HomeMy WebLinkAboutM. Parks Bowden retires 1979 24 16,zoe C Cox Appointed DES Chief State Coordinator M. P. Bowden Retires After More Than 40 Years of Public Service Chief Marion P. Bowden, State Coordinator of Department in Austin as Director of Operations and Disaster Emergency Services, announced his retire- Training. In 1961 he accepted appointment as Oper- ment from State ser :e effective July 1, 1979. His ations Officer for what was then the Governor's Of- leaving signals the e,,.J of a long and distinguished fice of Defense and Disaster Relief, now the Gover- career of public service, both to the State and in tole nor's Division of Disaster Emergency Services. military. Bowden, known as Parks to his many friends Bowden's career in public service has earned and associates, became State Coordinator and Chief him many awards and commendations. During his of the Governor's Division of Disaster Emergency Ser- service career Bowden was awarded the Distinguish - vices on September 1, 1974, after having served in the ed Service Cross. Other decorations include the Division as Operations Officer since 1961 and as Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, all with Deputy Coordinator of the Division since 1965. the Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Combat Infrantryman's Bowden, originally from Belton, Texas and a Badge. -- Larry Skiles 1933 graduate of Belton High School, obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas I . ' New DES Chief ,& , . M. P. Bowden Is Pilot, Ham ... � ° Retiring DES State . f Coordinator `' .f r ''*'' ' f, , Frank T. Cox Deputy State Coordinator Frank T. Cox, k : , , :,,3 4 , , ,,,,,:14, / 58, will succeed retiring State Coordinator i Par Bowden s G r' s sion ks of Disaster Emergency of the S ervices ern . The as achief was m ade o by D epart Divi- ment of Public Safety Director Col. Wilson E. it and announced the DES staff June 13 :: :: ::. <:: ><:> a....- : €<:: € >.:.... : _ :: >::: :.a. ; :<: » >;:: >:: »:;:: »::;: S e a d a vu ced tote S s a e by DPS Administrative Chief Jim Morris. in 1938. Later in his career he earned a Master's Since joining the division in 1961, Cox Degree from Texas A &M University while serving as has served as Communications Officer, Plans Tactical Officer and Assistant Commandant of and Operations Officer, Resources Planning Cadets following his active military career. Officer and Deputy State Coordinator. Having joined the Texas National Guard as a Prior to World War I!, Cox served with the private in 1940 he found himself at the rank of second Army Air Corps as a civilian technician and lieutenant in command of Company L, 143rd Infantry was an enlisted Navy pilot during the war. He when the guard was mobilized in June of 1941. In 1942 received a battlefield commission in 1944. Bowden made Captain; in 1944, Major; and in 1945 he He graduated with honors from the was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He left the ser- University of Corpus Christi in 1950, receiving vice at that rank in 1948. a BA degree. An ordained Baptist minister, Bowden's company and other units participated Cox also holds an honorary DD degree. in the 1943 invasion of Salerno, Italy and the invasion Cox holds FCC commercial and amateur of Southern France in 1944. Following combat duty, radio operator licenses, pilot's license with he attended the Command and General Staff College flight and instrument ground instructor in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he remained as ratings, and is chairman and executive direct an instructor until 1947. It was during that tour that he tor of the Texas Civil Air Patrol Commission. met and married Bettie Coppersmith in December, He is married to the former Marion 1947. Childress of Lockhart. They have four children Following his studies and service at Texas A &M and seven grandchildren. University, he moved to the Adjutant General's .�