HomeMy WebLinkAboutR.A.C.E.S. Tornado Exercise 1976 CITY OF BRYAN p 10:00 a.m. Dispatcher advises 411 and all units that we have just received a weather advisory and we are under a tornado watch. P 10:00 a.m. 411 advises all units to refuel. P 10:00 a.m. 411 advises dispatcher to advise key Police Personnel. F 10:00 a.m. . (1) Cancel all vacations and advise all off -duty personnel to be on standby and make arrangements for their families safety. (2) Advise all off -duty personnel to monitor radio or television on conditions, if a tornado hits in our area,grespond to their assigned stations. (3) Check generators for power supply and gas, at both stations. (4) Review disaster operations and check list. PW 10:02 a.m. Police Department advises Public Works Department of tornado watch. E 10:05 a.m. Notice received from Bob Pohl's department of approach- . ing severe weather. PW 10:05 a.m. Public Works advises all Public Works personnel: "Emergency, all units, this is a PW announcement. We are under a tornado watch. All supervisory personnel standby for further radio communiciations. Limit radio usage to essential matters until further notice." -2- E 10:06 a.m. All applicable personnel were notified to standby. Personnel in outlying districts were notified to start to Electrical Distribution Warehouse by Bob Pohl. PW 10:97 a.m. Instructs WP to complete filling of all reservoirs and overhead storage. F 10:10 a.m. Start call back of all off -duty personnel and advise to report to assigned stations. Man reserve fire units and make assignments of these companies for disaster operations. P 19:10 a.m. Dispatcher advises 411 and all units that we are now under a tornado warning. P 10:10 a.m. 401 directs dispatcher to activate Police EOC and City alert list. (City Manager and Staff) PW 10:11 a.m. Police Department alerts Public Works that tornado warning has been declared. PW 10:12 a.m. Alerts Public Works personnel of tornado warning. • PW 19:13 a.m. City Manager directs PW & PR Directors to report to EOC. P 10:13 a.m. 411 sends out spotters. 418 to FM 2.818 & Leonard RD. 419 to FM 2818 & SH 21 P 10:13 a.m. 418 while enroute to his location reports extremely heavy weather to the S.W. with windgusts of 25 -35 mph. Very dark and beginning to hail. -3- P 10:17 a.m. 418 reports a funnel cloud traveling directly toward him. It has not touched down. P 10:17.a.m. 411 Directs 418 to move to Turkey Creek Rd. so he can stay on the right side and ahead of tornado and observe it. P 10:17 a.m. 418 reports the tornado appears to be 2 -3 blocks wide and moving in a N.E. direction at about 15 mph. PW 10:17 a.m. Police Department reports to EOC that a tornado has been sighted near Turkey Creek Rd. headed N.E. PW 10:18 a.m. Advises PW personnel of tornado sighting. F 10:20 a.m. P. D. advises a tornado destroys Greenbriar Trailer Park. PW 10:20 a.m. Water Department (1) Instructs all employees in immediate area to seek shelter in meter room. • (2) Notified EOC tornado has touched down and is approaching the WD offices and yard from S.W. PW 10 :20 a,m, P&R'an'd ST instructs employees to "seek shelter immediately. E 10:20 a..m... Tornado touches down on Turkey Creek Rd. and 2818. P 10:20 a.m. 418 reports funnel has hit the ground in the Green- briar Trailer Park. Can see flying metal, parts of trailers, power lines being ripped away. Going to need the F.D. over there. -4- • P 10:20 a.m. 418 reports he is at South College & Dodge and tornado is apparently still on ground. Don't know how much damage has been done. Tornado getting too close. Must get out P 10:20 a.m. 415 advises he is at Coulter & Texas and has sight of the funnel. P 10:20 a.m. 411 advises 415 to proceed to report on the movement. Sends 418 back toward Greenbriar Trailer Park. F 10:21 a.m. Unit 701, 704, 713 and 721 10 -8 to Greenbriar Trailer Park. PW 10:21 a.m. Water Dept. advises all units to remain at their locations in the field and seek shelter. E 10:21 a.m. Incoming phone calls indicate electrical outage in large area. E 10:22 a.m. Power Plant operator notified Distribution Department that the following feeders tripped and will not reclose: (1) South Loop (2) North Loop (3) Steele Store (4) 138 Interconnection to Power Pool E 10:23 a.m. (a) Tornado touches down on Bittle Lane'. Power at Electric Distribution Warehouse goes out. Incoming telephone reports from customers indicate additional areas of power outage. -5- (b) Steel covering from warehouse shops blows into 69KV substation. P 10:24 a.m. 415 reports that Woodson Lumber Co. has just been • scattered all over Texas Avenue. P 10:24 a.m. 415 reports that he is traveling North on Coulter and tornado appears to be to the West of SFA proceeding in a N.E. direction. Cannot see what is being damaged. F 10:24 a.m. 701 and 704, 10 -97. Unit 704 advises total destruction of Greenbriar Trailer Park and requests additional rescue support. 704 directs 701 to start making gas shut -offs. E 10:25 a.m. Personnel at Light Department reports 69 substation is out because of tin blown into structure. F 10:25 a.m. 704 requests gas and electrical personnel to secure Utilities. F 10:26 a.m. Unit 704 advises 713 that we have a large fire in the vacinity of ARCO Bulk Plant. He also advises that Finfeather Trailer Park has been destroyed. F 10:27 a.m. Unit 713, 721, 10 -97. 713 advises 704 to start rescue operations and extinguish any spot fires, and request heavy duty rescue from FTS. E 10:2.7 a.m. Damage to Light Department building not severe - -no critical injuries. Phones continue in service. Radio contact has been reestablished with line crew using emergency generator. -6- F 10:28 a.m. 713 advises Central that they need ambulance and notify EOC and they have large casualties and need about 25 people for rescue assistance. 713 is enroute to check the fire at ARCO. F 19:29 a.m. Unit 713 is 10 -97 to ARCO Bulk Plant. Unit 721 advises Central that the Command Post is established at the corner of Turkey Creek and Finfeather. Advises Central that we have a fire around one tank and to dispatch 703, 712 and to load 716 for additional light water. P 10:29 a.m. 415 reports tornado is crossing Coulter at 24th directly in front of me. Will turn right on Nall Lane to get away from it. It is destroying everything in its path. F 10:30 a.m. 703, 712, 10 -8 to ARCO. Unit 713 requests mutual aid from College Station and for one company to respond with light water to ARCO and one to respond to Fin- feather Trailer Park for rescue. E 10:30 a.m. Repair crew 21 -10 dispatched to assess: (1) Power Plant damage and repair if possible. (2) Incoming line crew 21 -20 reports severe damage to 29KV lines and to transmission corridor due to debris from mobile home park. (3) Switchboard operator notified by dispathcer that all telephones in the Distribution Department will be manned for receiving trouble calls. -7- PW 10:30 a.m. WD notified EOC Water Department buildings are de- stroyed. Request ambulance for 2 casualties - one with a possible back injury. F 10:31 a.m. Unit 716, 10 -8 to ARCO. Central advises 713 5ha5 additional light water is enroute. E 10:31 a.m. Dispatcher in Electric Distribution reports that incoming trouble reports indicate that there is complete outage in the north and west sections of Bryan and Brazos County with considerable outage in College Station and areas near 29th Street. PW 10:31 a.m. PD informs EOC tornado has lifted. P 10:31 a.m. 415 reports funnel has lifted and appears that it has passed onto the outskirts of town. It destroyed the gas relay station at Booneville Rd. and Villa Maria. The odor of gas is very strong. P 10 :31 a.m. 411 advises all units to call in major damage reports. F 10:32 a.m. 713 has been advised that College Station is enroute. PW 10:32 a.rn. Following announcement is made on Public Works frequency: "Emergency, to all units from Public Works, All Clear. Tornado followed route from FM 2154 and Turkey Creek Rd., to City Warehouse, along Fountain Street to Dodge Street, then northeasterly along Dodge Street and Coulter Drive to Nall Lane, then easterly on Nall Lane to Villa Maria -8- Road. Damage assessment teams survey and report extent of damages. !later Distribution arrange to close valves at elevated water storage tank. t. P 10:32 a.m. 417 reports Finfeather Trailer Park has been hit. L Ir ,; Appears that most trailers are destroyed. People are injured and need ambulances. .. P 10:32 a.m. 411 directs dispatcher to advise both Railroads to keep trains out of area. PW 10:33 a.m. P &R informs park crews of locations to report: (1) 10 -2 to SFA (2) 10 -9 & 10 -12 to Villa Maria & Texas PW 10:33 a.m. Street Dept. informs EOC that City Warehouse, Maintenance Shop, Street Dept., Electrical Dist. Depts have been destroyed. Electric Production Plant has been heavily damaged and sheet metal is in the electric wires and substation. Instruct crews to call in damages. Also, there are leaks in the Power Plant Yard. PW 10:33 a.m. 10 -1 reports heavy debris & overturned car at Texas & Coulter. PW 10:33 a.m. 23 -2 is dispatched to elevated storage tank to valve it off. F 10:33 a.m. Central advises that Pennwalt Chemicals has been hit in according to the preplan fire plans have a large -9- stock pile of methyl parathion. Methyl parathion is highly toxic from either inalation or injestion. Flammability rating is a 1 and according to the report there is no fire at this time. Central has also alerted EOC about methyl parathion and request they contact EPZ and the Health Department. z F 10:34 a.m. 703 and 712, 10 -97. Command Post request EOC to contact FTS and College Station for all air packs to be delivered to Central Fire Station. Also, contact Bailey Oxygen for breathing air. Pty! 10:34 a.m. 18 -3 reports to EOC that there is heavy debris on Carson Street near South College. PW 10:34 a.m. 10 -2 reports to EOC two broken Fire Hydrants at SFA. PW 10:34 a.m. 17 -11 reports to EOC that Coulter Drive at Carter Creek is blocked by fallen trees, poles, etc. PW 10:35 a.m. EOC informs St. Dept. to clean College Avenue, Texas avenue and Dodge Streets in path of Tornado. Also, Carson and Coulter. PW 10:35 a.m. EOC contacts Physical Plant Office at Texas A &M and request that they furnish City of Bryan all water possible through City of College Station lines. They agree to do this. • -10- PAW 10:35 a.m. EOC instructs 10 -4 to Texas & Coulter with chain • saws and tractor to help clear debris. • P 10:35 a.m. 419 reports that Pennwalt Chemicals has been destroyed. Numerous containers are scattered all over the area;. in the streets and fields. The Sanitation Dept. is leveled. It appears from here that Bryco has extensive damage. Many of the bldgs. on Finfeather are torn down. Cannot proceed any further because of hot lines everywhere. E 10:35 a.m. Report from Power Plant indicated the following: (1) 69KV bus differential operational; (2) all 29KV feeders out, including 29KV Brazos Interconnection, and line is dead; (3) 138 KV Pool Interconnection is out and line is dead; (4) following 12.5 KV feeders are off: (a) Finfeather (e) Parker (b) International Shoe (f) Tabor (c) Industrial Park (g) East (d) 1Jest (5) Remaining three 12.5 KV feeder and house power are on and being supplied by existing generator - -no attempt to reclose any 12.5 feeders will be made until firmer interconnection is established; (6) Load being served - -about 7MW, with 22MW capability. • -11- F 10:35 a.m. Central to 713. !!e have a report of a structure fire at 1208 E. 28th and also, one at Emmett and Dillon. 713 to Central. Dispatch 795 to 1208 E. 28th and 725 to Emmett and Dillon. Advise EOC we still need additional rescue aid at Greenbriar, Finfeather and Krenek Trailer Home parks. And at this time we have no further units available. • F 10:35 a.m. Unit 705, 725 10 -8. F 10:37 a.m. Unit 705, 10 -97. F 10:37 a.m. Unit 705 and 725, 10 -97. PW 10:37 a.m. 10 -12 reports to EOC flooding - stranded cars at Texas & Villa Maria Rd. E 10:38 a.m. Crew, 21 -8, reports that one pole is down on 138KV • interconnection. E 10:39 a.m. Repair crew, 21 -10, at Power Plant substation reports no major damage, and steel can be removed. Work is progressing. PW 10:40 a.m. EOC advises power plant is out. -PW 10:49 a.m. 'AP advises EOC pumping facilities are out due to power loss. PW 10:40 a.m. EOC Contacts City of College Station and advises that we plan to open water meter bypasses at City limits -12- and secure water at these locations through their lines from Texas A &F1. E 10:40 a.m. Power Plant notifies Brazos Electric Power that 138 line is down and repair crew is needed. P 10:40 a.m. 418 reports the City Warehouse & Garage has extensive damage. Unable to get into area due to hot lines on ground. Proceeding to Greenbriar Trailer Park. F 10:40 a.m. Unit 705 request additional help. F 10:41 a.m. 713 advises Command Post they have lost water and have 3 firemen burned badly by radiated heat. 703 is _withdrawing. F 10:42 a.m. Command Post notified EOC they have 3 firemen burned and Unit 713 is transporting them to the hospital. F 10:43 a.m. Command POst notified EOC and request more pumpers from FTS. PW 10:43 a.m. EOC Instructs Planning & Traffic Dept. to start in- specting residential areas for damages. • F 10:44 a.m. 705 has lost water. 725, 955, 10 -49 to 705. F 10:45 a.m. Command POst advise EOC to let ARCO burn and 703 will standby at this location. P 10:45 a.m. Reports FD on scene. -13- P 10:45 a.m. 411 assigns 418 to direct traffic @ Finfeather & Turkey Creek Rd. Seal off all incoming traffic except emergency vehicles. P 10:45 a.m. Advises EOC that we will need all reserve and auxiliary officers to seal off the damaged part of town. E 10:45 a.m. Crew, 21 -10, reports that steel has been removed from Power Plant substation and is ready to be energized. PW 10:45 a.m. 10 -2 reports Texas at Coulter is free of debris. PW 10:45 a.m. WD notified to isolate 20" transmission main on 29th Street and open meter bypasses on large meters which serve College Station. PW 10:45 a.m. EOC instructs 10 -2 to set up 1st Aid Station at Bryan Civic Auditorium on Coulter Drive, also, 10 -9 to drive through damaged areas and broadcast that the 1st Aid Station is open at the auditorium. F 10:46 a.m. EOC directs Command Post to advise them when any units are available. PW 10:46 a.m. WD dispatches crews to large meter locations which serve College Station to open bypass valves and allow College Station and A &M to pump water to our system. (1) 23 -1 to College Main (2) 23 -15 to South Texas (3) 24 -12 to 29th Street -open bypass valves and - valve off 20" main. -14- PW 10:47 a.m. EOC instructs WD to make necessary repairs or isolate lines to restore water service to Power Plant and isolate mains in the damaged areas. PW 10:48 a.m. WD dispatches 23 -20 and 24 -7 to power plant. They • are advised to approach from Carson Street due to gases in the area. PW 10:49 a.m. EOC radios units 9 -1, 17 -A and 23 -A to arrange for barricades to be placed on major streets to isolate damaged area under direction of the Street Department. PW 10:50 a.m. Street Dept. dispatches 17 -42 to Street Dept., and Water Dept. Yard to pick up barricades and barricade the following: (1) Carson at South College (2) Carson at Fountain (3) Carson at Finfeather (4) Finfeather at Dodge (5) Dodge at South College Also, leave a flagman at each location. E 10:50 a.m. Secretary informs disoather that the telephone calls to this point indicate that there is major storm damage in an area along Finfeather Road and across town to the east. P 10:50 a.m. EOC advises 411 that 20 regular off -duty officers are standing by and several reserves are reporting in at this time. • • -15- E 10:51 a.m. Power Plant reports that attemps to energize Booneville 69KV line are unsuccessful and that there is some problem on the line. E 10:53 a.m. Line construction crew, 21 -13 incoming from Hardey diverted to Nall Lane substation to assess damage and patrol line. E 10:54 a.m. Power Plant report that gas turbine is on line and 69KV substation is energized and requests recommenda- tions of what feeders to close. P 10:55 a.m. EOC advises 411 that they have plotted the course of the tornado'and it appears that a major area of damage can be effectively sealed off by placing 4 men at Palasota & Finfeather, College & Dodge, College & Carson, Fountain & Carson. P 10:55 a.m. 411 advises 413 to pick up 4 of the men at PD and place them on the location as given by EOC. E 10:56 a.m. Line crews, 21 -20, report from transmission corridor on damages: (1) South Loop 69 - eight broken poles (2) Hwy. 21 - six broken poles (3) Snook 29KV line - six broken poles (4) North Loop 69 - debris in line has been removed -16- PW 10:56 a.m. EOC contacts R. B. Butler, Inc. to determine equip- • meet they have avialable to assist in clearing streets and request permission to utilize their shop facilities. They agree to assist the Street Department in clearing streets with 2 front end loaders and to the use of thier shop. PW 10:57 a.m. EOC radio Automotive Maintenance Superintendent to relocate his shop operation at R. B. Butler, Inc. E 10:58 a.m. Dispatcher requests Power Plant to reclose on North Loop 69 and Shady Lane. PW 11:00 a.m. EOC contacts all Major Construction contractors in Bryan; Texas Highway Dept., National Guard, Army Reserve & TAMU Heavy Equipment School. Ask them to send as much equipment for clearing debris as they can to Bryan High School Football Stadium for assignment. E 11:00 a.m. Power Plant reports that both 69 lines stayed on. PW 11:01 a.m. EOC instructs St. Dept. to send radio unit to Viking Stadium and standby for instructions as to where equip- ment is needed. PW 11:02 a.m. Street Dept. dispatched 17 -B to Viking Stadium. E 11:05 a.m. Repair crew, 21 -13, at Nall Lane reports one pole broken near substation which can be tied up temporarily. • -17- PW 11:05 a.m. 23 -2 reports water tower is valved off. r E 11:08 a.m. Power Plant reports that A &M tie line has been closed and that A &M can supply additional 10M!W if needed. PW 11:10 a.m. 10 -2 reports people are beginning to report for 1st • Aid at Bryan Civic Auditorium. Request medical supplies. • PW 11:12 a.m. 23 -20 reports they are valving off the power plant leaks and that there are no materials available for water line repair. PW 11:14 a.m. EOC contacts City of College Station to determine possibility of obtaining materials for repair of water facilities from them. They advise they can spare some materials. E 11:15 a.m. Meeting called by Utility Manager with Utility Staff to assess damages. A decision is made to call for assistance from neighboring utilities; meeting continues to analyze critical services disrupted: (1) Water: (a) Main pumping plant; (b) Texas A &t1 pumping plant is on, but wells are out. (2) Sewer: (a) Hwy. 21 is out; (b) Elevators in downtown district are out. (3) City Hall is off. -18- (4) Police Station is off.. (5) Telephone office is off. (6) T.V. and both radio stations are on. • (7) Courthouse if off. (8) Northern portion of College Station is on - can turn City Hall on. (9) Both hospitals are off. PW 11:16 a.m. EOC advises WD that fittings are avialable at College Station and can be picked up. PW 11:20 a.m. WD dispatches 23 -5 with flat bed truck to the Old College Station City Hall to pick up any materials that can be used for water line repairs. E 11:25 a.m. Dispatch crew, 21 -35, to isolate the lines in the damaged area. PW 11:26 a.m. 23 -20 reports the lines at the power plant and on Fountain Street have been valved off. When water is available they should be able to use it. E 11:27 a.m. Repair crew, 21 -34, reports line can be switched to restore services to both hospitals. PW 11:30 a.m. 24 -21 reports the 20",main on 29th has been isolated and.the bypass on the 29th street meters 'are open. PW 11:32 a.m. Automotive Maintenance notifies EOC they have set up their shop at R. B. Butler's -19- E 11:32 a.m. Switching complete. PW 11:34 a.m. EOC radio all units and inform them that City's Automotive Maintenance shops have been relocated at R. B. Butler's shop temporarily. PW 11:35 a.m. 23 -1 reports the bypass valves on College Main meters are open. E 11:35 a.m. Report from repair crew, 21 -13, at Nall Lane -- transmission pole repair has been made and service can be restored, and Power Plant notified of same. E 11:38 a.m. Power Plant reports that 29KV Brazos tie closed and system interconnected with Pool. Have North Loop substation put up on load. E 11:40 a.m Utility Manager notifies Purchasing Department that there are urgently needed materials and supplies for transmission corridor and other damaged areas. PW 11:41 a.m. EOC instructs 17 -B to send 5 pieces of heavy equipment (loaders) to the following locations: (1) Feeder Streets south of Coulter (2) 29th at Mills (3) Finfeather at Carson (4) Greenbriar Trailer Park Area (5) 25th at Coulter PW 11:43 a.m. 23 -15 advises that the bypass valves on South Texas meters are open. 6 -20- PW 11:43 a.m. 11D advises EOC that all the bypass valves on meters are open and the City should be receiving water from College Station. E 11:44 a.m. Additional line crews, ?1 -13 and 21 -10, and material were sent by Distribution Superintendent to trans- mission corridor to begin repairs. Dispatcher reports to Distribution Superintendent that service has been restored to water pumping plant, City Hall, Utility Building, Courthouse, and the major pertion of downtown Bryan. E 11:45 a.m. Water Department notifies Power Plant that water service has been restored. PW 11:45 a.m. EOC dispatches units to the following locations to aid in clean -up operations: • (1) 10 -4 to Greenbriar & Finfeather Trailer Parks (2) 10 -6 to Stuart Street Addition (3) 10 -10 to Brewer at 29th Street E 11:46 a.m. Dispatch additional crew, 21 -8, to isolate lines into the damaged area. PW 11:48 a.m. W0 advises EOC that portable water pumps are needed. Two submersible electric pumps and one air compressor have been salvaged from the wreckage and are available if needed by anyone. P14 11:50 a.m. 10 -6 advises EOC that the sewage lift station is de- stroyed on Stuart Street. -21- E 11:56 a.m. Dispatcher requests Power Plant to reclose International Shoe Company feeder. PW 11:57 a.m. EOC radios unit 14 -A to assign Hydraulic Brush Loader to Street Department for assistance in clearing streets. PW 11:58 a.m. 17 -B assigns loader to area along Coulter Drive. E 11:59 a.m. Dispatcher requests Power Plant to reclose Tabor feeder. P 12:00 EOC advises 411 that the gas relay station on Booneville Rd. must be isolated as soon as possible. P 12:00 411 advises 415 to pick up 5 men at PD and drop one at Booneville and the E. Bypass, Villa Maria & Nall Lane, Booneville & Ursuline. Drop one at Ursuline & Coulter and Coulter & Nall Lane. PW 12:01 p.m. WD assigns units to the following areas to assess water system damages: (1) 23 -20 to SFA School area (2) 23 -15 to Coulter Drive at 29th area (3) 23 -1 to Finfeather Street (4) 23 -2 to check South College and Texas Avenue E 12:02 p.m. Power Plant reports that #6 Unit is back on. PW 12:07 p.m. WD advises EOC that a truck loaded with materials for repairing water system damage has arrived. Work on major leaks will begin immediately. All WD crews are told to pick up materials as needed at the WD yard, but to concentrate on major breaks first. -22- PW 12:12 p.m. EOC reports need for reestablishing miscellaneous street signs and temporary directional signs to emergency centers and first aid station. Assigns 9 -2 to begin replacing signs. P 12:15 p.m. 413 advises that he has sealed off the area assigned to him. P 12:15.p.m. 411 sends 413 for 5 more men to be placed on S. Main & Grosebeck, 32nd & Texas, 31st & Baker, and then start placing one officer on every intersection of Baker going North. Advise when this is completed. E 12:15 p.m. Utility Manager calls another meeting of staff to review status. (a) Distribution Superintendent reviews status of all lines down and gives an estimate of the time that the critical loads will be restored. (b) Distribution Superintendent reports that in approximately 2 hours, 138KV Interconnection can be reenerctized. (c) Power Plant Superintendent reports that all gener- ation is on and available to supply the existing load and will be able to pick up the load as it is restored. As soon as the 138KV Interconnection is energized, and the bus turbine is not needed for standby, it will be shut down. [ - -23- (d) Distribution Superintendent reports that all telephones are being manned and that all telephones are being utilized, and that phone operators are now • • calling back in the areas where service has been re- stored to check on individuals. (e) Distribution Superintendent reports the areas of the city remaining without service and estimates the time needed before service will be restored. Engineering personnel reports that the Purchasing Department has contacted supplies and material; requests will be expedited. (f) Distribution Engineers gives report of the status of materials begin ordered by the Purchasing Department and that poles are not available and must be borrowed from neighboring utilities. (g) Utility Manager reports that he will survey the help in route and call another meeting at 2:00 p.m. PW 12:18 p.m. Street Dept. reports 2 burn victims from Pennwalt 1 Plant have stumbled out to Dodge Street. Request ambulance as they are very seriously injured. 12:20 p.m. 411 advises 415 to start dropping men at Texas Avenue & Coulter and seal every intersection North on Coulter. Advise when cOmplete. • • -24- PW 12:23 p.m. 10 -10 reports sprinkler system at American Linen Service (29th @ Gordon) has been torn off the wall by a car. PW 12:29 p.m. Water Department: (1) Requests some form of heavy loader to help clear debris from equipment at WD yard on Dodge Street. (2) Instructs 24 -12 to return to base and salvage as much equipment as possible. P 12:30 p.m. 411 advises Texas Avenue is clear at this time. PW 12:34 p.m. 18-3 advises EOC he is on 29th at Villa Maria and a power line has fallen across the intersection. P 12:35 p.m. 411 advises Coulter is clear to traffic. PW 12:36 p.m. EOC: (1) Advises WD that the City pump stations are operating. (2) Instructs WD to open the valves on the elevated storage reservoir and close the valves on water meter bypasses at the College Station City limit lines. PW 12:39 p.m. WD dispatches crews to close bypass valves: (1) 23-5 to 29th Street (2) 24 -7 to College Main (3) 23 -1 to South Texas Avenue to close bypass and to elevated storage to open valves. • -25- P 12:45 p.m. 411 advises that Gas Co. had already turned gas off on Booneville Rd. before our personnel clot to the scene. Pulling our traffic control off except inbound traffic at Bypass. PW 12:45 p.m. 17 -4 requests a mechanic at SFA School to repair a loader being used to move debris. PW 12:45 p.m. 17 -B responds that he can send another machine from the Bryan Stadium. PW 12:51 p.m. EOC advises City of College Station and Texas A &M that crews have been dispatched to close valves on water meter bypasses at College Station City Limit line. PW 12 :54 p.m. WD informs EOC that occupants of the Colony Oaks Apts. on Rebecca Street have reported that their apartments are severly damaged and some people are trapped inside. PW 12:57 p.m. EOC instructs Water Dept., Street Dept. & Sanitation to assess damages to their facilities, equipment, and materials as time permits. PW 12:59 p.m. WD advises EOC that much more materials to repair water system damages will be needed. We have used all that College Station can spare. • 72 TP"frf-J 604 1/ t7��6 (D EMERGENCY OPERATIONS EXERCISES IN BRYAN AND COLLEGE STATION WILL INCLUDE TORNADO WARNING DRILL Friday, November the 19th sometime between 9:45 & 10:30 a.m. sirens and whistles in the Bryan - College Station area will be acti- vated for a "Tornado Warning Exercise ". The tornado warning drill will give local officials an opportunity to get actual experience in taking emergency action in the event an actual tornado threatened the area. When the sirens are activated local government officials and Department Heads will staff the Emergency Operations Center in Bryan to cope with a simulated tornado strike which "devasted a large area" in the City of Bryan. The City of College Station and Brazos County will provide mutual aid assistance to Bryan to aid in "Disaster & Recovery Operations ". The sirens will be sounded for approximately 2 minutes; and citizens in the area could assist by sending a post card to the Brazos County Civil Defense Office, Courthouse, Bryan Texas indicating whether or not they heard the sirens & their location and if they were indoors or outdoors. This will help evaluate the effectiveness of the warning signal. At approximately 2 p.m. College Station will experience a "massive train derailment disaster ". The local Government Officials & Key Personnel of College Station will immediately activate their local Government Emergency Operating Center and begin Emergency operations to cope with the "disaster" and "potential massive disaster" • that could occur in a major train derailment. Officials of Bryan and Brazos County will provide mutual aid assistance to College Station during the operation. The Texas Department of Public Safety, Division of Disaster Emergency Services will have state and local representatives participating in "State Mutual Aid" and "Coordination of State Resources ". Participating in the exercise will be the A &M Consolidated School System, The Bryan Independent School System, Local Radio -TV Stations, Local Newspapers, and other agencies in the local area. 1 •. • 0 0 •• O (D • 0 (D A) O < N -P- tr `< fd Cr to y � o `C tx5 Fd (Do W O O fl ID A) FLI 0 rz, 0 F'• ct 1-1 A) 0 a Q4 rd rt 0 m 0 r1 ri a ' i H. b Crq td ° c N 1- o Q 0 b1w 0 z � 0 0 o 0 0 Fl (D a ° H ' rt rah r d ' td r � 0 . 0 w o y n H. 7d 1 act rt 0 rt 0 rn �• o rn ril r 0 fri H 0 Cr) ri D (b 0 0 h (D C7 ( N N 0 C/) m o < N 1 1 0 O d O (D • rt 1-3 (D 'c t 0 0 d CD 0 `C Li h `< co ' F rt rt H) (D Ca 11 ( o t7 ' 0 d 0 (D (D • Cn 0 O ✓ 11 r ) ° a 1-.-1 (D - r' t-'• 0) 0 ri 71 m 0 A) !--h `° n m a > m H. H .0 w H - F- • O Cr (D ti X td N O N N 1 1 [n H A' U A) 0 1-' 0 [ H• C rt H• 0 • 0 `C En (D 0 • 1 1 0 O C 0 0 H. rt •• 0 c. (ID t v SO •• O G- O (D o o CD 11 o 0 ((DD a w • (D(D r o a O 0 (D La F-' :;r a w 1 1 (D 1 w r a � (A) ~ n�c w •• 1- ' �`G o O O • 0 Co O fS ►b o N b O N 0 kD . y 0 b • • y • • • • • 0 m w 0 W W n td ed c< '1 • , -.3 Cn 'U N C/] A) N C/) `A) N U) co m Cn Cn (1) it H. r• 0 H. r• 0 G O O r N G 0 G G 1-' r G rt rt k< rt rt k< r1 r k< CI 1 1 Fi 0 0 0 0) CA cn 0) co u) n n o n n n o n on nn t a0 0 a0 `< 0 a0 o 0 n 0 0 n p x H. H. 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Scamardo IT Razi-1,07-11-c-)2-1 ,. i 1 mitc,e_. 1 k Cour f City I ./ Date: /i — /-1 it ` 3) ROSTER - . - - -- ___ - Name Address (including zfrt' Title *,,,,, rlrep'c (1)r- Ps , 1) 1 'G R 6 93 -l3 rL�i� <t�c.i 54 . f ° 8...,„,\A, , ., . . j p,,,,, L _ a ,,,,,,, ..: . . . , . - -- 075 1 977 • I.D. No. Title RA- 3 Jake Canglose Races Unit Operator RA- 4 Micheal P. Guerard ++ • RA- 5 James S. Hunt • ft RA- 6 Dan J. Louis tt RA- 8 Henry W. Memefee ,t RA- 9 Glen E. Milner ft RA- 11 Edward Morace Hary, Jr. e0 RA- 12 Tony H. Scamardo t+ OrAftLIZAZOV' Lfl , !U . G�,/ To7t • • C ) 7 ‘ 1, ‘-( (9 �-- - f �� RACES ALERT NOTIFICATION ROSTER John W. Gray Home 846 -5340 Office 845 -5611 Dr. Thomas W. Comstock Home 693 -1181 Office 845 -4951 George H. Shearer Home 823 -5519 Office 845 -4126 Dave Williams Home 693 -7944 Office 845 -5611 W5AC Repeater Call in Phone 846 -6070 Ask whoever answers the patch for any one of the above for Emergency Net Activation. • • - Cour s e 00zaaVd7Z,~ City ��g p��, Date : tV' / . r 4'76 J 1 1 0- ,;IROSTER - - —. Name Address (includir. g Z - i Title j'e .. Croc -k - 2 13co 74s 4iic ii.R; 672--o1 Ef. ,, . 1 ,1E ( pt�7' 1. .. � "'- CITY HALL 844- eS'6 8 CJTY kir¢f✓ c% 7u lik ‘74 ,:., - 2) , ": 1 ;. , • � :,� fit=; -2— ./ /V5 , ire 8 - cfrer. b -/ ‘6.ve‘c Z - ee-c) eirr "'fez- : F �,,.. .� /30 o C. �- �"s -8893 PPS ../..... ,l , ai..Pv...‹,' Pit-- 1 _.....- „ i / � / y"l S . e �y � � �d ..r -� .7 ,4. - � �.�F = . V./ jo - 1)1,6,0J C1- IdcL-12-q- ,q4,..-Egi,*s Cantur... slcAt- . 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