HomeMy WebLinkAboutUse of Signal Corps GRC-26 Radio Unit 1963 DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND METEOROLOGY / g. -!/, 15 April. 1963 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Jake Cangelose From: William H. Clayton Subject: Usage of Signal Corps GRC -26 Radio Transmitter - Receiver Unit I have been unable to got formal approval for the Civil Defense Group that you ]maid to utilize a GRC -26 unit assigned to Contract AA 36 -039 SC -84942 (sponsored by U. S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Mon- mouth), and on the basis of unofficial conversation batsman agraelf and the con- tract monitor no such formal approval can ever be extended. fir, in view of the fact that your usage of this unit results in service to the contract, as out- lined below, I am taking the responsibility upon myself to authorize your usage of one AN -GRC 26 subject to the following conditions which must be followed and for which you are charged responsible, a. The said AN- GRC -26 and associated power sepply must not be used in any mammas that violates FCC or Army regulations concerning such usage nor in a asarr detriaastal to the bast interests of Contract DA 36 -039 SC -84942 and the Civil Defense unit. b, You will not be permitted to cannibalize under any circumstances parts from other GRC -26 units assigned to the Contract, c. No expenses incurred through use of this unit by your group can be charged to said Contract. d. All equipment pertaining to this unit and parts thereof must be main- tained in workable order and in a secure location sufficient to permit complete inventory check at such times as may be considered necessary by the Contracting Officer or his designated representatives. e. The three military frequencies assigned to this Contract may not be used by your unit except in the execution of Contract business which it is recog- nized will occur from time -to -time with communication between College Station and Dallas and College Station and Hawaii (after September 1963). f. No persons not specifically authorized by you or myself will be ?er- mtitted use of the radio - transmitter unit or any facilities thereof, and non - official usage of the unit cannot be permitted, Specifically, it must not be used for "ham" purposes except where specifically authorised by you or myself as official require- ments of the Contract or of your organization. g. In return for the usage of the GRC -26 as outlined above, it is expressly understood that you will maintain in good working order two other GRC -26 and two GRC -19 radio-transmitter unite also assigned to the Contract. It is specifically understood, however, that costs exclusive of labor on the four radios still assigned to the Contract can be chargeable to the Contract subject to authorization at the time such costs should become necessary. cc: Mrs. Judy Davis 1( • t e*4