HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Exercise Operations 1976 BRAZOS r COUNTY t./OUNTY • C -' , � A O 0 • JAKE CANGLOSE OFFICE OF J AMES PRESSWOOD COUNTY DMECTOR AND CHAIRMAN TEXAS AS M UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR E.E. BURNS CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING GEORGE L. HUEBNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J. LOUIS ODLE BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 NORTH BARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOR November 15, 1976 • Mr. Kyle Thompson Director DCPA Region Five Federal Regional Center Denton, Texas 76201 Dear Mr. Thompson: On behalf of the County Judge of Brazos County, the Mayors and City Managers of Bryan and College Station, I would like to extend to you our invitation, if your schedule permits, to visit us during the Emergency Exercise Operations scheduled here for the 19th of November 1976. We have completed five (5) days of intensive emergency training and feel that what we have already gained from this training will have a tremendous impact on our ability to function under any type emergency condition. Mr. Chuck Harrison and his associate, Mr. John Benton, are to be highly commended for their expertise, and dedicated efforts. We feel extremely fortunate to have Mr. Harrison and this type training program available to us. It is the opinion of our community that the type of program being conducted by Mr„ Harrison should be available to all local political sub - divisions on a continuing basis. I am inclosing a time schedule of the Exercise and a copy of our local newspaper editorial. Hoping you can be with us, I am Sincerely, 1 " ate; Incls. 2 Jape Canglose, eirector Brazos County C vil Defense cc: Jydge Bill Vance, Brazos County Judge 1/nr. Louis Odle, Bryan City Mana ,5er Mr. North Bardell, College Station City Manager Mrs. Dorothy Byrd, Center for Community Services North Texas State University Denton, Texas 76203 Mr. Bill Davis, Director Field Services Operation A • Disaster exercises benefitall. citizens A. -, ' and County officials will have to be as ready as possible to - be going through mock disaster deal with whatever situations `ercises November 18 -19. ; that may arise. ". %College Station officials will While planning can't answer . handle a make- believe train- all the questions, it can ease. the ►reek complete with the crises s of explosive gases, a busload of Problems if they do occur. Long ' ;injured tourists and hardening hours of planning now can pay cement on the railroad tracks. off with cool- headedness in the - r Meanwhile a mock tornado event of a real disaster. >vwilldevastateBryan and the city Because then, seconds will =will have to deal with disrupted count, decisions will _make a 'electrical service,- heavy wind difference. ;damage and homeless victims. - ~ The difference could be lives. 'The various officials and their All of this will be simulated workers face long hours of =crises aimed at testing the planning and acting out the pandling of emergency disasters over the next several - - situations here. The "disasters" days. „ _, _ _ :ill simulate the real thing as Their reward will be limited to ' * as possible. knowing they've worked to help A waste of time and money? make our communities more re -Not a chance. ,,:,�. ,: , . secure in the future. The make believe could easily A good test, following .become fact. Predicting doom is the mock disasters Nov..l9, - -not pleasank might be for the cities to stage another test with less official But the fact is that natural notice. ' . :disaster or man- caused disaster Then they can see if the :could happen to the Bryan- present work has accomplished • : College Station area as quickly its goals. _ as the tornado devastated But whatever comes from the : Lubbock in 1970. exercises, the officials are to be r And our government officials commended for this extra effort. i 0)/IS-4—t)04AA4/116 (117-7 ( ) .telliviAlr -t7/Afzt o's 4 ii)A;#1A8L 644/1- ,, . � .a�� die tt-e/O, P ', e oltAi \ArrA4 0/1, JAAA/Fl -/(wriv't (r h C-e4 -)// 6-tther g-tow • ` (4 XPIA r f r ��if � 4 f �- 2:08 Chief of Police notifies City Manager that a major f train derailment has occurred and that the Varsity II ^ __? _ _� . . -��.�� ,, on r_r? J ` t ' ''' o � Cit Manager calls .v.v. into aCi =ZJ ^. 2:21 Public Works Official (P.W.0.) arrives on scene 4 2:22 Assistant Chief (C - 2) asks P.W.Q. for assistance in controlling the fuel spill. c< 2:23 ',laic 30 co Unit 36 (VACALi..) : Go co F_:1 incerseccion Park Place and Wellborn Road. Begin removal of fuel oil from water surface in ditch on west side of Wellborn Road. Approach from east on Park Place. Unit 30 to Unit 24: Need someone to get some kind of floating material such as wood and meet Unit 38 at Park Place and Wellborn Road. Use the wood (2x4`s or whatever) to construct a floating barrier to stop the further spread of fuel oil on water surface in ditch. Approach the area from the east on Park Place. 2:24 Unit 30 to E.Q.C.: We are Advised that we have a car down with metalic sodium on board, some of the cargo has spilled and is in drainage ditch south of Luther. This along with the ammonia and fuel oil does present an emergency situation. Please advise if declared. 2:25 C -2 to P.W.O.: Can you get someone to go to south of Luther to handle metallic sodium. P.W.O. will have someone there in about 10 minutes. 2:26 Unit 30 to Unit 32: Ronnie, go to the swimming pool and get the longest dip nets we have, then go to the East Crossing of Bee Creek and FM 2818. There are some 1 ## cannisters of metallic sodium which might be floating that way. These should be dipped up and placed in a dry place. Metallic sodium is extremely volatile when exposed to moisture and should be handled with caution. Remain at the location until further notified. 2:26 Unit 30 to Unit 36: Paul go to creek crossing on 2154 jsut south of Luther Street. There are some 1# cannisters of metallic sodium on the ground at that location near an overturned boxcar. Some also are in the drainage ditch. These cannisters are extremely dangerous and should be handled with care. When in contact with moisture these can be explosive. Take these cannisters and load them into any boxcar that is still on the tracks and movable. Advise me by radio of your arrival and progress. 4 2:28 Unit 30 to E.O.C.: Please notify the State Department 'Z of Highways and Public Transportation that we need as many barricades as possible. Send someone to help get them if possible. Need barricades at Joe Routt, Jersey, all cross streets intersecting 2154 from Jersey to 2818. Unit 30 to Unit 24: Move down to just north of Luther Street, place floating material on water surface at culvert to form a skimmer to stop spread of fuel oil on water surface. _ - ,,; t 38 arri7es on scene Unit 30 to Unit 38: Move to ditch west side of 2151 just north of Luther. Begin removal of fuel oil by using snorkel on the VacAll. 2:38 Request from P.D. to see if we can move remaining cars south out of city. 2:39 Unit 30 to E.O.C: Notify Brazos Valley Concrete that we need their assistance in the way of heavy equipment to move remaining cars on tract south out of city. Please advise of their response. 2:40 Unit 32 to Unit 30: Two cannisters have been picked up, no more seen at this time. Unit 30 to Unit 32: Remain on location. 2:50 Unit 36 to Unit 30: All cannisters have been accounted for except 2 1# cannisters and have been loaded on board and upright undamaged boxcar. Unit 30 to Unit 36: Remain on scene until Unit 32 arrives with the two remaining cannisters. Load the then leave the scene but stand by until further notice. Unit 30 to Unit 32: Take the 2 cannisters you have and meet Unit 36 at scene just south of Luther Street. Approach by way of 2818 then north down Wellborn Road. After loading cannisters leave the area but stand by. 2:52 E.O.C. to Unit 30: Brazos Valley Concrete has a large winch truck and a large dozer. There are standing by for instructions. 2:53 Unit 30 to Unit 23: Meet with people at Brazos Valley Concrete. They have some equipment we can use. We need the derailed cars pushed or off the track. Then get with the conductor and break the train into movable sections and get the equipment out to 2818. Start moving the train south out of town. 2:55 Unit 38 to Unit 30: We have a load on board and need to.know-where to go. 2:56 Unit 30 to E.O.C.: Call Firemen's Training School and • - tell them that we have a VacAll headed their way . 3 with fuel oil on board to be disposed of in the . waste oil pit. 3:00 Fire spreading down ditch 30 =0 ali P.W. 7-ar3orna1 'J ^o - ;1_ 3e » Jng rri` oast= or Lamle our "'oat =ions '. T:ediacelj. 3:06 C - requests a hole be dug to catch water for drafting.. 3:07 Unit 30 to Unit 29: Get the gradall and meet with Fire Unit 701 at Park Place and 2154. He needs a hole dug to serve as a catch basin for water. Approach from °_a3C on ?ark Place. If fire 3oreaas =o 'lour area, 3a prepared to evacuate immediately. 3:20 C -2 requests plumbers tools to shut off leak at over- turned ammonia tanker. 3:21 Unit 30 to Unit 21: F.D. needs some tools at scene 2154 and Luther to shut off leak. Approach from east on Park Place. 3:45 Ammonia leak stopped. 4:00 Unit 23 to 'Unit 30: Train cars are being moved out south of Wickes Lumber. r • 1 2:08 Fire Department dispatcher receives call from Polic Department that a train has derailed into the Varsity _ oa tmen aad .s b ur _•- i:J Lt. Phipps (L-1) - ^quests a eue ai alarm = mom the dispatcher. Unit 142 goes 10 - 8 2:10 Asst. Chief (C - 2) goes 10 - 8 2:11 1st Engine Co. (142) 10 -23 at scene i2 70 College =ecp_:est you call t. a gas _.^.muan!T and. trie city electrician on call. 2:12 Asst. Chief 10 -23 arrives at the scene. Sets up command post at Jersey and Highland St. Unit 142 lays two supply lines from hydrant at • Jersey and Highland, puts Monitor into operation on the fire. 2:13 Unit 150 (Fire Marshall Davis) 10 -23, sent to evaluate train's condition along the tracks. 2:14 2nd Engine Co. leaves the station, (141 is 10 -8 to Jersey and 2154) 2:16 141 arrives at scene (141 is 10 -23) (L -1 to 141, lay two supply lines to the university hydrant on 2154 north of the fire) 2:17 Unit 150 to C -2, there is a tanker that is spilling diesel fuel out on to the street at Grove and 2154. 2:18 C -2 to College; call Bryan Fire Department and request mutual aid, tell them we would like 701 and 704. 2:19 Unit 150 to C -2; there is another tanker at Luther Street that is leaking what appears to be ammonia gas and is drifting toward the Southgate Apartments. 2:20 C -2 to College; send Unit 12 to the scene Unit 12 is 10-8 2:21 Public Works Official arrives at the scene. 2:22 Asst. Chief asks the Public Works Official for assistance in controlling the fuel spill. 2:23 Unit 12 it 10 -23 C -2 to Unit 12; lay two lines down Highland St. to the hydrant at Grove and advance your lines to the southeast side of the apartments. 2:24 Unit 150 to C -2; there is a boxcar of metallic sodium overturned and the cargo is spilled out onto the street and the drainage ditch south of Luther Street. Y 2:25 C -2 to P.W.O.; can you find some help to go to the south of Luther. Chief to C -2; public works advises they can have someone over there in about 10 minutes. .ac:cs .. nar:men_s =) 2:29 Unit 150 to C -2; I don't see any further damage to the train at this point. 2:35 C -2 to College, the P.W.O. here, advises me that they 'beginning to Dick uo the s illed oi?. on 2154. 2:38 143 is 10 -23 at Southgate Apartments 2:45 143 to College; we have several victims that are over- come and have minor burns; we need transportation to the hospital. 3:00 Firefighter I to Asst. Chief; a fire has just spread from the boxcars to the diesel tank car south of the Apartments, and is spreading down the ditch. 3:01 Mutual aid units from Bryan arrive at the scene. 3:02 C -2 to Unit 701; move your truck down to Park Place and 2154 to stop that fuel fire. C -2 to 704; you have a hydrant at Park Place and Mary em . 3:05 C -2 to 141; we need another 2 1/2" supply line to 142 at the fire. 3:06 Asst. Chief requests that the public works provide a catch basin in the bar ditch on 2154 south of Unit 701. 3:07 701 reports they are attacking the fuel fire and have it contained but we have several houses threatened by the fire between Grove and Park Place. • C -2 to 701; we will have a 2 1/2" hand line stretched to that location in approximately 5 minutes. 3:08 C -2 to Unit 12; send your men to 142 and pick up the portable deluge gun and replace it on the hand lines. Then send them down Grove Street to protect that exposure. 3:15 Firefighter 1 to C -2; we now have a 2 1/2" line on the houses across from the tanker fire. 3:20 143 to C -2; we have checked that ammonia leak and we think we can cut it off with some tools. Asst..Chief to P.W.O.; can you have some plumbers tools delivered to Luther and -2154 3:45 143 to C -2; the ammonia leak has been shut off. 3:50 L -1 to C -2; the apartment fire has been brought under 3 control but we may be here for several hours. 3:51 Asst. Chief to College; we have a code 5. T _ 7 -7-7> P 1 ) • 2:03 Unit 319 to College Thera has 'peen a :rain -,araiLment a .__ray aad 113. 2�. T :cam eagiaa has hit Varsity 1? Apartenrs, the Apartments are on fire. 3. Notify the Fire Department. 4. Also notify the ambulance and send all available ambulances and medical personnel. We have mass casualties in the Apartment complex. C3 _1 °_ga tail ? toL c yoC:L3 anti 3trn.se them -gig will need electricians right away. 6. 319 to College; call all police personnel in. 2:10 319 to 321 1. 321, go to FM 2154 and Joe Routt and set up road block and allow no traffic to enter the area of Jersey and FM 2154. 2. 319 to 322 1. Go to Jersey St. at Fairview and set up road block. 3. 319 to 323 1. Go to FM 2154 and FM 2818 and set up road block. 2:12 Set up at the scene command post 2:17 Fire Department finds deisel fuel leaking 2:19 Fire Department finds ammonia leak at Luther and FM 2154 and is threatening area east of FM 2154. 2:20 312 to 319 1. We have the field command center set up and have all off duty police personnel here. 2. 10 -4 312; request 4 men to relieve the police units at FM 2154 and Joe Routt and Jersey and . Fairview and FM 2154 and FM 2818 and FM 2347. 2:21 319 to 322 1. Go to Southgate Apartments and check out report of ammonia smell in that area. 2:24 322 to 319 1. There'is a strong smell of ammonia in area. 2. 319 to 322 Drive through the area and announce over your loud speaker for everyone to evacuate the area and to go to diddle School. Advise them to evacuate to the east and stay away from FM 2154 PO 2:25 Ask public works for barricades for FM 2154 at Joe • y Routt and Jersey at Fairview and FM 2154 at FM 2818 2 :26 319 to 312 1. Request 9 men to be sent to cordon off area ._±o":'? Ho''_ =ma = - to 31_ 1. Request that Middle School be notified that people are evacuating to the school and will need medical personnel at that location. 9:3 3 3 3 1. Request that announcement be put on TV and radio for Southgate Apartment to evacuate to the east and do not go toward FM 2154. 2:34 319 to All Patrol Units 1. Go to the area of Southgate Apartments and assist in evacuation of that area. 2:36 319 to 312 1. Request you ask for assistance from the University Police to send two units to FM 2818 and FM 2347 and FM 2818 and Luther Street, set up road block to keep out sightseeing. 2:37 Men in position along Fairview 2:38 Request from Public Works for tractor to pull the part of the train that is on the track out of town. 3:50 319 to All Patrol Units 1. Patrol evacuated area and be watchful for looters. r