HomeMy WebLinkAboutCol. Wilson E. Speir retiring 1979 O sq, 1)A.e (q,79 Retirement Message , a '�J l �i u U u �1 Pirqr I L Lid ..: - I n -:) - 3 ) - q n) r - 9 L -- v v i i i .. I-10 _-_J J-l_ ,J, ,5, _1 L , - -.� During the 11 years I have served as director of the Texas . Department of Public Safety and _ the Division of Disaster Emergen- } cy Services, I have seen the Texas emergency preparedness program develop to the point that I can now say confidently it is among the - - best in the nation. Under the day -to -day leader- fi � , - , 1 ship of state coordinators C. O. f = Layne, M. P. Bowden, and now, Frank T. Cox, the DES Division _ - staff, over these past several plans for has developed years, p P Cal. Wilson E. Speir °'S ° coping at the state level with ma- jor disasters, worked closely with RETIRING DES /DPS DIRECTOR the Governor's Office to bring /- / - /97y relief programs to victims of violent weather, and moved into the field to share their expertise with local governments. The laurels for this fine program cannot all be laid at the feet of any one person. Nothing would have been accomplish- ed without cooperation among local, State and Federal of- ficials. We have had our misunderstandings -- and likely will have a few more -- but we have worked together to find solu- tions, often compromising our positions to avoid compromis- ing our programs. It is this spirit of cooperation that moves our projects and maintains our lines of communication. As I leave public service, 1 am pleased to see what ap- pears to be a revival of concern for the safety of the public -- concern that anticipates the consequences of hurricanes, tornadoes and other destructive phenomena. More and more interest is being shown in developing local warning systems. Citizens are meeting with their local officials seeking the up- dating and review of emergency response plans. And lawmakers at both the State and Federal level are studying disaster services, looking for ways the delivery of these ser- vices to the public can be enhanced. My appreciation goes out to you all. Your support of me - -and the Division of Disaster Emergency Services -- has meant the difference between a mediocre program and the one of ex- cellence which we all enjoy. 4,4,2,