HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-CS Chamber of Commerce Brochure (Nov. 1981)B-CS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Your Chamber Serving the Community CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOX 7 2 6 B R Y A N , TEXAS 7 7 8 0 1 N. REFERENCE MATERIALS GROWTH ARTICLES SCRAPBOOK: A newspaper clipping scrapbook on the growth of B /CS is maintained; information in- cludes building permits, bank deposits company announcements, and other cur- rent growth articles. ECONOMIC FACTS BOOK: The Chamber of Commerce and the Brazos County Indust - rail Foundation publishes an Economic Facts Book. It contains current infor- mation of the economic growth of the Bryan /College Station SMSA. This book may be purchased by the public for $65.00 each. CITY DIRECTORIES: Our library contains City Directories from many Texas cit- ies as well as from Arkansas, Louisi- ana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. TELEPHONE BOOKS: These books are avail able from many Texas cities, including the Yellow Pages from our larger cities. ALMANACS: The Chamber Library has a- vailable copies of the Texas Almanac dating back for several years. HISTORICAL INFORMATION: Historical information is available in the Cham- ber Library about the B /CS area, along with other interesting information. TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY: We keep a file on Texas A &M University and are advised of current developments as they happen on the campus. PROSPECTIVE NEWCOMERS LIST OF APARTMENTS: This listing cludes all apartment complexes in B /CS area, listing each address phone number. in- the and APARTMENT PRICE GUIDE: A listing of approximate apartment rental rates on a semester by semester basis. This information is obtained from Texas A &M Off- Campus Center. LIST OF CHURCHES: A list of churches by denominations; name, address, and phone number. LIST OF EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: An up- to -date list of employment agencies and information concerning employment at Texas A &M as well as the Texas Em- ployment Commission. LIST OF MANUFACTURERS: A comprehensive list of firms. Company's name, address telephone number, approximate number of employees and the product manufac- tured. LIST OF MOBILE HOME PARKS: Gives the name, address, phone number of mobile home parks in the B /CS area. A general location map with mobile home parks designated on back. List of Real Estate Agencies: Includes agency name, address and phone number. Only members of the Chamber of Com- merce are listed. BUSINESS AIDS EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS: The Small FREE NAME BADGES: In conjunction with Business Council of your Chamber the cities of Bryan and College Sta- is actively involved in producing tion, your Chamber offers free name seminars of interest to small badges for your group's meetings. business. Shoplifting, Advertising, (Quantities may be limited) Recordkeeping and other related topics are covered in these programs. LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST: The Chamber is involved in a legislative Breakfast Program whereby members are able to meet with our state and federal elected officials concerning items of interest in the B /CS area. SBA RESOURCE CENTER: The Chamber of Commerce has been designated as a resource center by the Small Business Administration. Many small business publications are available center. through our resource OVERVIEW OF B /CS: Your Chamber maintains an up to date slide presentation on the Bryan /College Station area. This 12 minute present- ation is available through the Chamber office.(It is subject to recall and must be reserved in advance.) FORMAL OPENINGS: Your Chamber provides a ribbon and related publicity for formal opening cere- monies. There is no charge for this service for Chamber members. CHAMBER MATERIALS STREET BANNERS: In 1980 the Chamber purchased two street banners that pro- claim "Welcome to Aggieland -B /CS Cham- ber of Commerce." Put up each fall, they are designed to increase public awareness of our community as Aggie- land. MEMBERSHIP PLAQUES: Your Chamber pro- vides each member with an attractive black with gold membership plaque. VINYL BANNERS: These attractive 12" by 36" maroon banners proclaim B /CS home of the "Fightin' Texas Aggies ", available for $2.00 each, $1.75 for 25 or more. MAPS: In addition to a widely MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: A membership distributed street map of the directory is produced yearly listing B /CS area, your Chamber also has all Chamber members by type of maps on various aspects of B /CS; business, including the owners included in these are water lines name, address and phone number. & utility easements, aerial photo— graphs, and other items related CHAMBER NEWSLETTER: A monthly to the geography of Brazos Valley. newsletter is produced by the Chamber staff which contains informa— tion about Chamber activities PROSPECTIVE NEW RESIDENTS: A weekly to keep the membership informed. list of prospective new residents comprised of inquiries by mail FREE BROCHURES: Your Chamber publishes and phone that our staff has person— a number of informative brochures; ally answered. This list is available included is Community Profile, each Wednesday at 12:00 noon in the Points of Interest, and general Chamber office. information. (copies may be limited) "MEETING HALLS: A listing of meeting VISITOR'S DIRECTORY: In conjunction places for rent in the B /CS area. with the cities of Bryan and College Includes meeting space for non— Station, we have produced a Visitor's profit agencies as well as private Directory listing local restaurants parties. and motels. List includes the name, hours of operation, location, phone number, and brief discription. PHYSICIANS, DOCTORS, AND AEDICAL (There is no charge for members, PERSONNEL: A listing of physicians $50.00 listing fee for non — members) that are known to the Chamber; listing physician's name, address HISTORY OF BRYAN /COLLEGE STATION: and phone number. • A brief single sheet history of the B /CS area which traces our HORSE STALLS FOR RENT: We maintain history from its earliest beginnings. a list of horse stalls for persons desiring to house large animals. DEER LEASES: A list of deer leases in and around Central Texas is maintained at the Chamber office. THIS WEEK AT A &M: Your Chamber The owners name and phone number distributes This Week At A &M, is available. published by the Office of Public Information at Texas A &M. This CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS: A list weekly publication provides informa— of clubs and organizations is tion as to what groups are meeting maintained for the B /CS area. at TAMU and the approximate number It is updated each summer and of people involved. is available at no charge. COMMUNITY INFORMATION