HomeMy WebLinkAboutInternal Tornado Warning Planning Meeting 1976 1 Internal Tornado Warning Planning Meeting 1 Thursday, May 15 - 1:30 P. M. Room 1209 - 0 & M Building Presiding: Jake Canglose Topics 1. Tornado and Severe Weather Communications, ad- visories, watches, warnings and reporting - National Weather Service, Department of Public Safety, Brazos County Civil Defense - of Severe Weather Disaster Plan. 2. Fire & Police Chiefs REACT AND RACES will cooperate. REACT Moni- tors Channel 9 on CB Radios. When requested REACT will serve as supplemental manpower at problem locations - ie flood areas. 3. Emergency Telephone List Reviewed and updated. The revised list will be prepared and distributed. 4. NOAA - Waco Weather Watch & Warning covers a 40 mile radius. The Civil Defense radio network will use discuss- ion in repeating the NOAA Waco broadcasts. 5. Doyle Casey discussed problems of reliable identi- fiction of a tornado for issuing a warning.Listen carefully to the second sentence. Dr. Vance Moyer Mr. Canglose advised that beginning January 1, 1981 Dr. Vance Moyer will expand his Civil Defense Severe Weather and Tornado work to part-time employment after his retirement from the TAMU Department of Meteorology. He will work with the concerned agencies in developing and updating their nat- ural Disaster Emergency Plans. Dr. Moyer reviewed the work of the Radar Station and the A problems of positive identification of a Tornado. Accurate reporting of Tornado Spotters and confirmation by law enforce- ment people is critical. TAMU Radar puts out an Advisory instead of a Watch, and a Warning if it is imminent. Doyle Casey - NWS - Waco Mr. Casey discussed definitions and correct information needed to issue the Watch and Warning information over the NWS Radio System. When receiving this information on the NWS Radio be sure to listen to the second. sentence carefully. In response to Mr. Canglose's inquiry, Mr. Casey discussed the monitoring of flood water levels of the Brazos River.There are guages located at selected locations along the River which are connected to a telephone. Casey calls these (mechanical) at 7 A.M. and reports to the Fort Worth NWS -- National Flood Control Warning - and issues flood warning information from there. (A TAMU reads the Brazos River guage on FM 60 every morning for Casey ($100.00 month) The Corps of Engineers adjusts the flood gates of the Dams along the river to control the flow of water and minimize the threat of flood. The Little River which empties into the Brazos River near Hearne has a major effect on the flood potential of the Brazos River in Brazos County. -2- Internal Tornado Warning Planning Meeting Thursday, May 15 - 1:30 P. M. Room 1209 - 0 & M Building NAME REPRESENTING Jake Canglose Brazos County Civil Defense Dir. David L. Morrison TAMU O.S.H. Robert H. Stiteler, Jr. TAMU Safety Office William F. Koehler College Station Building Dept. Doyle S. Casey Weather Service - Waco Douglas W. Landua Fire Chief - College Station Sam Saxon DPS Fred C. Forsthoff DPS Joe L. Hardy DPS John R. McDonald TAMU Police B. G. Maddox Bryan P. D. Lee Freeman Bryan P. D. Jim Bland Bryan Fire Dept. Raymond R. Janac Fire Marshal - Bryan Fire Dept. Charlie Brenton TAMU - Weather Station Vance Moyer TAMU - Weather Station Joe R. Janac TAMU - Radar Ben Wormeli Brazos County Civil Defense ABSENT College Station Police Sheriffs Office Internal Tornado Warning Planning Meeting Thursday, May 15 - 1:30 P. M. Room 1209 - 0 & M Building NAME REPRESENTING Jake Canglose Brazos County Civil Defense Dir. David L. Morrison TAMU 0.S.H. Robert H. Stiteler, Jr. TAMU Safety Office William F. Koehler College Station Building Dept. Doyle S. Casey Weather Service - Waco Douglas W. Landua Fire Chief - College Station Sam Saxon DPS Fred C. Forsthoff DPS Joe L. Hardy DPS John R. McDonald TAMU Police B. G. Maddox Bryan P. D. Lee Freeman Bryan P. D. Jim Bland Bryan Fire Dept. Raymond R. Janac Fire Marshal - Bryan Fire Dept. Charlie Brenton TAMU - Weather Station Vance Moyer TAMU - Weather Station Joe R. Janac TAMU - Radar Ben Wormeli Brazos County Civil Defense ABSENT College Station Police Sheriffs Office CL),J0061e Tornado Warning Planning Meeting Thursday, May 15 - 1:30 P. M. Sheriff Bobby H. Yeager Judge R. J. Holmgreen Brazos County Sheriff County Judge, Brazos County Courthouse Courthouse Bryan, Texas 77801 Bryan, Texas 77801 Major Charles W. Phelps Dr. Vance Moyer Bryan Police Department 210 West North Ave. P. 0. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77801 Bryan, Texas 77801 Mr. Charles Brenton Chief Marvin Byrd 1212 Haines Drive P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77840 College Station Police Dept. College Station, Texas 77840 Mr. Sam Saxon Communications Chief Chief John R. McDonald Department of Public Safety TAMU Police P. O. Box 3861 Texas A & M University Bryan, Texas 77801 College Station, Texas 77840 Sgt. Freddie Forsthoff Colonel Thomas R. Parsons Department of Public Safety Director of Securities & Traffic P. 0. Box 3861 TAMU Police Bryan, Texas 77801 Texas A & M University College Station, Texas 77840 Mrs. Dorothy Heine Physical Plant Chief Doug Landua TAMU College Station Fire Station College Station, Texas 77843 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 Chief Paul Philbin Bryan Fire Station P. O. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77801 Mr. Harry Stiteler University Safety & Health Officer TAMU - Physical Plant College Station, Texas 77843 Mr. North Bardell College Station City Manager P. O. Box 9960 College Sation, Texas 77840 Mr. Bill Koehler City of College Station Building Official P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas Mr. Ernest R. Clark Bryan City Manager P. O. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77801 ANNEX A BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN SEVERE WEATHER & TORNADO WARNING PLAN February 1976 I. GENERAL The Brazos County Civil Defense Severe Weather and Tornado Warning Division, established under the authority of Brazos County, Bryan, College Station, and Texas A&M University, has the basic mission of providing local flash flood, severe weather and tornado warnings for Brazos County. The Texas A&M Eadar Station is the nerve center of the severe weather and tornado watch operation with the Texas A&M Comnur_ication Center and the Department of Public S�, ±'ety providing a 24 -hour comm- unication point for receiving reports and assisting in emergency and warn- ing communications. I1. CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO STATION KYB966 The Brazos County Civil Defense Office has installed a UHF Base Radio Station with Tone -Alert capability. This station will provide emergency communications with local Government and Civil Defense Units and w$11 serve as a warning station whenever it is determined that tornadoes, severe weather, or flash flooding threatens Brazos County. E CALL 1 (Schools and General Public) TONE: 1st Tone 346.7 2nd Tone 384.6 ALL CALL TOME: 1st Tone 582.1 2nd Tone 524.8 FOR TONE—ALERT OPERATION: Receiver must be able to receive base station tone generator signals. Which has the following tone timing: First Tone: , . 5 sec. to 1.5 sec. interval to 0.5 sec. Second Tone: .5 sec. to 3.0 sec. (Tone compatible types of receivers available from local sources are Plectron and Regency) TTT. SEVERE WEATHER WATCH AND TORNADO WARNINGS Whenever severe weather is detected or a watch is issued for this area, the following procedures will apply: When the Radar Station is not in operation, (after the normal working hours) the DPS will immediately contact the Warning Officer or his Deputy. In the event he cannot be reached, DPS will contact the TANU Communications Center. The Warning Officer will keep the Communications Center advised of his location. The Warning Officer or his deputy will activate the Radar Station and go on watch if needed. Detection agencies and tornado spotters will maintain a severe weather and "tornado watch" and will report severe weather information to the Radar Center. The Warning Officer will issue severe weather advisories and /or tornado warnings in accordance with the attached flow -chart plans. IV. STRIKE E 7 ENT: V. RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECEIVING CIVIL TF,FENSE WATHER ADVISORS AND WARNE:GS STATION CALL: KYB966 FREQUENCY: 154.085 MHz FM . CAPABT7.TTY: TONE -ALERT PAGING SYSTEM 'BASE STATION TONE GENERATOR: REGENCY MOf1L ENG FOR TONE-ALERT OPERATION: Your receiver must have the following tone channels and tone timing gust be compatible with Base Station Tone Gcnrator