HomeMy WebLinkAboutPair delves into tornado dangers 1981 Par • r delves into tornado d anger COLLEGE STATION — The number of tornadoes even though January and computers in Colorado to There is not enough good As the peak tornado season in Texas rises dramatically February are the least ma thematically examine measurement information, rapidly approaches, Texas in March and hits a peak likely months for the the forces that combine to to prove or disprove many A &M University mete- during April, May and storms to occur, according form a tornado. hypotheses regarding the orologists — using com- June, when twisters may to weather records. They say such an ap- storms." pi7ters to study the killer average as many as one a Dr. Phanindramohan proach can provide valu- Proctor said the com- storms — warn that judg- day across the state. Das and Fred Proctor, a able insights into the puter model of twister ing a twister only by the Tornadoes have already graduate student working storms which may help structure has already appearance of a funnel can killed two persons and in- on his Ph.D., use informa- people construct safer shown that in theory, be deadly. jured half a dozen this year tion from government buildings, make better tornadoes can. begin to emergency decisions and form within a field of vor- perhaps even improve tex motion if special tem- twister forecasts in the fu perature and precipitation lure. circumstances exist. Proctor's model — worked out on computers Proctor said that theory at the National Center for has been substantiated by Atmospheric Research in field studies on water- Boulder with support from spouts in which the surface the National Science of the sea is seen to swirl �. Foundation — suggests the More the funnel descends public shouldn't judge a, a significant distance from tornado by the appearance the clouds. of a funnel alone because there may be a swirling The Texas A &M model vortex at ground level well studies indicate that the before the funnel touches vortex structure and the down. drop of barometric pres- If their theory is correct, sure inside a tornado can it seems likely that most vary greatly with the lay of tornadoes form at the same the land, important vari- time in the clouds and on ables for forecasters and the ground. They do not emergency preparedness "drop" from the clouds as officials to know. many people believe, ac- cording to the scientists. "There are a lot of "As the vortex intent- inferences about tornadoes fies at ground level, the that are mostly specula - pressure inside lowers and tion. The base of knowledge the funnel cloud expands and these inferences can be while developing in a heightened by a study like downward direction," said this," said Das. "It is a Das. powerful tool which can help fill the gap between "Observations of dust observation and infer - and debris at the surface ence." just below a funnel cloud seem to support this view," he explained. The fundamental tool or instrument of science is measurement," said Das, an associate professor. "But the amount of infor- mation we have on torna- does is extremely small.