HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Various Correspondence JOHN M. M$UOW District Jodie r. t. . W. C. DAVIT . r. - 4 • CI t awayc«a. . County Jude" �'` Vi6IL. A. L SYPTAIC RAYMOND A. NOLAN t . ; / ) ,1 t Com* Oert Commissioner Precinct No. 1 D. NOOKS Cant, 1. GEORGE DlR+1N Cow, . AHorny RAYMOND B. BJCHANAN Coernissiones Precinct No. 2 CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD Tax Assessor - Collector Commissioner Precinct No. 3 B Y. ELKINS Co A ones P B LIO►7 Count' Trees WIN Commissioner Precinct No. 4 COUNTY 1 r TY W. D. BUNTING F. J. VITOPIL County School Superintendent County Auditor BRYAN. TEXAS H. 1. GRAHAM, Moat No. 1 I. W. HAMILTON Justice of Pew., Precinct 4 Sheriff J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 ,._ Brazos County Civil Defense Otfin Thought you might be interested in this Jan. 30, 1963 for e news item; R. HENRY LS1 R, SR. WILL TAKE n E ' OFFICE? FOR THE BR 7.0 CCVINTY CTTTL DM+'$ijS7 Z 0 OF ADP!INISTRpTIVE He will fill the Position left vacant Col. R.H. Lo k who rest to accept e Position with the ;tete Of Alebeme. geed reccommended Mr. AlstheePOSitioi retired from e nU A State De partrLent, comes highly for capacity in the - point four Program and Porie �nclud.,s service in en advisory Heiti end Iran. His service in these countries wars for the purtose of ?llipntj xg k ` an efficeent agriculture nrogram. hnr. Alsmeyer i Texa I& and served during World War I with the Ate''. His will be ll e locate.' of in hes County Courthouse Adjacent to the The Dept. Of public Safet fort e t have a men of his caliber in this position. y• We feel fortunate to Other changes in the civil defense operation include the appointment of Dr. L. Huebner as heed of the Communications George Scientist with the Dept. of Oceanography & M te Division. Dr. Huebner, a noted Research of the best eletronie and communications eteorology, is ■aax>9 %�cfha amaJSgdeal one left vacant by men in our area. He will fill the position Y Mr. Chester OeDonnell who rest "ry Working with Dr. Huebner will be )sire gaed after three years of efficient service. Southwestern States Telephone Co., Mr. Cese gO�:District T raffic Manager for Y , serving as Conelrad Officer, Mr. Charles Burris, RACES Officer and Mr. J.R. Youngblood es Citizen Bend Officer. Mr. EMMETT TRANT,JR. was appointed to fill the position of lheirmen of the Public Fallout Shelter Program. Mr. .Trent, owner Of Trent Associates, was retained by the Corp Of Engineers to conduct the Fallout Shelter Survey in this area. We fell fortunate to have someone with Mr. Trents ability and treining to serve on our staff. Serving as his assistant will be Mr. Joe L. Rembstedt. Thanking You in Advance, Sincerely, ke Canglo , Director rezos County Civil Defense Office d. JOHN M. BARRON F. T. COLE Dis ;rift Judge ( OOP 0.0, F. of District Court W. C. DAVIS ?'s A. B. SYPTAK County Judge p , County Clerk RAYMOND A. NOLAN H _ r\ ..J OY D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 1 � -s;. -. , • County Attorney GEORGE DUNN O o o • RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 1. W. HAMILTON J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Sheriff 1' eh ru a ry G7,1963 Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Mr. Ira Kiker Public relations Manager Safeway Stores P.a.Mox 18297 Ua11*s 1i8, 'exas Dear lAr. :Biker; ihe other day l left copies of the Brazos vounty Defense t egistrat_ ion Forms with hr. F.D. Marlow your manager of the Safeway Store,400 E. 25th. Street in Bryan. Your store here has been rlaced in Category One (L) with a capacity of 52 people. A shelter manager and an assistant shelter manager are to be appointed by the person in charge, and they ^ust sign the agreements. Mr. Marlow has refered me to you in regsrds to 'hese agreements and shelter license. attached you will find a copy of each and the shelter and shelter managers duties.If your organisation desires to sign this license and agreement fonts we will furnish them in t.ri- licate for signatures. hoping to hear from you as quickly as r.osstilble. Y ours truly d' my L.Alsmeyer administrator Graz a County Civil Defense. .Urazos County Court house Bryan,rexas C.C. Mr, F.D.Marlow. ., 8 .4.F.,,,,,,, ST ORES, INCORPORATED 9111 Garland Road, P.O. Box 18297, Dallas 18, Texas March 8, 1963 Mr. Henry L. Alsmeyer, Administrator Brazos County Civil Defense Brazos County Court House Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Alsmeyer: Thank you for your letter regarding the registration of one of our retail stores in Bryan as a fallout shelter for your city. It has been our policy not to seek shelter licenses in any of the areas where we have food stored or displayed. In 1962 we voluntarily agreed with the State Civil Defense organization that our Garland Distribution Center, our transportation facil- ities, and our retail stores would be available as points of distribution and as a source of food supplies in case of any emergency. To make such facilities available for shelter pur- poses would only serve to contaminate great quantities of perishable food since during any power failure these facilities will have no toilet facilities, and it appeared to us that it would only serve to contaminate a quantity of food that may represent the communities' total supplies for the duration of any emergency. We are aware of the fact that the government, and through it the Civil Defense authorities, have the responsibilities of taking over any facility for shelter or other uses as may be required. This organization, we assure you, will cooperate in any way possible in any emergency subject to your decision at the time. Sincerely yours, SAF } EWAY STORES, INCORPORATED fil Ira C. Kiker, Jr. Public Relations if FALLOUT SHELTER LICENSE OR PRIVILEGE SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE WHEREAS, The President of the United States has un- B. Further, the right to designate the said building dertaken for the Nation an accelerated and strengthened civil or structure as a civil defense shelter, and to affix defense program, including a fallout shelter program; and thereto, and maintain thereon, at no expense to the Grantor, such civil defense shelter and other signs WHEREAS, a fallout shelter survey has indicated that as are determined appropriate, so long as there is certain areas of the hereinafter described premises will afford no interference with the usual use of the premises persons protection from the hazard of fallout in the event of for the carrying on of business therein. enemy attack; II. The Federal Government, said State and said polit- NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, being the owner of ical subdivision may place and maintain on the prem- the hereinafter described premises, or the person otherwise au- ises such appropriate shelter equipment and stocks thorized to grant such license or privilege, does hereby volun- as may be determined necessary, estimated to re- tarily and without compensation, in consideration of the mutual quire approximately one (1) cubic foot per person of promises expressed herein and in cooperation with the Federal, the shelter capacity and it is expressly understood State, and local civil defense programs for measures to protect that the Grantor shall have no responsibility or lia- persons against the threat of fallout radiation from enemy at- bility for the care, protection, or maintenance of the tack, grant to the Federal Government, the State of shelter stocks, wilful damage or bad faith excepted. Texas The shelter stocks and equipment placed in the li- ' censed or privileged area are to be cared for and and the political subdivision of C 1 t y of Rr a. maintained by said political subdivision at no ex- and to the general public for use in accordance with civil de- pense to the Grantor. fense shelter plans, the following license or privilege; III. The Grantor agrees that, during such reasonable pe- 1. A. Use of the basements, corridors, and other common riods as the premises are open for business, the po- areas of the building or structure situated at litical subdivision and the Federal Government, 400 Fast 25th St . their authorized officers, agents, or representatives, shall have the right to inspect the premises, includ- and known as Sa feway Store, ing any equipment and supplies stored thereon, so as well as any other common use parts of the said long as this license or privilege is in effect. building or structure which the Federal Govern- ment and the political subdivision shall determine This license or privilege is granted on the express appropriate, including without limitation the rights condition that it shall be valid and binding upon the heirs, to the public of ingress to and egress from the assigns, or successors in interest of any nature whatsoever, premises, for the sole purpose of temporarily shel- this license or privilege may be revoked by ninety (90) days' tering persons during and after any and every ac- written notice to the political subdivision and the Federal tual or impending attack. Government, sent by registered mail. NOTE: SHELTER AGREEMENTS LISTED HEREON IS BETWEEN BLDG. OWNER AND BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE ONLY. THESE BLDGS. DO NOT MEET MIN. RQMTS. FOR FEDERAL STOCKED PUBLIC SHELTERS BUT HAVE A MIN. PROTECTION FACTOR OF TWENTY OR BETTER AND ARE NONSBR CONSIDERED ADEQUATE AS SECONDARY NON - STOCKED SHELTERS AND CIVII DEFENSE OPERATIONAL POINTS IN A NATIONAL EMERGENCY. SHELTERS LISTED HEREON SHALL BE KNOWN AS SECONDARY NON - STOCKED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES AND PERSONS USING THESE SHELTERS MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN SURVIVAL SUPPLIES. Signed, sealed, and delivered this day of , 196 . WITNESSES: SEAL GRANTOR($) The acceptance and approval of the above license or privilege is authorized by the political subdivision of .,11 t of .'r,, an exas Standard Location Code 552 - 0010 ifiii/iiiii1I 11�I / � � hr) Taylor Cat. 1 Cap. 2 ' I Facility Number 01125 / Mayor (Official Title) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The United States of America acknowledges the voluntary cooperation of the above -named Grantor in the civil defense program of the Nation; and his Government extends its appreciation for his uncompensated assistance. The above license or privilege is accepted and approved by the United States of America when completed in accordance with its terms and conditions and filed with its authorized representative. „„„.0 Z Assistant Secretary of Defense (Civil Defense)