HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Joseph's Disaster Manual \ \ > \, DisA sTE M fi / Z://:17 r ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL 2801 FRANCISCAN DRIVE BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 HOSPITAL DISASTER PLAN I N D E X Page Admissions Alert' 2 Authority and Direction of Plan 2 Civic Clubs 8,9 Dead on Arrival 5 Expanded Committee 8 Identification of Patients 5 Information Center 6 Initiation of Plan 2 1 Introduction Medical Records 5 Medical Staffing by Area 3,4 Personnel, Notification of 2 Personnel Assignments 10,11,12 Personnel Roster 7 Public Utilities 8 6 Security Traffic Control 6 Treatment Area Floor Plan 13,14 . .... .......................... .... INTRODUCTION TO DISASTER Disaster: A calamity, catastrophe; An unforeseen and generally ruinous mischance which happens, Suddenly! In a disaster of any degree, people turn to a hospital for help. Therefore, the job of providing immediate medical and hospital care falls directly on the doctors and nurses. A disaster's impact on the medical resources of the hospital and /or community is immediate and demanding whether or not they are prepared to care for mass casualties. Our job at St. Joseph Hospital is to BE PREPARED, not only for re- occurring tragedies such as flood, fire, epidemics, explosions,and transportation accidents; but for a role in Civil Defense in case of a Federal declaration of disaster or nuclear attack. This booklet is to outline your part in the Disaster Plan for St. Joseph Hospital. The plan is intended as a general guide for the hospital during a disaster. It does not include all of the detailed duties of each department, but the chart enumerates basic requirements. All departments should maintain current lists of personnel and their duties. Study the following with care. Remember the cliche: "The life you save may be your own." G. Eiland, R.N. Director of Nursing Service Chairman of Disaster Committee HOSPITAL DISASTER PLAN (BASIC PLAN) AUTHORITY & DIRECTION OF PLAN The authority and direction of the Disaster Plan rests with the Executive Director of St. Joseph Hospital in cooperation with the Disaster Medical Coordinator. In absence of the Executive Director, the Assistant Executive Director shall have the authority and responsibility for direction of the plan, and in their absence, the Director of Nurses or the Assistant Director on duty shall take charge until relieved. INITIATION OF DISASTER PLAN ALERT When notice of a disaster is received, it should be immediately relayed to the Administration for verification. The Executive Director or her designated alternate shall be responsible for ascertaining the extent of the disaster and the number of casualties involved. If the disaster occurs during the night, weekends or holidays, the Assistant Director on duty is notified and she will then obtain information regarding the nature and extent of the disaster and notify the Executive Director or her representatives will notify the Disaster Medical Coordinator, the Director of Communications, the Director of Personnel, the Director of Nurses, (or the Assistant Director on duty), and the Plant Manager. SOUNDING ALERT The alert within the hospital will be Dr. D. Astor repeated as often as necessary by the PBX operator over the PA. NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL All personnel on duty at the time of the disaster are to remain in their respective areas unless otherwise relieved for other assignments. The nursing office will activate their departmental plan for notifying necessary personnel requirements and initiate their employee notification systems. As soon as possible, a Personnel Resources Center under the direction of the Personnel Director will be available to aid departments in notifying their personnel. All essential employees hearing of a disaster affecting St. Joseph Hospital should report to their respective departments as soon as possible. Other volunteer employees shall report to the Personnel Resources Center. PERSONNEL RESOURCES CENTER A Personnel Resources Center will be established in the main lobby located on the first floor front entrance. Employees not needed in their normally assigned areas should be referred to the Center for possible assignments to areas needing extra personnel. Departments requiring extra assistance should contact the Center. DESIGNATED AREAS BY FUNCTION Disaster Plan functions will be carried out in designated areas as follows from the Emergency Room entrance. (See Personnel Assignment Sheet Page 6) . MEDICAL STAFFING - Report to Doctor's Lounge - 1st Floor NW Triage Area: #2 Burns Area: #8 Dr. Roy Smith Dr. R. B. Grant Dr. T. O. Walton Dr. J. J. Hall Dr. J. I. Lindsay Dr. J. T. L. McNew Fracture and Minor Surgery: #3 Obstetrical - Labor & Delivery: #24 Dr. L. W. Coleman Dr. R. H. Benbow Dr. O. C. Cooper Dr. L. W. Rasberry Dr. J. E. Marsh Dr. W. B. Roman Dr. D. C. Rich Ambulatory Patients Area: #4 Laboratory: #21 Dr. D. W. Andres Dr. M. A. Miron Dr. C. M. Caperton Dr. Nena Harris Dr. M. E. Kahil Dr. R. M. Searcy Dr. T. T. Walton, Jr. Major Surgical Trauma & Surgical Observation: #5 Psychiatric Patient Area: #15 Dr. Frank Anderson Dr. J. T. Holbrook Dr. Fred Anderson Dr. J. M. Baird Dr. Ray Buck Dr. R. L. Coscia Dr. R. H. Harrison III Dr. C. S. Kemp Dr. A. G. McGill Dr. H. C. McQuaide RADIOLOGY & RADIATION AREA: #14 Dr. W. R. Albracht Dr. E. A. Elmendorf The Disaster Medical Coordinator will predetermine assignments of Medical Staff members to the various treatment areas to the best of his abilities. He shall publish a list of these assignments and update the assignments as necessary. ADMISSION OF CASUALTIES All casualties shall be admitted through the Triage Areas for screening and disposition. Admitting information shall be obtained by admitting personnel (supplemented by Business Office and /or Medical Records personnel if necessary.) on special tags which will be attached to the patients. These forms shall serve as the patients medical records until after the first phase of the disaster. Patients shall be sorted and assigned to treatment areas as designated by the Medical Coordinator or his designated alternates. IDENTIFICATION OF PATIENTS Admitting personnel in the Triage Areas (Ambulance Entrance (S, Corridor by Dr.'s Lounge) will: 1. Complete emergency medical tags as adequately as possible. Some facts other than identification may not be filled out, depending on the number of injured patients being brought in, the urgency of treatment and the time available for processing. 2. Place tag on patient's waist, leg or neck, depending on patient's injuries. The heavy stiffer copy of tag is to remain with the patient. 3. The first sheet of the tag is for the Admitting Office where the information will be recorded on patient log sheets for administrative purposes. The second copy of the emergency tag is for the Patient Information Center (Security Office, Main Lobby and Loading Dock Area) . DEAD ON ARRIVAL OR DEATHS OCCURRING IN THE HOSPITAL Patients dead on arrival in the Triage Areas or who expire there or elsewhere in the hospital will be identified with the Emergency Log and transported immediately to a temporary morgue (Ground Floor Mechanical Room) as designated by the Medical Director or his alternate. Disposition of the body shall be noted on the Emergency Medical Log and copies forwarded to the Admissions Office and the Patient Informa- tion Center. Hospital deaths not related to the disaster will be handled according to the usual procedures. MEDICAL RECORDS The Emergency Tags placed on each patient in the Triage Area will become .; . a permanent part of the medical record and will serve as the medical record • until regular hospital forms are used. • SECURITY & TRAFFIC CONTROL The Building Superintendent is responsible for coordinating security and traffic control with the Director of Personnel. Guards shall be posted at all entrances of the hospital. That is, ER, the main entrance and at the four stairwells. All entrances shall be locked except two- the employees entrance and the ER doors. Guards shall be instructed to direct people needing medical attention to the Triage Area near the emergency entrance and relative of the disaster victims shall be directed to the Cafetorium on the Ground floor. All curiosity seekers shall be refused entrance to the hospital and directed away from the congested area. If and when police are available they shall give orders to the Building Superintendent relative to traffic control in and around the hospital; these orders shall be executed or relayed to the posted guards. INFORMATION CENTER 1. News Media News releases to the press, radio and T.V. for public information will be handled by the Administraticn Office and the Public Relation Officers. Only the Executive Director or his designated alternate shall be permitted to release this type of information. There will be a careful attempt at all times not to release information, personal in nature, about patients without prior notification of the next of kin. 2. Patient Information Center is to handle inquiries from relatives or friends of casualty victims and will be established in the Security Office on the Ground floor near the time clock. This area will be manned by personnel from the Business Office and under the overall direction of the hospital's Director of Communications. PERSON ROSTER Office or Home Dept. Page Department Name Tele. No. No. Accountant Al Ginzel 822 -2011 446 Administrative Asst. Charles Todd 823 -8618 447 62 Assistant Exec. Adm. Mike Strohowski 822 -3246 516 96 Admitting Sister M. Gregory 428 584 85 Business Office Sister M. Martina 428 593 87 Civil Defense(Local) Jake Cangelose 845 -6013 or 823 -0524 Dietary Dept.Head Lee Yothers 823 - 5705 527 16 Dietician Ann Hughes 846 -9298 517 74 Director of Nurses G. Eiland 822 -5442 592 173 Executive Administra.Sister M. Patricia )i)i5 590 98 Hskp. Dept. Head Jim Green 822 -0687 502 134 Hskp. Supervisor Bernice Carter 823 -5711 502 31 Inhal. Ther.Dept.Hd. Sister M. Theophane 428 326 48 Lab. Dept. Head Deanna Moore 846 -5134 534 Maint. Dept. Head Ed Zweifel 589 - 2605 519 80 Medical Director Dr. Robt. Coscia 846 -0325 56 Medical Records Sister M. Raphael 428 520 90 Nursing Service Asst. Directors Mrs. R. Hildreth 822 -5693 542 175 Mrs. S. Merka 846 -5993 542 175 Mrs. C. Beckman 823 -8673 542 175 Mrs. A. Driscoll 846 -0643 542 175 Mrs. S. Shepard 535 - 4108 542 175 Mrs. N. Godsey 846 -3120 542 175 Mrs. A. Schoppe 822 -2718 542 175 Education Mrs. C. Eshenbaugh 846 -2092 542 183 Mrs. K. Lewis 589 - 2709 433 182 Pathologist Dr. Arthur Miron 846 -5168 515(823 -8086) 58 Pharmacy Jerry Rape 846 -6134 504 69 Surgery Sister M. Theophila 428 539 114 In the event of an emergency or disaster situation in the Bryan - College Station area the following Disaster Medical Directors in order are to be contacted: Zone Director: Joel H. Johnson, M.D. - Brenham, Texas -Phone 713 -836 -6153 or 846 -7559 District Director: Fred J. Wolman, Jr., M.D. - Galveston, Texas -Phone 713 - 765 - 1283 or 762 -0861 Alternate Director: Edward B. Rowe, M.D. - Galveston, Texas -Phone 713 - 765 - 1283 or 762 -8945 Division of Civil Defense and Traffic Safety- Austin, Texas -Phone 512- 454 -9521 PHONE NUMBERS Expanded Committee: Civil Air Patrol: 822 -4913 Civil Defense: 845 -6013 or 823 -0524 Fire Department: Bryan: 822 -1213 College Station: 846 -4567 Police: Bryan: 822 -1596 College Station: 846 -8864 Red Cross: 822 -2157 County Coroner: (JPs in Brazos County) B.H. Dewey, Jr. 822 -7373, Ext. 234 Jess B. McGee 822 -7373, Ext. 235 A.P. Boyett, Jr. 822 -7373, Ext. 236 Utilities: Electric Co. 823-0971 Gas, Lone Star Co. 822 -1378 Oxygen, Bailey Co. 822 -3408 Water- Sewage 823 - 0971 Civic Clubs: Community Council, Brazos Co. Rev. Hugh Eiland 822 -7511 Central Brazos Valley Mental Hea. Cntr. Inc. Mrs. Felice Klein 822 -7326 Elks Lodge, B.P.0. #2096 Dr. Sidney Brown 846 -6371 Jaycees, Bryan -C.S. Mervin Peters 822 -5718 or 823 - 5402 Kiwanis of Bryan Dr. Gerald Bratton 846 -4994 or 845 -2828 Kiwanis of C.S. Dr. Gary T. Lane 846 -4)133 Knights of Columbus Council, Bryan #1834 Mr. Ed Pilger 822 -2251 Knights of Columbus Council, C.S. #3205 846 -2308 Continued next page 9. Civic Clubs Continued: Lions Club, Bryan Mr. Adolph Slovacek 846 -4667 Lions Club, C.S. Mr. Bill Doran 823 -3957 Masonic Lodge, Brazos Union #129 Mr. Charles Gentry 823-2341 Medical Society, Brazos- Robertson County Dr. T. T. Walton, Jr. 823-5221 or 822 -3785 Woman's Auxiliary to the Brazos- Robertson Counties Medical Society Mrs. 0. C. Cooper 846-6433 Ministerial Association, Latin American Rev. Jim Thompson 846 -0891 Rotary Club, Bryan Dr. Howard Cargill 822 -5961 or 846 -7771 Salvation Army Headquarters 822 -1311 Gladys Marsh, Secretary a) aa) N 7 s, . co ro m s-4 L. ro a ro o a ( I ) o C S. 3 ‘4,1 R. ' Z3 .F O 0 ro + • ' U ZS . 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