HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeripheral equipment provides instant severe storm analysis 1977 Peripheral equipment rove es p instant severe storm analysis • Storm analyses that once took allows scientists to watch the forma- rates of rainfall throughout an area meteorological expertise. hours are now available instantly at tion of severe weather as it happens storm system. Dr. Vance Moyer, one of the Texas A &M University with new and to pass warnings along to the The six intensities of light on the pioneers of Texas A &M's weather equipment that was unveiled this public. radar scopes will indicate rainfall radar program, noted the university "Prior to the modification of our levels in increments from one -tenth is one of the few schools with Dr. K. C. Brundidge, head of the system•all storms showed up as a big of an inch to five inches per hour," weather radar "and perhaps the Meteorology Department, said the white blob which required an ex- Brundidge went on. As a result we only place students can get hands- addition of peripheral equipment to tremely well- trained eye to tell any- can quickly locate heavy intensity on experience." the existing weather radar system thing about the signals," Brundidge areas where tornadoes or flash flood- Texas A &M got its first radar in "provides us a greatly improved explained. "Analysis could take ing might occur." 1953 just in time to pick up the 1953 capability in recording and analyz- hours and the storm in question All of the signals can be recorded Waco tornado as it developed, but ing severe weather." would be long over before anything on tape and played back through the then there was no way to pass a The combination of two radar could be told about it." radar scope to study the develop- warning. As a result the Texas Tor - wavelengths and their integration The added integrating equipment ment of storms in a classroom situa- nado Warning Network was formed • allows the meteorologists to "see" takes analog information, converts it tion. This will give experience to along with methods to get people to into storms and locate, by the Light- to digital information, and provides laboratory students instead of hav- cover in the event of tornadoes. ness or darkness of the signal, the contours on the radar scope in six ing to rely on the day -to -day cells of most intense activity. This levels of intensity to tell the varying weather for developing professional •