HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 Various Correspondence TEXAS AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 1960 Office of THE COMPTROLLER .0.05 A.4 ca ccc Mr. James H. Garner Acting State Coordinator Division of Defense and Disaster Relief New State Offioe Building Austin, Texas Re: RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) Dear Mr. Garner: I have your letter of December 3 advising that the Division of Defense and Disaster Relief is ourrently developing a plan for a State RACES network for support of civil defense oommunioations. The partially oompletsd card is enclosed and I wish to make the follow- ing comments for our County Civil Defense Director. Chaster O'Donnell is our County Radio Communication Dirsotor and will be our county radio operator in charge of our County RACES Plan. Mr. 0 should have his RACES organization completed this week and a oopy of the county plan will be filed with your office or the Department of Public Safety Communi- cation Personnel. After the County RACES organization has been perfected, it is planned to organize a similar group on a local basis for Bryan and College Station. I am sure that *. O'Donnell will advise the proper authorities of this organization. It is the suggestion of our County Civil Defense Dirsotor that Mr. Chester O'Donnell, 3 1 5 Lee, College Station, Texas be plaoed on the 'nailing list as Brazos County's radio officer and RACES organizer and supervisor. Sincerely, John W. Hill Personnel Insurance and Safety Director JWh:vh CC: Mr. Chester O'Donnell 4 . Jake Cangeloss Brazos County Civil Defense Director Oceanography Department, Campus Mr. Fred Sandlin, Director Bryan Civil Defense Dirsotor City Hall Bryan, Texas JUSTI tC4rIGN :A'GR APPLLCAT1CN GF DUNADLE GOVLF�t�_ SURPLUS PRCPPRTY DAT: : 1. The requested items will be used (Describe Civil Defense use) 2 . (.xplain tie -in of this project with Sta;.e and local Civil Defense plans.) 3. The equipment will be stored (Location - Address) 4 • , , will be (Name) (Civil Defense Title) responsible for operation and maintenance of the equipment. 5. , should be (Name) (Telephone Number) contacted in the event this equipment is required elsewhere in case of a disaster. 6. It is understood that donable government surplus property cannot legally be acquired for any other purpose than training, operational readiness, or stockpiling in connection with enemy attack, but can be utilized in cases of disaster, since such use offers the best practical training. Signed: Civil Defense Director This form completed in duplicate must accompany each Request for Donable Government Surplus Personal Property. REQUEST FOR DONASLE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY January 13, 1959 DATE Brazos County Civil Defense NAME OF CIVIL DEFENSE UNIT Country Court House, Bryan, Texas ADDRESS Jake Canglose County Director . g a (TYPE) ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD TITLE SIGNAT USE NOMENCLATURE IN FCDA ADVISORY BULLETIN 'KO. 202, ANNEX C. PURPOSE: "T" — Training; "0" — Operational Readiness; "R" — Reserve Stock ITEM DESCRIPTION PURPOSE QUANTITY 1. Transportation and related items T + 0 (as required) 2. Communications, Electronic Equipment and related items T + 0 (as required) 3. Office Furniture and related equipment T + 0 (as required) Air 11" A ROVED- STATE CIVI DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF ( 1 copy to be retained by applicant and 4 copies sent to State Defense and Disaster Relief Headquarters, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas} REQUEST FOR DONABLE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY Tanuary 13, 1960 DATE City of Bryan — Brazos County NAME OF CIVIL DEFENSE UNIT Bryan, Texas ADDRESS city cit -�ri ., C D Director y L ' _ 1 1 anaa r . (TYPE! ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD TITLE SIGNATURE T C. Sandlin USE NOMENCLATURE IN FCDA ADVISORY BULLETIN No. 202, ANNEX C. PURPOSE: "T" — Training "0" — Operational Readiness "R" — Reserve Stock ITEM DESCRIPTION PURPOSE QUANTITY Motor—Generator, electric, 5 KV, 125 Volt, 60 cycle AC, Single Phase, +I ®II 1 Cabinets, filing, i,7;;tal, medium size "0" 2 10 A r.J Jl, W- - 2 S V r~ �' 11 c— 7- 3 9_ (75T f APPROVED- STATE CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF ( 1 copy to be retained by applicant and 4 copies sent to State Defense and Disaster Relief Headquarters, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas) It 4 1 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR January 15, 1960 c Mr, L. h. Barry, Director Texas Surplus Property Agency O P. 0, Sox 4308, Station A San Antonio, Texas Dear Mr, Barry: Enclosed is the application for donable surplus property submitted P by the Civil Defense Organization of ,Brazos County, All required letters of justification and statement of usage for the requested equipment are presently on file In this ofti©e, Sincerely yours, Y '' '74: W. R, Bodine Flans and Operations Offieer WkB t oe s Enclosure cc: Mr, Jake Canglo.e NOTE TG MR. CANGLOSE; As you will note we have forwarded your application on to TSPA with out approval, but to make this file complete and correct as we have certified above, we need the enclosed justification blanks completed and returned to this office. Thank you f _ CGS 14 -1-61 WRB EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR January 20, 1960 Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose; We are enclosing herewith your application for surplus property which we forwarded to Texas Surplus Property Agency on January 15. The application has been returned to us because it is not acceptable in its present form. Applications submitted in a general form such as your have submitted prevents the Texas Surplus Property Agency from tagging and holding critical items (trucks, jeeps, desks, etc.) on control cards. This does not give the civil defense organization a fair chance to obtain the items they desire. If you will please fill out another set of Request Forms, in quadruplicate and list the items you desire by Group number as well as specific category number, we shall be happy to approve and forward to TSPA. By listing the Group number as well as specific items, you would be able to obtain other items in the same group whenever you should visit the district warehouse. Sincerely yours, 15 W. R. Bodine Plans and Operations Officer WRB; oe s Enclosure lr /60 2/tv2 O diK �Y ir � `' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR January 25, 1960 TO: The Civil Defense Director Addressed We have given considerable thought to the idea of inviting city and county civil defense directors to a state-wide conference to be held in Austin on March 28 and 29, 1960. The purpose of the conference would be to present, by qualifi3d speakers, some of the major programs related to defense and disaster relief, such as the national plan; warning and communications; the coordination of local, state and national plan, etc. In addition to the general presentations, we had thought of dividing the large group into several smaller ones for more detailed discussions of such areas as the matching funds program, the surplus property program, the prepositioned hospital program, and organizing the local community for defense and disaster. We have no desire for such a conference unless you want and feel a need for it. With this in mind, please write me at once if you want such a conference and indicate whether or not you will attend if the conference is held on the above date. Very truly yours, -V, James H. Garper -- State Coordinator JHG:mcb CITE' ®T FRrAIT THE CITY OF SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES" Iift YAIL TEXAN Office of THE CITY MANAGER January 1B, 1960 Mr. Jake Cangelosi, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Court House Bryan, Texas Dear Jake: I am enclosing "Request for Donable Government Surplus Personal Property ", in quintuplicate, covering one 5 KW motor generator and two filing cabinets which are needed by the City of Bryan in connection with our Civil Defense program. It is our understanding that such requests must be approved by the County Director. We will appreciate your taking such action as is necessary to effect a release of the requested items. Yours very truly, Fred C. Sandlin, City Manager FCS: br Enclosure cc: L. L. Martin The City of Bryan owns and operates the generating, light, water, sewer, and R.E.B. Systems Brazos County Civil Defense 402 Mitchell Street Bryan, Texas January 26, 1960 Mr. L. Rhodes Training Officer Department of Defense and Disaster Relief Austin, Texas Dear Mr. Rhodes: We are planning to make a house to house distribution of "Tornado Precaution" pamplets before the first of March, and we need approximately 8000 cOpies, if available. We would appreciate any assistance you can give us in obtaining these pamplets. Sincerely Yours, Jake Cangelose County Director Brazos County Civil Defense AN 27,1960 BIOS UTRWTY CIVIL DEFENSE COUNTY COURTHOV BRYAN TEXAS Mr. James A. Garner State Coordinator State Dept. Of Defense And Disaster Relief Austin Texas Dear Mr. Garner, I have discussed with Mr, Fred Sandlin,(Bryan Civil "%tense Director) and Mr. John Hill (College Sta. Director ) he proposal of a statewide civil defens conference and it is our opinion that such a conference would be very benificial to local directors and we would like very much to attend, however we .fe1 that if this conference could be held for a period of one day it would not conflict with our present employment. As you know being away from our regular jobs for more than one day ospecially Mr. Sandlin who is the city manager, could create quite a hardship. Mr. Hill has also pointed out that the Texas annual Safety conferende is scheduled for March 27-30. As Personnel and Insurance Safety Director for Texas AM he has to attend this conf-renc and he feels that there are probably other directors in the State who will have to make this conference. I sincerely hope the information contained herein will be useful in planning the conference as we feel that this is something we very definitely need and would like very much to attend. Sincerely yours Jake Canglose County Director EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR January 27, 1960 Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: We have your request for donable surplus property and your letter regarding reimbursement for training courses at Battle Creek and Alameda, California. This letter we have given to Mr. Lynwood Rhodes, Training and Education Officer, who will send you com- plete information regarding reimbursement for students attending these courses. We are processing your application for surplus property as per the attached copy of our transmittal letter to TSPA. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely yours, t Bodine Plans and Operations Officer WRB: oe s Enclosure 4 0?.. ;:, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL. GOVERNOR January 27, 1960 c Mr. L. K. Barry, Director Texas SurplOs Property Agency P. G. Box 008, Station A an Antonip, 4 exas Dear kr. Barry: Alclosed you will find the application for donable surplus iF ) property submitted by Brazos County Civil Defense. All required letters of justification and statomeit of usage for the requested equipment are presently on file in tbie office. Your favorable consideration of this application will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. b. Bodine Plans and Operations Officer 4 RB:oes Lnclosure cc; Mr. Jake Canglose 'vl� Cl—r.... QtrcrL.k.-\N— ‘ 1 k..) ZNI• QSLATI ___ J ® C1->,),_....\ U...A.--- \- $ r1� I V • 3 7-ct.J.,.."-- - P\ 0._SZ:5.... ‘ ■ ‘N \ , , t el N\IN.9.-. - _)._)■--- j c‘NJ.:_l\_, N-e-.. lik ■ ■ . \\ , ' ‘M„ hk I �� \\*N.p.- \Z IM- t N...L..t_----%L_--k._- a_ N \ .‘, \ ‘ 1 *N3N- k. Cx~.9-A CIJ 4 5`..).... N... \ 0 l l'■ ■ ■ 1 \(\(\ aAQ\ ‘ k,, ' al k \ \\sy&., —1L.i_ _ ).,/._9___. 1 t4- — p, ,4 ciN5z5v,... \_1...._ \t\K,,k, ‘1 , ' , N-_ , ::).. N.L.1\,..s .v --' a,„k, 4 . -4 4,1 % ,‘, , • __„,. i__ \ c,,,,st__. (,k__),,.).4,._),._. - U,L, t , . _ xts 1 \kLL-' ,\):,,,,,, '`,;,:„),:t1,\ V • ,tta.k ' ' i.' , 0-iJeil e.,tki.Ns‘b._‘_›4N\,,."_.\4\i,.,z..s-t-174..Q.kll_, U. S. CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL AN ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL DIRECTORS PRESIDENT PHILIP KLEIN ROOM 819, CITY CENTRE BLDG. 121 N. BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA 7, PA. PRESIDENT ELECT W. A. WEATHERFORD 171 MARKET STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT WALTER P. HALSTEAD 600 OAK GROVE STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA CIVIL DEFENSE 3LJLLETIN NO. 1 TREASURER WILLIAM H. FALCEY MERCER COUNTY AIRPORT The United States Civil Defense Council is a TRENTON, N. J. national organization of city and county coordinators LEGAL COUNSEL FREDERIC D. STANTON and directors dedicated to the task of "bridging the C M LONG STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO gap between O. C. D. M. and YOU. The council is composed SECRETARY & PAST PRESIDENT of eight geographical regions. ELLIOTT R. JACKSON MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA Region V - -- Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and EXHIBITS MANAGER New Mexico has scheduled its annual conference for WILLIAM BRINKMAN 900 MERRILLPLAISANCE, PALMER PARK June of this year at the famed Moody Center on Galveston DETROIT, MICHIGAN Island. This is an event you must plan to attend. VICE PRESIDENTS REGION I CHARLES A. FREMD Look over the enclosed brochure for additional ROOM 909, COUNTY OFFICE BLDG. WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK information. Agenda of the Conference will follow. REGION 11 P. HERBERT SIMPSON P. O. BOX 582 "There is evidence that the U.S.S.R. is PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA stepping up its Civil Defense program- - REGION 111 it provid?s Soviet negotiators with a good COL. C. M. VIRTUE P. O. BOX 1340 deal of assurance that their homeland will be COLUMBUS, GEORGIA REGION IV able to withstand attack." KENNETH WALDROP -- Honorable Christian A. Herter. 328 EAST BERRY STREET FORT WAYNE, INDIANA REGIONV Your opposite number is busy - -the U. S. C. D. Council JESSE L. CAVENESS 413 CIVIL COURTS BUILDING i s busy - -this year, the emphasis is on shelter. Your HOUSTON 2, TEXAS effort is urgently needed. Become a member of the Counci 1 REGION VI today and demand action this June at the Region V HAROLD REED COUNTY COURT HOUSE Conference. PUEBLO, COLORADO REGION VII WILL H. PERRY, JR. SEE YOU IN GALVESTON. June 8, 9, and 10. 2130 ARNOLD HIGHWAY MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA REGION VII CLYDE H. FRIEND . CITY HALL SPOKANE 1, WASHINGTON Serving City and County Civil Defense Organizations throughout the Nation • • •Op ••, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR January 29, 1960 Mr. Jake Cangelose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense 402 Mitchell Street Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Cangelose: I have your letter of January 26th telling of your plans to make a house -to -house distribution of the "Tornado Precautions" pamphlet. It seems like other civil defense directors beside yourself have suddently decided to do the same thing and, as a result, our supply of the pamphlet is almost exhausted. We are having another reprint made, which should be off the press by the middle of February. As soon as they are available, I shall send 8,000 to you. Distribution of this pamphlet is an excellent civil defense preparedness idea, and I am happy to be able to help in its promotion. Sincerely yours, A/611- ynwood Rhodes raining and Education Officer IR.: mob EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL. GOVERNOR January 29, 1960 Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: Thank you for your letter of January 26th requesting information on the student expenses program. I am enclosing herewith the Administrative Manual on this program, together with application forms, reimbursement requests, and a list of the various courses eligible for reimbursement. Under the program, the student will receive one -half of his expenses for attending the course, i.e., one -half the transportation expenses and one -half his per diem expenses. Since per diem is figured, under federal regulations, at $9.60 while at the OCDM school and $12.00 while traveling, students would be eligible one -half this amount for their per diem expenses. If you have any further questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, t ynwood Rhodes Training and Education Officer LR : mcb Enclosures t gt' ' oa•'. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR February 10, 1960 TO: The Civil Defense Director Addressed. Our proposed State -wide Civil Defense Directors Conference has been postponed indefinitely. Although most of you who answered our inquiry were enthusias- tically interested in attending such a conference, the total response was still too small to warrant our continuing with plans for the meeting in March. Sincerely yours, • 41 ! James D. O, 'ner Sta t!?. Coo_ cL r.ator JHG:mcb BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF Courthouse - Bryan, Texas Judge W. C. Davis County Coordinator Jake Canglose County Director FEB 15, 1960 402 Mitchell Bryan Texas MR, Lllh`WOOD RHODES TRAINTNG AND FDUCnTi OFFICER AUSTIN TTXAS Dear Sir; Reference my letter dated 29 fan 1960, would appreciate pom-ible expediting of delivery of tornado precaution pssnplets. 1 would also like to obtain 7 or 8,000 pamplete( First Aid I, -2.12) and sauce gauntity oi radioactive f aliout pamplets which I hope to have distributed by the 6 of March. Mr. Rhodes, I wonder if you would check on th poa of obtaininz about 12 Large rge CT) decals for our School Buses, we plan to use our school buses as cd transportation vechicles and Dr. Th nphrey is trying to get us some small , decals for private vechi.cle identification. I suppose any time anyone writes you,they always want something, however I would like you to know that we sincerely the effort you have put forth to assist us in setting up our program. Sincerely yours Jake Canglose Counter Director BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL, DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF Courthouse - Bryan, Texas Judge W. C. Davis • County Coordinator Jake Canglose County Director Feb, 15 1960 4CR 1Litchall Bryan Texas CIVTL OFFENSE DIR7CTOR Dallas Texas Dear Sir, We are contemplating the possibility of installing sirens in our area and I thought that perhaps your organization would have some experience along these lines. I would appreciate any information that 1 could obtain from you such as reliable companies in this field, availability of survys, your reccommendatiors, etc. Anything that you may be able to contribute will be sincerely appreciated. Sincerely Yours Jake Canglose County Director tX EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL February 16, 19b0 GOVERNOR Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: I want to thank you for your response to my letter of January 2b, 1960, and your comments on the proposed State- wide Civil Defense Directors Conference. Your comments have given me a better understanding of the attitudes of our County and City Civil Defense Directors toward this type of conference. I should have allowed more time for the responses to this idea to come in, but the March dates I suggested for this meeting happened to be open dates on a rather crowded spring schedule for our staff, and I was hopeful that more of our Civil Defense Directors would respond to this idea more quickly and in greater number than they did. I have cancelled further planning for the Conference in March, but I hope we can hold it later in the year. Personally, I want such a meeting and have felt it should be an annual affair for a long time, but this is the first opportunity I have had to do something about it. Your letter will be most helpful to us in developing plans for the Conference later this year, and we will give you advance notice of the dates so that you can plan to be present. Sincerel ours, J *Ir‘i/"44\j H. G. ner S Coo di nator JHG:mcb ; yb 3 i � A ��i .• f a EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL February 1'1, 19b0 GOVERNOR Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: Thank you for your letter of February 15, requesting civil defense literature. Under separate cover we are forwarding 7,000 copies of the First Aid pamphlet and 7,000 copies of Radioactive Fallout pamphlet. The publication, "Tornado Precautions ", is at the printers, but we will forward to you the requested copies as soon as possible. We are also forwarding 12 large CD decals for your school buses. If I can be of further assistance to you, please let me know. Sincerely yours, tat1k Linwood Rhodes Training and Education Officer LR:mcb.b BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BRYAN, TEXAS February 22, 1960 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas Sargent - Sowell, Inc. P. O. Box 810 Grand Prairie, Texas Dear Sir: The City Directors of Bryan and College Station, and myself are interested in obtaining information concerning installation of civil defense siren warning unite. I have your catalog illustrations of various types of sires, however, we are interested in obtaining information on cost and avail - ability of surveys to determine the numbers of units required, whether or not FCDA matching funds can be obtained, and if auxiliary power is required in order to obtain matching funds, in other words, any information you can give us along this line will be appreciated. If you have a sales representative covel:ing this area, 1 would be interested in his contacting me. My telephone number is VI 6 -4791, Ext. 66 or TA 3 -6421 (home). Sincerely yours, Jake Canglose Director Brazos County Civil Defense ( 47 -) 1 L • OA'•. 4,4/ • ` EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF J AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ✓ v GOVERNOR February 29, 1960 SUBJECT: Availability of Civil Defense Emergency Hospitals FROM: Lynwood M. Rhodes Training and Education Officer Division of Defense and Disaster Relief Recently, at your request, 1 sent you information and application forms regarding the 200 -bed civil defense emergency prepositioned hos- pital, The original allocation under the Civil Defense Emergency Hospital Program for 1960 of twenty hospitals 11 now been placed, but the Stagy:. of Ter.as has been given an additional allocation of five hospital units for placement. The deadline for completion of agreements for these units is March 21st, after which a reallocation will be : at the national level of all remaining units not committed by formalized agreements. To enable us to have adequate time to process these agreements, please submit your application to this office by .;arch 15th, if you are interested in obtaining one of these remaining units, These five units will be placed on a first -come, first -serve basis, providing storage criteria and other requirements are net satisfactorily. If you have any questions regarding rules and regulations of the CDE hospital program, or the procedure of obtaining a unit, please do not hesitate to contact me. 4 ,t,t,4„/-err-4. /LYnwood M. Rhode 402 Mitchell , Bryan Texas March 2, 19(.C. Mr. Lynwood Rhodes Training and Education Officer Deer 'eq.'. Rhodes, Reference your letter pertaining to the 2L0 bed pr hospital Inlit! Dr. Lyons and Dr. Cole ,our Civil defense medical officers, have mad e a survey for the possibility of storage of one of these units and due to la& of proper space cr1/; they also feel that in our location there is much more then normal facilities for medical care due to close proxinmation of the two cities and also the the college with it's large medical facility, they think it would be inadvisable to try to store one of these units here. 1 would like to thank you very much for your interest and assistance in providing the necessary information for consideration of storage of this unit. Sincerely Yours, Jake Canglose , Director Brazos County Civil Defense \ \ CARL J. NIEDERAUER, JR. & CO. AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTANTS 614 VARISCO BLDG. BRYAN, TEXAS CARL J. NIEDERAUER. JR.' Wm. C. O'DONNELL PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ASSOCIATE • • . c La -. An\ -%o A y),0.,‘ l 1 — (o ft rY\ - t 1- % 6 0 3 .ta0,- a - r A '). 1 µ 4 �. 'W1 °•31.A• . e ,1 n � T a a- M�l�.:`. C��4.e V t� - � �� 1 �C,s.- ".- 6 q 6 ■.a,1,c1. V 1 6 - 4 S q %-. VI 6 So s L S T _ Sa v " `" V 1 6 S e 4 b6� ___ 91.3reilkiltti -4:6*4-3441 - ' 44 " x `" 0 I t- 4 0 I Q ..so........ 11 I CD `laoJ , �o g L v.44A-.4 V 1 la L 6 3 ? 3. t ,. clu. -C-R --a Q.A.A.AkAWA-GaLIVIA-- K %04Ut.4.. 1 6 4 4 7 G Q U 3 i .t., _ ., k i 1 ‘.n. r fr. \I 1 b -- a C ,�..«,r,, - ' cJ2 G: .ems. v 16 k et S . 2. Q.�.a u., J t b Cwt . . 3 w V RQIk -C� G, 1..)..A^rAJL LL-41.T al . ,i° "A k .Khg:LWLtt ''1� Q e,.••— `rYl L js OuiL",i. - L.A$1 6 4 ' lb MAI. C) Q '' 4LAk ''Ta-'t"''-'- V c L p , ‘ k . tL . ..00.1._. aw ..(z_„ cui- eK. .∎, g_6-- ' 11 ci ss,,. : 1‘,.,1 -- AALA — z4ILA ZD 4 uzcv BRYAN SUB SE CTOR COMMAND �. VIII US ARMY CORPS 511 Carson Street Bryan, Texas 10 March 1960 SUBJECT: Armed Forces Day Committee Meeting TO: Mr. Jake Cangelose Civil Dcfense Director, Brat oa County Courthouse Bryan, Texas 1. a. The initial meeting of personnel who comprise the Armed Forces Day Committee will be held at 1300 hours (1:00 PM), 21 March 1960 at the USAR Reserve Center, located at 511 Carson Street, Bryan, Texas. b. You are invited to attend this meeting as a committeman or send a representative. We believe that because of your interest in the Armed Forces, and your eminent position in the community, your presence is vital in order that of er committeemen may get your views. In short, your ideas are needed in planning the Armed Forces Day activities for 21 May 1960. 2. It is desired that local observances of Armed Forces Day in— clude maximum community participation. You are encouraged to discuss Armed Forces Day with others in the community, obtain their viewpoints, stimulate onthusiasum for various activities, and be prepared to offer suggestions to the rest of us which will facilitate the programming of activities. 3. All military units of all services are enjoined to actively participate in the Armed Forces Day parade and Open House. College ROTC units and bands, both Allen Military Academy and Texas A&M are encouraged to participate in these activities. 4. Requests for static display materials and equipment have been forwarded to appropriate services, including the Army, Navy and Air Force. Other preliminary plans have been made, and with your assistance, ideas and experience, we should be able to give the public an excellent Armed Forces Day program. FOR THE COMMANDER: RAMEY WILSON Major Arty Pro' ct Officer TEXAS AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Office of March 16, 1 960 THE COMPTROLLER f Air. George H. Blassingame, Director Civil Defense Ldult Education Texas Education Agency Austin, Texas Dear air. Blassingame t Upon completion of the instruotor training course for the adult civil defense education program, your instructors left one set of film strips and movies for use by the instructors of the county in teaching local courses. As course enrollment has increased and the number of instructors participating has also increased, we have found s little oonfliot in being able to met the needs with the one set of film strips and movies. As I reoall, the instruotors advised that it might be possible for us to secure another set of these film strips and movies. If this is possible, we would appreoiate your sending the extra set singe the diffioulty has arisen in instructors teaching the same session of the oourse on identical nights. It has been suggested to them that they stagger their nights in order to pre- vent oonfliot. This works satisfactorily except that it breaks their sequence of subjeot matter. I have suggested to the instructors that this is not a serious situation. Is will appreoiats your advising. Sincerely, P7- ./ J ohn 11. Hill Personnel Insurance and Safety Director JHH /mwr Cos Mr. Jake Cangelose Oceanography Department Campus 4. TEXAS EDUCI _ION AGENCY AUSTIN, TEXAS ;•*1- Op P. • STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Telephone :y " • STATE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION �r � GRoonwood 6.9151 • STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION arch 17, 1960 Mr. John W. Hill Personnel Insurance and Safety Director Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College College Station, Texas (�) Dear Mr. Hill: We regret that we cannot send the additional set of film at this time for our supply has been exhausted. When the ship= ment of film, currently on order, arrives we shall send you the set of film you requested immediately. \\% Your lion for the staggering of classes is in order and we hope that the teacherscan get along with one set of film for the present tile. If you need additional film or material at a later date, please let us hear from you. Sincerely yours, Ralph Mock, Consultant Civil Defense Adult Education RMs9CD CC: G. H. Blassingame Jake Cangelose e/7 . • _ { ss EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT s + DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL March 28, 1960 JAMES H. GARNER GOVERNOR STATE COORDINATOR Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: Thank you very much for your letter expressing the interest of the officials of Bryan and College Station in an air raid warning system. I am reasonably sure that we can get an engineer from the Regional OCDM staff to come down and meet with you and give you some sort of an estimate of the size of the system you would require and the cost of it. As soon as we can get Regional OCDM in Denton to see what the engineer's schedule is, I will let you know and you can plan accordingly. I am reasonably sure a warning system for these two Cities would be eligible for Federal matching under OCDM's Contributions Program, but the allocation of money for this program in Texas has been fully committed for this Federal fiscal period. Additional funds will become avail- able after July 1, 1960, and, after that date, we would be glad to consider an application for a siren system if you wish to submit it. Some of the companies which manufacture aid raid warning sirens, also have people available to help you with their systems and give you cost figures, but let us try to get the Regional OCDM engineer first, and if that fails we can get some other help. Sincerely yours, 44t/‘ Jams H. Gar er St. e Coord ' ator JHG:mcb 4 April 1960 Dear Mr. Cangelose: In order to put over Armed Forces Day to the public, it will be necessary that certain committees make plans for, and actually conduct various phases of, AFD activities. Consequently, the committees shown below are appointed: PARADE DISPLAY AND OPEN HOUSE PUBLICITY Col Wilkins ( Chrmn) Col Halsell (Chr,iui) Capt Geiger (Chrmn) Col Williams Maj Perry Col Alfonte Capt Jacobs Capt Sheppard Sgt Glidden Capt Rolfe Mr. Cangelose Mr, Dungan Capt Simmons Chief Lucas Mr. Stuart Mr. Piraino Mr. Haines Mr. Holland Sgt Cote Committee Chairmen should enlist any other person whom they believe will be helpful to their committees. Several of the committee members have been selected without their prior knowledge or coordination. However, it is believed that all members are will- ing participants in this project. It is known that the publicity committee, for example, could not effectively discharge its duties without members who represent the various news media of the area. The inclosure attached gives broad guidelines or suggestions that your particular committee should /may follow in developing your plans for AFD. Committeemen will also find it necessary to "cross over ", or coordinate with other committees. It is not yet known wxactly who will march in the parade or what will be displayed in the static display; however, as this information becomes available it will be given to appropriate committee chairmen. In the meantime, this office welcomes personal and group calls or tele- phone information and inquiries from you. 1 Inclosure AMEY' E. IISON �`"--- Major, ty Armed orces Day Project Officer DISPLAY - OPEN HOUSE COMMITTEE Thinep T9 Da Determine Bite(.) of displays. Coordination with National Guard and U. S. Army Reserve Center personnel for Open louse. Allocate space to exhibitors. Coordinate with local police, or somebody, on traffic prob- lems which might arise, depending on location of dis- play area. Arrange for electricity for certain type displays, if con- ducted outdoors. Coordinate with publicity committee for directions (signs) to displays and open house areas. / / v \ 7 '" UNITED STATES D EPARTMENT OF C WEATHER BUREAU COMMERCE IN REPLY REFER TO F"-' R02 -3.3 1960 April 1960 IN REPLY DIREC •• REGIONAL DIRECTOR WEATHER BUREAU REGIONAL OFFICE FORT WORTH 2. TEX. Mr. Jake Canglose County Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose . Our letter of April 5 to Mr. Moyer least to be critical of either his officetor y intended not returning in the g the film previousl r merely a t in follow -up, which this office customarily not returned out a routine within a week or two after use. l e a s films assured that you are welcome to use from our h b Library any time they are available, and, other in almost Films all cases, time extensions may be your request, granted upon receipt ceipt of Very truly Yours, %: /1 ce\((/ E. L. Hardy Regional Adm. Officer cc: Mr. Moyer Sr a: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL. GOVERNOR April 12, 1960 OCDM TRAINING COURSES THROUGH DECEMBER 1960 Enclosed with this announcement are schedules of OCDM Staff Col- lege and Aadiological Defense School resident courses from April through December, 1960. We are pleased with the growing acceptance of the student expenses program throughout Texas. We expect, as greater interest is shown in this program, that classes will fill rapidly. It is more necessary than ever, then, that enrollment forms be submitted as far as possible in advance of the beginning date of the course. Should you or any of your local civil defense personnel plan to attend one of the courses on the enclosed list, please write this office for the proper enrollment and partial reimbursement forms. Under the student expenses program, the federal government will re- imburse each approved student one -half of his transportation and per diem expenses incurred in attending the course. We appreciate your continued support of this program and look forward to enrolling students from your area in these courses. - - Lnwood M. rthodes '%raining and Education Officer LMR:mcb Enclosure GFFICE OF CIVIL AND DI '%,NSE MOBILIZATION TRAINING AND EDUCATION STAFF COLLEGE Battle Creek, Michigan State and Local Emergency Management of Resources and Production April 4 -8 Elements of Civil and Defense Mobilization April 11 -15 Civil Defense Operations April 18 -22 Civil Defense in Local Disasters April 25 -29 Health Services Aspects of health Mobilization May 9 -13 Religious Affairs (Not eligible for reimbursement) May 16 -19 Communicating Civil and Defense Mobilization Ideas May 23-27 Industry Defense and Mobilization (Not eligible for reimbursement) June 6 -10 Rural Civil Defense (Instructor's course) June 13 -17 Industry Defense and Mobilization (Not eligible for reimbursement) Aug. 22 -26 Elements of Civil and Defense Mobilization Sept. 12 -16 Civil Defense Planning Sept. 19 -23 Civil Defense Operations Sept. 26 -30 Elements of Civil and Defense Mobilization Oct. 17 -21 Civil Defense Operations Oct. 24 -28 Industry Defense and Mobilization (Not eligible for reimbursement) Nov. 14 -18 Communicating Civil and Defense Mobilization Ideas Nov. 28 -Dec. 2 State and Local Emergency Mnagement of Resources and Production Dec. 5 -9 RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE SCHOOL Battle Creek, Michigan Radiological Monitoring for Instructors (Course filled - enrollments closed) April 25 -29 Radiological Defense - Officer May 16 -20 Radiological Monitoring for Instructors June 13-17 Radiological Defense - Officer June 20 -24 - more - Page 2 Radiological 'nitoring for Instructors Sept. 12 -16 Radiological Defense- G fficer Sept. 19 -23 CBR Defense Orientation for Administrators* Oct. 31 -Nov. 4 Radiological Defense- Officer Nov. 14 -18 Radiological Monitoring for Instructors Nov. 28 -Dec. 4 Radiological Defense - Officer Dec. 5 -9 *CBR (Chemical - Biological - Radiological) Defense Orientation for Administrators replaces the Radiological Defense-Administrative Aspects Course, which will no longer be taught. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL COURSES ARE ELIGIBLE UNDER THE PROGRAM FOR PARTIAL FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT TO STUDENTS OF EXPENSES INCURRED IN ATTENDING OCDM SCHOOLS. BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BRYAN TEXAS APRIL 18, 196C 4C2 Mitchell Bryan Texas Radio Station WTAW Bryan Texas Attn Mr. Wes Ninemire Dear Sir, Reference our telephone conversation of your requet for tornado warning pamplets and reprinting of the local tornado warning signals pamplets for distribution; I have discussed this the Bryan and College Sta. City Directors, Mr. Fred Sandlin and Mr. John Hill,and they feel that this would certainly be public service add gave their approval for this project. In reprinting the local tornado warning pamplet, I would suggest that care be taken so that the signal and instruction informntton is the sane as in the original pamplet, otherwise it could cause considerable confusion. Please feel free to call on me for any assistance that you think I may be able to render on this or any other civil defense project you care to undertake. s core ; Yo ,; .. J ke Cang des C unty Dire for B zos Cointjr Civil Defense ` 1 1041 :wh \, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL. GOVERNOR April 20, 1960 c Mr. es Nin mire O Gen al . ger Ra o Sta on WTAW P O. B 3008 an, T Dear Mr. Nineiire: P Thank you very much for your letter of April 18th. I think your offer to carry civil defense information to your listen- ing public is a splendid one, indeed. You will undoubtedly wish to coordinate this activity, however, with the civil de- fense director for Bryan, Mr. Fred 3andlin, and with the county civil defense director, Mr. Jake Canglose. Perhaps they have Y been emphasizing particular aspects of civil defense lately that would tie in with the civil defense literature available. In that respect, I am sending you under separate Dover, 1,000 copies of each of the publications you mentioned -- Tornado _g— Dauti.ons, recta About Fallout Protection, First Ald and Civil Defense Wallet gad. These publications are available from our office in quantities up to about 1,500. For quantities over that, we have to order them from the federal civil defense agency. All publications are furnished free -of- charge, of course. Once again, may I congratulate you upon this example of public service. I believe it is one of the finest cooperative efforts in civil defense to come to my attention. Let me know whenever I can be of further assistance to you. Sincerely yours, "."--- ynwood M. Rhodes Training and Education Officer LAIR : mcb co: Mr. Fred Sandlin, Mr. Jake Canglose ✓ BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF Courthouse - Bryan, Texas Judge W. C. Davis County Coordinator Jake Canglose County Director MR. JAMES A. GARNT:-: STATE COORDINATOR DFF T . OF DT FFNSE AND DISASTER RELIEF DEAR SIR, THE CITY DIRECTORS r.IF BRYAN AND CO i .LEGE STATION A RE I NTE !TSTEL IN OP TAINING INFORMATION ON AIR RAID WA RNI NG SIRENS, I HAVE WRITTEN A COUP LE OF COMPANIES AND HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO OBTAIN TEE INFO NATION I NEED. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF THERE IS SOME ORGANIZATION THAT SPE CIA Lr, ES IN CONDUCTING SURVEYS TO DETERMINE HOW MANY SIRENS ARE NEEDET IN A SPECIFIC AREA AND WHAT TYPES • ALSO WF WOULD Lin TO KNOW IF MATCHING FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE AND UNDEF WHAT CONDITIONS. ANY IN PORNATIO N TEAT YOU MAY HAVE ON THIS SUBJECT WILL BE G EATLY APPRECIATTP AS BOTIT CITIES ARE IN AFAVORABLE MOD TO CONSIDER THE POSSIPILITY OF INSTALLING THEM DEVICES IF I CAN PROVIDE THEN WITH THE INFORMATION NECCASSARY TO DETERMINE COST OF SUCH AN UNDERTAKING JAKE CANGLOSE COUNTY DIRECTOI P FAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BRYAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CIVIC CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS A & M CLUB - BRAZOS COUNTY -MR. BOB BORISKIE, 404 S. P ALLEN ACADE ' S CLUB -MRS. 0. D . DA V t s, 1013 —B URSUL I NE AVE. An t` + ; r. -MR. LEE PIRAINO, 506 N. BRYAN AMERICAN ASSIN4 OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN ■MRS.HORACE BLANK, 719 MEADOW LANE AMERICAN LEGION -W. D. BURLEY, 1703 WOODLAND AMERICAN LEGION AUXILARY -MRS. JOHN V. BISHOP, 507 RIDGEWOOD BAR ASSOCIATION - BRAZOS COUNTY -MR. PHILLIP B. GOODE, 336 JERSEY, C. S. BARRACKS AUXILIARY- BRYAN - #1459 of W. W. 1 VETS —MRS. ANTONE KRENEK, 2107 EcHOL, BETA SIGMA PHI -ETA ZETA CHAPTER -MRS. L. C. BOCK 823 TANGLEWOOD BETA SIGMA PHI-P1 PSI CHAPTER• -MRS. LEONARD MOOREHEAD, 911 LAZY LANE BETA SIGMA PHI -TAU EPSILON CHAPTER -MRS. HERBERT WILSON, 4008 TANGLEW000 BETA SIGMA PHI - UPSILON RHO CHAPTER -MRS. CLARENCE JONES, 606 CHURCHILL BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL 40MEN'S CLUB ^MRS. LARRY SPLANE, 304 BROGDON COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES -MRS. FRED ELLIOTT, 759 S. ROSEMARY DELTA KAPPA GAMMA-ALPHA X1 CHAPTER-MRS. SALLIE ALLPHIN, 203 N. HUTCHINS DISTRICT MUSIC CLUB - BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION -MRS,, W. C. BANKS. 510 COLLEGE VIEW DOKK -MR„ JAMES R. WOOD, 711 MEADOW LANE EASTERN STAR -ORDER OF -MRS. R„ Bo Goss, 301 S. GORDON EIGHT & FORTY -MRS. L. J. FALGEAU, 1013 S. COLLEGE ELKS LODGE-BRYAN-MR. VAN MCCLELLAN, 2106 WAYSIDE DRIVE, EXALTED RULER EVENING LIONS CLUB-BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION -MR. G. M. NEVILL, JR., 315 FAIRWAY EVENING STUDY CLUB -MRS. RAY CASEY, 111 REBECCA FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY -MR, J. B. BEARD, 405 BROOKSIDE DRIVE GARDEN CLUB - BRYAN -MRS. REED MCDONALD, 108 S. ENNIU - _CORPS BRYAN- MRr._PETER CrROD -T ��A 1 RWA "13R'tv'E HEART ASSOCIATION - BRAZOS COUNTY -DR. J. E. MARSH, 701 S. COLLEGE JAYCETTES -MRS. RAY MURILLO, 1014 FOSTER, Co S. JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE -MR, RAY MURILLO, 1014 FOSTER, C. S. KIWANIS- BRYAN -MR. FRANK HUGHES, 111 S. COULTER KNIFE & FORK CLUB -MR. JCE F'\ULK, 508 MORAN ST. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS -MR. Ross SCANLIN, 901 ESTHER KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS -MR. H. M. MATHIS, 1607 E. 280t ST. LIFE UNDERWRITERS - CENTRAL TEXAS ASSN. -MR. JUDSON WOMBLE, 2601 TEXAS AVE. LIONS CLUB - BRYAN -MR. WILBUR LEE, 722 LAZY LANE LIONETTES- BRYAN - COLLECE STATION -MRS. G. M. NEV'LL, JR., 315 FAIRWAY NATIONAL SECRETARIES A.SS'N- BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION -MRS. MARGARET COLEMAN,301 NEGRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- BitYAiN -DR, W. A, HAMMOND, 519 N. BRYAN NOMADES -WOMEN OF DOKKS -MRS. PAY TULLOUS, 1207 E. 30th ST. OAKS GARDEN CLUB ■MRS. CLIFF STEINBRING, 4203 ASPEN PAN - AMERICAN ROUNDTABLE -MRS,, FRANK W. GOULD, 906 PARK PLACE PASTORS ASSOCIATION- BRYAN^Rrv. V. C. BEASLEY, 1128 E. 24th ST. QUOTA CLUB -MRS. JOHN BOGARD, 1010 HARRINGTON, Co Se READING CLUB -MRS. R. J. FICKEY, HIGHWAY 21 E. REBEKA LODGE- BRYAN -MRS. J. T. SELLERS, 2505 WOODVILLE ROAD RESERVE OFFICERS ASS'N. -LT. COL. HENIkr D. MAYFIELD, JR., 100 BROOKSIDE RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB.BRAZOS COUNTY -OR. J. E. MARSH 701 S. COLLEGE }NOTARY CLUB- BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION -UR. FRED JONES, 201 COLLEGE VIEW SADDLE CLUB- BRYAN -MR. PERRY CARI.TON, 4206 WOODY LANE SHRINE CLUB- BRA70S VALLEY -MR, 0_ A. ASHWORTH, 402 Se BRYAN SISTER OF PYT}IIAS -MRS. JOHw V. O ?SHOP, 507 RIDGEWOOD THERAPY CENTER -B RAZOS VALLEY -MR, J. 0. ALEXANDER, \VELdORN, TEXAS, PRES.BD. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS-MR. G I '_BERT GREEN, 716 MI TCHEI.L VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS AUXILARY -MRS. CLYDE BLUM, 211 PERSHING, C. S. WOMEN'S CLUB -M RS. MARSHALL +s PETERS, 611 Ss HASWELL WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY ALUMNAE ASS'iN. —MRS. DON DALE, 1008 WINDING RD., C. S. YOUTH ASSOCIATION- BRYAN -MA. SETH WOOD, 505 PEASE ST. COLLEGE STATION CIVIC CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS AGGIELAND GOLFERS— iMARIANNA ALEXANDER, 115 ASHBURN, Co S. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB —MRS. DON YOUNG, 601 RESTWOOO DAMES CLUB -A & M CHAPTER -MRS. DORIS EVANS, 1106 LANGFORD S., Co S. EASTERN STAR -ORDER OF- COLLEGE STATION -MRS. MANLEY JONES, 310 -8 LEE, C. S, EXTENTION SERVICE CLUB -MRS. F. W. SHEPPARD, 40, TIMBER, Co S. GARDEN CLUB -A & M —MRS. BEN D. COOK, 412 BROOKSIDE DRIVE KIWANIS CLUB- COLLEGE STATION -MR. K. A. MANNING, 1208 MARSTELLER, C. S. LIONS CLUB - COLLEGE STATION -DR. ARCHIE FLOWERS, 1304 WALTON, C. S. MOTHERS CLUB -A & M- MRS. R. C. POTTS, 3606 CAVITT NEWCOMERS CLUB -MRS. RUSS FAULKENBERRY, 2004 WAYSIDE OFFICERS WIVES CLUB of COLLEGE STATION -MRS. J, M. REMELE, 4300 OAKLAWN BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE V COURTHOUSE BRYAN, TEXAS TA 2-0777 TA 2-1569 TA 3-2965 April 28, 1960 Mr. Ran Boswell, City der City of College Station City Hall College station, Texas Dear Sir; In accordance with our discussion this morning the amount of three dollars (43.00) is requested as reimbursement for travel expense incurred while establishing our Tornado Spotter Network. Trips total 130 miles in Brazos and Burleson Counties. They were made in a private vehicle. Sincerely, Walter A. Neaves Director Personnel & Training Brazos County Civil Defense courthouse Bryan, Texas cc: Xr. John Hill, Director College Station /illake Cangelo8e, Director 140 Brazos County BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE COUNTY COURTHOUSE BRYAN TEXAS MAY 2, 1960 Bryan T exas Director Texas Surplus Agency Houston Texas Dear Sir, Request that Mr. L.L. Martin, ( Chief Of Police, Bryan Texas) be authorized to sign for and pick -up surplus items for Brazos county Civil Defense. Sincerely Yours, Jake Canglose County Civil Defense Director MAY 2, 1960 OR. VANCE MOYER OCEANOGRAPHY & METEROLOGM L)EPARTMENT TEXAS A & M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS DEAR SIR: MAY 1 RESPECTIFULLY TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION A SITUATION WHICH DEVELOPED LAST FRIDAY APRIL 29, 1960 WHICH 1 FEEL SHOULD BE RECTIFIED. I'M REFERRING TO THE SEVERE WEATHER REPORT FROM THE RADAR UNIT AT TEXAS A fcM COLLEGE. WHILE THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THIS RADAR INSTALLATION MAY VERY WELL BE ACADEMIC OR FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES 1 FEEL IT IS A TERRIFIC WASTE OF FACILITIES NOT TO UTILIZE THIS EQUIPMENT FOR WEATHER ADVISORIES TO LOCAL CITIZENS. 1 DO KNOW THAT REPORTS OF THIS NATURE HAVE BEEN ISSUED IN THE PAST BY THE COLLEGE RADAR UNIT, BUT THE COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN YOUR RADAR UNIT ANO OUR STATION SHOULD CERTAINLY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITIZENS DEPENDING ON THIS STATION FOR WEATHER INFORMATION, BE REVISED AND IMPROVED. WE DID APPRECIATE YOUR MAKING THE PERSONAL BROADCAST REPORT AFTER WE FINALLY WERE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE TELEPHONE CALL, BUT ACTUALLY THIS WAS NEEDED ABOUT 30 TO 45 MINUTES EARLIER. WE DID NOT KEEP AN ACCURATE COUNT OF PHONE CALLS, BUT 1 WOULD ESTIMATE WTAW RECEIVED SOME 150 TELEPHONE CALLS ASKING FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE WEATHER. MANY OF THESE CAME FROM PEOPLE «MOSE POWER WAS KNOCKED OUT AND THEY DID NOT HAVE PORTABLE RADIOS. AT ANY RATE, BELIEVE ME, WE RECEIVED NEARLY 150 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION DESPITE THE FACT WE WERE REPORTING "ON THE AIR" THAT WE HAD NO INFORMATION OF SEVERE WEATHER. WE OF COURSE, CIROFULLY CHECKED OUR ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS WIRE, CHECKED WITH THE U.S. 'WEATHER BUREAU AT EASTERWOOD AIRPORT, AND WITH LOCAL POLICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WERE WITHOUT INFORMATION. THE ONE PLACE THAT PROBABLY COULD HAVE GIVEN US RELIABLE INFORMATION, THE COLLEGE RADAR UNIT COULD NOT BE REACHED DIRECTLY BY THIS STATION DUE TO THE UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBER. 1T SEEMS TO ME THAT THIS SITUATION SHOULD BE RECTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. 1 HAVE SINCE LEARNED THAT THE UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBER IS RESERVED FOR CALLS FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE REPORTING ACTUAL SIGHTINGS OF TORNADOS SO THAT THE ACCURACY OF THE RADAR MAY BE CHECKED. THIS IS ALL WELL AND GOOD, BUT OF WHAT VALUE IS THE INFORMATION If YOU CANNOT RELAY IT TO LOCAL PEOPLE. AND THE ONLY PRACTICAL. WAY OF DOING THIS 1S WITH THE TWO LOCAL RADIO STATIONS, WTAW AND KORA. WHILE THE TELEVISION STATION • COULD BE USED TO GOOD ADVANTAGE IN THIS RESPECT T00, THE PRIMARY SOURCE OF INFORMATION TO PEOPLE IN HOMES, BUSINESS FIRMS, IN THEIR CARS OR IN OTHER VARIED PLACES WILL COME FROM RADIO. RADIO IS THE BACKBONE OF THE ENTIRE NATIONAL CONELRAD SYSTEM AMR 0 BEING RELIED UPON TO SERVE IM TIME OF NATURAL DISASTER 04 ENEMY ATTACK. IF YOU DO NOT NAVE THIS VITAL RADIO LINK WHAT VALUE IS THE INFORMATION YOU MIGHT HAVE TO THE PUBLIC. YES, I HAVE HEARD SOME AT THE COLLEGE SAY "WELL IF ANYTHING UNUSUAL APPEARS ON THE RADAR SCREEN, WE'LL CALL YOU ". I MIGHT ASK, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CALL US WHEN OUR TELEPHONE LINES ARE CHOCKED WITH CALLS FROM WORRIED PEOPLE? YOU MIGHT HAVE THE OPERATOR BREAKIN ON A CONVERSATION, BUT IF YOU'VE EVER TRIED THIS YOU USUALLY HAVE TO 00 SO BY WAY OF THE CHIEF OPERATOR AND YEE WILL FIND fT TAKES SEVERAL MINUTES. THIS COULD BE THE TIME NECESSARY FOR MANY PEOPLE TO TAKE SHELTER OR PRECAUTIONS. THEN TO ME, IT IS A RIOICU• LOOS SITUATION TO HAVE RELIABLE RADA* INFORMATION AND NOT BROADCAST IT. I'M THINKING OF THE SITUATION FRIDAY. IF THERE WERE NO TORNADOS SHOWING ON THE RADAR SCREEN, WHY NOT TELL THE PEOPLE? ALL THEY WANT 1 S INFORMATION AND REASSURANCE, fir YOU WILL, THE STORM LAST FRIDAY WAS PROBABLY A VERY PECULIAR ONE IN THAT IT BECAME SO DARK AND LOOKED SO OMINOUS. OF COURSE, THERE( WERE DOZENS OF CASES OF STORM DAMAGE THROUGHOUT THE CITIES OF BRYAN AND COLLEGE STATION, BORNE OUT BY THE INSURANCE CLAIMS. WITH THIS IN MIND, I FEEL THAT A *E— EVALUATION OF THE MET OF COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN YOUR FACILITIES AND THOSE OF THE NEWS MEDIAN SHOULD BE MA0 • 1 FEEL THAT MERELY USING A SIREN TO WARN PEOPLE IS NOT SUFFICIENT. As YOU WILL RECALL, THE NOISE ACCOMPANING LAST FRIDAY'S STORM WAS TERRIFIC AND A SIREN COULD NOT HAVE POSSIBLY BEER HEARD OVER A DISTANCE GREATER THAN TWO OR THREE BLOCKS. AND IF MOST PEOPLE ARE LIKE MET IT PROBABLY WOULD SERVE ONLY TO .ALARM THEM MORE, SINCE TREY WOULD HAVE NO DEFINITE INFORMATION. I WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST A SPECIAL TELEPHONE CIRCUIT BETWEEN YOUR RADAR ROOM AND THE LOCAL RADIO STATIONS AND PERHAPS THE TELEVISION STATION AND NEWSPAPER IF THEY SO DESIRE* I HAVE NOT TALKED WITH MANAGERS OF THESE OTHER MEDIA., BUT IF THEY FEEL AS 100, WE COULD PAY FOR THIS TELEPHONE OURSELVES IN ORDER TO HAVE ACCESS TO IMMEDIATE INFORMATION WHICH CAN BE BROADCAST TO LOCAL LISTENERS. PERHAPS WE MIGHT EVEN EXPLORE THE POSSI8LLSTY OF INSTALLING RADIO EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT TELEPHONE FACILITIES ARE KNOCKED OUT. 1 WAS GREATLY CONCERNED OVER THE EVENTS OF LAST FRIDAY AND 1 HOPE THAT IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 1 WOULD BE HAPPY TO MEET WITH YOU, OR CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICIALS OR OTHERS WHO MIGHT HELP RECTIFY THIS SITUATION SO THAT BETTER SERVICE AND INFORMATION MAY SE OFFERED IN THE EVENT OF FUTURE SEVERE STORMS. CC: JAKE CANGLOSE RE•PE0TIruLLY, COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR wES ICII NEM I RE GENERAL MANAGER RADIO STATION W T Asti' b x f ;.. 7 ?cuIi. 1000 WATTS 1150 KILOCYCLES ESTABLISHED 1922 SERVING BRYAN- COLLEGE STATION AND THE GREATER BRAZOS VALLEY TELEPHONE: VICTOR 6 -7788 P.O. BOX 3008 BRYAN, TEXAS MAY 2, I96C MR. JAKE CANGLOSE BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR 402 MITCHELL BRYAN TEXAS DEAR MR. CANGLOSE: ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND A COPY OF A LETTER I WROTE TO DR. VANCE MOYER CONCERNING AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION LAST FRIDAY DURING THE SEVERE STORM IN BRYAN AND COLLEGE STATION. I THINK IT OUTLINES PRETTY WELL MY FEELINGS ON THE SUBJECT OF AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION. I THINK IN YOUR POSITION OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR FOR BRAZOS COUNTY, SERIOUS THOUGHT SHOULD BE GIVEN THE IM— PROVEMENT OF COMMUNICATION FACILITIES. I DO NOT THINK MERELY OUR HAVING THE UNLISTED NUMBER OF THE RADAR ROOM WOULD BE SUFFICIENT, BIT RATHER A SEPERATE PHONE CONNECTING THE LOCAL RADIO STATIONS. IF NO FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CIVIL DEFENSE SETUP, THEN PROBABLY THE STATIONS COULD SHARE THE COST. I KNOW WE AT WTAW WOULD HELP SUPPORT THE COST OF THIS SPECIAL TELEPHONE, AND IF NECESSARY, PAY FOR A PRIVATE LINE BETWEEN THE RADAR ROOM AND OUR STUDIOS IF OTHERS WOULD NOT DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE. ACTUAL9, A RADIO LINK SHOULD PROBABLY BE ESTABLISHED. RIGHT NOW OUR STATION IS IN THE PROCESS OF ESTABLISHING REMOTE BROADCAST FACILITIES, AND MAYBE THIS COULD BE COMBINED. AT ANY RATE, YOU KNOW MY FEELINGS ARE NOW A MATTER OF RECORD. ALSO YOU KNOW WE AT WTAW ARE INTERESTED IN SITUATION SINCE WE ASKED YOU FOR INFORMATION TO PASS ON TO OUR LISTENERS JUST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE STORM OCCURED. PLEASE iVVISE IF YOU THINK YOU MIGHT HELP RECTIFY THIS SITUATION. SI N E • LY, c 1 94/1„ ' 1ES NI N IRE M • GENERAL MANAGER �� 7° RADIO STATION WTAW • • e � P 'TB OD EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL JAMES H. GARNER GOVERNOR May 9, 1960 STATE COORDINATOR Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: This will confirm our telephone conversation relative to the visit of Mr. Lou Fimian on Thursday, May 19, 1960. We have asked Mr. Fimian to contact you when he arrives in Bryan. Sincerely yours, 1 W. R. Bodine Plans and Operations Officer WRB:oes PRESIDENT JOSEPH C. PIOTROSKI Public Information Officer ' 1 Division of Civil Defense Ark dm Armory • Trenton 10, N. J. VICE PRESIDENT / RONALD TREICHEL Milwaukee CD Office 105 N. W ater Street Milwauk 2, W iscons i n international ass ci t•o ` soil defense f f public information officers f° 2ND VICE PRESIDENT LYNNWOOD RHODES \I\J Capitol Station Austin, Texas / / May 9, 1960ECRETARY- TREASURER U R G E N T HENRY G. NATHAN Maryland CD Agency BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Pikesville 8, Maryland CHAIRMAN JOSEPH R. COSTA T0: ALL MFEBERS OF IACDPIO 121 North Broad Street Philadelphia 7, Pa. FROM: HENRY G. NATHAN VICE CHAIRMAN MELVIN St. and S. Shore Drive 57th SUBJECT: CONELRAD TEST MAY 3, 1960 th St. nd S. h Chicago 37, Illinois REGION 1 ROBERT P. HUGHES e East 28th N. I would like to hear from all of ou in re ards the New York 16, N. Y. y �, REGION 2 Conelrad test so that we combine the thinking of the public ROB ROY BEGLAND relations people and pass it on to FCC, OCDM, The U.S. Civil Ohio Civil Defense Defense Council and the National Association of State and Building 74, Fort Hayes Columbus, Ohio Territorial Civil Defense Directors. REGION 3 PAULINE HALL Please tell me what you thought of the pretest planning Tennessee State CD both in regards to FCC and the program schedules of OCDM, what 315 Cordell Hull Building Nashville, Tennessee method of transmission was used in your area, generally how was REGION 4 reception and what was the reaction of local Civil Defense officials, RALPH E. EscHwEILER the public and the broadcast industry? Milwaukee CD Office 105 N. Water Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin Please let me have your answer by June 1st at the latest. REGION 5 Write while the "iron is hot" and you still remember the good and H. A. MULLIN bad points. My State Director and I are anxious to hear from you Public Information Officer at ONCE. Louisiana CD Agency Bldg. 309A, Area B Jackson Barracks Give me your reply typed double spaced on a separate New Orleans, La. piece of paper. If you care to write me a letter please do it REGION 6 and attach to your comments. You may place your name on the MARIE WEBB City Hall —P. O. Box 746 comments or leave them off according to your own desires, All Salina, Kansas replies will be forwarded to other agencies with names left off REGION 7 if you wish. HARRY WARREN P. O. Box 110 Sacramento, California Sincerely yours, REGION 8 MALCOLM H. MACEWAN Public Affairs Officer , Oregon State CD Agency _,/ L� 121 Finance Building Salem, Oregon Henry G. Nathan CANADA Secretary - Treasurer TIMOTHY C. ROGERS 20 Bell Street HGN f fw Carleton Place Ontario, Canada UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee Bryan, Texas May 16, 1960 Mr. Jake Cangelose Local Civil Defense Director 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Cangelose: Enclosed please find Annex 31, National Food Plan, to the National Plan for Civil Defense and Defense Mobilization, for your information and file. Very truly ours, James E. Frierson, County Office Manager Ader:"4 - /7& 490 fot--/ --"4"-e-6/ ■,14 . .......................... BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BRYAN TEXAS ).y 22, 1960 402 Mitchell Bryan Texas ALTEC*LANCING CORP. 1515 SOUTH MANCHESTER AVE. ANAHEIN CALIFORNIA GENERAL MANAGERS OFFICE Dear Sir, Two cities in this county is considering civil defense warning signal systems. Mr. Fimian, one of our OCDM engineers told me of a system manufac tared by your company, which is installed in Salinas Kan. This system uses audio principles and speaker systems. We would like very much to obtain more information on this type system, and would also like to obtain specification lists and if possible price kists. I personally believe that this type system i3 more practicable than standard siren systems and sincerely hopre that you will be able to furnish us adequate brochures and literature so that we may be able to adequately explore the potentialities of this system. Sincerely Yours, Jake Canglose County Director Brazos County Civil Defense PROSPECT 4 - 2900 ALTE[LANSING CORPORATION A Subsidiary of Ling -Altec Electronics, Inc. 1818 S. MANCHESTER AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Santa Ana freeway Near Disneyland June 6, 1960 Brazos County Civil Defense 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas Attn: Mr. Jake Canglose Gentlemen: Thank you for your letter of May 22, 1960 requesting information on an air raid warning system, similar to the ones installed in Salinas, Kansas. These systems are designed for the specific use on the application required so by a copy of this letter to our representative in your area, Mr. R. W. Amos, I an asking that he contact you and give you full information on our products. Thanking you for your consideration. Very truly yours, ALTEC LANSING CORPORATION I 1 thle E, P. Curtis Commercial Department EPC /gjd Attached CC: Mr. R. W. Amos Dallas, Texas REQUEST FOR DONABLE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY mu nip ; ATE NAME OF CIVIL DEFE NSE UNIT B:1215 COT. ■I ! YI1 LII1XSE ADDRESS (TYPE) A DM NI T VE HEAD DlittlitiR SIGNATURE COMITY USE NOMENCLATURE IN FCDA ADVISORY BULLETIN No. 202, ANNEX C. PURPOSE: "T" — Training; "0" — Operational Readiness; "R" — Reserve Stock ITEM DESCRIPTION PURPOSE QUANTITY GEMP .*l. 6115 15.35 D1 60 oil ilinorailkor !x1 115 or : TIC 0 lie • 66 61623 ilsomrelog sod Toottig avdp. 0 as recd. 58 tlmosiaatIc . totipira iR 0 Ao Regd. 71 7120 Offlos fw'#itmrr 0 As Regd. APPROVED- STATE CIVIL. DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF ( 1 copy to be retained by applicant and 4 copies sent to State Defense and Disaster Relief Headquarters, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas) EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF $USTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL June 17 1960 JAMES H. GARNER GOVERNOR STATE COOR DINATOR Mr. Jake Canglose Brazos County Civil Defense Director 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: We have held your long- standing request for civil defense decals pending receipt of the decals we had on order. We have received this shipment and your decals are enclosed. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance to you with any of the civil defense activities in our area Sincer- y y. Ja s H. Garner t o Coordina or JHG:aos enclosure June 8, 1960 402 Mitchell Bryen Texas Pho. TT 3 -6411 Mr. Jimmie Reedon Pt. 3 Bryan Texas Deer Sir, There will bee meeting et 7:00 PM, June 15,196 et the County Courthouse ( Sheriff's Office) in Bryan. The eurpose of this mer,ting is to establish end orientete a key citizen in each community of Brezos Countyfor notificetion of netionel emergency elert's es provided by the Netionel Werni.nP Sy`'tem end /or ?ocel alerts such es tornadoes, floods, etc. You hey' been recommended by county officials to fi1l this position in your community; if you feel that you will be uneble to attend, nleese notify Sheriff Hamilton or myself es you E =re the only verson in your comm- unity contccted to ettend this meeting. Sincerely Yours, Jake Cenglose County Director , Jake: Sometimes the dumbest minds come up with a succulent piece of wisdom. Maybe this is one of those times. I have been thinking about the fire siren and how hard it is to hear in certain parts of the city. I was talking to Geo. H. via land line when the siren sound ed off the other day. He heard it loud and clear, but I wife was unable to hear it at my house - my /was unable to hear it also. One of the things we do hear is the MSC chimes as they, mark the hour. Probably the fact that they are electronic and a percussion type of sound has a lot to do with being able to her them, but a siren runs the full scale of sound from very low to very high frequencies and should also be hearable. This being the reason varying notes are used instead of a steady one. Now - let's see if the old sow got the acorn or not. If we were to combine the best features of both, the siren scale with the electronic amplifier, wouldn't we come up with a more hearable, unit? Especially if in we used 4 speakers aimed /different directions. And wouldn't it be fairly simple to use telephone wites to pipe the central recording to XX other amplifiers in different parts of the city? Thus making one recording serve for all the city,and under the control of one person? And couldn't that same system be used as a gigantiiC PA system during time if need? And wouldn't the cost be well within the cost price of an enlarged warning system using additional sirens? Plus having the additional feature of a PA system? And wouldn't you just know that scfewy ideas like this always come from scfewy characters like Chester July 7, 1960 Dear Mr. Cangelose: Mrs. Goodman and I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you for lecturing to our science students on electronics. Your lecture was most interesting and help- ful to the students and we do appreciate your taking the time to speak to us. (2 Yours very t y, .DA ,,..u.-0-1-/■,-,1-1.4.4" W. K. Summers Dir. of Summer School Program BRYAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS B RYA N,TEXAS 315 Lee Ave. S. College Station, Texas July 7, 1960 Mr. Jake Cangalose Brazos County C. D. Director Bryan, Texas Sir: I would like to request that two-way F.M. radios be obtained and installed in the automobiles of the following personnel: 1. Brazos County C. D. Director and /or Assistant Director. 2. College Station C. D. Director and /or Assistant Director. 3. Brazos County Communications Director. It is further requested that permission to operate on the police (local) frequency under their license and maintenance plan be obtained. At the present time there is no need for a unit for the Bryan Dir- ector as the Assistant Director is also the Fryan Chief of Police with radio facil ±ties furnished by the P.D. It is suggested that the College Station Director operate by authority and at the expense of the City of College Station, and that Brazos County Officers operate under authority and at the expense of the Sheriff's Office. By installing the above units, the above men will be more readily available for contact and liaison during emergencies. It is also possible their services may be useful to the law enforcement agencies at times. Respectfully, Chester O'Donne 1 Communications Director Brazos County BBAZOc COUNTY CIVIL DETTNnE ars= Cotr}'t'Y ccuRTHOI7E BRYAN, Tn4 sEPT. 21, 1960 CIQIL DEFFNsF ADULT TRAINING C UR,SEs MR, ZACK D. CHAMP, BUsINESs W t GER TOP TH A &M COM/T_IDA T CHO0L 3 BtS A NNt 1NCEA THAT t NEW CIVIL IZIPMX11111411310 MASI IIIL MINA? 9:0O PN, SM. 29, 1960 IT THE 0 Ctb ILL £ A TFr HIGH SCA0OL IN C CLLE r sTATI nN. BWZOS COUNTY CITIIL DFENFEti FILES mar THAT OUR 260 A17TJtTS O!' BRAZOS C lu TrY BA. k TAKEN 'MINING IH TAE a C OUR7 snit! ! JAIL. 1960, 32 TOPICS INCLUDE; WHAT RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT I8, FALLCOT PRoTE?.CTI E, TI MM PBEcAUTIONS, WARNING 3 SIGNALS AND SETS SURVIVAL IN CA5E or A NATIONAL UI 'A 'rr x. AUTHoRrATION RAS :s, EN RECLTTED TO cONTINJF TAE 3 ' CIA8SFS UNTIL ?©LT Q' 11061. ENROL R-= r: IN TNESZ COURsEl CAN VARE DT O(W1ACTING wt. JACK COIAW1T, AA y II M1 t CC / A T sc OOt, =Amm YR. =Amm :IJPT. E'! Thy 90NOOL OR BY LtRVl4` "'rrG A PosTOARD TO THE BRIAN C0LLE E STATION CHAMBER R or commie!, BRY(N TEIAs. TATS COETR3F IS FREE AND THE alLY BEMIR IS IINT nor NOwr BE ',NAP= RE.9IDLNT OF ;v ZOs COUNTY. TAKB (Lt BRAZO6 C CITNTY OITIL MFEN E DIrmiTOR BRYAN TEAS rf ;tai U. S. ARMY RESERVE CENTER 511 Carson Street Bryan, Texas 7 October 1960 Dear Sirs: Two Mobile Instruction and Demonstration Teams representing Headquarters, Fourth US Army will visit the city of Bryan on 15 November 1960 and 26 January 1961. Team Nr 1, in November, will present the latest information available on "Development of CBR Warfare" Team Nr 2, in January, will present "Army Defense of the United States and the Theater of Operations ". These subjects aro considered important enough by Headquarters, VIII US Ar?ir Ccrps that all Army Reserve units not conducting a regular drill on night of presentation will change their drill night to permit attendance. are cordially invited to sit in with is while we are being brought up- to-date on the subjects. r The time and place of each presentation is 2000 hours to 2200 hours at tie Chemistry Lecture Hall, Texas A&M College. Please notify mo if any out- liKing units are in need of transportation. Any questions you might have on those two timely subjects may be presented to the team upon completion of their presentation. Very truly yours, t ar1. 17./ ' DISTRIBUTION: WARD H. MC DONALD A Lt Col, CE Senior Advisor EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION REGION 5 DENTON, TEXAS OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR October 10, 19 60 Mr. Jake Cangolese Director of Civil Defense Bryan, Texas Dear Jake: I enjoyed being with you in Bryan. It was obvious to me from the group that you had present that the shelter program in Bryan will be an aggressive one. The response indicated that you will have no difficulty in building several demonstration shelters in the immediate future. Please call on me for whatever assistance I can be. I would appreciate a personal report from you on the results of this shelter activity. g 0 1 4 , )74-1-4-44 Si er p ly , elcome W. Wilson Regional Director WWW:eh cc: Mr. James H. Garner I i Air-- 6-14-6-41 _ _ L k etiej.-4.-4211e de„:01:7;442-, artSCA.- • - 1 .ep N.1. 46/ ‹.t, / t42A:t6 - 6 le Lt 1 dCti e X., k#4 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas October 20, 1860 Mr. Don Dale 1008 Winding Road College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Dale: The Firemen's Training School has called cur atten- tion to a course in Radiological Defense which will be con - ducted on the campus next week, Tuesday through Friday. Although this course was primarily designed for fire and other municipal and county emergency departments, an in- vitation has been extended to our local area Civil Defense { organizations to participate. The program and other des- , criptive material is enclosed. It is my belief that several of our key people should take advantage of this opportunity because there is a definite need for such training in our preparedness program. I feel %hat you may want to attend or at least designate someone to represent you. I'll try to contact you in the next day or two and discuss this further with you. Kindest personal regards. Sincerely yours, k Jake Cangelose, Director A ' Brazos County Civil Defense f t JC /nvd Encl. i I TEXAS FIREMEN'S TRAINING SCHOOL TEXAS RESCUE TRAINING SCHOOL Engineering Extension Service Texas A. and M. College System College Station, Texas REPORTING INFORMATION - GENERAL Firemen's Training School Fire Field is located Southwest of the College Campus. From the traffic circle (lower right of map on reverse side) follow FM 60 across railroad tracks and to Spur 135, road to Easterwood Airport. Follow 135 until you are opposite the hanger building, and turn left on the gravel road; follow this road around the wind tunnel and to Fire Field. Drive with caution on the gravel road, watch for blind curves and large dip as you approach Fish Lake. Fire Field is on opposite side of road from Fish Lake, Telephone number at Fire Field - Vlctor 6 -6822. Firemen's Training School office is located in the Engineering Extension Service building at South Gate, intersection of Houston Street from the campus and Fairview and Jersey Streets in College Station. Office is on second floor, Room 206. Office telephone number - Victor 6 -6210. Office hours: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 12 :00 noon. For information after office hours, or in emergency, call: Henry D. Smith, Chief Firemen's Training School Res. 706 South Ennis, Bryan Tel. TAylor 3 -4386 John R, Rauch, Instructor Firemen's Training School Res. 615 Nall Lane, Bryan Tel. TAylor 2 -4812 Tom W. Robinson, Instructor Firemen's Training School Res. 512 Gilchrist, College Station Tel. Vlctor 6 -8221 EAST ERW000 AIRPORT 111; WIND TONe.SL To Heavy Construction 11:1 l Equipment Area and to Firemen's Training School Area. TO POULTRY CENTER TO TO W 9ARMfE INSPOSA 1! o SWINE CENTER PLANT SHEEP AND GOAT CENTER a I ur 10 NORSE CENTER r a Ina r a 97 CATTLE 5 c yI CENTER E I ■ I20 1 RY Pf N NP N8 so RODEO 74 ARENA 1112 37 PARK - �:':w� ■ .� I . 4111111k 11 l 11 1011 0100 it 1 LIGNTE 81 II o 60,13.1.11. pwrion . r sBA ■ SOS ■ 7:R1111 7:R1111 7:R1111 6 ee • s � a S ti s.E.]S E AREA ■ ■ ■ °�p�a ■ Z ~ _ . a 0 126 I 11°YE T 5T. N. ■ CLARK ST. 03 f0 04 7 eo T7 TE G R ■ ® 0 0 7 � , � _ H BUS NESS AREA • 91 7f .`�T� - 1 z5 0.7e 1♦76 91 � Hourro 9- =' CPI -. �' IN -------- ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVI °"O ^ °t Student AMP' :YAM , MA1x ST.M R A .. - II NA 2 IP OE G W ilk ti COLLEGE 1 °' ■ ,T! TPUBER ST.H 7■4 al .F1:pCr 'S o PARK 1G ` 64 a 109 A :1.[•IHl'[•I.l i•T.�i 1.47 �1� 1 r • - rARN O.N. 9rEMt[ �f 'e2 y 111 0 of %T SA C 0K ■ , 4e I 37 II 3 . e �� 1 27 b - 6 ' D 10 41 ]f 6i� NP R f IIE C,,, 30 3b 31 e i 6 ! 151r 60 " . ; tp:l • _4p Till NAGLE ® - Tor EET 14 I I le t9 s l� 27 tb p F �T le a 1111 ir g0222,.. mry 20 _ omcwooD PARKING m ry 124 J < lir- 1 HIM AV - ,ii 1 , i IS 1 SIN SPENGE STREET E rV E. S. ` 1 Q 9 . III LE RECREATIONAL AREA a lO 7 ' ' , TG epYAN - LEGEND - 1 \ 11 _ ¢ r° \ .2 1 ,,,,,,.,No. 1. System Administration 51. Library t t t $T P TE A0.y 2.7. Civil Engineering 52 Biological Sciences , D y1E NSEl P . 97. Veterinary Medicine Buildings 53. Science Hall t 8. Museum 9s 5L Exp. Sta. Research- , 99, Rod eo Arena eld Lab 116 1 CPSNION CP 1 . A Agricultural State Chemist 100, Bee/ Cattle Center Engineering 55. Agronomy 101. S.P.RA. Station 10. Animal Industries 56. Greenhouses 102. 11. Agricultural Information 57. Mechanical le 103. ALP Hall COLLEGE VIE'M ■ 12. Temporary CI ooms Engineering 104. Presbyterian Church - gTUDENt AP 13. Petroleum Engineering 58. Exchange Store- 105. Baptist Student Center 14. Fart Testing Laboratory Supply Center 106- Church of Christ Is. Chemistry' 59. Leg. Hall 107. Baptist Church A. & M. COLLEGE OF TEXAS 1 r 16 Engineering Building 60. Electrical Engineering 108. Methodist Church 17. Francis Hall-Business 61. Academic Building w 1 College Station Slate College Station ' Administration 62. Nagle Hall S• 18. A 63. t Hall W Boni, 1958 19. Texas Engineers' 64. Physi c III. College View-Student ta , FF 110. Catholic Church ' Library 65. Military Sciences Bldg. Har 20. B4C.U. Warehouse 6 66. Placement -Shat Course 1 112. Epise pal • Church rr 111 111 j Poultry Research Office 113. ■ 21- Forestry Greenhouse 67. Guido Hall 112 Mitchell Ha ' ' \ 22 Beasley Lab 68. Post Office 11L Y.M.C.A. = 2:t. FloricultLiving r. Greenhouse 69. Subsistence Living ll 115. Richard Coke Building a 116. Goodwin Hall- , 24. Dorm 1- Spence Hall Quarters 0.cmography 25. Dorm 3 -Briggs Hall 70. Board 1 Directors' 26. Dorm 5- Gainer Hall Home 117. Bissell Hall ; 27. Dorm 7 -Schumacher 71. Sbua Dining Hall 118. Coll Clubhouse w Hall 72. Milner Hall 119. Engineering Extension s 28- Dorm 9-G. A White 73. Walton Hall 120. Ha�ltculture TO 5"k Hall 74. Wool 6 Mohan Lab Greenhouse f 29. Dorm Il- Harrington 75. Basic Division 121. AGM Press Building Hall 76. Nurses' Horne 122, Highway Research .9 -' 30. Duncan Dining Hall 77. Hospital Center 31. Dorm 2 -Riess Hall 78. Vise- President's Home 123. President's Home AST / .'''..1 32 Music Hall 79. Puryear Hall 124. Dairy-9 ochetNstry G PT E �� 33. Dorm 4- Fountain Hall 80. Law HaH 125. All Faiths Chapel r� 2 34. Dorm 6-La Hall 81. Memorial Student �� 35. Dorm 8- Mcbuus Hall Center 126. Athletic Dormitory �. yr� in = 36. Dorm 10-E E. White 82. G. Rollie White 127. Catholic Student Center .9.. �� .9..9. V Hall Cassia. 37. Dorm 13 -Utay Hall 83. Athletic Office ' , �� GE ,911... \- 4'i? 0 P a t 38. Motor Pool 04. DeWare Field House cOLLE in 39. Clothing Wareheu. Downs Natatorium r. ._ T O U9TO - SUSOtV iS10N M ; 40. Armory 85. Little Gym 11 R � i 2� 41. Armory 86. Football Stadium -- \ 42. Laundry Kyle Field 43. Campus Cleaner. 87. Anchor Hall- 2• W 44. Power Plant Engineering Drawing 45. Cottonseed Products 88. Baseball Stadium s w Research Lab 89. Graduate Apartments .A 46. 0.60.0. Office 90. Dorm 16 Y'> 47. 6.6C.U. Warehouse 91. Dorm 15 -Moore Hall L 48. M.E. Shops 6 Industrial 92. Dorm 17 b ; Education 93. Dorm 14 -Moses Hall 48. Water Tower 94. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 50. Bagley Hall 95. The Grove 96. Old Creamery tit ae EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL GOVERNOR November 2, 1960 JAMES H. GARNER STATE COORDINATOR Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Bryan, Texas Dear Jake: Under separate cover, I am sending you the following publications which you requested during the recent State Directors Conference: Civil Defense Wallet Card -- 1,000 Dispensers -- 25 Facts About Fallout Protection -- 1,600 First Aid -- 3,000 Family Fallout Shelter -- 900 Clay Masonry Shelter -- 1,200 "Fallout on the Farm" is a U. S. Department of Agriculture publi- cation which is temporarily out -of -print until a new supply is obtained from the printers. "Tornado Precautions" is now at the printers, and "Handbook for Emergencies" is on order from OCDM. Be sure to let me know whenever I can be of further assistance to you. Sincerely yours, wood M. Rhodes Training and Education Officer LMR:cv II simmimi 0 :. . U. S. CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL AN ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL DIRECTORS Mailing Address: PRESIDENT C P. Q• Box 9042, Gilbeau Station WASHINGTON HEADQUARTERS: W. A. WEATHERFORD San Antonio, Texas 1001 CONNECTICUT AVE., N. W. 111 MARKET STREET WASHINGTON 6, D. C. JACKSONVILLE 2, FLORIDA PRESIDENT -ELECT NATIONAL 8 -1607 ROBERT E. CONDON 135 EAST 55TH STREET Mr. Jake Canglose, Director NEW YORK 22, NEW YORK Brazos County Civil Defense December 27, 1960 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT 402 Mitchell PHILIP KLEIN ROOM 819, CITY CENTRE BLDG. Bryan, Texas 121 N. BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA 7, PA. SECRETARY Dear Director Canglose: ELLIOTT R. JACKSON MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM �. ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA As State Representative of the State of Texas, on the U. b• Civil TREASURER RAY M. CLAWSON Defense Council it affords me a great deal of pleasure to invite you MUNICIPAL BUILDING to become a member of the U. S. Civil Defense Council. This is a OGDEN, UTAH LEGAL COUNSEL National Organization, composed of local Civil Defense Directors, which FREDERIC D. STANTON has done much work and has been highly successful in establishing uni- C EAST LONG STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO form policies in Civil Defense in the United States, as well as having EXHIBITS MANAGER been responsible for much legislation to make Civil Defense a forceful WILLIAM BRINKMAN reality in our country. 900 MERRILL PLAISANCE PALMER PARK DETROIT 3, MICHIGAN I VICE PRESIDENTS I cordially invite you to fill out the attached application and REGION 1 return it to me along with your check to cover your membership fee made HOWARD WRIGHT payable to U. S. CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL. I believe it will be easy for 35 MANOR DRIVE NEWARK 6, NEW JERSEY you to determine from the application blank the required fee to cover REGION 11 your membership, which is based on the current census population. In J. HERBERT SIMPSON P. O. BOX 582 other words, if your city or county, which ever is concerned, has a PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA REGION III population of 50,000 or less the membership fee will be $7.50, and if COL. C. M. VIRTUE the current census of your effected area is more than 50,000 the P. 0. BOX 1340 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA membership fee is .10 cents per thousand plus $2.50, and in no case REGION Iv will it be more than $52.50 per year. RICHARD C. WILSON ROOM 413, CITY- COUNTY BLDG. MADISON 9, WISCONSIN Remember this, that it is only through the efforts of an organi- REGION V zation such as this that we will be able to effect the necessary WALTER ABBOTT COURT HOUSE legislation and appropriations to cause Civil Defense to grow and be- OBERLIN, LOUISIANA REGION VI come an even more effective organization end the great deterrent to HAROLD G. REED was as it should be. COUNTY COURT HOUSE PUEBLO, COLORADO REGION v1I Please return your completed application form to the undersigned WILL H. PERRY, JR. at your earliest convenience so that it can be forwarded to the 2130 ARNOLD HIGHWAY MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA National Office, and your name be placed on the mailing list for the REGION v111 latest information published on Civil Defense matters. CLYDE H. FRIEND 421 CITY HALL SPOKANE 1, WASHINGTON Yours very truly, uis R. Manz State Representative, USCDC LEM:ss State of Texas Serving City and County Civil Defense Organizations throughout the Nation