HomeMy WebLinkAboutState climatologist puts area weather daya on handy card 1977 ' 1 is t puts are State climato 0 1 we at her data on h a ndy card 1 � The Office of the Texas State weather information. It tells that average 22 days. Climatologist, housed at Texas the sun reaches its maximum height The record low temperature for A&M's College of Geosciences, is above the horizon on June 2T, at 83 Bryan- College Station is -3 degrees ti producing small, billfold-sized cards degrees. Its lowest elevation is 37 and the record high was 110. The that provide more climatological degrees on December 21. average daily temperatures range data about Bryan - College Station Wind, on a yearly average, blows from 59 in January to 96 in August than most people would probably at four miles per hour from the with a year -round average of 68 de- ever want to know. south. There are 58 days of precipi grees. A card has been completed for tation a year, including 50 days of The average annual snowfall �,,,�,Bryan- College Station; one is being thunderstorms. which is a mere half -inch, and only done for Houston and a third is That comes to an average of'544 an average one -tenth inch falls in Sc b eing considered for Dallas -Fort hours of rain per year. December. Worth. The purpose of the cards is The precipitation mean would But one year the twin cities re- to provide the cities' with informa- show a prospective resident that he ceived eight inches of snow — with tion on weather to expect at almost I can exect 3.1 inches of rain in five inches failing in December. any time of the year. January (although there has been as The cards are produced by the In Bryan - College Station, there much as 10.9 inches) and 2.4 inches staff of State Climatologist Dr. John averages 11 hours of sunshine per in August, even though the August Griffiths and Texas A&M day in August — decreasing to five record is 12.6 inches. meteorologist Glenn Lubins. Cities hours in December, January and The relative humidity averages 71 providing ample records could have February. The year - around average per cent year- round. Temperatures a card with this climatological data is eight hours per day. exceed 90 degrees 102 days per available to potential tourists ari The card provides more than just year, and drop below freezing an new citizens.