HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrazos Cty Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan 1981 BRAZOS COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLAN OE BRAtp � � 'cam r : : ::. --" y o ... ik Gs � l9y ( 0 of . �i o � 01. l E ..F v r� \ '' = OPERATIONS �, )1! r I: TE X f ill S \% BRAZOS COUNTY, BRYAN, COLLEGE STATION AND TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY JANUARY, 1981 BRAZOS COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS page I. Purpose 1 II. Accident Assumptions 1 III. Emergency Planning Committee Coordinator 1 IV. Hazardous Material Emergency Planning Committee 2 V. Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team 2 A. Notification and response 2 B. Emergency action guidelines 3 C. Assistance coordination 3 D. Emergency evacuation procedures 3 E. Radio-TV emergency news teams 4 VI. Annexes A. Hazardous materials emergency response team members 5 B. Emergency consultants and assistance 6 C. Emergency phone numbers 7 D. Emergency food and shelter for evacuated persons 8 E. Emergency news task team 10 F. Bryan Fire Department hazardous materials emergency plan 11 G. College Station Fire Department hazardous materials 15 emergency plan H. Brazos County Firefighters Association hazardous materials emergency plan 20 i BRAZOS COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLAN I. PURPOSE Recognizing the need for emergency planning, training, coordi- nation of resources, and Immediate Response in the event of an acci- dent involving explosives, poisonous, radioactive or other hazardous materials which could threaten life or property in Brazos County, an emergency team consisting of representatives of the Fire, Police, Sheriff's Office, Civil Defense, volunteer consultants, and other local and state government key officials is organized for the purpose of: A. Emergency Planning. B. Specialized Training. C. "On site" training by responding to each accident occurrence. D. Maintaining coordination by periodic planning greetings, and updates on hazardous materials handling. E. Establishing coordination lines with users and transporters of hazardous materials. F. Inventorying possible danger points in county. G. Establish and periodically review evacuation procedures. II. ACCIDENT ASSUMPTIONS 1. Train and transport truck accidents. 2. "On site accidents involving installations using or handling hazardous materials. 3. Fire, explosions, spills of poisonous gases or hazardous materials which could create a potential disaster. III. EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMIiihE COORDINATOR The County Civil Defense Director and Chairman of Brazos County, College Station, and the Bryan Civil Defense Planning Office shall serve as Planning Chairman of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Team, and shall be responsible for calling periodic meetings, coordinating training, coordinating basic guidelines for operations and scheduling 1 activities related to an efficient and effective emergency team op- eration. The Deputy County Director, Bryan and College Station City Managers or their appointees shall serve as alternates. IV. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE A. The emergency planning committee is to originate and ap- prove basic guidelines for emergency operations and shall consist of the following: 1. Bryan Fire Chief and alternate, 2. College Station Fire Chief and alternate, 3. Brazos County Firefighters Association President and alternate, 4. Bryan Police chief and alternate, 5. College Station Police Chief and alternate, 6. County and City Civil Defense Directors, 7. TAMU Health and Safety Officer, 8. TAMU Police Director and alternate, 9. District Highway Department Representative and alternate, 10. District Department of Public Safety Representative and alternate, 11. Other Consultants and Representatives as determined by the Committee, 12. Bryan City Manager, 13. College Station City Manager, and 14. Brazos County Judge. V. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM A. Notification and Response 1. The fire chief in charge shall be notified of any supposed hazardous materials emergency in his juris- diction. If he determines that a hazardous materials emergency in fact exists, his dispatcher will notify all members of the Hazardous Materials Response Team (listed on page 5 of this plan.) 2. Response by members of the Hazardous Materials Pe- sponse Team will be on an as- required basis. 2 3. In the event of an accident involving radiation, notify the Department of Public Safety, and they can get a radiation team from Waco, if needed. Also, TAMU has radiation personnel and equipment. 4. In the event of a hazardous materials accident, some aid may be available from other than local agencies. A list of non -local emergency phone numbers is included in this plan. B. Emergency Action Guidelines 1. Notification of all team ors by the responding Fire Department Fire Chief. 2. Identify material type involved in accident. 3. Determine need for evacuation. 4. Notify Department of Public Safety of accident. 5. Contact owner or transporter official. 6. Determine proper material handling procedure. 7. Coordinate assistance and resource needs with respond- ing team members and Civil Defense Official. 8. In rural areas: Notify Sheriff and Precinct Commis- sioner. C. Assistance Coordination 1. Existing mutual aid agreements within the political sub- divisions will be handled by the affected department heads on a routine basis. Other coordination and re- quests for assistance will be coordinated through the Civil Defense Director or City Manager who will assume responsibility and authority for obligated expenditures. 2. Firemen Training School: All assistance requests can be made by the Fire Chief -in- charge to the appointed official as coor- dinated through the County Civil Defense Office. 3. Chemists and Weather Consultants: Requests for appointed consultants assistance will be initiated by the Fire Chief -in- charge. D. Emergency Evacuation Procedures 1. When it is determined than an area must be evacuated, the Fire Officer in charge of Accident Operations and the Law Enforcement Officer in charge of Police Operations will determine the area that needs evacuating. The law en- forcement agency will be in charge of area evacuation. Evacuation procedures will be encompassed by part or all of the following actions: 3 a. House to house notification, b. Mobile siren alerting, and /or c. Radio and TV broadcasts. 2. Nbbile siren alerting will be continuous siren activa- tion for 3 minute periods. Citizens in siren sound area should immediately tune in local radio -TV stations for emergency instructions. 3. The police officer in charge of evacuation will coor- dinate, with radio-TV news task teams„ the exact area that must be evacuated and direction of evacuation routes by using maps, street names, and road numbers. 4. A list of possible sources of Emergency Food and Shelter for evacuated persons is contained in this plan. E. Radio-TV Emergency News Teams 1. Local news media managers will be requested to serve as an Emergency News Task Team for: a. Educating the public on local emergency evacuation procedures. b. Alerting and broadcasting emergency information con- cerning areas requiring evacuation. (The same basic guidelines as currently used for Tornado Warnings, except exact areas, must be specified for Hazardous Material Evacuation.) 2. All Broadcast Emergency Instructions concerning evacuation will be issued by the Police Chief, Sheriff, or his designated representative. 3. All Broadcast Emergency Information concerning the Accident Operations will be issued by the political sub- division chief official or his designated representative. 4. Members of the Emergency News Task Teams are listed else- where in this plan. 4 January 1981 ANNEX A HAZARDOUS T`LERIAT S EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM The following, or alternates, will be notified in the case of an accident involving Hazardous Materials in Brazos County. Response will be on an as- needed basis. TELEPHONE NUMBERS BRYAN FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Paul Philbin 822 -7531 Alt. Raymond Janac 779- 1411/1412 FIRE ONLY COLLEGE STATION FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Doug Landua 696 -8280 Alt. Charles Yeager 911 FIRE ONLY BRAZOS COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION President Tam Payne 845 -3825 Alt. Steve Nemec 775 -1505 FIRE ONLY BRYAN POLICE DF.PARfl»ENT Chief Charles Phelps 822 -9418 Alt. Major Bobby Maddox 822 -9418 Major Lee Freeman 822 -9418 COT,T FGE STATION POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Marvin Byrd 696 -8864 Alt. Major Edgar Feldman 696 -8864 BRAZOS COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Sheriff Bobby Yeager 779 -1717 S/L Alt. Jim Bearer 822 -7373 Ext. 215 Mike Adams 822 -7373 Ext. 215 TAMU UNIVERSITY POLICE Col. T. R. Parsons - Director 845 -2345 Alt. Chief J. R. McDonald 845 -2345 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Communications Chief Sam Saxon 846 -0012 Alt. Sgt. Freddie Forsthoff 846 -3731 TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Bobby J. Erwin 822 -3636 Melvin Ryan 822 -0151 Ext. 278 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE Jake Canglose 845 -6016 846 -7428 E. E. Burns 845 -3126 5 ANNEX B January 1981 EMERGENCY CONSULTANTS AND ASSISTANCE Fireman Training School Assistance John Rauch 1207 Esther, Bryan (B) 845- 2122/3752 (also on fire freq.) (H) 779 -5709 Chemists (Brazos County Civil Defense Appointments) Bennie Joe Camp 2704 Burton, Bryan (B) 845 - 7263/7264 (H) 822 -3336 Weather (Civil Defense Appointment) Charles Brenton 1212 Haines (B) 845 -4329 College Station 846 -7428 (H) 693 -1324 Southern Pacific Railroad D. L. Andreason (Acting Supt. Houston) (713)223 -6319 L. M. Gilbert (Hazard MILS Cont. Houston) (713)223 -6304 Roadmaster Flores (Hempstead) (B) 826 -6511 Missouri Pacific Railroad M. R. Deatherage (Asst. Superintendent, Rules and Safety, Houston) (713)227 -3151 Texas A&M University Office (For University Coordination and Assistance) Harry Stiteler 905 Enfield, Bryan (B) 845 -2132 (H) 846 -0960 Brazos County Judge R. Holmgreen 707 East 31st, Bryan (B) 822 -7373 (H) 823 -0364 City of Bryan Ernest R. Clark 2602 Hollow Oak Circle (B) 779 -5622 City Manager Bryan (H) 779 -1874 City of College Station North Bardell 1113 Neal Pickett (B) 696 -8868 City Manager College Station (H) 696 -8003 6 January 1981 ANNEX C EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center) (1- 800)424 -9300 Call toll -free when truck or train wreck involves hazardous materials. Give name of material, transportation line, cargo numbers, and other shipping information when possible. CHEMTREC will provide immediate information via phone and will notify shipper for you. STATE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE - Emergency Calls (512)475 -4203 NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER (1- 800)424 -8802 Report any oil or hazardous substance spill that has reached or may reach a waterway. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (202)426 -1830 BUREAU OF EXPLOSIVES (202)293 -4043 EXPLOSIVE DISPOSAL (47th Ordnance Detachment, Fort Hood, Texas) Day (817)685 -2309 (817)685 -2929 Night (817)685 -2176 DOT OFFICE OF PIPELINE SAFETY (202)426 -0700 Report pipeline gas leaks. RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY HOTLINE (Texas Dept. of Health) (512)458 -7460 NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (505)264 -4667 Report accidents involving nuclear or radioactive materials in Texas. MISSOURI PACIFIC ' 1RANSPORTATION CONTROL CENTER (314)622 -2119 (314)622 -2224 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY (Main Office) (713)223 -6000 (Hazardous Material Control (713)223 -6304 (713)223 -6307 SOUTHERN RAILWAYS SYSTEM SAFETY OWICE (404)688 -0800 SANTA EE RAILWAY - OPERATIONS DISPATCHER (817)773 -3451 LPG DIVISION, TEXAS RAILROAD COMMISSION (512)475 -4351 Report T .PG emergencies. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Weekdays (512)475 -2786 Nights and Weekends (512)475 -2651 Report oil and hazardous substance spills. POISON CEN ER (SOUTHEAST TEXAS) (713)654 -1701 7 January 1981 ANNEX D EMERGENCY FOOD AND SHELTER FOR EVACUATED PERSONS HOSPITALS Bryan Hospital - 1305 Memorial Drive, Bryan Administrator - Bobby Morgan (B) 822 -1347 (H) 779 -3025 - 3114 Hummingbird, Bryan Disaster Chairman - E. K. Pruitt (B) 822 -1347 (H) 779 -6089 - 4129 Willowoak Drive, Bryan St. Joseph Hospital - 2801 Franciscan Drive, Bryan Administrator - Sister Reginald (B) 779 -3777, Ext. 590 Assistant Administrator - Pat Whitt (B) 779 -3777, Ext. 464 Assistant Administrator - Walter Godfrey (B) 779 -3777, Ext. 598 Disaster Chairman & Plant Engineer - Charlie Clites (B) 779 -3777, Ext. 518/519 an 846 -6686 Health Center - Texas A&M University Director - Dr. Claude Goswick, Jr. (B) 845 -1511 (H) 846 -8384 - 3405 Parkway Trail, Bryan Disaster Chairman & Administrator - T. P. Lackey (B) 845 -1511 an 779 -4875 - 603 Avondale, Bryan RED CROSS - 207 W. 29th Street, Bryan Executive Director - Mary Greenblatt (B) 822 -2157 (H) 696 -9793 - 1104 Walton Dr., College Station Chairman - Ernst F. Haertig (B) 779 -1716 (H) 779 -1716 - 2310 Wayside Drive, Bryan SALVATION ARMY Chairman - Travis Bryan, Jr. - First National Bank, Bryan (B) 779 -1111 (H) 823 -0734 - 612 South Hutchins, Bryan (Nearest City Command Office, Houston, Texas, (713)222 -8253 and Service Unit Field Office, Austin, Texas, (512)452-6770) (continued) 8 SCHOOLS Bryan ISD - 2200 Villa Maria Road, Bryan Superintendent - Dr. Wesley K. Summers (B) 775 -3202 (H) 822 -4377 - 2311 Avon, Bryan College Station ISD - 100 Anderson, College Station Superintendent - Dr. Bruce R. Anderson (B) 696 -8893 (H) 693 -1732 - 3006 Brothers Blvd., College Station Texas A&M University Health and Safety Officer - Harry Stiteler (B) 845 -4227 (H) 846 -0960 - 905 Enfield, Bryan Allen Academy - 1200 Ursuline Avenue, Bryan Headmaster - Bill Creeden -- (B) 779 -0066 (8 a.m. -5 p.m.) 822 -0808 (after 5 p.m.) (H) 779 -0627 - 1200 Ursuline Avenue, Bryan St Joseph Parochial School - 109 N. Preston, Bryan Principal - Mary Sue Ribardo (B) 822 -6641 (H) 822 -1720 - RFD 1, Box 51, Bryan 9 January 1981 ANNEX E EMERGENCY NEWS TASK TEAM ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. 1. Mr. Louis Nemec 1240 Villa Maria Road 779 -3962 KTAM - AM P.O. Box 3069 779 -4438 KORA - FM Bryan, Texas 77801 779 -1240 Alternate: ask for Program Director 2. Mr. Bill Watkins P.O. Box 3008 846 -7788 WTAW - AM/FM Mobile Avenue 846 -0011 Bryan, Texas 77801 846 -1150 846 -9829 Alternate: Tony Nemec 3. Mr. Barry Turner 1710 Texas Avenue 779 -1510 KAGC - AM Bryan, Texas 77801 Alternate: Julie Bell 4. Mr. Harry Gillam P.O. Drawer 3730 846 -7777 KBTX - TV Bryan, Texas 77801 Charnel 3 Alternate: Ulman McMullen 5. Mr. Mel Chastain Texas A&M University 845 -5611 KAMU - TV & FM Educational Broadcast Services Channel UHF 14 College Station, Texas 77843 Alternate: Bill Davie 10 ANNEX F BRYAN FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLAN 11 cn 0 1- p < lJ 0 Z Z .-- Cr) z - Q Z ° O z D LA ILL c n a — a v c p O 0 Q Q o cn y- a aNa Cr z f- . F- •- � L w < U..1 Q< I w J-C Cr Q p 1 ° Z < Ja p ° 1 1 • - W Sw 1 U O CC 2 N z I- �) Er w _1 ' L. Q C1 CC cc = i QG G.3 II 0 c� w V. y 4 . Z 0 L a L.1-1 z cc ° = a z G tO CI w t- OM 0 • o' Q Cr v m CD w O c-1 01. z u Q L _ F- v d D V N F . D r CC < Ck1 <!- N N N t . d U V w v) ci l.p. z L LL W s law C.7 < u ° _ w r- J V - H ] < c V t:i U ' V Rn Z 12 OPERATIONS PLAN FOR MAJOR INVOLVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT BY RAIL OR TRUCK In case of any major railroad derailment involving fire or known hazardous material in the city limits of Bryan, or major accident by truck with haz- ardous materials, the following operational plan will be put into effect immediately. (Note - On any hazardous material incident anywhere in Brazos County, notify the Chief or Fire Marshall) DISPATCHER Notify Chief of Department as soon as all first alarm trucks are dispatched. Notify the Fire Marshall and Training Officer. Notify Civil Defense Director or have Bryan P.D. notify him. Notify Fire Department Secretary. Notify College Station Fire Department to stand by in case mutual aid is needed. Give them as many details as needed. Notify City Manager of Bryan. Give him all known facts and situation as it exists. Request P.D. to notify him. Dispatcher is to take care of fire phone first, radio second, notifications of required people third. Let business phone ring until you get a chance to answer it. FIRST ARRIVING COMPANIES Size up the situation. Your first priority is life safety, second protect exposures. Report isrmiediately giving all details as you see them. Secure the area, if life is in danger evacuate those in greatest peril and down wind first. Request P.D. to assist in evacuating windward side. SHIFT CAPTAIN Set up staging area one block up wind from incident site. Make sure all personnel are in full protective clothes. Do not commit any personnel to suppression until you know what you have. Get bills of lading and waybills from train crew or truck driver. 13 When bills of lading are obtained, contact dispatcher and advise of contents and have him contact CfEMTREC for information. 1- 800 - 424 -9300. If unable to obtain bill of lading and tanker cars are leaking, or on fire, start immediate evacuation of five square block circumference with priority to down wind side. Go to team attack procedures: Team I Co. 1, Booster 1, Aerial 1 Team II Co. 21, Co. 22 Team III Co. 31, Booster 3 Team IV Mutual Aid CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT Set up command post upwind from accident site. Take charge of operation. FIRE MARSHAL Report to Central Fire Station. In charge of all off -duty personnel, communication, and running any other incidents. Assume command in case Chief is incapacitated. TRAINING OFFICER. Report to Command Post. Perform duties as directed. Assume command of position assigned by Chief. DEPARTMENT SECRETARY Report to Central Fire Station, assist in communications and information gathering. Notify members of Brazos Hazardous Accident Team. OFF DUTY PERSONNEL When you hear of incident automatically report to assigned station. 14 ANNEX G COT,T EGE STATION FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EMERGENCY PLAN 15 b Q. O • 0 r te - • i 1- O N N N W r N d t, C1 •-- 1 IO Z CI " LI = C.7 • d J 3 -J < N � { J (/ O f d t/) LL O L-. f- O u_ - w }Oa. W C) 4 N U CY Z •• 1-1 d 1..4 r LL- W O 0 CL. 4 ro • F- U W O Cn O J W C_ O Z CC W ■ 0 N W Z � CC H 0 0 d CD C/7 • 7. 0 • 1 - p [r r v Cd Cr N 1• d ° > d V 1-, LL k CC W 1' Z W W N J W 1- t d- - - d ° LL. w C-) to U W Li- E r-. Z r. O1 - W 1 _1 1-1 _ CC <..) C J .--1 O N J U d I-- V )--• d Lei C/) - •""• H O Q C/) CY 1- < O O ____^ m N O —' c Cc d Z C Li d • •-1 1• +-I = CI- N J Cn d 3k N U .--) 0 6 In N N L Q C3 b E • 1- Z =d v) W U W N Z W I- W Z W W 0 0 d 1--. W J C., 1.-- 1., v c d ►-4 C-) • 4-) J N M •--- Cn c d N - 0 0 1- .--1 C11,-1 .-.4 Cl7 Lr) 5- W • ro • • U CDLCOCDA Z C Z Z E E W W W 4 d , 16 COLLEGE STATION OPERATIONS PLAN FOR MAJOR INVOLVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT BY RAIL OR TRUCK In cases of any major railroad derailment involving fire or known hazardous material in the response area of the College Station Fire Department, or major accident by truck with hazardous materials; the following operational plan will be enacted immediately. NOTE - On any hazardous material or derailment incident anywhere in Brazos County, notify the Chief and Asst. Chief. DISPATCHER Follow dispatch procedures for notifying staff and off -duty personnel. Have College Station Police Department notify the Civil Defense Director. Notify Fi re Department Administrative Assistant for assistance in dispatch. Notify Bryan Fire Department to stand -by in the event Mutual Aid is required. Give them as much information or details as need be. Request College Station Police Department to notify the City Manager. Dispatcher should take care of fire phone first, radio second. Keep business phone open for contacting special agencies and /or required special equipment suppliers. SHIFT CAPTAIN Size up the situation. Secure the area, if life is in danger, evacuate those in immediate area and down wind first. Request Police Department to evacuate windward side and flanks. Set up staging area and command post one block minimum 300 feet up -wind from the incident site. If possible, choose a corner location on a wide street or a near by parking lot. 17 SHIFT CAPTAIN cont. Make sure all personnel are in full protective clothing. Do not commit any per- sonnel to suppression, until you know what you are dealing with and down -wind evacuation has progressed enough to reassign firefighters. Get bills of layden and waybills from train crew or truck driver. If train, have Lieutenants survey wreckage to determine type cars, arrangement of cars, whether or not there is flame impingement and obtain car ID numbers for use in determining car contents. If truck is involved, get Company name off Cab and tank, if poss- ible; also license number and check for telephone number on vehicle. When bills of Layden are obtained, contact dispatcher and advise of contents; be sure of correct spelling, have dispatch contact CHEM -TRAC for information. 1-800-424-9300. FIRST ARRIVING COMPANIES Locate at staging area set up by Shift Captain. Lieutenants and /or acting officers assist Captain, carry out procedures as assign- ed by Captain. Make sure all personnel are in full protective clothing. Do not committ ambulance crews to search /rescue operations or evacuation until it has been determined there are no injuries requiring transport. If possible, re- tain one ambulance in- service at staging area for transport. Maintain groups intact, Assign personnel in pairs, but remain in assigned areas this is necessary for quick regrouping for reassignment. CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT Set up command post at staging area established by Shift Captain. Relocate to E.O.C. at College Station Police Department if situation so developes. ASST. CHIEF Report to command post area established by Shift Captain. Assume command post function if E.O.C. is established. 18 FIRE MARSHAL Report to command post area established by Shift Captain. Report to E.O.C. at College Station Police Department when established. DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTOR Report to command post area established by Shift Captain. Assist in communications and materials identification. AMBULANCE SUPERVISOR Report to command post area established by Shift Captain. Set up EMS sector and take command of triage area. ADMIN. ASST. Report to Central Fire Station, assist in communications and information gather- ing. Noti fy members of Brazos Valley Hazardous Accident Team. Notify speci al consultants as requested. OFF -DUTY PERSONNEL Report to assigned station. After a reasonable time allowing personnel to arrive at their respective station. Number 2 Station wi11 notify dispatch (Central) the number of people available for assignment. Dispatch will then notify the Command Post of personnel at Central and #2 Station, who are available for assignment. 19 ANNEX H BRAZOS COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLAN 20 n 7 r of i - a r 4- 4- C) C Q V) a)n U r C L •r LL C 13 O VI Q,) .0 7 •r co V) > U U r S_ X •r.. a3 •r a) a) C L r0 CL I--- = o > 4--) • V) O CL a) C - o Q) C U R3 V) E E 4-- O ( 1- L) Z W C 4-) n o L- •4-' E c) Cr W 1 4-) S_ 4- 4-) O C p VI M a) n U r C a, •• LL C "------ -0 O p 03 O S 7 • ra VI Q 0 U U r- S- O cc C r� a) S- • RS Q_ F- J 0 - r S_ CL > CC H •r a) O •r I c< 4-) U U Li _ cc >-) no _c •r C.) 4-) •r U 4- CC C U +) 4- O O LL. 0 V) . - . CL Z CC 1- W U V) Q VS N ••■ Lt- W 2 V) U n 4- 1- C3 C, O NCO 4- Q I-.4 N S- ■-i Q •r N U III a) LL S- r-+ Z S_ 4. U a) Z r■+ n t CO c rt t? Cl) ------1 O r o w v - N 7r F- Z W C S_ 4- 4- O C rt ([S a) O U r C >, O. L C ' - 0 N S- a) _c 7 •r- C] CI CU U , r S- O a) •r CV a >a < r Q tV LL - - S O V) LL C CU 4-) r 4- = fl) a) CD a) E 4- •I-- r C O V CO a) n U -0 C • r _ a) •r t.1- C rt5 O r U F- -C 7 •r r V) •r U U U •r S_ > Q C) I N G) .r• S- > Co- L.) 0_ Q 21 BRAZOS COUNTY FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION OPERATIONS PLAN FOR MAJOR INVOLVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT BY RAIL OR TRUCK In case of any major railroad derailment involving fire or known hazardous material in Brazos County or major accident by truck with hazardous materials, the following operational plan will be put into effect immediately. (Note - First action on au hazardous material incident anywhere in Brazos County, notify the Department of Public Safety - Sam Saxon, 846 - 0012. Call CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency•Center) 1- 800 -424 -9300 for advice on handling material. WARNING: Do not attempt to handle any materials without professional knowledge of the procedures. DISPATCHER 1. Notify BCFA Chief as soon as all first alarm trucks are dispatched. Notify appropriate VFD Precinct Chief. 2. Notify Department of Public Safety or have sheriff's office notify them. 3. Notify BCFA Fire Department Secretary. 4. Notify Bryan and College Station Fire Departments to stand by in case mutual aid is needed. Give them as many details as needed. 5. Dispatcher is to take care of fire phone first, radio second, notifications of required people third. FIRST ARRIVING COMPANIES 1. Size up the situation. Call CHEMTREC for instructions. 2. Your first priority is life safety, second protect exposures. Report immediately giving all details as you see them. 3. Secure the area, if life is in danger evacuate those in greatest peril and down -wind first. Request highway patrol to assist in evacuating windward side. 22 OPERATIONS PLAN FOR MAJOR INVOLVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT BY RAIL OR TRUCK • PAGE TWO VFD PRECINCT CHIEF 1. Set up staging area up wind from incident site. 2. Make sure all personnel are in full protective clothes. Do not commit any personnel to suppression until you know what you have. Get bills of lading and waybills from train crew or truck driver. 3. When bills of lading are obtained, contact dispatcher and advise of contents and have him contact CHEMTREC for information. 1- 800 - 424 -9300. 4. If unable to obtain bill of lading and tanker cars are leaking, or on fire, start immediate evacuation with priority of down -wind side. 5. Dispatch VFD precinct foam truck and personnel closest to incident, with neighboring units held on standby. BCFA CHIEF Set up command post upwind from accident site. Take charge of operation. VFD PRECINCT CHIEFS Report to BCFA Chief or assistant; in charge of all off duty personnel communi- cation and running any other incidents. BCFA SECRETARY Report to command post, assist in communications and information gathering. Notify members of Brazos Hazardous Accident Team. VFD PERSONNEL When you hear of incident automatically report to assigned station. 23