HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaintenance Area Map 1977 B R A 7 W P •' IT N T V 1 \L UO H , ,,�,,m CO v 1 \ i 1 O «-, 0 • O • JAKE CANGLOSE OFFICE OF JAMES PRESSWOOD COUNTY DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN TEXAS ABM UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR E.E. BURNS CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING GEORGE L. HUEBNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J. LOUIS ODLE BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 NORTH BARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOR / q /) q ,..-- S4rW I\ . , 1 Q A__, �� �'�I - , ru j)vircil j �. _Iii-(;) I 5' 4 tiL 1 g t 0/1444-1,1 p pi tfw L. 004/7,444_?.... _ R :AI:- 9 g 9 3 4 -2142-' E __g- q i k 7---- - �/ ^4� ^~~� / ' �� � ^^ ----- -' // ' / v ` -- --�- xr� ------- M /\ ~~~ �J ' ~� '�"^--~- ~ ' ' ~ /� �i ----� ---- ' - ' . ' �- -------nT' ' ���� -=�� -------- - - 11 • -----�-' --4// ---�--- - --------' ----'----- -- --- • • . • _. \ ^ ��- ------ ------- - ------- ------------ ---- -� ---- } -- ------- ---'- - ' - l LL6545 -C45 -5650 Medical Fallout Shelter Kit "A" STOCK NUMBER NOMENCLATURE UNIT QUANTITY n 5��5 Z12 9010 N.Cascara Sagrada l;xtract Tab., NF, 0.25 Gm Bt 1 0 6505 -133 -8025 Petrolatum, White, USP, 1 lb. Can 1 -? r $ it 6505 -141 -5000 Sodium Bicarbonate, USP, 1 lb. (543.6 GM) Can s r 1 r 4. 6505 -153 -8379 •Eugenol, USP, 1 oz. (28.35 GM) Bt - 'r,l 6505- 237 -8480 ` Penicillin G Tab., USP, 250,000 Units, 100s Bt 2 6505 -889 -3551 Isopropyl, Alcohol, N. F., 1 Qt. (946 cc) Bt 1 - 6505 -754 -2809 \Eye & Nose Drops, II oz. (14.8 cc) Bt 3 — 6510 -200 -4000 Bandage, Gauze, Roller, 2" x 6 yds, 12'a Pg ' • 1 :.6510- 201 -1755 Bandage, M uslin, Comp., Camouflaged, 37x37x52" Ea 1 ' &510 -201 -4000 Cotton, Purified, 1 lb. Pg 1- .-6510 -203 -8448 Pad, Gauze, Surgical, 4x4 ", 200'a Pg 1 t :. 6515-303-8250 Applicator, Wood, Cotton Tipped End, 1x6 ", 100s Pg 1 -, `15 -324 -5500 Depressor, Tongue, Wood, 100's Bx 1 6515- 333 -2200 Forceps, Splinter, Tweezer, 31" Ea 1 (Sub for 6515- 337 -2400 Forceps, Splinter, Tweezer, 32 ") 6530- 782 -2095 Syringe, Fountain Ea 1 - 7340- 315 -1459 Sciasors,•Pocket, Straight 4 ", Dble, Blunt Ea 1 8315- 787 -8000 Pin, Safety, 11/2", 12's Pg 3 LL6505- 637 -3560 Sodium Chloride, USP, 1 lb. (453.6 Gm) Bt 1 . LL6505 -889 -3485 \Acetylsalicylic Acid Tab., USF, 0.324 Gm, 5 Gr. Bt 1 LL6505 -389 -3484 Phenobarbital Tab., USP, 32 Mg. (1 gr), 500'a Bt 1 _ .LL6505- 889 -3483 \.Sulfadiazine Tabs,_USE, 0.5 Cm.., (711 gr.), 500 Bt 1 LL6505- 839 -3482 Soap, Surg., 1 -3/4 oz, (50 Qn) with Hexachl Ck • 6 4 LL5505- 889 -3481 - \Kaolin Mixture with Peetin, NF, 1 pt. (473 cc) Bt 1 ' \ - LLL515 - 889 - 3480 Thermometer, Clinical, Human, Oral or Rectal, Mercury Type, Fahrenheit Scale, with Case Ea 1 '.10 --006 -9965 Family Guide, Emergency Health Care Manual Ea 1 7610 -006 -9970 HEW-PUS Instructions Special Medicinea Ea 1 6850 - -250 -2620 . "'Water Purification Tablets, 50's Bt 2 1 , '• . ,' ' , • ' . • , v iiI -, 2 ,, u .1111 ', 1,Ht; , ; • ,,,,..,:: i !,• i i rjf z.oe, I— ' ,ioi il ,, le,ozo . il ' 1 ,."' =2177 -t ' i I • Iczr°' t) --- G ' --°'`° c 'il ° ` " % ' ° 1 cva ' I -- c ' -- 1 1 1 , Tigch ( 1 f ')c' -- IQ" i ° ___ .. 1 1 , LI PH Il i 'll t i ? it h„ 4 ' IngEMEMEA i Jr-fi I H -. V AMID:IV' liAiii: ' - - , Litarittilltaieln01- miitirsmulle illitilgtallatiNEMErt; 1 1•( it,'‘volu11112111111111011111111111121611111111/11111111NIF 111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -- . 11111* ° al 4 () 21/11111.1111/11/211/151111 411118111111111:1) - 1 1 I iti 1 I 1 • ill 0 vii -k 'N % III_ ilimmulEINIENNININIErmillmigull ! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili_ II. IIIIINNEmilimminiiiimigumillimumind 1 01111 otv:. *4 .01/11111111o101111111413111 11 „, ,, 0 o li it 1 11111111111110 r 111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '1 IP 15 ” Tri III. 11 r 1 I HI!! riii hi -' „..... 1 • . „,_ -1 „ • •- i 1 Ilmmummaalccrallieamarialssellaammolles II ANN” , 1 1 L _ 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 Ti ' immilninimmumnimuimma 1 mimimmommumollinimanommint Ls 1 111111131111151=EMMEN willabillEMIll Hi ■ - 11 ' - - 1 ' 'd ' ' 2 ' 1111 V ' -il' I HE 1 1 ' 0- orl e ?- . I . 1 2Q 1 ' Vi 'Q l 11 1 1 NIG 1 I AMOR 1 1 El r\ r1 '1- 7 114111)- 6 1 lit ° ' 11111111111 1 1 1 1 1011 ! . ' l 1 i 1 I 1 i 1 • 7 1 1 r Ii i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 - 1 i 1 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 ! I- i i -1-1-0-1-4 ■-■-....r-vwv. ' 7/?:) NA e._ oLGA_t. cLf z a- I hft- 2 4 7 q -( 7 4- LI- g HP /( 29 3 0 4&-f4,44:5L, I go is 336 Cypu, X /0 igo FALLOUT SHELTER LICENSE OR PRIVILEGE SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE WHEREAS, The President of the United States has un- B. Further, the right to designate the said building dertaken for the Nation an accelerated and strengthened civil or structure as a civil defense shelter, and to affix defense program, including a fallout shelter program; and thereto, and maintain thereon, at no expense to the Grantor, such civil defense shelter and other signs WHEREAS, a fallout shelter survey has indicated that as are determined appropriate, so long as there is certain areas of the hereinafter described premises will afford no interference with the usual use of the premises persons protection from the hazard of fallout in the event of for the carrying on of business therein. enemy attack; II. The Federal Government, said State and said polit- NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, being the owner of ical subdivision may place and maintain on the prem- the hereinafter described premises, or the person otherwise au- ises such appropriate shelter equipment and stocks thorized to grant such license or privilege, does hereby volun- as may be determined necessary, estimated to re- tarily and without compensation, in consideration of the mutual quire approximately one (1) cubic foot per person of promises expressed herein and in cooperation with the Federal, the shelter capacity; and it is expressly understood State, and local civil defense programs for measures to protect that the Grantor shall have no responsibility or Zia - persons against the threat of fallout radiation from enemy at- bility for the care, protection, or maintenance of the tack, grant to the Federal Government, the State of shelter stocks, wilful damage or bad faith excepted. Texas The shelter stocks and equipment placed in the li- censed or privileged area are to be cared for and and the political subdivision of Ci tV of - Bryan maintained by said political subdivision at no ex- and to the general public for use in accordance with civil de- pense to the Grantor. fense shelter plans, the following license or privilege; III. The Grantor agrees that, during such reasonable pe- 1. A. Use of the basements, corridors, and other commo. riods as the premises are open for business, the po- areas of the building or structure situated at litical subdivision and the Federal Government, 120 S jYa 1 n St . their authorized officers, agents, or representatives, shall have the right to inspect the premises, includ- and known as LaSalle Hotel_ ing any equipment and supplies stored thereon, so as well as any other common use parts of the said long as this license or privilege is in effect. building or structure which the Federal Govern- ment and the political subdivision shall determine This license or privilege is granted on the express appropriate, including without limitation the rights condition that it shall be valid and binding upon the heirs, to the public of ingress to and egress from the assigns, or successors in interest of any nature whatsoever, premises, for the sole purpose of temporarily shel- this license or privilege may be revoked by ninety (90) days' tering persons during and after any and every ac- written notice to the political subdivision and the Federal tual or impending attack. Government, sent by registered mail. Signed, sealed, and delivered i. o day of , 196 • WITNESSES: v��� I �� ( �.�7v` (,)� ��/ SEAL f 1) GRANTOR(s) he acceptance and approval of the above license or privilege is authorized by the political subdivision. of i ty of =?ri; 1; Texas % • It/ Standard Location Code 5524 -00079 -, _ John ' . Naylor Cat. 4 -Cup 11 7 O no9i Cat 2 -Cap 5 Facility Number .7- 15,g7ror (Official Title) 3f.�r't KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ' The United States of America acknowledges the voluntary cooperation of the above -named Grantor in the civil defense program of the Nation; and his Government extends its appreciation for his uncompensated assistance. The above license or privilege is accepted Ind approved by the United States of America when completed in accordance with its terms and conditions and filed with its authorized representative. Assistant Secretary of Defense (Civil Defense) I (, . 4 of FSN 6545 -C45 -5670 Medical Fallout Shelter Kit Type "C" Component Line Item Listing FSN NOMENCLATURE UNIT OF ISSUE QTY 6505- 112 -9010 Cascara Segnada Detract Tablets, NF0.25 GM (4 gr) 100s (laxative) Btl 6 LOT N0.1602 -3 MFG. BY Strong Cobb Arner Inc CONTROL N0. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 - 8476 SHELF LIFE 60 Months 6505 - 133 -8025 Petrolatum White, USP, 1 lb. (Petroleum Jelly ) Can 3 LOT N0. E- 41642E MFG. BY Pioneer Chemical Co Inc CONTROL N0. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT N0. DSA2-8516 SHELF LIFE 120 Months 6505- 141 -5000 Sodium Bicarbonate, USP 1 lb. (453.6GM) Can or Btl 2 (Baking Soda) LOT N0. 0728014 MFG. BY Qnega Chemical Corp CONTROL N0. N/A DATE OF 1+IF'G. August 1964 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 -8473 SHELF LIFE 12O Months 6505- 153 -8379 Eugenol, USP, 1 oz.(Toothache Remedy) Btl 1 LOT NO.DEU-4 MFG. BY Derry Products Inc CONTROL 110. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 (;OW ACT 110. DSA2 - 8461 SHELF LIFE 96 Months 6505- 237 -8480 Penicillin G Tablets, USP, 250,000 Units Btl 12 100's LOT 110. NJA )1PG. BYE.R. Squibb & Sons CONTROL NO. 4E302 DATE OF MFG. June 1964 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 - 8472 SHELF LIFE 60 Mouths ASSEMBLY DEPOT:ATLANTA ARMY DEPOT SEPIIiATION DATE (s) June 1969 INSPECTED BY nT.arnM( DATE PACKED December 1964 SERIAL NO OF THIS KIT IS 0 t0" 13 5k5 4 of 5 FSN NOMENCLATURE UNIT OF ISSUE SIT LL6505- 687 -3560 Sodium Chloride, USP, lb.(453.6gm)(Table Galt) Btl 2 LOT NO. 601034 MFG. BY Omega Chemical Corp CONTROL NO. N/A DATE OF MFG. August 1964 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 - 8473 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite *6505- 754 -2809 Eye and Nose Drops, fl. oz. (14.8cc) Pg i8 LOT NO. KFF MFG. BY Alcon Labs Inc CONTROL NO. V.A. DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 -8460 SHELF LIFE 36 Months *Item subject to damage from freezing. LL6505- 889 -3482 Soap, Surgical, 1 3/4oz. (50 m) with 2% Cake 36 Hexachlorophene (substitute for antiseptic solution ) LOT NO. SSC -48 MFG.. BY The Lightfoot Co CONTROL NO. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 - 8464 SHELF LIFE 120 Months 6505 - 146 -2200 Sulfadiazine Tablets, USP, 0.5gn (7a 4r) Btl 3 LOT NO. 041 -523 MFG. BY Lederle Labs Div CONTROL NO. N/A. DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT N0. DSA2.8540 SHELF LIFE 60 Months EXPIRATION DATE (s) July 1969 L16505 -619 -8867 Phenobarbital Tablets, USP, 32 Mg( gr) 1000's Btl 3 LOT NO. N/A MFG. BY The S.E.Massengill Co CONTROL N0. G056424 DATE OF MFG. July 19611 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 -8495 SHELF LIFE 120 Months EXPIRATION DATE (s) July 1974 -2- 4 of 5 FSN NOMENCLATURE UNIT OF ISSUE SZE 6505- 153 -8750 Aspirin Tablets, USP, 0.324GM(5er) 1000's Bt1 3 LOT NO.3888 MFG. BY Dewey Products Co CONTROL NO.N /A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 -8490 SHELF LIFE 60 Months LL6505 -889 -3551 Isopropyl,glcohol, NF, lqt. (946cc) can 6 (dilute for rubbing alcohol) LOT NO.4151 MFG. BY Dewey Products Co CONTROL NO. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT NO.DSA2 -8462 SHELF LIFE Months LL6505 -890 -1657 Kaolin and Pectin Mixture, Dehydrated, 40 Btl 16 Grams (52 fl oz When reconstituted)(Diarrhea Medicine) LOT NO. SX798 MFG. BY The Upjohn Co CONTROL NO. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 -8468 SHELF LIFE 48 Months 6;10- 200 -4000 Bandage, Gauze, Roller, 2" x 6 yd.,12s Pkg 6 LOT NO. Unknown MFG. BY Hampton Mfg Co CONTROL NO. Unknown DATE OF MFG. July 1964 CONTRACT NO. DSA -9247 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 6510 -201 - 1755 Bandage, Muslin, Compressed, Camouflaged Ea 6 37 x 37 x 52 inches LOT NO. Unknow n MFG. BY Lily White Sales Co Tnc CONTROL NO. Unknown DATE OF MFG. June 19611 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 -9231 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite -3- ................... 1tof5 FSN NOMENCLATURE UNIT OF ISSUE QTY 6510 -20] -4000 Cotton Purified, USP, 1 ib. Pkg 3 LOT NO.Unknown MFG. BY Johnson & Johnson CONTROL NO. Unknown DATE OF MFG. June 1961 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 -9257 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 6510- 20 -B448 Pad, Gauze, Surgical, 4x4" 200's Pkg 6 LOT N0. Unknown MFG. BY The Kendall CO CONTROL N0. Unknown DATE OF MFG. July 19611 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 -92414 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 6515 -303 -8250 Applicator Wood, Cotton Tipped end, 1/12 x 6 ",100s Pkg 6 LOT N0. 2 MFG. BY Torrent Mfg Co Inc CONTROL N0. N/A DATE OF MFG. July 1964 ^.ONTRACT N0. DSA2 -9285 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 6515- 3?4-550C Depressor Tongue, Wood, 100's Box LOT N0. Unknown MFG. BY Solon Mfg Co Inc CONTROL N0. Unknown DATE OF MFG. July 1961 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 -9231 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 6515 - 333 Forceps, Dressing, 32" Ea LOT N0. Unknown MFG. BY Millers Forge Mfg Co CONTROL NO. Unknown DATE OF 1''G. May 1961 CONTRACT N0. DSA2 -9197 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite LL6515 -3 480 Thermometer, Clinical, Human, Oral or Rectal Ea 4 LOT N0. Unknown MFG. BY Faichney Instrument Corp CONTROL N0. Unknown DATE OF MF . July 19614 ,ONTRACT NO. DSA2 -10152 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite -4- 4 FSN NOMENCLATURE UNIT OF ISSUE QTY Ea 1 6530- 782 -2095 Syringe Fountain LOT NO. Unknown MFG. BY Spectronics Corp CONTROL NO. Unknown DATE OF MFG. July 1961 CONTRACT NO. DSA2 -10157 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 6850 -985 -7166 Water Purification Tablets, Iodine 8 mg. Btl 12 (6850- 250 - 2520) LOT NO. 2 Thru 13 MFG. BY Van Brode Milling Co CONTROL NO. N/A DATE OF MFG. June 19614 CONTRACT N0. N/A SHELF LIFE 24 Months i34C - 290 - 3766 Scissors, Pocket, Straight, 4 Inch, Double Blunt Ea 3 LOT N0. Unknown MFG. BY Acme Shear Co CONTROL N0. Unknown DATE OF MFG. August 1961 CONTRACT NO. DSA1+- 0297014 -SF -607 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite 8315 787 - 8000 Pin, Safety W, 12's Pg 12 LOT NO. Unknown MFG. BY The Risdon Mfg Co CONTROL NO. Unknown DATE OF MFG. Julv 19611 CONTRACT NO. GS- 00S- 505140 SHELF LIFE 999 Indefinite PUBLICATION: "MEDICAL CARE IN SHELTERS" EACH 1 W/ Ch 1 NOTE: dated April 190+ Shelf Life is defined as the estimated period of time, expressed in months, during which an item will retain its serviceable qualities, based on the following criteria: 1. Items are received from new procurement manufactured in accordance with applicable specifications (all items in this kit are from new procurement in accordance with applicable specifications). -5- 2. Items are stored in enclosed warehouses in accordance with applicable storage instructions pertaining to the specific item (this kit contains items subject to damage from freezing). 3. Items are packed, packaged and preserved to the degree of protection indicated for Level "A" (Military). (Items contained herein are packed in accordance with packing and packaging instructions provided by the office of Civil Defense). 4. Items have received established surveillance and maintenance as directed so that deteriorated and damaged parts have been replaced or repaired and the items have been repacked and preserved to Level "A ". (all items contained herein are from new procurement. Surveillance inspection vas performed by assembly depot at the time this kit vas initially assembled.) (Copied from) -- List ' irnb May 1974 Sh- - t Standard Location. Jod G2 55Z40005 Facility No. Building Name PF 2-8 Spaces 01153 Data Processing Bldg. 103 01154 Hwy. Research. Bldg. 69 01155 P.L. Downs Nat. 138 01156 Veterinary Science Bldg. 118 01159 Services Bldg. 1541 01201 Zachery Engr. Center 4919 01142 Ocean. & Met. Bldg. 6149 01147 McNew Eng. Lab. 55 01151 Health Center 80 01149 Educ. Office Tower 6835 01141 Chemistry Inst. 110 01049 Biochemistry Bldg. 286 01056 Agriculture Bldg. 551 01074 Duncan Hall 576 01087 Hospital 483 01095 Mech. Engr. Shop 570 01150 Teague Space Res. Ctr. 2387 01151 Power Plant 368 01152 Cyclotron 1293 01146 Auditorium Complex 477 01150 YMCA Bldg. 1369 01011 State Chemistry Bldg. 327 �"' 01012 Biological Science Bldg. 6255 TOTAL 35059 spaces 1 r 1 f 111 f O &ItiViti/t) . 4 ( d cittrA l'61414 ". 77 . 1.ol)/ 1 ll ki5D TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ------,, ‘, ZIP CODE 77843 ( ■I , r ,,, \ .......: SAFETY & HEALTH OFFICE June 9, 1976 File: 110.07 (713) 345-2132 MEMORANDUM TO: Jake Canglose, Director, Brazos County Civil Defense FROM: James Presswood, Director, TAMU Civil Defense SUBJECT: RELOCATION OF CIVIL DEFENSE SUPPLIES The items listed below were moved from the basement of the Academic Building #462 to the basement of the New Library, Building #486, on ,:ane 8, 1976. Item Moved Room 1 Rooms 3,4 Total Medical Kit A 4 4 ( ._ Medical Kit C 7 7 Bag Liners 6 22 + 1 box 22 + 1 box Sanitation Barrels 10 52 62 Carbohydrates4.--1 f ) .--;- j ; ' 5 1 6 Water Barrels 45 514 559* *200 of these barrels were transferred to the Physical Plant. 359 were trelocated to the New Library. -4.--- I i '-' James Presswod 6 --7- 7 4 IB/rld 67; "I :ti i3 A ii - t--- . ic C 7 . 171 - - - - 1-/' (-- ..-- - —i.- ----,,e-.-- - 7 ; ,- :• -; ,-; (' -- , ---? --,- -!, _, „ 1-----, `.;-' ')/) /:-,„)/ ;-'-',,,:' _5, atk.L.-- /,,,Vit- Y . 7- .7"/. :'; ; •, / ,') ,--- i c, , r - . , ....... .4, _,- , 2. ; 0 ,....... 0 , .:_. -.-s '47- , ,fr 0 / ; () c -,c ', 2 - • ,- , -----"---' / ..." / fri- --:•,, ... ce,...-t___-. r w a q C4 0 % (I) 0 1-4 • r:7 H U C4 CZ) w p Z O0 FA 1 O W [I. O O H a 0 1 L7 >+ , 0 14 w CD O H C7 C4W (/) • [ r 4 U v ) H 0 H O O Wf • H 2 a a E+ U 0 W W W F.4 (D aH OH a H 0 H W 0 z 0 Z O 0 - z A va w < w IL. z PI Q v) p--1 O H •• H Z U W H E-1 U , >4 Q 0 x x x Q c a • El P H z 0 0 H U c-+ e. ,H W v) • O A 0 H N O v] CD W p 1-1 c/) H W H w H H .c U A H H W E -+ a '� • • CO H w ti A (/) p o E-. H H H (z, W HO W H a U Q • O W LTA r.y4 p - k w a ,1/42:', O Z • z z `t v) v)a 0 C7 O HO E-1 E H E-1 v �j H 8 r. o CD U d H - -i H cn H v H W w W U <4 x v) 0 Z H Q H < A H H x z W (/) < W UZ � .;, 3 4 p U _ ( 7 , / { " /6 1(ti 2 4 c‘ (ilAnAitzfaviv, 4 ( /t i:oetZt c- r. Itit7 v\-L • . V 1 LL6545 -C45 -5550 Medical Fallout Shelter Kit "A" STOCK NUMBER NOMENCLA'T'URE UNIT WANTITX ( ''505- 112 -9010 '-Cascara Sagrada Extract Tab., NF, 0.25 Gm li (4 gr) 1001a Bt 1 - 6505 -133 -8025 Petrolatum, White, , USP, 1 lb. Can 1 <, _} , 6505- 141 -5000 Sodium Bicarbonate, USP, 1 ib. (543.6 GM) • C an - ' 1 r # } w 6505 - 153 -8379 ..Eugenol, USP, 1 oz. (28.35 GM) Bt • ;1 r 6505- 237 -8480 Penicillin G Tab., USP, 250,000 Units, 100a Bt • 2 6505 -889 - 355 1 Isopropyl, Alcohol, N. F., 1 Qt. (946 cc) Bt 1 ':,...; .. 6505 - 734 -2809 '`Eye & Nosa Drops, Is oz. (14.8 cc) Bt 3 _ 6510 -200 -4000 Bandage, Gauze, Roller, 2" x 6 yds, 12 Pg 1 :,6510- 201 -1755 Bandage, M uslin, Comp., Camouflaged, 37x37x52" Ea 1 '`6510- 201 -4000 Cotton, Purified, 1 ib. Pg 1 =6510- 203 -8448 Pad, Gauze, Surgical, 4x4 ", 200's Pg • 1 • : 6515 -303 -8250 Applicator, Flood, Cotton Tipped End, kx6 ", 1000 Pg 1 -�' .( `.15- 324 -5500 Depressor, Tongue, Flood, 100 _ Bx 1 - - 6515- 333 -2200 Forceps, Splinter, Tweezer, 31" Ea 1 (Sub for 6515- 337 -2400 Forceps, Splinter, Tweezer, 3) ") 6530- 782 -2095 Syringe, Fountain Ea 1 - 7340- 315 -1459 Scissors,•Pocket, Straight 4 ", Dble, Blunt Ea 1 N. 8315- 787 -8000 Pin, Safety, W, 12 Pg 3 LL6505 -637 - 3560 : - Sodium Chloride, USP, 1 lb. (453.6 Cm) Bt 1 . LL6505 -339 -3485 \Acetylsalicylic Acid Tab., USF, 0.324 Gm, 5 Gr. Bt 1 • LL6505 -339 -3484 Phenobarbital Tab., USP, 32 Mg. 6 gr), 509's Bt 1 . L16505-889-3483 NSulfadiazine Tabs, . USP, 0.5 Cm., (71 gr.), 500 Bt 1 LL5505 -339 -3482 Soap, Surg., 1 -3/4 oz, (50 Gm) with Hexachl Ck - 6 k LL5505- 389 -3481 - \Kaolin Mixture with Peetin, NF, 1 pt. (473 cc) Bt 1 - '' u` - L1.6515 -83 -3480 Thermometer, Clinical, human, Oral or Rectal, Mercury Type, Fahrenheit Scale, with Case Ea 1 (( 10 -006 -9965 . Family Guide, Detergency Health Care Manual Ea '1 7610 -CO6 -9970 HEW -PITS Instructions Special Medicines Ea 1 6350 - ":50 -2620 eater Purification Tablets, 50's Bt 2 t POlor :C 2415 te - _Ai c3OS • / I '' rhinid/v ,94N/7 /a ow- ��.z • :..,, I � _- 4r j j`' T / / ■ n 'i ; t i � __ i i ■ no ill ___...22,-2, ( i � '!S ?,?7/I���� ��I� I��� ■ I ")-'3 !■icininiAA n ■ ■11 S 1Y1C � 'Iv 't ■ I . , 11. .v ■ ■■I ■ ■ ■ 1 _ I ■ + VM1rO I.' �1C lllMIL MIM llllll 11517.11&111.714121111111111 IIIM ! % ®lll ® l lll _ _ _ am --,x I, i 4 . .1 sttlEENI I .1=11 1 . 7 . - t n ?:I AMR 111 Ili _.,_,,....... _ ■ P _ I I I' � '- ■ ' , ' , . I ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �I ■■■I{ _ - r ,; fl,'9.2. J.NDl 0/6-T U ' ■ 111 ■ ■■ I M 2 _ I ■ ■■ Il.■ ; _I_ — I II y -,, I 7 -1 _ '[ply /,z tiY. iiipip r ,. l ". . 1 - - • 't�s InE ENl=I I ��� I 7--/ 7 :7 ,9NC' = _I I II ■..IL...�.II MI f , ' N . - r . _I __I 1 III•IIII - , 1 - I 11 NE NE NEll llllllll l 7fik I�rrq'.y s ... t ' ? / .. {■ IT i ___ _ B:1i'1..� I !os DFfiC r. I Ill 1EMI - 11 l l Ll...al L . l� M� a � � � ...., , , , , } 1 _ — ■III • ■■ ■ ■III ■�■1 i , , 1 /q76 - Ril_cilE_, Am4 et/0, 54 vir,4 776ti SA,vir,m ,I 1/n51 , d2 c 2 5 /l2 _ r Ji?A - _ E � T PE %2: 7YPE 1 —E - - - -- 1 I 1111 -- - I -I .0 iC Sc RN -- :. o IMO -I N!N osc, MI _- --_-- PI MIIIIIMIIIIMMI 1 )./Ew . Av. 4111 Ilnielle 1 c, vc e r..w �imma - RI�_ — M1I IIr1`. --- NE1 - ---_ /71 31 a EMI . MIMI MI 2 in _ a A R A I _— Jf-- - -_ —MEM - MAI ... _. S,?r ;..' All -- .,F tili FAII% 1111111ErmEN111111 - 1 ! - 0.r.OF - r4 ,_, ,. ;,.MIU , . - ; 12 11119111010111 . ..,,, NMI = WI 3 0 - or - ., 5r» I - - M- - - - -� — — ( IMT: 1-11111111 NI - _ _111-iri" III - III - 9' , ? C -- �� — !ale - 1 - -- � � ,1; . - , - _ MallaMil II �!s/ t - - �. M W 2 . �- -NM al -I■.. �nM--.--a 5 ME --n-nra i .o© -I- . -- 1 i .. 4. Ell �i �I�i i�� gm - e, a .. �...� - -- WARM= o E . S�' a Ira Er . ...._ f p - , -_-_.. - -- .. _. -.. I .. ILDs_e' Lif ' ■111 MAIM m allailll Il 0 , '„ . - - -- -- � • - I it . -I 12 c - I - - - - - NH , —�— "� am • T/ IL K WAWA _/ h .:• i. i _ - - - - - -_ - '1 I- - -- MN MINI - --� __�NI N r a 7A '111 i /»�.I — � o 11111111111MTIMIII 4G E' E DA ' i / 1/4 COUNTY BRAZOS s . .. . t JAKE CANGLOSE )UNTY DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN OFFICE OF JAMES PRESSWOOD CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING TEXASAl�M HU SITYOIRECTOR E.E. BURNS GEORGE L. HUEBNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J. LOUIS ODLE BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 NORTH BARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOR BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING December 1, 1977 - 5 :00 P.M. BRAZOS COUNTY COURHOUSE - CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE PRESENT: Jake Canglose, Tom Brymer, Carroll Bell, Warren Heffington, Ben Wormeli PRESIDING: Jake Canglose TOPICS: 1. Captain Warren M. Heffington, U.S.A.F. Reserve, has a MOBDES appointment to the Brazos County Civil Defense. His appoint - ment is Assistant County Communications Officer. 2. Consideration is being given to changing our meeting date from the first Thursday to the first Monday of each month. This will help avoid conflicts with Colelge Station Council Meetings. 3. Tom Brymer reviewed Bryan City Council Actions: A. Routing trucks around with hazardous loads. B. Ambulance assigned to Mid -Tex. 4. Jake Canlgose reviewed a Courthouse procedure to be followed to notify courthouse officials and occupants in the event of a weather warning broadcast received on the Tone Alert Radio. 5. DCPA - Civil Defense Circular No.77 -8 was discussed. Its title is "Packaged Disaster Hospitals (PDH), transfers to State and Local Defense Agencies." In summary this supports Voluntary cooperation of state and local authorities to obtain release at no expense of the donating agency of those PDH'S which are in excess of our defense pre- paredness needs. We will wait for further information. 6. DCPS - CIVIL PREPAREDNESS CIRCULAR NO. 77 -9. SHELTER MARKING AND DEMARKING. 7. Marking Criteria. We are to identify our public shelters with a PF of 40 or more and an occupancy of 50 or more. Then we are to go about the procedures for correctly marking those shelters that are unmarked. • RCI.iES T AND AU T r ORIZATIO FOR ACTIVE DUTY TRAIKI C/ .L.TWE DUTY TCU saw ';r: FROM Y 1. Q BY DIRECTION OF THE PRESIDENT _ ARP C/DA ARPC/RTA K BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY QF THE A'R FORCE.-1 GRADE, LAST NARaE. FIRS MIDDLE INITIAL, SSAN 3. PRESENT ADDRESS .1. StiCURtTY CLEARANCE COLONEL BELL, CARROLL W. P.O. Box 9162 ! 461 -36 -2602 College Station, TX 7784 TOP SEC /BI /62 JUL , • 5. PAFSC 0076 1 g . FLYING STATUS L . ) YES K1 NO 7 . AERO RATING COMD PLT S. BAS RATE (Alrr.IArt Only) j F 9. ORDERED TO ACTIVE DUTY FOR 12 DAYS PLUS REQUIRED TRAVEL TIME 110. TRAINING CATEGORY D AND PAY GROUP l - 11 r I SPECIAL YOUR OF ACDU TRA ri SPECIAL TOUR OF A D 1. PURPOSE (Typo) LT1 e.�.,NuAL TOUR L; SCHOOL TOUR T tln dfca:e special schaol course or special tour title,) 1 12 UNIT, 1. 3. A�COM A D DRESS, AND PAS OF RESERVE ASSIGNMENT 1 UNIT OF ATTACHMEN 66 9006 ARS (ARPC) Denver, CO 80280 HQ ARPC P PAS: 960IrW32 • 14. MEMBER WILL REPORT TO '.Brazos County Civil Defense Office, HcuR YEAR - 0(7 - - TN 1 GAY r L County Courthouse, Bryan, TX 77801 up •t 0800 - 78 19. uE.!.!BER WILL BE RELE &.SEO FROM OPGANI ZATI CAN ATTACHED /ASS:ONE° FOR ACTIVE DUTY TRAINING ON 8 JUL 1 28 1 t 16 MEMBER `-� IS ;M IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO PARTICIPATE IN FLYING 17. AUTHORITY CH H 7� ACTI VITtES DURiNG THE PERIOD OF ACTIVE DUTY COVERED BY THIS ORDER. , r 'x -'41. UC')L II A _ 18. MEMBER W: LL PROCEED FROM PRESENT ADDRESSIP: SUFFICIENT TIME TO COMPLY WITH REPORTING TIME AND DATE, '. ^5, TON - 19. MEMBER'S HOME OR PLACE FROM WHICH ORDERED 7p ACTIVE DUTY AND DUTY STATION ARE) ARE k' .r LO•'ATEC :F? TriE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE SAME CITY OR TOWN. MEMBER ® WILL Ei WILL NOT COMMUTE. 0. MEMBER AND DEPENDENTS ARE AUTHORIZED EXCHANGE PRIVILEGES DURING THE PERIOD OF THIS C %DER- ME_MBE: =AID DE- PENDEN (AS AGENTS OF THE MEMBER) ARE AUTHORIZED COMMISSARY PRIVILEGES WHEN THE - 0008 13 IN EXCESS ..'' 72 HOURS. LIST NAmE AND RELATIONSHIP OF DEPENDENTS: MARY ELLEN (SPOUSE) 21. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION DI AUTHORIZED 0 DIRECTED "!__ � MI MILITARY ARY COMMERCIAL r TPC. EXCESS TRAVEL ..1114F. MAY AF4 F T 22.Q AIRCRAFT a AIR • `-Zti RAIL V3 BU3 THE PAY OR LEAVE kCC Ot!NTS t 23. PAY AND ALLOWANCES CHARGEABLE To: 5783700 508 6272 P723.01 S380fcc0 -' /� ` , PER DIEM AND TRAVEL CHARGEABLE TO: 5783700 508 6290 P P7Z _'81)000 �.! f � . 0 � SSS"yyy 24. REMARKS Traveler is required to submit a travel voucher within ': il Wk days after - completion of travel, to active duty AFO nearest member's home. Merber is not tg 5 authorized first class air fare. RSC: MH. f t Subject to Instructions on Reverse ,s ADDRESS ALL QUESTIONS TO CUSTOMER SERVICE: WATTS: 800- 525 -1965 i • '3. DATE 27. ISSUING/APPROVING YING OFFICIAL (Typed name, -� f � 1 grade, title) 28. SIGNATURE 131.May 1978 I C. R. KEMPF, GS -6 PHONE NO. ASST CHIEF, �/ / - 128. 4971 1 PROGRAM SUPPORT DIVISION vie • A L / 4 • 125. DESIGNATION ANC LOCATION OF HEADQUARTERS 30. RESERVE ORDER NO. ' •e DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE JA -7024 31 May 1978 it HQ AIR RESERVE PERSONNEL CENTER 32. DENVER CO 80280 FOR THE COMMANDER 133. DISTR /I3U TION 34. SIGNATURE ELEMENT OF ORDERS AUTHENT -'..I. F_ Z.0 - Irdiv OFFICIAL 1 - ARPC /DAPO 2 - ARPC /RYAS • • g 1 -- AFAFC /RPSF � S 11 1 ;: y �r ' Orb,i, Elan T T Ci • PYL ,rG. D Eye, • '0' Lazinio.re00:144 1 iee P t:.xr- wraa.e�___ _ acz,+aaz, ••�...a 'e z.: _vrrumerns..vc�aus�,rfrl:c„srm. - AA r FORM t .� r , ,,r JAN 74 !)JO PPLVIi,US EDITION MAY BE USED. I NI i L., - - — - - — — — .., _ L .iiam. 7- IAs„3 WEDEL'S W E D E L' �.J WEDEL'S 4i!ii a G1$�V A. H.,. Sr.. -� � l�ik' !t }9 .sib_ Ii— S I `A. IR C N 5 TIO ■ 8, I( urns =Ug. WASHING MACHINE .. - ! PART L SERVICE ( (� �j �+�' I AIR CONDITIONING �, E r ti 1 a c�w \• - � ! _,/ 4i OU4f rJ L2VLCC Bade !! REFRIGERATION $FpV[E �-- .. � -- - - - .. - Bryan, Texas This is to certify that 1 have a key to the building in which i am Radio Operator: Chas ter Price #17 Travis E lementry School . W. C. Davis s , Jr o f; 3 Fannin Elemen try School A. W. Dominik #10 Stephen F. Austin High School. o , i4 il s ___ ., !,w • Sanitation Kit IV Instructions for Use of Component Items The contents of the Sanitation 'Kit IV are ample to supply the minimum needs of 50 persons, however, extreme care should be undertaken in the dispensing and use of all items to provide adequately, for the needs during confinement in the shelter. As the need for a commode will immediately exist, the following method of settting -up needs should be undertaken. (1) Remove the plastic bag lin: anu commode seat from the sanitation kit and place asille. (2) Remove the two fiberboard boxes from the kit. (3) Remove toilet tissue frem bottom of drum — CAUTION, USE SPARINGLY. (4) Remove the commode c,- -?mical —in one of the boxes. (5) Place the plastic bag liner assembly in drum, seating the base of bag care- fully in the base of the drum. Spread mouth of bags over and down around top of drum about 4 inches. Add the commode chemical carefully in ac- cordance with the directions printed thereon. Place commode seat on drum, making sure that the plastic bag is securely in place. (6) Commode is ready for use. (7) Between uses, place the drum cover in an inverted position over the com- mode seat. When waste is to the level of the sanitary fill line on the drum, put on plastic gloves, take wire -tie out of the fiberboard box, remove the commode seat, gather the top of the bag assembly together and tie with wire -tie. DO NOT REMOVE THE FILLED BAGS FROM THE DRUM. Replace drum cover and, if drum must he moved, care- fully move the drum, preferably by sliding it across the floor instead of tilting or lifting. A methodical system of dispensing the toilet paper, sanitary pads, hand cleaner and plastic cups should be effected. The can opener is primarily for use to open the metal cabs of food. Other uses are — to pry off the lids on the petrolatum and bicarbonate of soda cans which are contained in the Medical Kit. The hand cleaner should be used sparingly, when needed, primarly by food service personnel and by those servicing the commode. The cleaner should be dispensed with a tongue depressor. Always replace cover immediately after using to prevent deteriora- tion of the hand cleaner. The polyethylene gloves should be used when handling the commode. Between uses, they should be kept clean and readily available for re -use. The water dispensing spout is to he used to siphon the water from the water con- tainer. Between uses, it should be kept as clean and sanitary as possible. The cups and lids are to be used as individual drinking water containers, .'� "' t 6 y 4 04, ,► / R.) ...._ ci ..._ -77 ..2 1.-4e&t.i .\ a-k-C(_A- e.:4_,e l ?it 0 i i / 7 ,/ ./(/),.. . 74 ./1/LtX,e,e ., Z fr fi -e.t,( .1,e/1/1/14-4 tikN i l /,_ , g ?x,..t. Z2* _ _ _ ____ - .Q. di AV --/1- -, . - / ' .;# cv _._-- ..�-� /973? )4 ., Iv -4(gAiF ' do-e..- Li etl4 2^� . i .' /zQ�C� Gem 4f Ci.�- u r, r , o - - - - `?.? )9 uLdt--e-e_A-tzl.- 0 ,A,e.,,,,,4-46.9__ ___ _ _ ____ _ ______ ____ _ ____ __ ,,, ____ _____ _ _ ...._ „, , . ,,,..,.._ ______ _ ______ _____ , _4 iz.4 _ , c..._ io,c1* -.300 ,3 __ y __3_ — -- ---------,-- _________ __________ _ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ________ 4., t, . r_____ w„./... _______, , -F __-,,,..., ___ _ 0...4.A.6e c_ c , . c„..,...."---t4 re pc„,..4 k a4--e.te.)&, _, 0' a;iii,,,_,,,,_. ,,,,,,,L / , , 1 0.".„„zi.,- oci-e4A '6, i �� fel a -etc- w sue. CHECK LIST FOR KIT A --i■ UNIT F STOCK NO NOMENCLATURE ISSUE QTY RaMARKS b5- ; :9 -3 0 cetylsalicylic Acid, Tablets USP, -- 5 ? ,, r0 5 , 500s (Aspirin) Bottle 1 6505112 -9010 dcara Sagraaa Ext., Tablets ( tive)N.F.,14 gr,9100s Bottle y 1 o505- 153 -8379 genol, USP, 1 oz, (Toothache Remedy) Bottle 1 6 505 -751 -2809 t o,Rfe, Ear, and Nose Drops, 1/2 oz, Bottle 3 6 5 0 5 - -3551 Isopropyl Alcohol N.F. 1 Qt, dilute for rubbing alcohol) Can T ''` 6 505-889-3481 4 eTaolin and Pectin Mixture, 1 Pt, (Diarrhea Medicine) Bottle 1' 1 6505 - 237 -81480 /Penicillin G, Tablets, USP, , j 250,000 Units, 100s Bottle 2 6505-1 -8025 Petrolatum, White, USP, 1 lb, (Petroleum Jelly) C �'' al 6 5 0 5 - 5 89 - 3181. Phenobarbital.. Tablets, USP, 1/2 Grd, OOs Bottle 1 6505 - 889 -3482 Soap, Surgical, 1 3/4 oz,, with 2;d, / Hexachlorophene (substitute for antiseptic solution)' Cake f 1 1 6 ' -5000 Sodium Bicarbonate ` 6505 - �- r onate 1 lb, (Baking S�bda) Can / 1 6505 -687 -3560 Sodium Chloride, USP 1 1b c (Table Salt) 6 L t 1 - .s/ 5 5'- 889 -31483 o'Sulfadiazine Tablets1 7 -1/2 gr,,,500s Bottle 1 58, •250 -2620 ....Tablet, Water Purification, IodineD50s Bottle 2 1R=.SSINGS 510- 200 -4000 Bandage,Gauze,Roller,2 "x6Yd,, 12s Package 1 5510- 201 -1755 Bandage,Nuslin,Triangular, , 37" x 37" x 52" Each 1 j � ;510- 201 -4000 Cotton, Purified, 1 lb, Package 1 . ;510- 203 -8148 Pads, Gauze Surgical 14 "xl4 ", 200s Package 1 6 303 -8250 Applicator,Wood,Cotton Tipped End 2 x6 ", 100s Package 1 615 -324 -5500 Depressor, Tongue, Wood, 100s Box 1 515- 337 -2400 Forceps, Splinter, Tweezer 3i" Each 1 315 -787 -8000 Pin, Safety, 12 ", 12s Package 3 3140-815-1459 Scissors, Pocket,Straight,1n,Double Blunt Each 1 ;30 -782 -2095 Syringe,Fountain,Plastic,& Attachment Each 1 715- 889 - 3480 Thermometer, Human,Clinical,Oral, Stubby Bulb, with case Each 1 i 510 -006 -9965 Family Guide - Emergency Health Care Manual Each 1 510 -006 -9970 Instructions a Shelter Manger Each 1 Special Medicines - 1 Basic Supplies Each-----. ,-_.1. 1 LL6545 -C45 -5670 Medical Fallout Shelter Kit "C" STOCK NUMBER NOMENCLATURE UNIT QUANTITY 6505 - 112 -9010 xtract Tablets, NF, Bt 6 1 0.25 GM (4 gr) 100's 6 505 -133 -8025 Petrolatum, White, USP, 1 lb. C 3 6505- 141 -5000 Sodium Bicarbonate, USP, 1 ib. Can 2 (453,.6 Gm) 6 505 -146 -2200 Tablets, 0.5 Gm (7 2 Gr) Bt 3 ' 1000's 6505 - 153 -8379 ntot P, 1 oz. (28.35 Gm) Bt 3. 6505 -153 -8750 �4eetptim5AWkimlig Acid Tablets, USP, 0.324 Gm, Bt 3 (5 gr) 1000's 6505- 237 -8480 blets, USP, 250,000 Units Bt 12 100's 6505 - 889 -3551 Isopropyl, Alcohol, N.F., 1 qt., (946cc) Cn 6 6 505-754 -2809 , 1/2 oz. (14.8cc) Bt 18 6510 -200 -4000 Bandage, Gauze, Roller, 2" x 6 yds, 12's Pg 6 6510- 201 -1755 Bandage, Muslin, Compressed, Camouflaged, Ea 6 37 x 37 x 52 inches 6510 -201 -4000 Cotton, Purified, 1 lb. 6510 -2o3 -8448 Pad, Gauze, Surgical, 4 x 4 ", 200s Pg 6 6 515-303 -8250 Applicator, Wood, Cotton Tipped End, Pg 6 1/2 x 6 ", 100's 6 515- 324 -5500 Depressor, Tongue, Wood, 100's Bx 3 6 515 -337 -2400 Forceps, Splinter, Tweezer, 3 -1/2" Ea 1 N0 E: Substitute 6515- 333 -3600 Forceps, Dressing, Straight, 5 -1/2" serrated. Ratio 1 for 1. } 6530- 782 -2095 Syringe, Fountain E 1 '1 7340 -815 -1459 Scissors, Pocket, Straight, 4 ", Double Blunt Ea 3 rti 8315- 787 -8000 Pin, Safety, 1 -1/2 ", 12's Pg 12 r 6850 -250 -2620 _Watcr,.Purification Tabs., (50) Bt 12 LL6505- 619 -8867 F i._ � , m USP, 32 mg Bt 3 (1/2 Gr) 1000's LL6505- 687_3560 Sodium Chloride, USP, 1 lb (453.6 Gm) Bt 2 LL -889 -3482 Soap, surgical, 1 -3/4 oz (50 Gm) with Ck 36 . y2, Hexachlorophene I LL6505- 889 -3481 ....irmsoi-iia.44azt4re with Pectin, NF, 1 pt Bt 6 (473cc) LL6515- 889 -3480 Thermometer, Clinical, Human, Oral or Ea 4 Rectal, Mercury Type, Farenheit Scale, with Case 7610 -006 -9965 Family Guide, Emergency Health Care Ea 3 Manual 7 610 -006 -9970 Instructions: Shelter Manager Ea ,1 Special Medicines Basic Supplies l a t \e/ V 1 = A _ m D _ V V'S9 D 0 7 i-o ) : At ,O ��t ��• � g Q � © p N 'I VI \ \ . ..\.) ' '� � � � r e a 1 ©gy ' � • a ' % \ � °` © �• r d ��. m o m� — 5 O r� 0 _ a t / � 1 C nnnn� w n_n_nenm� F-i 1: /` Q .o ,„,.., l� . 0�•. Y OiZZZd- 2Od07xf -m Y0v 91 v Q I I . f , e 7 � ,� ��/'. 4 11\ i� H 3 e °_ c= m ¢ n i P . E g e 2 , c a d Q • i Ii , ® t , - �• fil ®7 " L' owa�m r m t m ES «vvo r e 1_ Jp (, 9 N • » 8 O O N N y N t n F f J J J> �) J N Z Ari! I' / , 1 0 ` e , 'eov i —. %®;$= � ¢Q¢¢' °mamma Z yg .` �'�1 14 ,,,,, e \,; es �> 1 nom nm�m mm'�u cq mepwo ncymmrnnlq o ' 1 , tf O, _ e ' • ) .1- UC7Y2i 4 'Fit7-i' 'JO¢OY \ fir® q .7A-tam ' � �► i a e ,.a. e I \ ri ° � 0 IV a f i ` lib. \', L - g o g A • • ■ I' I A e'� /�� ��' ®` fl T c a ° ° g. a 5 Q ¢ ! a, It ///'///� TA ,C � + 4 , + z 49 l e` t ® \ . - t c . _ : ma w _ ' Etc' S x � � �T» l' A . ��[ � { , � e \ \ � O¢ L • - D W '� g = '.° u — ill/ Yq V(/ © 1,�� 4 y AQ .A e * 1 0 �� 4 / .,/ \ 1 D T » �oi5 E 9v .,_.„.8" - I ie � . 4,, s A e - ` ' \ 2SY�YJ JJJ Ef gf if ZZOO1a lia`n`a' li v./ 7 4. N _ t‘h4701}404:1/ = = %r ` S m,% epm r.00 mm �o�n m \ J w¢o adJ �Y J 2 W Oj fi- d fil W I ®-i a ` 1 Of , .,/;-... � ` � ) it t _ _ _ _ ,,./ tr /47.— ,, , 1 4 I a 1. *C , � �� r ♦ fl y� 1 �� � _toe ..1. � \ . ` o 0 & o x UU c 0 f .• If W 1, 1 ►� 1 � ' ,,A41‘ �� A ` >' g , o ` e m' o c ° - i ..... 9 .i, / , ;_ i �„ n - 9s � fi0 �r � O V > = = = w ° w ° c — i. 8 tS — , � � 4'4 F it � i m € `,9a "P O E `-'ma. u a[o ^ ° `. C n$ c ' u. — '' 1/ '�"ii77 °"°" °°wwwwu 1',21.3,!,3iiiiii= I a s p `r A,441, t m. o (O W �et 1 /aft t ' •J O =m n°f �imNmoNt�v�t�nOl�naO nramDNm W ( ; � + �. \ .� �� ` ®�� • Nnmap 1poomommo'in opmn mv',p apo — �Y/ ` 'V ` ®. \ -, W Z-' J p ¢ Y-.Y 0- f LL ..-• 1-Z J 471 w OE — _ d 741 5 g B rSo v •tli4 +q „ s/ 0 i�a q :'n ° =fn ° = � &' o�¢ d 1/ I t E § `. Y 1 1 - ,- Em €`_ ?!.e > ! m'8 — 4 - Q aGa a¢ ¢mm mmmmciV VUc°)U CIi�cio ` e ? O 4 °.2.g NFJoAm,..7 gym 'T.W , I el I n I a I o I o I N l o t a I Q 1= I V I M I 2 l n 1 1 I: . . . , . .. ..._ .,....... 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SHELTER ANTENNAS ) ' BRYAN V ' HOTEL CHARLES - Located on front awning ` "� LA SALLE HOTEL - On roof - coaxial cable comes thru elevator pent house. ANCO - On roof - coaxial cable goes down to basement on west end. Cable comes down pipe case. ASTIN BUILDING - SCHOOLS - BRYAN TRAVIS - Antenna on roof. Cable comes down drain pipe into south end of basement. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN HIGH - Antenna on roof. Cable down outside into cafeteria. FANNIN - Antennas on roof. Cable comes over side into boiler room. BOWIE - Z COLLEGE STATION 1st BAPTIST - Chief Powell knows where. Antenna on roof comes down on S.E. Alle$i/- cable into basement. —1- 1 iT W. Radio central has antenna - Police Radio POST OFFICE - Ground plane antenna. Planned to be a EOC, cable to basement - on back end of building where trucks back in. 0 & M BUILDING - Jake knows - installed in radar console C E ` STAL Whip Antenna - on the same mast with o their transmitter tower. USDA BUILDING - Antenna on roof - center of east side - cable go COURTHOUSE ROOF - Ground plane - cable in store room. RED CROSS - has 3 radios - Bryan Police - ground plane antenna - [4 t il O 4, _ \ 1-4 • r4 ri 4- ri4 .. p- \....., ,,, f,(, O C, cia H G. W O w i '` ;` ^G3 0 O �r ��Ci W r sz _ H H U OW W Ei H 1--1 I TS_ , ("(-) VD cr — - W w z W A a a H .. O 4 Z H H H LI >4 A z . H H O H U N ^ H W O Q R W PI .74--- r ,_ v) H �_ H [.] H ~ H p4 H H d U A H 41 f-+ W h 1--1 a 2 I 2v) _, o H W ---'-- 0 C7 W w .a ic a a a R: O OZ .6 .P-4 H a; I ►-+a E'' A x Q t+ ' ~ H W A H t-+ (f) 0 W W O 0 -c x v] O d H W H A E+ x ci) * H O \ -___ H • 0 " rA -.. .-- 3 . ,.. r., ,... ci, , .....„7 IN) v) z 1_, -- fl oc H C � ice• Q H Z 0 i 0 U :'--11 n '-.._. H Z 0 a H 0 w cow •• p H O f7 H Z P x - , w I H ow * I • PI Iii c4 al 14:3 H H off W e po k(i r‘ 1 H O H �' Z p c/) �11 g d ct co W 1 w j ,.. cy w a v ° H 0 H U � c& H H H E � H a U `� Q Q Z . H n H ZO H o Y--1 (x] U Q 0 r O v) o U N w v) Pa . . I, r d H O H H Q,' 0 Q H H w w w w H a a te; H Oa I 1 I 8 4.. (24 0 '4 , j E A H v) H v) N w W w r H W 0 H H v) 0 H C=7 H w V) < w v] x :t, .s C:)