HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 TAMU meteorological detecting devices TfLEPWONE 661 -2381 ; 2103 ACKERMAN ROAD ti z 4i. r a .. l TEXAS SURPLUS PROPERTY AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE P. O. BOX 8120, WAINWRIGHT STATION . ,.- , ; SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78208 . _ _ DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENT AND INVOICE CIVIL DEFENSE • '*."It ..., iii V DATE ,..r 197 ' .....� 4 UNIT UNIT VALUE FOR TOTAL VALUE FOR ITEM FSC NO. 1 DESCRIPTION • UNIT GOVN'T HANDLINGCHARGE QUANTITY HANDLINGCHARGE ACQ. COST FEE PURPOSES FEE PURPOSES • • :J 3 9 ?- (9\ 3 2 S) / � ' 7, JO ✓ Z e/1/ !! f r / ,, _./ � ---- ) , / ! - U i r Fg -ett-S t - V _ : ... ) , ) ,, = ,. r A � i .. NOTICE TO DONEE: TOTAL The property listed hereon is subject to the appro- priate certifications and agreements set forth below and PAY ONLY THIS AMOUNT (Handling Charge) the reverse side of this document. 9 9 e �� READ THEM CAREFULLY: "The property listed hereon is being acquired exclusively for CIVIL DEFENSE purposes INCLUDING RESEARCH FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, and for no other purpose, and the ceritfications, covenants, and agreements set forth on the reverse side of this INVOICE have been read and are hereby certified, covenanted, and agreed to." a .o SIGNED: ,. ! . . DATE - 197 Administrative or Fiscal Officer Title . CD-7-RECEIPT ' ri ^,R 42A71iA?5#la :(iii " fdd . - DONEE: _Y f , .� . ..'. p� d t (0) The donee hereby certifies that: i r t a ' Y °�1 . J alts €., fTZl,t1a, sr'1 At (1) It is tax- supported of nonprofit and tax - exempt (under Sec. 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or Sec. 101(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939) school system, school, college, university, school for the mentally retarded or physically handicapped, public library, educational radio or educational television station, medical institution, hospital, clinic or health center, or a - civil defense organiiotion designated pursuant to state law, within the meaning of the Act and the regulations of the Deportment of Health, Education, and Welfare. • - 3 ?' - "Ttie'p operty requested by this document is usable and necessary in the state for either educational, public health, or civil defense purposes as indi- toted in the reverse side of this form, including research for any such purpose, is required for its own use to fill an existing need, and is not being acquired for any . other use or purpose, for use outside the state, or for sale. - - (3) funds ore available to pay the costs of care and handling incident to donation, including packing, preparation for shipping, loading, and transporting such property. (4) This transaction shall be subject to the regulations governing the donation of surplus personal property issued under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 2 (a) FEDERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL PROPERTY, REGARDLESS OF ACQUISITION COST, DONATED FOR HEALTH OR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES: - '.1' ' - :. (1) The Department of Health, Educotion, and Welfare is hereinafter referred to as the Department. (2) Property acquired by a donee shall be on an "as is," "where is" basis, without warranty of any kind. --' (b) ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO PROPERTY HAVING A SINGLE ITEM. ACQUISITION _COST OF - 52,500 OR MORE DONATED FOR HEALTH OR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, EXCEPT VESSELS 50 FEET OR MORE IN LENGTH AND AIRCRAFT: . (1) Such property -shall be used only for the health or educational purpose for which acquired, including research for any such purpose, and for no other purpose. .. ,. . -- °" . ''-- (2): Such property shall be placed in use for the purpose for which acquired no later than l2- months after acquisition thereof. lathe event such property -is -not- placed -in --use within -12.. months of_- receipt,_. the - donee, within 3D-days-after the expiration-of the - T2 m -- ---- months _period, •shaLL notify the Deportment _its writiag.._ through the stote agency. Title and right to the possession of such property not so placed in use within the above - mentioned period shall at the option of the Department r revert to the United States of Americo, and upon demand the donee shall release such property to such person as the Department or its designee shall - direct. ______ ) ___ (3- _There shall ll be-.a period_ of restr_ictinis which will expire after _such property has been _ used. tar._the. purpose_for _which_ nrgriirad .for - peciod_of 4. - years, except that the period of restriction on motor vehicles will expire.after period of 2 years of such use. - (4)' During the - period of restrittrorr the donee not sell, ttude, lease, - tent - trait, cannibatize or use utilization purposes - encumber - or- ot'nerwise dispose of such property or remove it for use outside the state without prior 'written approval of the Department. Any sale, trade, lease, loan, bailment, -- ---,.- encumbrance,- or other.. disposal- .of- the property,- when -'such action- is- authozized -by -the. Department, shall be _for the benefit _ and_account.of - the. Uaifed. States af+ -- America and the gross proceeds ihereof :shall be received and held in trust for the United States of America and shall be paid promptly to the Department, - except _, _ _ip_t..hose_Jgstonces in_whi_chthe Department_deternines_ that, the.- Governrnent:s_gdministrative costs in connection with receipt. thereof will exceed such . gross proceeds.__ (5j; In the event such property is - sold, traded, leased, locoed, bailed, cannibalized or used for secondary 'utilization purposes, encumbered, or otherwise dis- pooed of during- the-period of- restriction without•prior-writterr approval-of-the—Department—,-the-donee-rot the- option- of- fhe-0eportmer # -be liable-to-the United -- States of America for the proceeds of the disposal or for the fair market value of the property at the time of such disposal os determined by the:Departrnent. (itlf - 3l- unng; the period of restrict on, property rs no Tonger suitobfe, usobfe, or further needed donee for the purpose for winch occurred, the donee' - shall promptly notify the Department through the state ogency, and shall, as directed by the Department or state agency return the property to the state agency, re- lease a deportment - or - agency of- the United sett, or Any- sole shotl-be for the- benefit -oed-- account of the United States of America and the gross proceeds thereof shall be received and held in trust for the United States of Americo and shall be paid prompt- ty to the Department, - except -.in. those instances in whir the- Depcutmeni_determines that. the_: Governments.o dministrative .costs.-ia_conaeaion with_receipt thereof_. . will exceed such gross proceeds. . i (7) Donees shalt -make reports the stete on the - use;Tconditiorr, and of stet property - und trm as - may be re- ---. quired frogs time to time by the state agency or the Department.' (8)l- At the option of the Department, the donee may abrogate the terms and conditions set forth in (b) (1) through (b) (7) above by payment of an amount as determined by the Department. - . (9)' Where a.donee carries insurance against damages to or loss of property due to fire or other hazards and where Toss of or damage'to donated Federal - - _ - ___surpius�ersonal property, with unexpired Federal . resirichons, poccurs, the Deportment will be_ entitled to reimbursement by_fhe donee, from:the insurance pro- _ he coeds, of on amount'equal to the un- amortized portion of the fair value of the damaged or destroyed donated items. — 2- -TERMS AND CONDITIONS- APRIICABLE -TO ALL PROPERTY REGARDLESSOF-- AC- QUISITION- COST, - -DONATED FOR- CWIL-DEFENSE PURPOSES:- - , -- - --- - -- :� Property donated j for civil defense purposes shall be in accordance with CFR, Title 32, National Defense, Chapter XVIII, Office of Civil Defense, Office; of the .ri"?' 'W "of "the Army,'Part 1807, Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property for twit Defense Purposes. "`" -- - ' ry ..TERMS_ AND. CONDITIONS_ APPLICABLE .TQ - THE._DONATiON QF AIRC RAFT ' HAVING AN COST ..OF__ ;z,SQQ- QILMORE, REGARDLESS OF THE PURPOSE. FOR WHICH ACQUIRED:- • • i the terms and conditions povided o il P r -from the ^ heUnited regulations States-of America- to-the- donee - upon - executi•on-and- delivery of an- Aircraft Conditionol Transfer - -Document - containing -.- of the Department. ; i .• _L AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE DONATION OF VESSELS - SO - FEET OR MORE 1N 1ENGTH AND HAVING AN ACQUISITION Lust OF 57;500 - OR MORE,`RE - GARS OF THE .PURPOSE FOR WHICH ACQUIRED: Title to,vessels shall pass from the United States of Americo to the donee upon execution and delivery of a Vessel Conditional Transfer 'Document containing the • 4.: terms and conditions provided for in the regulations of, the Deportment. I . STATE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: =' - .., -- NO - additional terms or conditions imposed by the Texas Surplus, Property on Civil Defense Donees - ______ �______._. l ht ', . . t. .t r,. . •