HomeMy WebLinkAboutNuclear center helps train firefighters i t ," N, ik, . \ , x ‘4,,. 4 It7::,, to ,,,,,./ \ y , 1: \ r, 1 ;�� � � , 4, \A: 'X''''' - x\ \Y A ' "4.4 ' * 7 4 CIT OF COLLEGE STATION personnel familar themselves w equipment for measuring radiation levels at the Nuclear Science Center at Texas A &M Univerisity. They are:(left to right) firemen Terry Thigpen, Ron Garrison and David Giordano and Dorthty Parker, administrative assistant to Fire Chief Douglas Landua. The course will help the firemen h andle emergencies involving radioactive material. CS Fir learn about radi o ac ti vit ----2\ 7 Y by John We Instruction covers basic sai the College Station Firemen and support per- atomic theory and radiation firemen need to kno how to sonnel of the College Station behavior and e Ses- approach accidents and fires Fire Department are receiving sions in the Nuclear Science in which radioactive material training at Texas A &M Center's radiation detection are involved. The department University • t o handle and measurement lab enable provides coverage to the cam - e mergencies involving emergency personnel to use pus, whe a number of labs radioactive material. equipment and monitor a use ra di o i sotopes. Oil field Training at the Nuclear radioactive source. proc esses also involve Scien Center and Depart- "They work around live ra dioactive mater ials. men is conducted by unive radioactive material to see The 38 Col lege Sta f i r e sity health p how the tools they will use service emp in ther Fire Chief Douglas Lan operate, explained Bates. s pecial training also tour dua, ad assis "It builds confidence and campus facilities such as the Dorothy Parker di spatchers removes fear of th cyclotron and Zachry and others along with unknown." Lab sessions in- Engineering Center tr aining firemen and emergency volve a 10 Roentgen source, reactor, "to see the layout medical technicians receive measured at various distances and get an idea where to lay the four -hour condensed to demons protection lines if the need arises," course principles.. Bates said. "We instruct them not on- Bates sa three elemen - A written examination is ly on what they need to know shielding, distance anat.() time - p art of th e training, after to do their job, but also for protect life from radian. which the firemen will go their personal assurahce," Nuclear Science Center through annual refresher said instructor Gene Bates. Director Dr . Jo hn Randall courses. ec:)-- - 3 e- ! J • s., \ ‘.....,: .::?:•:: - .... \ , • / / • V a Um :.;',.:. lc s ;.< .>.,'../. \>•,;," st • • :'''.:6. ° \ \ ai ' \ / \ ., i / , • ........), . k kt.:::00:::: .\ ..:" : ::.K . ,.......:..,:, / N„...,../ \.....<../ . . ellog , � 1!; 2 0) iligt::::::MilOtligti \ , ... . • ..... .- ,, ,::. ., .::,.:::, 0 .... ,:,::::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2g,01,,,..,.% ..&.,: ....,..,...,,,,,.., ..,„ ...., . ..„, 0 ,.,,,3111::,::.::,,..,.;..!,:"...„.1„,„,....".„7.,,,,,,,i„,,,,,,,,,:,,,!::,:::::61,,t.:::: ;4 • ' •• ''' ` 16., .,..q..•:'::.,...:,A::::::::::oz.:......0.,,,,.........t. 4toly 1 .. • . 1p . • . .... ,,,,,, es MIMI • kk.ilt:<.r .: • . Ak AIL 416 416,, ...1: 4 ::"%i 14— tealtfUttai:::::::7• '::. ' 4411h. '.."'IrgiNIFIr IIIVAILIIrdlik, • .::'.. ,:',:::. I:1 _ mil . . ■� W o �: A l a • ro ` s Qv Niti.:::::* c \ „ \�� � � E *. 00 a • c. in \ b 0 G) ❑ G ) ,, s C A a 6s v, % b n a `° a c6 > 7 3 co, .c 5 O m . = u .,, a c n E u .v�, ^o h �m • a> . 1.-1 � .--> ° mt ° c Q1 f" as b11 i•. = (.' .-, } • y 3 >a w as .-, cc, O y 0 �"� w 03 'O .. '" , v . f" +� f" Ca > O cC .-. - O C �Ca 2 E C c0 •O d , O ' v) y C cC d cC . ,, , , -• s .— ti ,b c.,, s " , y U ;� uo ALn s: v i3 c am , y o U ° '" = y x 3c.n z> '.. c°a , .�M 2 -.° @ O 2 L2., .- ' ,9 , q 4" ° O y F., ° . ,-+ 3 >a c0 i-. +-' „, i 1-a CC C... G7 ad •R„ ti .1 U � � ;,• ; �-, WD 6' 0. cC v cC c; s. ,--, ca >, y w m o2 p b rn '�'' � '� r'? 3 ° " o? S bo co . e y ^o bq C 7a s. ,r, a .° E c° GO 2 y - o ^ cc v O y 'O � cC -1;1 O .y. . V] . ° a) ,., i f•. 1-4 :7; ° � C w o E v, O _o ,1 �"' 0 14 w ,„ c1.7_14:2 I C a . c, N c4 s" ..o cC .� « f RS co v N , f" c0 N c , •� A ° vl v ) •-' = G4 y c a . t. v' v „, ,... a' •� .0 O y a a i to v' ""' = E �_, = N ,.-, x• , o ca ca , ca O , cC ca c/] s, CZ ca w 'O N v] 4 > v, G� 4, a ' ❑ E: as -4~ ,�!; S: d v a> ca .•+ 3 <,, 0 ;-.. j .0 O a ' > v;i .`�-. > > F, w 43 a , y v5i O F.4) ' O •O 2 O so '0 $" E_ on If ° v' ca .c a' c Z v' a' Z ' y v 4-. s" uo 3 m . •5 U t b ez m g d O °f =. ? o �y o v'� 3T. u> v as ❑ c' o cu s. a,. so G Z ° - .n: o A v E,° .. ; � °E yy p7.z. :°�;•�C n a E 03 ° c ° U " 'O cO ." ° ti C 0 1 - ccz a' cC W -. so, ti a U d 0 c p E Gr . 2 y y o E cn s. a ° te ca o- s" �a c, wow -0 -0 v E .,v ❑