HomeMy WebLinkAboutStorm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena } WB FORM 614 - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (10-66) (REV. 1 -59) WEATHER BUREAU USCOMM•DC 50229 -P60 STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA MONTH AND YEAR _$c pt. r'lr_r 1 9 6 7 I z NO. OF ESTIMATEDt a x PERSONS DAMAGE a CHARACTER LL ----- � PLACE o w u_ w > OF - Q o ° W N STORM w w 0 i-• J a a. Q W J -=i CC Ce 0 F - J 3 ]C ? a- U I TEXAS Hutchinson, Carson, 3 5 :00 p- 56 10 0 0 6 4 UM, and Potter and 7 :30 p windstorm Randall Countioa A severe wi • and t ailsto m ca - cd .t est matod $1.5 million dam at th. Panv: x Ordn co 'dant 10 • e3 eat of Arlarillo. Are = e. orctc at t o plan in. cate peak winds over 100 m.p.h. he storm ell= a 10 rrlilo do F th f om Bo ger t Canyon. At Bor er the h avies• damag= was to t`= hig echo i:a 1 stadium where of the •leach =rs we = des'roye.. Le d ge o ccurred th •ughout ti o to , to g as, t - as, r «ofs, wor lines, trees, and autorob es. ' n airp ane = t thh = coun 1 air rt was flipped ovo . The ' nda I ockcd own I ive 00-fo • t tr smitter towers 2J Hi es no heart of Arr illo Tw -inch hail as reported at the airport 'n k . ill.o ^ d a ails one r.^. as g 11 inches in ci umferen c = was a ou,nd a T- lc oo • . Th hail and high win also c used • si o c p ►age - ong t eir path. Sudan 3 8:45 p 0 2 5 ? Windstorm Lamb County A. • datornl hat s ruck S dun ausi g 50 ,000 . :o injured Nr. and i ors. Joel I ompso at hair home a , es west of Sud . The =tom, part o tho wide,,pread sever= woather pattern tha hit oth =r PanIandlo ^ H gh F sins :f =as, moved into Sudan at :45 p.m. Win up to 100 1.p.h blew away 22,000 square Poo(, sheet •tal w chous and caul d oth= mid spread damage throughout t e to • Castro County 3 night 0 0 7 6 Hailstorm, tornado A devastatin hail rain, and I ds orn d d at ast $3 million dare a to c pa in Castro County. Jail r.. ing up to golf -ball siz and win • est tad s hi'h as 100 mp.h. d up to 100% da: o to co ton, erns, crag es, +Otato `3, c ots, and cucu,m- ber - at mid4 arvou' . The wind and rail : tten d sorghum, corn, soy•eans, ca for b ans and mai c al .oat r ady f•r. harvestin,;. The store cu • the ount r' f 196 agr cult al pr» duction by 10 - 15%. A tornado w = ro po d eight es orth t of Nazareth. B- dings we o d.��y god r = 4 tele ,hono es downed at S .. sido. 1011E Gecr,... town It 7 :35 p cho narrm 0 0 0 0 Tornado Williamaon County Tornado dip d brief in open field eau g no damage. I • WB FORM 611 - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (REV. 1 -69) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION WEATHER BUREAU USC (10-66) OMM•DC 60229•P86 STORr;1 DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA MONTH AND YEAR September 1967 m NO. OF ESTIMATEDt a m PERSONS DAMAGE LL ---- a N CHARACTER PLACE o J o ce >-. OF W m } °w ° w w STORM W f- D.. Ll. Q P. W - J Q.' Ce 0 1- -I 3 Y Z a- 0 TEXAS 17cur Big Sp - zing 15 5 :00 p- 0 0 0 0 Ihienel s aloft earl County 7 :00 p Upper Coast, South 8- 13 35 8 7 Hurricane Bon1ah Central, Southern 21 and Lower Valley In izo, Hui.. icune ;3eulah me he t. ird largest hurricane of rec rd, afte Hurricane - la f 19161 and the g-cat New England eto m of 193 • This ato I rea. hed .urrice a in neity in the Car -ibean Se near the W • dwar Islands o Sept . mbar 8th. . Tbo h icane en+erod tho Tex s co st near th soutl of the Rio Grande £U.v r at 8:e a.m. on tho 4th then, l.os ng tenth h gradually, fol wed a p . th parallel g th Texes co - t. the morning of the 21st, the hirrican© w.s da.•ra ed to a tropical etorr near Ali e; the a orm then too' a s uthw sterl courco to her death ne Lonter , l�;ei co on the .+orni. g of '..he 22rd. When the cen er entered the mainland, t e lo p essur recorded at Sro n svillo % 2 AS i 3 28.07 inc 03. The p , ak t recorded at Brolsnsville V eAS ee 109 m.p.h fro, the lortheast at 3:19 a.m.; believer, the once ; titer i s di cove d de -aged after the store, so he actu= wind speed wee erce I may lave b en higher. The S S Shirley ekes, docked et t o Po of Town., e, recorded a p ak gust •2 136 m.p.h. url g th: pans, ge of the hurricane. Hurricane force ds ext: - ed as f x# nor 11 as corpus v'hrieti, uthero peak - sts o 86 ra.p.h. re *cord - d at e:35 p.m. on the 20th. High t-ater . -- ks on Sou h Pat; Is and eft evidence of tid s as his as 2' feet. TId a as high l ee 7 f.et were reported at cockport. The . reatee con entr , tion f d- ti e wrs in the Low r Rio Grc de V ey. ort Is .1 was very . everely damaged; onl the lice - house and a Iri ank - scope dama,;e. The • $15 2 000 Bo. Isabel Nigh Scho 1 wry, desti Brownsville roc ived eel) anti l wind aria a, a d 1es, er d damage occurred in thor valley an. coast ? ct ion. Cit s fru t and tree damage in he Lower Rio G ande V llcy in ectinat d at 15 million. More dar ging than the .nd or ide , war the orren 1 1. rainfall ;ei leached by tro hur icon . ich res ted i maw- th flooding of all streams d ri ers south o San Anton o. Tie heaviest Storm rat all was eport�ed at > �ottu in co Co my w3 esc 27.38 inches fel in the ivo -day period Sc. temb r 20- 13th. At l�alfl.•rric3, in prooke Co ty, r re that 25 inch a of ain f during the same period more than tl e ye ly real for tl t station. Ten to twenty inches o rain -11 urin. the torn riod in the Lower Valley and C astal _end octi ns. '.ainfa 1 decreased graiivally inland, ut tot o ove 7 inches curred as far . WB FORM 614 -3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (REV. 1 -69) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (10-66) WEATHER BUREAU USC OMM•DC 60229 -P66 STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA MONTH AND YEAR S�'Ptf=:nber 2.;?6 7 1 i NO. OF ESTIMATEDt a 1 PERSONS DAMAGE CL • CHARACTER IL - 4.v PLACE o J o w Q >- OF STORM W W 0 1- .. J a. d < W 0 J Q . ' CL a il F- J 3 Y Z a. U • T F ii i - as Frio and Corral +ount_es. itiecar breaking floods re- s ' ed from he hui •ricaro rainfall. The )an An,onio Liver re •hod a ro ord c est of 53.14 foot near oliad' flood stake at th^ • point i' 35 ff ct. .1 o u..ces iivcr mate at t6 feet; the pre '0113 roc rd cr ..Qt on ' hat - ver was 1 foot The Lavaca riir or cr estu at 2 .2 loo' at 'cii;a, 5.2 f , ot ov r flood stage, an ' the r ",avi ad ,'ti o cra• Led t 31 9 fee at G ado, 10.9 feet ow flood a u;;o• Moat oi the arca south and eb.st of a Laredo - S• Antonio-1 tago as arc was solo cd for over a week br�.cauze of flooded ads. ,he Ar uyo ulor I do, s ,ro1Zan with water from a b. oke.n flo•d- ooitrol wa'oiwr• i , 't its banks and caused ex- tci ivo nor a to col cxcl s icre mu' ant;' .;ect� on in Harlingen. `ih flooding in th -. Lower id.o ,lard , 'Jt:li y des jroyed all fall veg tables .. the 'lads. At ` , Three RRiv and Ceorgo Odes •, floudir r; was the he vios in - e hi Story of the towns. To com Dound the Yrlsei - at Tlu ec:: ` vcr;i he oodwdters br ouz ht a • ,r se ly fills .2 oil iron► n arby oil iclds that eft a. Stain on all city str ture • , mark g VON h.'c h wa. r lev • 1. 'The number oS tornadoes t;er grata by I:- ric' • : ik :1:11 w s roc rd breaking - 85 t last cunt. Hurric rye I •bell of Oc • ober 9614 had tho pre - vio s record of 17 Those to• _ ac?.oc t were confi. ed mostly to the Iii;p -•r Cocist, South Central, err i. Coa -tai. B. nd se tion3; however, tux w es oct urred s far da rort • as .les •n in ,a Anson County. Zoo of then - torn does 4:cre clan sic,. and ccurred in rural are - Vaere .ley •- riled d^in: j t I ng en ugh t cauac very mil r damage Ono tragic c::ce� tion was t:�o to ado that struck Pal - cioa on he no lingo the 20th rr fo • persons and inj - g six other . Another orna to at - cl: Lo se in tlarton. Co' •t CI° uF iao ua; , calls. ng e..e do th. ' thor •rnadoci that resulted in oa.'4y niags c.cn1' U a Th :.t, No Braunfels, at r ion 'Beach mar : c.:por' , a at 'wont ra'ne Lavaca County. Thi teen persona - cd in `lox z a Tc r 1 • of :I irricane Tou1ah. r'i of tiles cleat,: s wero c:.u: d by tor:ia oea; were the result of loading. Only 35 injtries wro repor ^.d. ' open;; ?o3se3 ovc; the uta o ara cons e:, ativoly o. tireit d at .a.00 ii T on and cz'O') losses t $50 .ci717 o . ire fle • Oros, gavo tho following bre kdown of storm da:na o to p oiler y: h,mes: 1 42 dostrvo(z, 25,90 druaag. d; rao' iio ho.. es: 8 d 'stroy d, 47 damaged; farm bui .dings: 6 7 deo' oycd, 1,114 dn.^. god; oats: U0 destroyed or ma j r damage 57 li buain sacs 520 dostr.yed o major damage. A 'r' d Croc3 •ifici 1 said 31,2( 3 f -1 ilics in : • ^ suffered loses of roporty .f all catogo ' s. ' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FORM 6�� -3 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (REV. 1 -6fl) WEATHER BUREAU (10 -68) USC OMM -OC 60229..1.68 STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA MONTH AND YEAR Soptc nher 1967 i NO. OF ESTIMATEDt .Q 2E PERSONS DAMAGE a LL .- a Ln CHARACTER PLACE o w u_ o >- OF 1- o Q o w w N STORM 1 Z 0 J -=i 0 0 0 1- I J 3 Y ? n U • W Toziralnal 26 5:50 p short narrow. 0 0 0 0 Tornado Ni 1and County T• I ' • cau cld no daua ;o.