HomeMy WebLinkAboutDisaster Site Critique Guide DISASTER SITE CRITIQUE GLIDE Disaster Location Type of Disaster • Time and Date of Disaster Person Performing Critique 1. Number of physicians responding 2. Number of nursing personnel responding 3. Number of firemen responding _ 4. Number of policemen responding 5. Number of other personnel responding 6. Number of casualties NOT ORGANIZATION YES NO OBSERVED • 7. Was the triage layout physically arranged so as to facilitate expedient flow of casualties? 8. Were the casualties moved quickly to receiving hospitals? 9. Were the casualties calssified and tagged? 10. Was there a central registration area? 11. Were those in authority properly identified? LEADERSHIP 12. Was leadership demonstrated that caused people to take effective action? 13. Did a physician assume leadership at any point? 14. Were there any problems in the coordination of medical, fire, police and other services? 15. Was the general spirit of the participants conducive to the success of the exercise? CRITIQUE GUID" (cont'd.) 16. Who demonstrated leadership? NOT • CONTROL YES NO OBSERVED 17. Was the traffic satisfactorily controlled? _ 18. Did the mobile communications system function properly? 19. Was there any provision for the security of personal effects? 20. Did the neighborhood people cause any problems? 21. Did observers cause any problems? GENERAL LOGISTICS 22. Was first aid available? 23. Were there enough trained litter bearers? 24. Were necessary supplies available? 25. Was necessary equipment available ?• 26. Were the following communications available? a. Two -way radio b. Telephone c. Wacky -Talky d. Messengers 27. Were the roulages and make -up realistic? 28. Was coffee available for participants? NA:RATIVE: Please use the reverse sides of these sheets to make any comments that may be helpful in evaluating this exercise.