HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Planning CD Topic Emer 400111 Planning The 'Austin American CD Topic Emergency planning will high- light the state conference of Tex - as Civil Defense directors at the final day of their meeting Tues- day at the Stephen F. Austin esday, February 4, 1964 hotel. Chief speaker will be George Hastings, director, Region 5, Of- fice of Emergency Planning. Directors will inspect the new emergency operating center in the State Department of Public Safety building during the aft- ernoon. Austin's new 133 -page civil de- fense emergency operations plan was described to the directors Monday after they heard Gover- nor John Connally say each lo- cal government unit should work out its own tailor -made plan for cooperation of emer- gency with state and local civil defense bodies. Colonel W. A. Kengla, Austin- Travis County civil defense co- ordinator, said the new guide would replace the 1958 opera- tional survival plan and be up- dated every six months. In Austin, the city manager would have command authority in carrying out the CD plan with the coordinator as emergency chief of staff. They would con- trol administrative and supply, intelligence and radiology, warn- ing, health and medicine, wel- fare, police, fire and rescue services. Proposed national legislation to increase federal funds avail- able to public and non - profit groups for building and stocking fallout shelters from $100 million to $400 million was outlined at the Monday meeting by Hubert A. Schon. He is director for fed- eral assistance, office of civil defense, department of defense at Washington.