carried a crew of the U. S., where they provided need- A key element is to be the "tone about 15. ed services in poor or isolated locali- alert" radio system. This is a radio This action reopened a dispute that ties, migrant farm workers' camps that will automatically turn on when had endured from 1953 to 1973 over and Indian reservations. a warning signal is broadcast from the the rich tuna - fishing waters— involv- At one point, Green Beret teams local weather station. It will stay on, ing United States fishing vessels and were working in 29 communities in giving the latest developments, until the gunboats of several South Ameri- seven States. someone shuts it off. can nations — Ecuador and Peru in Now this program is being de- This system will be of particular particular. emphasized and the Berets are con- benefit in schools, hospitals and office The toll during those years of con- centrating on their primary mission: buildings where large clusters of peo- flict: 171 American Boats seized by unconventional warfare. ple spend many hours without access the two countries, 6.2 million dollars Some criticism of the civilian pro- to a playing radio. in fines paid by U. S. owners. gram had come from groups who felt Says Earl Estelle, chief of the 200 -mile question. Heart of the that the Green Berets were unfair Emergency Warnings Branch of the dispute is just what constitutes a competition. National Weather Service: nation's coastal waters. The U. S. Says an Army source: "Eventually, we'd like most homes claims sovereignty from shore line to " `What are your people doing, to be equipped with a tone -alert 3 miles at sea; plus another fishing building a bridge that private in- radio, too. It can save valuable min- zone, for use by its vessels only, of a dustry can build, or conducting a utes in getting out an alert, and that further 9 miles. health program that public -health or often can mean the difference Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Panama and private doctors are responsible for ?' between life and death." several other Latin- American coun- Those were the questions we kept Storm watch. Another aid now tries insist that their ownership of the having to answer." being installed is a vast new com- sea and its underwater wealth ex- Some such programs will still be puter system, called AFOS — automa- tends 200 miles from their shores. carried out, but they are likely to be tion of field operations and services. Some officials believe the truce close to the Green Beret head- It will provide the instantaneous came about because of a decline of quarters, the John F. Kennedy transmission of weather maps and tuna in South American waters, and Center for Military Assistance at Fort other data that used to take vital an increase in the number of U. S. Bragg. minutes to send by teletype. Instead captains who bought licenses to fish Dwindling band. From a peak of of dealing with reams of paper, maps in the 200 -mile zone. The U. S. does 15,000 in 1968 -69, the post- Vietnam will be stored in the computer and not object when boat owners decide War Green Berets now number only called up on a video - display screen to comply with local law— although 4,500 soldiers. The Fifth and Seventh with the punch of a button. Already this country does not recognize exclu- Groups are stationed at Fort Bragg; helping forecasters is the new SMS— sive fishing rights beyond 12 miles the Tenth Group is at Fort Devens, synchronous meteorological satellite. from shore. Mass. In addition, a battalion of the For the first time, weathermen have Is a permanent settlement possi- Seventh is assigned to the Canal Zone day -and -night satellite pictures of the ble? The U. S. has not been able to and a detachment of the Tenth is in U. S. coming in every 30 minutes. solve the problem in direct negotia- West Germany. They can now follow a storm more tions with South American nations. When their domestic - action pro- closely than ever before. Nor was it successful in promoting grams were in full swing, the Berets Local radar stations are also getting a treaty, at a recent world conference were vaccinating residents of Mon- new equipment —some of it replacing in Caracas on the law of the sea. Such tana Indian reservations, setting up surplus radars from World War II. a treaty would have defined fishing volunteer fire departments in Ken- According to Mr. Estelle: rights. tucky and renovating a home for boys All these advances in technology, Renewal of the "tuna war" came as in South Carolina. combined with a program to educate no surprise to U. S. authorities. They The new emphasis, says an Army people in communities, should have a have long maintained that, unless spokesman, reflects the Pentagon ef- "significant" impact in reducing the there is a worldwide treaty, ratified fort to upgrade combat efficiency and number of casualties from killer by the major maritime nations, fish - downgrade support activities. storms in years to come. ing wars could break out at any time. aft 64 ® U. S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, Feb. 17, 1975