HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Various Correspondence 6, aptid c r t January 1970 thru November 30, 1970 //' ' , / ?C} ................ . Budget S1,500.00 Salaries 675.76 Telephone 75.00 Printing 49.14 Supplies 58.33 RM course by A.J. Tennien 26.66 Painting of pre - packaged hospital door and signs 19.00 $ 903.89 RM course taught to 14 by Tennien. CD Conference held Feb. 16 & 17 in Austin State CD office meeting conducting for local government and CD Directors on emergency food managment. Nuclear reactor plan on file. Pallets and i5rptective devices received .. 18,780 lbs. 5 c, One hundred posters made for display in public building. Tornado warning meeting held March 23, 1970 with an attendance of 48 people. We have 13 tornado spotters in the county who serve us without renumeration. During the year all supplies have been checked and replacement made where food, medical kits & water drums were damaged. All damaged fallout shelter signs have been replaced and others with information as to location and size. All fallout shelters in College Station have been stocked with food, medical kits and sanitation kits. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Boswell have taken the Civil Defense Home Study Course. April 24, 1970 Co], Walter Persona 824 Vine St. Bryan, Txas 77801 Dear Col. Parsons: We appreciate ery much havin;; your men make and place gates in the basement of the following dormitories. . . Henderson Hall, Dorm #14, 1.5, 16, and 22. We are now in need of padlock q and chains for thesn :ates. Thn reason we want these gates padlocked is because we have Lost food and medical aupplies from these dormitories. Would appreciate if this work can be done as soon as possible 90 that I may replace the supplies that have been stolen. The keys will be in possession of your office fo' en trance to the tunnels by way of these buildings. Yours truly, / d e 7 i A Henry L yer Administrator Brazos County Civil referse DAA- 103 -70 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 17, 1970 MEMORANDUM TO: Jake Canglose, County Director, Brazos Co. Civil Defense Dr. C. H. Miller, Brazos County Health Unit Mrs. Felice Klein, Brazos County Counseling Service B. V. Elkins, Administrator, Indigent Hospital Fund Charles McCandless, President, College Station Recreational Council SUBJECT: Annual Report, 1970, City of College Station 1. As the recipient of monies from the City of College Station, I deem it only just that, through the Annual Report for Citizens, we report on our stewardship. 2. What I seek from each of the forenamed is a report, with particular application (but not entirely) to College Station (insofar as you can) as to services provided, etc., for the Calendar Year 1970. 3. The report from you should be terse and to the point with inclusion only of pertinent information. Space requirements i :a our Annual Report dictate this. 4. The Annual Report Committee headed by Herbert Brevard, 703 Gilchrist, College Station, Texas has asked that the reports be in his hand by December 15 if at all possible. He and his committee plan to review all material, edit it, and attempt to get the report out as early in 1971 as possible. 5. This :s tl r we have reported on your group any T earnestly seek your cooperation. a .:, an early reply. D. A. Anderson, Mayor DAA :las cc: Chairman, Annual Report Committee Y ( 1 .1 (eS:- December 8, 1970 A4 Ru F °t TO: Honorable D. A. Anderson Mayor City of College Station, Texas SUBJECT: Annual Report of Civil Defense Operations for the Calendar Year of 1970 ITEM 1. FISCAL REPORT The Brazos County Civil Defense office is operated as a joint, County, College Station and Bryan government office. Funding is based on a 40 -40 -20 basis with College Station participating on 20% basis. Funds budgeted from College Station for fiscal year July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970 - $1,500.00. Expenditures: City of College Station for calendar year January 1, 1970 through December 1, 1970 Salaries: One part -time secretary One part -time administrator Sub -Total $675.76 Telephone: One in county office One in tornado warning center $ 75.00 Printing: Shelter Posters, Shelter Signs, 10 cards, etc. $ 49.14 Office Supplies: $ 58.33 Training Fees and Expenses: $ 26.66 Painting of Signs and Doors to Emergency Hospital: $ 19.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $903.89 Mayor Anderson December 8, 1970 Page 2 of 2 ITEM 2. CIVIL DEFENSE ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS a. Radiological monitoring training course b. Attendance of Civil Defense local government official of State Civil Defense Conference and State Emergency Food Management Conference. c. Coordinating emergency plan for Nuclear Reactor d. Meetings conducted for monthly Civil Defense council, tornado warning, communications, emergency police, and other areas of emergency planning on a local basis. e. Reg'i±Sitioned and received 18,780 lbs. of protective devices and pallets for protecting shelter supplies from moisture, rodents, etc. Word is under way for 52 public shelters to have protective devices installed. Shelters compiled to date, (5) . f. 200 poster size maps for framing were printed and will be installed in public buildings, apartment complexes, dormitories, and motels, etc. for directing citizens to shelter areas. g. 52 shelters were inspected for supplies, damage, signs, etc. GENERAL: This office maintains general administration of over 66 public fallout shelters, records, appointments and training of nearly 300 volunteer citizens, 16 major areas of emergency local government planning coordination, a 200 bed stand -by prepackaged emergency hospital, a complete tornado warning center and spotter network and related communication center operations. Respectfully submitted Jake Canglose Chairman and County Director Brazos County Civil Defense JC /vjb