HomeMy WebLinkAboutDES Council Expands to 30 members 7 if :fi t i txai - 3 13,1 • % <f . w .. - - - - : 7/ \A 1-- F ok r PARTICIPANTS In the July 17-19, 1979 ChM Preparedness Director/Coordinator Seminar at the State EOC 177 Austin included:: Bottom Row (L to R) San Antonio Civil Defense Deputy Coordinator N. T. Horan; Crowell -FOard County Civil Defense Coordinator Robert Grimes; Fayette County Judge Fritz Lobpries, Civil Defense Director, Alpine City Manager Tom Longman; Dallas Civil Defense Officer Earnest Taft; Castroville Civil Defense Director Antonio 011vares; Mertzon Civil Defense Director Jerald W. Moore; Eastvale Mayor Mozelle Crawford Civil Defense Director Hidalgo County Civil Defense Director Carl Ward: Robstown Civil Defense Asst. Coordinator Roy Gutierrez; Ruby Nichols, La Feria; Santa Rose Civil Defense Director Abel Martinez; Second Row (L to R) Swisher County Judge Leroy Saul, Civil Defense Coordinator; Hamilton City Manager Larry Olson; Lynn County Judge Melvin Burks, Civil Defense Director, Red Oak Mayor Zack Keathley Civil Defense Director; FEMA Field Representative Mattie Treadwell; Red Oak Police Chief Bradley Hayes; La Feria Civil Defense Coordinator Charles Nichols; Greenville Fire Chief Howard English; DES Training Officer John Christian; Third Row (L to R) Breckenridge Fire Chief Roger McMullen; Albany Civil Defense Director Raton L. Foster, Jr.; Ranger Civil Defense Director A. D. Sharp; rtMA Representative tram Hatcull; texas A&M University Representative Dr. Carlton Ruchs/- Fourth Row (L to R) Woodson Civil Defense Coordinator Jerry Jones; DES State Coordinator Frank T. Cox; Stinnett Civil Defense Director Roy Maddox; Robstown Councilman Tommy Dulin; Nuclear Civil Protection Planner Ronald Anderson. (DPS Photo) New Execuiive Order DES Council Expands TO 30 Members Gov. Bill Clements has signedjA DDiTIONALLY, the order ALSO, the Texas Employment a new executive order reorganizing also holds that the mayor of each Commission, Texas Energy and the Disaster Emergency Services !municipal corporation and the Natural Resources Advisory Coun- Council. The order, WPC -11, !county judge of each county is cil, Department of Health, State repeals DB 23 -B, under which the designated as the disaster direc- Department of Highways and DES Council has operated during tors for his respective jurisdic- Public Transportation, General the past several years. Mons, and allows that authority to Land Office, State Board of In- 1 be delegated to an individual who surance, Texas Industrial Commis- i WPC -11 expands membership is to serve as the chief of staff to sion, Texas Department of Mental on the DES Council to 30, adding the chief executive officer of a Health and Mental Retardation the Banking Department of Texas, l jurisdiction for disaster and Parks and Wildlife Depart- the Texas Energy and Natural l preparedness purposes. The order ment. Resources Advisory Council and ! further requires the chief executive Also, the Department of the Texas Public Utility Commis- 4 officer of a jurisdiction to promptly sion to the panel. 4 notify the Division of Disaster Public Safety, Public Utility Com- Emergency Services of the person, mission, Department of Human As in previous executive or persons, named to head the orders, WPC -11 requires that the local disaster agency. Resources, Railroad Commission, Division of Disaster Emergency The membership of the DES Services establish emergency Council now includes: Adjutant Department of Water Resources, operational areas -- disaster General's Department, Texas T Forest Service, Texas Civil districts -- which correspond to the Aeronautics Commission, Depart - boundaries of the Texas Highway ment of Agriculture, Texas Air Con- Air Patrol Commission, Governor's Patrol districts and sub - districts. trot Board, Attorney General, State Division of Disaster Emergency These districts are to have disaster Auditor, Banking Department of Services, Texas Department of committees made of the same Texas, Comptroller of Public Ac- Community Affairs, American Red agencies represented on the DES counts, Board of Control, and Cross and Texas Engineering Ex- Council. Texas Education Agency. tension Service. 1 ...t-:-'- 6, - a iq ? ' -) 4-t- // - ?' —,6-5