HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarker Application 101003COLLEGE STATION HISTORIC MARKER APPLICATION NAMEr ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER OF SUBMITTER: THIS MARKER NOMINATION IS FOR A: A. ~ STRUCTURE MARKER If a home Address of structure: _ (Home/Building) Owner's Name & Current Mailing Address & Phone Number: ( ) This nomination is for:_ The title of this Is the proposed marker to be (Event~opic/Person/Object) College Station Historical Marker Application Page 2 !!. Describe the significance of this nomination with as much detail as possible:. You may attach additional pages for your narrative, if needed. Be sure to attach supporting documentation to this form. See THEMARK£R PROCESS for guidelines. Introduction only many Timeline Pre 1930's of 40-acre farmland plot owned by Schwarz, July 3, 1934 Circa 1935 ome was built at 211 Suffolk e(1). Dec 24, 1936 The Eve Circa 1940 Leland S. and Margaret Paine lived in thehome (1,5). Mid 1950's and M lived inthe (6). 1962 The home was legvacant for a s od (7). 1963-1966 Richard "Buck" andClar lived in thehome (8). 199 nt Michael and Nora Haigh live in the home. was rebuilt in the experience research for Paine drove had Corps of The University in 1952. "Buck" home 1931 received a the cause of tO a his his Ph.D. the away A of fire in of References and Documentation o 10. 11. 12. Personal interview with Bill Lancaster. Feb 26, 1999. Brazos County Deeds. Clerk of Court, Brazos County C se. Book 87, pp. 126-127. The Bryan Daily Eagle. Dec. 24, 1936 The Bryan Eagle. Jan. 1, 1937. 1951 Bryan City Directory 1957, 1958 Bryan City Directories 1962 Bryan City Directory 1963, 1965 Bryan City Directories 1967, 1969, 1972 Bryan City ties Brazos County Official Records. Vol. 1659, p. 124. Photo of Home. 1998 County 13. 14. Universi~ Catalogs. Various Editions. Cushing Memorial Library, A&M University. Texas 15. Li Memorial (~) ho re By a and ~o the Abstr~et No. ~3 of 'the deed t owlt: feet Thl~ restrlc apply ro- I s t~'a tot S 1, The fee end reserved s~rlps Coil ~e by the to 'keep ~aid- grantee League follows, walke to i~; pcld By J, B. Dent College 5ration, Tezas, us follows= cush~ th~ roou~pt of which ~$ h~r~by ao~owled~ed ~nd conf~ed ~,nd ~he ~rther oon~lde~tio~ of the a~reement b ~e stipulations, ~d perform a~ Lmto tho lying and tt League ~ 82, p~ ge s 52¢ t owit: · feet mhd the Northweet 55? This apply to lstrators 1o The £ee walks pole s, u n~ uso of said 2. elusive in Block 1 residence Zo strueted of College Station, st~uction, end , conform to thc .inca ~nd ~oe a~d ~ in- lot or home- used as a ~oc~ted stri.cIly con£orm use l~ ~ddition; ~d~ no except· on for or Df o their !n~;lu~ing rabbits Station~ subject .to to s per f~ont-fo6t; Ii'on is by tho The above until of e m~jority Company S~ l~ld shall be u~;ed / dete, the tion ~m~y, on the basis usc in this ~ddLtion; ~ld no outdooI' toilet nhall ever be I~ trait'ted within ~aid t, dditiOn. · 6. 0nly p~pl~ of th~ ~l~ite r~ce slmll ever ~e permitted to o~m p~perty within said ~dditlo~; ~d no pl~perty ~ any ~rt thereof shall over be ~leoced, rented, ~vned, or servants of oth~r ng rabbits said Addition, , subject $o subJegted to by ~4~p rev lng tlc 9, receive until o~'Jll~ rs o I' a or one vote for e or ~bolish these s~mll b~ held ~t 10. sh~,l 1 im~ed let ely entry rights ditlons De~cnd, all and ag~inst every IN W on the b~sl meeting specified, singular the and a sslgns ox.o~uted Texas Presldellt. , mother, Mr~ A~na Mr. ami er, .Mrs. L. W. Mr. and M~ spend Alvin. M~. R. B. Ehlin~r is spendi~ The ship routin~ : Sterli~ Pc, I~, orew chi m~hanic; l F slip entions to C. edrick~S 18- A. ~ ~asgc~ated p~Sid~ o) LOCA~ON CITY 0AKW00D 211 Suffolk Year Cleared ACCC)UNT NU~tr;i-I~, 6100-005-0250 ON SU PHOTO ! (g) ~ : ~ O~kwood :' .... "'" 26~ ½25 5 ~ERSHiP DATE Pg/Vol Cash Mort, R, Stamps Total LOT SIZE ~ ~OVE ~) SPECIFIcATIoNS 5), Unheated Area. . chanics Lien Total SPace ~a~e of Construction Total Cost Bid, Permit No, Exterior Date of Add'ns Pi~ing Air Conditioning .... He~in~ ' Bld, Pe~it No Fireplace [~ ~ Patio . ~ Value A/V Floor S~TCH : ' Im~v, 100% Interior , ~alue ~ 6- ~ Land ~00Z ' $ ~: ~ value ~ ~ HISTORY OF T~ VALUES i~ROvEMENTS .... . . ' t~ ~s cost ~ ~- - ASSESSmeNT P~TIO .. ~ ' ""_ "" X.. _.~ - --~ ASSESSED V~UE D,AG R,~,,M O, EW ADJ. % GOOD ~TED VALUE VALUE ADD'L .STRUC. ACCOUNT NUMBER PROPERTY ID Lot or Tract Block Addition Abstract 0~0 PROPERTY ID or Tract tion 'tact improvement Use ~'~11' · A2 E1 E2 F1 Improvement Specifications Fireplace Concrete Mist ........................... Year Built ...................... Percent Complete Scale ~// P0 30 Date Measured 4O other TR ADZ ~ SSUE BY 'FI PeY ~f BIOGRkPHICAL SKETCH FOR THE AGRICULTURAL INFOI~TION OFFYCE TITLE ._._. Resource Development Spec~lipt ......... _ SINC~ __~t~ ~ ~ YEAR FIP~T EXT. EMPLOYED OTHER EXT. POSITIONS __ _N?ne PRESET AREA OF RESPONSIB~I~[ _promre~s. includin~ ~r~aniza~%on~ ~ducation and activation .......... BORN COL.~S ATTENIIED~ I~ COURSES BECE~ ~ni~ers~lt¥ of Nebraska - Geography and E ~Cs - B.A HONORS R~EIVED Signna Xi; Fell°w iD Texas ACademy of Science BRIEF MILITARY RECORD __ Radio Trainee in latter part of Wpr~l~War I. (Us addmumonal blank sheets if MAIN PREVIOUS POSITIONS: PLACE Normal, Illinois_ INSTITUTION/FIIhM Texas A. and M. College TITLE INSTITUTION/FII~v~;- ~_ L_aredo Charaber of Commerce PLACE Lar_ 9d0, Texas T1T~ INSTITUTION/FIRM PLACE WIFE'S FULL ~IDFg~ NAIVE AND ~ garet Eunice ~eS Cen~er~ Nebraska IflJSBAND' S FULL NAME AND WHERE ~D IF WIDOW OR WIDO¥~ER, SO STATE SEXES~ NAMES AND AGES OF CHILDREN Son~ Robert, 4.1; Daughter? ~aret: 38; and .... DaBKhter, Barbara~ 35. ........... GRANI~HILDRENi NUMBER . 5 __ DATE March 19, 1963 (Use additional blank sheets if necessary) IN IVERSITY ARCHIVES I ~P, exas A&M Unive~'sity [..._College Station. Texas UN IVERSITY ARCH IV--ES ] iversity [ Paine, ~x4 ~VI~I~SITY ARCHIVE~ iversity A&M in edge spokeswoman Powell. W a A&M executive director of the former student group in 1961. He loved the have to place Weirus ARCHIVES Y TeXas or association in its said the rais- Kyle s Visitor of local UNIVERSITY~ AR (~,~IIVE$ Texa~ A~M University I (~!ollege ~tation~ Texas pre Thc grove. feature calls, lore and habitats ty's Center in~ The ~ ofth~ mentary, by WeiPus~ RicbaPd ?he Ba~a~icn 10-] ]-6'7 Biography TEXAS A&M UNIV ~OLLEGE STATION, To Weir~ls, Former 44th ~ lic HemisFair be College. is IFCA schools, de- of social The will on lite and soci Also attending the convention will be Mrs. I~. R. Purcell Of Houston, IFCA -president. Weirus Weirus, Richard "Buck" ol a rrish '6F U~ IVERSITY ARCHIVES A&M University Station, Texas f~ichard E. "Buck~' Weirt:s. Class of '42, died of an UNIVE1~f4ITY AR(~HIVE: Pexas A&M [. n~vers~ty College Station, I?exa. Funeral se be held tomo wm' ~n Antonto chard E. Buck We~rus wall be remembered as a great leader at Texas A&M and a friend of many Aggies, said those who kneTM him. ltandy Matson,Weirus' e S rector ~2f the Association oi Weirus will be sorely missec "g uck probably knew mo anyone I'x3e ever kb. own, beca get to know them, Matson sai lease. 'th lot of them really lm genuinely intemst.e,d in th~m. The Ilniversitys Buck V¢ named in hi Liza ( received the dents," Hate Weirus Re- for so started gnizing degree and anna Burke A BRYAN D/~.ii.Y r;A ;L~; ', .... B£OZRAiHY WEI RUS. RiCHARL direc~ 1985 ill ITluch come for nothing!'' Class Lucia, who came 1968, said Weims and he could make she ~ev~ a two-way streeL I you, you've She you think, to long as it was for fion.' She also reca ous times that volunteers. hardest, look care about ~ As "Randy" layinl nuallv to students performin~, excep- fi~mat service~ in bellalf of their ielt~}w StUdents. Vohmleer (waiter in the dining hall), and lettered in swimming, he recalled him as the dru :? nationally-recognized previous recipient of presented Weirus Others honored in CiC. "Polly" Krueger '12 in- t}~ '!Pat" Zachrv ~22; J. H. '44, ~ Killian '26, and beamed as she sat a nd Dianna~s husband Weirus and his Wife didn't. incentives the Assoc back from ference active me! neady 10050001 increased; the Associati0 group in recordkee Scholarship (more than history books On 7 and tl~e Association his guidance, tte for the 1968 rooted C.C. It has man's s has made By this measure, Richard Wei~us '42 stan~s ~-~ore than 10- and this was never more evide January 4 when the San Ant°ni Club bresented him its C.C. Krueger Distinguished Service Aggies from across Texas athere · · g Oak Hill Country Club to pay t spects to this man who touch~ lives st) meaningfully. The program was King Jr. '52 and was Hollimon '42 with just of irreverence, tempered Gen. Fred Westdn '29 tempts to chara< claimed credit for a tend Texas A&M. p visualize and solve his keen sense of humor. was organizing the 56th ~ for the 7bxas National { recruit Weirus. V,/eirus, Field Artillery at first, reasomn get killed on phrpose.' "Buck Weirus is the finest officer that ever served with )ne or under me,"' Gen. Weslon concluded. Weirus attained the rank of colonel before retiring. A ~orto~ of the r0 ran~ devoted to ~ P g Weirus' soFvit'e as Annual Fund DirectOr (1961-64) and Executive Director of the Association ~d- Former Students'~ (1964- t980} was sha~,.d bv three who worked closelv wilh him. J. tF "Dick" t terve~ hi~ him [o leave Board w~ lIN IVERSITY ARCHIVES It.xas ASz, lkl University (Jollege Station, Texas