HomeMy WebLinkAboutProgram Paper Emphasis FY '78 PROGRAM EMPHASIS FY '78 Purpose The Local Civil Preparedness Annual Program Paper (DCPA Form 744 -A) assists local governments in evaluating the current status of emergency readiness capabilities; in identifying areas where improvements are needed; and, in scheduling the necessary improvement program effort. The Program Paper can be used effectively by director /coordinators in managing local civil preparedness activities, and in establishing and monitoring long range goals and objectives. Completion of the Annual Program Paper is a prerequisite for participation in the several DCPA financial assistance programs, including excess property. Evaluating Program Status Part II of the Program Paper is for use in evaluating the current status of the various program elements that are essential to total emergency readiness capability, and is based on the Standards for Local Civil Preparedness (DCPA Publication CPC 1 -5). Determining Program Activities Program elements currently rated at evaluation levels "C ", "D" or "E" should be given highest priority in determining where program emphasis is to be placed in the forthcoming year, subject, of course, to the limitations placed on program activity by the availability of local manpower and resources. Programming Part III of the Program Paper is for use in setting forth the various program activities which the local government projects it will carry out during the 2. forthcoming year. Specific instructions for completing Part III are shown on page 46 of the Local Program Paper Handbook (CPG 1 -5A, January, 1977). Program Emphasis for FY '78 During fiscal year 1978 (October 1, 1977 - September 30, 1978), local govern- ments are encouraged, as a minimum, to program activities which will result in achieving an evaluation level of "C" (or better) for each of the following elements: 1. Program Management (Block 11, Part 1I) /- Professional development training courses for both directors and staffs will be available during FY '78. Also, the State �I will conduct both Basic and Advanced Seminars for the orients- 14-� tion of local government executives, as well as for local directors and staffs. 2. Overall Community Emergency Plans (Block 13) Existing plans which have not been updated in the last two (2) years should be reviewed and necessary changes made. State contract planning staffs will be working in certain designated areas during FY '78 developing local plans for the crisis relocation option (CRP). In each such area, the planners will determine the currency of existing plans for the inplace option (CSP) and make such changes /updates as are necessary. 3. Direction and Control (Block 14) A review of the evaluation level definitions for the three (3) system components - Facilities and Equipment (14 -1); Trained Personnel (14 -2); and Annexes /SOP's (14 -3) - will indicate actions necessary to reach level "C ". While DCPA 3. matching funds will not be available in FY '78 for constructing new EOC's, funds will be available for other items of essential EOC equipment (communications, etc.). 4. Alerting and Warning (Block 15) Page 21 of CPG 1 -5A lists criteria for determining the appro- priate evaluation rating for Facilities and Equipment (15 -1). In a number of instances, improvements can be accomplished without financial expenditure. Matching funds financial assistance will be available for necessary "hardware" items. 5. Emergency Public Information (Block 16) A minimum level capability for disseminating emergency public information can be attained at no cost by utilizing available materials and making necessary arrangements with local news media for their issuance in emergency periods. 6. Radiological Defense (Block 18) In reviewing the evaluation criteria for Facilities and Equipment (18 -1) on pages 27 and 28 of CPG 1 -5A, it will be noted that an overall "C" rating level can be readily attained by most local governments without expenditure of funds due to the ready avail- ability of required instruments from DCPA. The State Radef Officer is available to assist local governments not yet at the "C" level. During FY '78, the State will be making a special effort to help local governments reach the "C" level in Trained Personnel (18 -2) and Annexes /SOP's (18 -3). This will primarily be through Radiological Defense Officer (RDO) courses, for which travel and per diem expenses will be funded by DCPA. f5 CW_A 4. DCPA will continue to fund the State Radiological Systems Maintenance contract, and personnel employed under that contract will be working with the State Radef Officer in training local RDO's and RM's, and in updating Radef plans /annexes. State Schedule of Activities - FY '78 1. Basic Seminars for Local Director /Coordinators These seminars will be held in Austin. November 15 -17, 1977 May 9 -11, 1978 January 10 -12, 1978 July 18 -20, 1978 March 14 -16, 1978 September 12 -14, 1978 2. Radiological Defense Officer October 24 -28, 1977 Dallas December 5 -9, 1977 San Antonio January 16 -20, 1978 Houston NOTE: Three additional RDO courses will be scheduled. 3. Civil Preparedness Career Development Phase I December 5 -9, 1977 Denton June 5 -9, 1978 Denton Phase II January 23 -27, 1978 Rio Grande Valley April 3 -7, 1978 Denton August 7 -10, 1978 Denton 4. Nuclear Civil Protection Seminars September 14, 1977 Longview October 12, 1977 Midland November 16, 1977 San Angelo March 15, 1978 Harlingen May 17, 1978 El Paso 5. Emergency Operations Simulations September 8, 1977 Uvalde October 27, 1977 Lubbock 6. State Civil Preparedness Director's Conference February 15 -16, 1978 Austin )) • • L-9 TEXAS DEPARTMENT R MENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY WILSON E. SPEIR DIVISION Of DISASTER EMERGENCY SERVICES Director DES-12 M. P. BOWDEN State Coordinator Datc October 2, 1978 TO: Mr. Jake Canglose, Director FROM: Robert A. Lansford, Resources Planning Officer SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1979 Program Paper Enclosed for your files is a copy of your Fiscal Year 1979 Program Paper as submitted to DCPA, Region Five. The filing of this Program Paper establishes your Eligibility for participation in the Federal incentive programs for FY 79. 0 I PART I. JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION Dept. of Defense Defense Civil Preparedness Agency O.M.B. No LOCAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS 120 -80036 ANNUAL PROGRAM PAPER Ap Expires Oct. 1979 1 -1 Agency: BKAZOS CO CIVIL UE:FE:N f 1-2 Address: (,AUNTY CUU :THOU; (' 'y,l f, °k 1 -3 City: 14P Y AN 1 -4 State: 1 1 -5 Zip: r .° , TEN (Table Entry No.) CODE (DCPA Use Only) CONGL. (Risk /Host No.) OCT 1/ � d � 7 -1 1970 POPULATION 5/9/4 2 -1 AS OF DATE 2 -2 � �O1Z1 US DATE 2 -3 3 sit b O A 7 -2 EST. CURRENT POPULATION 71,251 3 -1 CLEARLY DEFINE JURISDICTION(S) BEING REPORTED ON: 7 -3 1970 POP. COVERED BY OUTDOOR WARNING I.5 PIRAZ 3S cOU TY T +fvt,.OUIN, tYA4` ANL ' , f_s j ON POTENTIAL HAZARDS FACING JURISDICTIO . I 8 -B OTHER - (Specify) 8 -1 DIR. EFF. RISK '' 8 -6 WINTER STORM 8 -2 FALLOUT RISK ' 8 -7 FLOOD /FLASH FLOOD 4. CP DIRECTOR (Name)# ° f ; 0 8 -3 NUCLEAR INCIDENT 8 -8 EARTHQUAKE CURRENT ANNUAL FUNDING REQUESTED AND PROJECTED (to nearest dollar) _ 8 -4 TORNADO 8 -9 TRANS. ACCIDENT FEDERAL 8 -5 HURRICANE 8 -A INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT FUNDS 8 -C IN A. FY 1978 B. FY 1979 C. FY 1980 8 LAST FY, DISASTER ALERTS 5 -1 P &A $ $ OCCUR-D RENCES` 3 REGULAR HOURS PER WEEK 5 -2 MS(R &M) $� $ CD PERSONNEL 0 (Including Director) 2 4 8 20 30 40 5 -3 SM $ $ $ 0 9 -1 P &A PAID 0 f i 0 9 t � 5-4 EOC $ 0 $ 9 9 -2 OTHER PAIC 1 1 0 (For Local funds list only monies NOT matched by Federal funds) 9 -3 VOLUNTEER , !) 2 o 5 -5 LOCAL _ FUNDS I $ 9,000 11$30,000 �I $ 10 ('0r N 6. ABILITY TO EXECUTE EMERGENCY PLANS 9 -4 TOTAL OTHER VOLUNTEER MANHOURS IN LAST FY N B_1 0 ❑ Nuclear War 6 -2 Operations Incidents Peacetime Nuclear co co w 6 3 0 Other Peacetime U Disasters 9 -5 DIRECTOR HOURS PER WEEK: Paid I I Vol.' li o PART II. STATUS OF LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM. (Highlighting current accomplishments — Key to Standards for Local Civil Preparedness.) z 1. PLANS DEVELOPMENT: Z CRP in development phase. RACES Emergency Plan • O. Nuclear Peacetime Plan ;completed (Cyclotron) . z Hazardous Material Handling Plan. Shelter Supply Inventory, z Tornado & Severe Weather Plan updated. CC Citizen Band Emergency Communications Plan updated. 2. TRAINING: N MOBDES Officer Assistant C. D. Director - State C.D. Seminar Sixty (GO) Tornado Spotters trained Tornado Warning Plan Exercise 3. COMMUNICATIONS: Coordination & Communication ability established with National Weather Service. NOAH Radio Station in Waco for Emergency Warning. RACES, Citizen Band updated and excerised. 4-. RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE Home study courses Shelter Radiological kits inspected New batteries received for replacement in kits 5. WARNING: Rests conducted on Tornado Warnings. 6. TEST & EXERCISES: Twelve (12) Tornado Warning tests conducted. 7. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Public information on Tornado Warning & Severe Weather & CRP given to local radio, newspaper and TV Stations. S. OTHER: Purchase( one (1) Tone Alert NOAA Weather Radio for use by Tornado Warning Officer. DCPA Form 744A, Apr 78, Replaces DCPA Form 744A, Jan 77, which will NOT be used. Dept. of Defense Defense Civil Preparedness Agency O.M.B. No. PART III. PROJECTED PROGRAM ACTIVITIES LOCAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS 120 -R0036 ANNUAL PROGRAM PAPER 4ppOcta11979ires PROJECTS AND MAJOR ACTIVITIES WHICH THE LOCAL JURISDICTION INTENDS TO CARRY OUT DURING THE FISCAL YEAR TO INCREASE DISASTER RESPONSE CAPABILITY. INCLUDE STATE AND FEDERAL ASSISTANCE (INCLUDING FUNDS) REQUIRED. (See Program List and Instructions on Reverse.) 1. Plans Development Description of Activity 1 FEDERAL FUNDS Review Potential Hazards NEEDED Develope Plans for CRP $ i Crisis Shelter Marking Brief Local Officials on C.D. Plans 2. Training Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED Tornado Warning Seminar. Provide Training .i aterialsi $ Tornado Spotter Training Class. To: Schools, Fire Dept., FACES Radio Training Class. Police Dept., Update MOBDES Hazardous Material Workshop. training 3. Communications Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED Update and /or develope an Emergency Comrunications Development Plan. $ Buy additional. C.D. communications equipment. 4. Radiological Defense • Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS Inspect inventory RADs F equipment. NEEDED Exchange batteries. $ Update Radioactive Accident Plan (Nuclear Reactor) . Organize & train Radiological Response Team. 5. Warning Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED Train Tornado Spotter Network (refresher course) Investigate possibility for a county-wide Emergency I $ . Dispatch Center. 6. Tests and Exercises Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS Take part in ;: State-wide NA.WA.S Test. NEEDED Test Tornado Warning Exercise. Hold tornado drills in schools. Increase Readiness Reporting System Exercise. 7. Public Information Description of Activity FEDERAL FUNDS r old two (2) Emergency Public Information Workshops: NEEDED Hazardous Materials Accident & Evacuation. I I Coordinate emergency information on Crisis Relocation. $ 8. Other Participate in State & Federal Tornado Warning Tests or FEDERAL FUNDS exercises and other programs to update local Cavil Defense NEEDED posture. �$ I No further monies or other benefits may be paid out under this program unless this report is completed and filed as required by existing law and regulations (50 U.S.C. App. 2253, 2281, 2286; E.O. 10952; 32 C.F.R. 1801.3, 1807.5) THE UNDERSIGNED AGREE TO EXERT THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO CARRY OUT THE PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED • j _ = // r (Signature of local Civil Defense Preparedness Director oordina r'j''\ - (Signature of local Chief Executive(s)) PROGRAM PAPER (IS) (IS IQL�f' {P RO} PROGRAM PAPER (IS) (IS NOT) APPROVED , . 7 r ( Date) (State Civil Prepa edness Director) (Date) (DCPA Regional Director) Page 2 LOCAL Chin. PREPAREDNESS r 1 2, ? tv 0 36 1 PAFIT It PRO.IECPROCIFIAM ACTIVITIES 7 0 :NORF. ASt DISA.S7*P ALSPONSF CAPAilli iTY INCLUDE STA ANO Feat CAL ASSISTANCE CINCL LIVING 0 UNDti ) fik QU - 4 e C, i I, Pans Deselopmer r Oesctiption of Ai- ,cv;ts Review Potential Hazards f Develope Plans for CRP 4 Crisis Shelter Marking Brief Local Officials on C.D. Plana i Tornado Warning Seminar. Provid, Training Materials 4 .4 - . Tornado Spotter Training Class. To: Schools, Fire Dept., - RACES Radio Training Class. Police Dept., Update MOBDES 1r Hazardous Material Workshop. _ trjaklim NESMO Update and/or develope an Emergency Communications Buy additional C.D. communications equipment. Inspect inventory RADEF equipment. Exchange batteries. Update Radioactive Accident Plan (Nuclear Reactor). Organize & train Radiological ResPonse Ale, Train Tornado Spotter Network (refresher course) Investigate possibility for a county-wide Emergency G. Tests and Exerc!, Descr of Activity NEEDED Take part in: State-wide SANAS Test. Test Tornado Warning Ex,reise. t$ --] 1 , Hold tornado drills in schools. A :piz, 2 7 1 ,, .. , A i ■ ----• Dept. of Defense n - Defense Civil Prpyredness Agency FORM PART I. JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION LOCAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS APPROVED O.M.B. No. .. A PROGRAM PAPER 120 -R0036 ) 1 -1. Agency: bRALUS Cu L I V I L utf'k rY7E 1.2. Address: LUUOV 1 ( Cuuk 1 MUUS 55065 ,:, 55' 1 -3. City: do } 4,4 1 -4. State: I /( 1 -5. zip: j 7!i( I TEN (Table Entry No.) CODE (DCPA Use Only) CON .L. (RIsk /Host No.) - - - CHARACTERISTICS WHICH DESCRIBE JURISDICTION SEP .i.. 197 7 9-22 -77 3 -14 72 f 4•f 6-1. RURAL ki 6-2. URBAN ri 6 -3. SUBURBAN 1 2:1-AS OF DATE- • • 2.2 SUBMISSION DATE 2.3 OSA DATE iii ) 3- 1. U-3 CLEAR Y.' DEFINE JtU DIC (S) BEING REPO TED Ot : ) Or■uL LUU•4 1 Y including the cites of 7 - 1. 1970 POPULATION: h7973 Bryan and College Station. 7 -2. EST. CURRENT POPULATION: - 6•' ; •'; - !'1 80,000 7 -3 1970 POP. COVERED BY OUTDOOR WARNING: 1 POTENTIAL HAZARDS FACING JURISDICTION: I B.B OTHER i 4 -1. CP DIRECTOR (Name) JAKE LA1 f- I (Specify) 4-2. CHIEF EXECUTIVE (Name, Title) WILLIAM R. VANCE, 8-1. DIR. EFF. RISK 8 -6. WINTER STORM Fires COUNTY JUDGE 8-2. FALLOUT RISK 8 -7. FLOOD/FLASH FLOOD Explosio n 8 -3. NUCLEAR INCIDENT 8 -8. EARTHQUAKE I CURRENT ANNUAL FUNDING REQUESTED AND PROJECTED 8-9. TRANS. ACCIDENT (to nearest dollar) 8 -4. TORNADO FUNDS FEDERAL A. FY t 8 8. FY 79 C . FY jj(J 8 -5. HURRICANE X 8 -A, INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT 5-1. P&A $ -0- 5 -0 - $ -0- 8 -C. IN LAST FY, NO. OF DISASTER ALERTS: I I BD.00CURRENCES:I I 5-2. SMi (R&M) S - S - S - REGULAR HOURS PER WEEK FA 5-3. SSE (Capita) 5 -0- S S _0- CD PERSONNEL 2 4 8 20 30 40 -0 (Including Directory 0 54, EOC 5 -0- S -0- S -O_ 9 -1. P &A PAID 0 0 0 - 0 0 (For State /Local funds Iist only monies NOT matched by Federal funds) 9 -2. OTHER PAID 0 0 1 1 n 0 3 LOC NAL s 9,000 IlS 9,000 1 $9,000 9 -3. VOLUNTEER 18 2 1 0 0 0 9 -4. TOTAL OTHER VOLUNTEER MANHOURS IN LAST FY: 'non 5.6. STATE S 0- I S 'n" S -Q- 9 -5 NUMBER OF MOBDES PERSONNEL IN 9.3., ABOVE: 1 7 S 9 -6. DIRECTOR HOURS PER WEEK: Paid I Vol. Vlfril PART II. EVALUATION OF PROGRAM ELEMENTS 10-1. ADEQUATE LOCAL LEGAL AUTHORITY FOR CIVIL (Use shaded boxes only for all entries; new or updating) PREPAREDNESS PROGRAMS & OPERATIONS r Facilities /Equipment Trained Personnel Annexes/SOP 11 -1. EXECUTIVE PARTICIPATION (EP) I b` 14. DIRECTION & CONTROL (DC) 14-1. Ill 14 -2. U 14 -3• l_ I,� x - 1- l � - (� !ll��- ___. -. Z 1 5 -1. (LJ Fi ` 15-2. A :1 15 -3 ,) 'L I C 11 -2. ASSIGNMENT OF DIRECTOR (AD) B 15. ALERTING/WARNING (AW) LJ -- c • 11 -3. TRAINING OF DIRECTOR (TD) ( 1 16. EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFO. (El) 16 -1. A __ 16-2. A - 16.3. Iu 1 Z 111 1 I (� 17-2. CI 17-3. - ( � ( � 17 -1. A* (4 }J (J 2 • 11-4. ASSIGNMENT OF CP STAFF (SA) 1 '+ I 17. SHELTER (SH) J L .� ((_ �� �j_ • �' O 11 -5. TRAINING OF CP STAFF (ST) A* 18. RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE (RO) 18-1• C 18-2. IL 18-3. DA a 11 -6. TESTS AND EXERCISES (TE) 19. LAW ENFORCEMENT (LE) 19-1. D 19 -2. A 19-3. A . 20. FIRE SERVICE (FS) 20-1. b I 1 20.2. A 20-3. Z Z 12 -1. PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM (Pt) d Q LJ ^ - O _ 21 -1. J 2, -2. H 2, -3. p� - 21. RESCUE SERVICE (RS) J _ 1>i O Q Q n 2 O 12.2. CP EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS (ED) J - - _ 22 -2. A 22 -3. fi r' � a D O G 22. EMERGENCY MEDICAL (EM) 22-1• f r ^ 1�� LL w .�- .-- - Z z 12 -3 LIAISON WITH INDUSTRY (LI) 23. PUBLIC WORKS ENG. (PW) 23-1. t3 [ 23 -2. C 23 -3. "J 13-1 NUCLEAR EMERGENCY PLAN (NE) E C 24. EMERGENCY WELFARE (EWI 241. r 24 -2. L I 24 -3' ' `J t _ . (BASIC P LAN) - _ -J ^ \ Z 4 25. 25 1. - 25 2 25 -3.0 cc 7 J 13 -2 NCP, IN -PLACE PLAN (CSP) _ 3 2a ^ ou 13 -3. NCP. RELOCATION PLAN (CRP) w 1 L B 28 ABILITY TO EXECUTE EMERGENCY PLANS: . JO Q x ® ❑ Nuclear War Peacetime Nuclear Other Peacetime CC 13 - 4. PEACETIME NUCLEAR PLAN (PN) ( D 26 -A. 26-8.11 Incidents 26 . _ Disasters l Operations >w 1 J ,---1 0 a SHELTER STOCKING SHELTER MARKING [Pi 13.5. MUTUAL AID PLAN (MA) 13 -6. 13 7. PROCEDURES (MP) Fl PROCEDURES (SP) C 3 EVALUATION MADE BY: I EVALUATION (is) (is not) ACKNOWLEDGED AS CORRECT: 9 -22 -77 Jake Canglose, Director morel (State Civil Defense Director) / - Dept. of Defense - Defense Civil Preparednes. Agency FORM PART III. PROJECTED PROGRAM ACTIVITIES LOCAL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS o M B. Nu. ANNUAL PROGRAM PAPER 120 -P0036 3 1. SUBMITTED BY: 2. DCPA (use only) 3. (DCPA use only) •. FY tt .)R/Ile ri - u' - F - 1= - "k T__;,;_______ c� by 7'' (Agency) . -- - • • . (State) 7. ! N. CODE ITEM: ( ) Assistance ITEM: 1 2-2 (ED) A ssistance ITEM: 13 -1 (NE) Assistance 13 -4 PN or guidance A guidance or guidance RATING: needed from: RATING: needed from: RATING: needed from: CURRENT [TI FEDERAL X CURRENT D FEDERAL_ CURRENT C FEDERAL PROJECTED B IN FY: 1 781 STATE X PROJECTED C IN FY: 178 1 STATE 8 PROJECTED }B IN FY: 1 781 STATE DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Develop nuclear peactime Increased civil defense Update nuclear basic plan. plan. training in schools. Assistance FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: ITEM: or guidsnc• FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) D RATING: needed from: FEDERAL $ CURRENT B FEDERAL 8 STATE $ PROJECTED IN FY: 1 1 STATE LOCAL $ ITEM: Assistance FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: or guidance RATING: needed from: FEDERAL S CURRENT FEDERAL STATE $ PROJECTED IN FY: r STATE LOCAL $ FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: ITEM: Assistance FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) or guidance RATING: needed from: FEDERAL $ CURRENT FEDERAL STATE" $ PROJECTED _. IN FY: f 1 STATE LJ LOCAL $ Assistance FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: ITEM: or guidance FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) RATING: needed from: FEDERAL $ CURRENT FEDERAL ^ STATE $ — PROJECTED H IN FY: n STATE --.N LOCAL• $ 3 " ~--. FUNDS REQUESTED ITEM: Assistance /NEEDED OESCRiPT10N OF ACTIVITY: or guidance FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) 9 RATING: Headed from: FEDERAL $ 0 CURRENT FEDERAL STATE' S PROJECTED ` IN FY:` 1 STATE LOCAL $ Assistance FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: 0 ITEM: FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) or guidance RATING: needed from: FEDERAL $ CURRENT FEDERAL STATE• $ PROJECTED LJ IN FY: f 1 STATE LJ LOCAL $ Assistance FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: ITEM: or guidance FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Dollar) RATING needed from: FEDERAL CURRENT FEDERAL — STATE• PROJECTED 8 IN FY: n STATE r LOCAL $ CO FUNDS REQUESTED /NEEDED DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: ITEM: Assistance FOR ACTIVITY (Nearest Do11ar) or guidenc• RATING: needed from: FEDERAL $ O CURRENT 1 FEDERAL STATE' S PROJECTED IN FY:' 1 STATE LOCAL $ •Giv• only State or Local funds which MI! NOT be matched by CONTINUE ON ADDITIONAL PART III FORMS NARRATIVE ye3 no O Federal funds- Do NOT use any other means to continue form. ATTACHED ® ❑ I No fu •they monies or other benefits may be paid out under this program unless this report is completed and filed as required by existing law and regwa■ons (50 U.S.C. App. 2253, 2281, 2286; E. O. 10952: 32 C.F.R. 1801.3, 1807.5) O THE UNDERSIGNED AG TO EXERT TH ' BEST S RTS TO CARRY OUT THE PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED • O 6.---1. 1 1 7YM IIIIF /.f.'( ' - 'tx., (SQrrsrure o ocel iviI Def , 11447 (Signatur• of local Chief E xecutwelsl) _, - _0 . . _ • -< 7 o 3 3 2 icc S _ z -c m . . 3 ii Z 3 0 z G , -- ' a, c ..-.-_ -■ ( S r > ' 7 0 La . : -1 G.) 1 , ,--; 0 ' tO a - 0 G3 .,,.A3 1,3 .2 F3 --• > - { M •-.1 j -PD 2 ° 1 -, u) IQ . z ;,-,. 3o. . 0 3 '''' - il3 9 -3' ;'.. 3 0 0 3 07, c3 0 z 1.3 ii; 0 F3: _ Ln 0 •-• r) -` • 15'c i.:3 1.3 .-` 0 0 C.) Al CZ < 7.- 0 z a; m _. Di 0 , , < 'Z' n St 3 0 z 3 < - o . ' 3 9 • , o n c n r-■ • c m 0 . - rr.n Fi. , CD I- n h, m - 03 0.) I > • ' IQ •-• ' -< a > 0 • , 2 m i ..< m 0 0 - , 0 0 1 0_ • 2 -- ''' . -,, s. g - _. z . 0 . 2 5 -q‘' ,-; o o 6 00 0 o ;3' 0 , . ....... w co a . . 0 cn O 8 ni t > cn > G3 133 (7 0 co co I a D a . 2 a e . 0 - -• a, 0 0 --• -13 3 F '` K - -. C Fi' co , . ... -0 . > - > Z co D 0_ Z i c 5 r, 0 . „, 0 < DJ M 0 n •----.. - P En 0 7.,' ° - r 0 0 0 ---1 0 - Z (4 ‘7 ,. -, F ::: m 0 0 0 , AI 5 Z , '0 1 3 CD < n 0 ■.I , * 0 0 0 O - NJ 3 cn < m - n • Z a 0. ---.1 e.., ,..., - 10 co c n..) -, z ,.., o < DJ (.0 (1) 0 ‘-' 3 7■1 A3 r1 1" 01 r . -..... .0 .0 . 0 Z 3 0., 01/3 0 0 0 - 0 ..... < Z 1 M 1 ....._ . 0 . 0 IQ eN LI . .--.,' >,-,-,'• ;.' co Li i m 1.0 0) to : (2. -1 0 i < 1 " CD Z:3 < -• -1 71 < 0 , ! -., ro . " CD CJ G3 rn 0 a, x 0 • • 0 - ) - cD •-• 0 0 > Z E 6 -, z 13 G.) `g _ g r - i , ‘.., , , . . - . z .- . „, " •• : 0 c,, 0 , • < -0 71 K -' --' 17 C/) C) ,. 0 •-• CO • .- 0 ,, D ...... 0 0 A A 0 Z 3 M < 2 - um 1 0 r.,.. 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