HomeMy WebLinkAboutShipping the biscuits 1974 29 / foresight / November - December 1974 Emergency Food for Bangladesh As in 1970, when a cyclone left many homeless and Administration. During the month of September, 7,000 hungry in Bangladesh, (formerly East Pakistan), the Defense tons —a total of 14 million pounds, or 400 truckloads —were Civil Preparedness Agency was able to respond to an urgent on the way to Bangladesh from Seattle, Houston, San requirement this year for civil defense survival biscuits by Francisco, and other ports. An additional 1,500 tons— the Agency for International Development (AID), Depart- principally from California, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico —were ment of State, to feed the victims of devastating floods in donated to CARE because AID was unable to transport J ,} that country. The government of Bangladesh asked for the them in the time allotted. survival biscuits by name. Inland and ocean freight charges for the shipment to In meeting this emergency, DCPA canvassed civil defense Bangladesh were paid by the Disaster Relief Office, AID. and emergency preparedness officials throughout the United States to determine what quantities of .survival biscuits The civil defense survival biscuit was especially developed I stored in public fallout shelters could be made available for for long storage without appreciable depreciation in nutri- immediate shipment to Bangladesh. tional value. Although some have been stored for over 10 Responding to an urgent call from DCPA Director years, because of their packaging in airtight tins, periodic John E. Davis, the eight DCPA regional directors personally inspections have found them to be in good to excellent supervised collection of offers for this humanitarian cause. condition. State directors called on local directors. Their pooled efforts Research into emergency feeding of large numbers of soon resulted in the availability of some 17 million pounds people in shelters has reduced reliance by the United States of the survival biscuits, or 5 percent of the total stored in on the survival biscuit formerly considered a necessity as a shelters throughout the country. The quantity shipped to shelter supply item. Greater reliance is now placed on food Bangladesh will feed one million persons for 30 days. which can be taken into shelters if a crisis develops and on Transport of the biscuits to ports of debarkation was food resources already available in buildings designated as 4 handled by Defense Supply Agency and the General Services public shelters.—Mary U. Harris. TA All i • • id , :. 1 I 4611° .4 -,. , 1 Or i / mss..°. `:r.-- _. f —�' 4 j, l f , = .i r . . --� - -,a 0 i ;' I —1 ' - _ '' r J am, ,• +' ,i - A 4>' — - ;?' 1 e ♦ + ! , a i t SURVIVAL BISCUITS being loaded aboard a ship bound for Bangladesh. , , , 1 2 L" A rottAr. LI • fiyv■ IY''‘''''t.,,m/A#41--P' ±— ctt 4 , ------ , , I * •Itt(4,,,,edA „ 4 - P 4 1 1 L g2, 134 7 . 1 6 -1AILAi 0.6=7A sm 71--,,, , , ' 44/far ' •' .e1; - iv 1 •7 , 1r.s-' , F ./ _ � qcS4 PArg__ _ m-- 6AiliA L'--aa-e-e- A � s �1 ' Se.--(4^11_ - � r? /6/4 A & -wok G;� -u 2 -12 S� 4 �� S 0 kut _____ iib .. .N.4,4-4-nxt.„ ,i,„„,,,,,,,,,„„e,z4 (,if-t-,,zun,cei.. rt- __ c ) : „ A /* - , , , , . . _ _ • , , / ,,,, ,,,,,,L , . eAtiv— by '11\e'L fletuv-m6-- um • ''* ' / krtd al-1 f? 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Nvi *t ,rq )- 0 ',..--1 Z A ttAAA:-. tioNSW - yy VI .4 )-* v '>4 2 9 g -C 151*ANA --, 7 T r Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Aid Aidq Saturday r i ' /7/ r' Fi)) % ia) .(4 4k-,!(1 \-----. -V rfr — 44. 3 V ; ,,,,, 6 7 T ? 10 (1 1Y C cfr As /6 /7 /8 Iqh -- )- g 7- 30 ?I . , 'f,t7--k-(l( 7i1� . � 6- = 1 -- / 2 1 '14' 4 //// 7 L fr f U N IFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING is an acknovle et that a ►III CODE NO. T 6 SE t�DF me t of lading has been issued and is '"' _..._ a e not,the Original Bill of Lading nor s copy or dupllcatc cevcrIn; the TRAILER NO. Fes" V x ���...JJJ ` ' • -.k.. 4 property named herein, and is Intended solely for filing or ncord. :� Y 10 , STRIPPER, •' LOADER -,wa. ..A.,i S.. ....r ,,. 9 - - 29 +7ti EWPUUTH OWNED TEXAS INSTITUTION DATE 19 — FROM,i.i. ��re Civil �t c CITY Q„$SAT Ell a y "� 'u0u C0 1+ Civi s. De R, en e 4,. � ' -....r 33 CONSIG TO • y Y ' S,TDRE.ET ADDRESS r. r F sCf Penn DESTINAT �4l'(i''�j qt���I,{ MM - (� �j STATE ROUTE ".° 4 No. DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL 1 *WEIGHT Class Subject to Section 7 of conditions, Freight if this shipment Is to be delivered to Pkgs. - MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS (Sub. to Coy.) or Rate the consignee without recourse on the Gs ;rrinr o,,i or ,, �. Mri t ;s " a consignor, the consignor shall sign the fs following statement: _ _ T o rrier shall not make delivery r _ _ 0 1 6 1 Charges - t© 7 e(,� .. t b4t1!�ent without payment of h t V,R. .L freight a'nd other lawful charges. r y 4 - (Signature of Consignor) 5 2; i�� If charges ore to be prepaid, write or stamp r bet Prepaid.' TOTAL Received $ to apply In prepayment of the charges This Shipment will be forwarded open unless C. O. D. Amount Is filled in here rr .0 • $ on the property described hereon. tLs NOTE —Were e rote Is depe ent on value, shippers are required to state specificolly in writing the agreed or declared - volue:ofitbe perty: The age ed or declared value of the property Is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to b e Agent or Cashier. not erce¢d+i < Per per , 1leeeeee "'''ffffff i- - -- <- CENTRAL FREIGHT LINES,,,INC. (The signature here acknowledges only the amount prepaid.) Shipper ./.L.."'` Charges Advanced: Pe Address BY / /� / � 0, $ ' "THIS INTERSTATE TENDERED E AND RECEIVED THE TER AND CON DITIO N GOT ABLE RS' BILL OF LADING AS FILED WITH THE D" SHIP CENTRAL — IT'S CONVENIENT & SAFE . \ n ..- -Pfi A . .....,./...>",...7 J 1 L "4 _ -. ttA' CODE NO. UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING . THIS MEMORANDUM Is an seknoArnert that a bill .... TRAI LE R NO. y 9Aes3 fl -,-;-?"-11,-'''wiA'N_,-,-1w-,7v,Prl , r of lading has been ton end is = noti:tho Original Elk of Lading nor a copy or duplicate CC. tflrIC the property named herein, and is Intended gaiety for (Mop or record. 1 ,,,iter,f i: STRIPPER L t . • ■ 4p,.., z4 1 . e.,..`‘, 0 ' ' ;'. 1/4•...... LOADER .,,,,,,,,,,,,.........„, ........4,...., EMPLOYEE OWNED TEXAS INSTITUTION DATE 19 _____ 01 1...„. „„, - e, „ .. , ar,c ,o...,114;t Civil ref.'6nse , '.:Rit.C -T if • left cITY AtLjaS .4, aLATE _ '....-....',—“, i. •••._...- CONSIGNE-GTO / , SITREET A.DORESS - ,,-.. 7 . Cu 0 COI 01 Int 0 r VI 'Mil 1. 1)0, , 4 - - - a.2.- 1 crZ o::: 1.1ous ton SS Zr o hn Perta , DEsTiNwr c), pi, STATE ROUTE _.7..CJ-9..., -exas.• „ \ No. DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL *WEIGHT Class . Subject to Section 7 of conditions, Pkgs. MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS (Sub. to Cor.) or Rate Freight if this shipment is to be delivered to the consignee without recourse on the 1;21. r rc.r, er :e7...-osnr Foods-0474:z consIgnor, the consignor shall sign the ft. Dk . following statement: T,„i=orrier shall not make delivery ) . b. 01.61 Marcos to - - . 00, 1401/tent without poyment of - freig t one all other lawful charges. ()' s Dale' 33.585 (Signature of Consigno') If charges ore to be prepaid, write or stomp tnfre, Prepaid." ......._ TOTAL Received $ This Shipment will be forwarded open unless to apply In prepayment of the charges C. 0. D. ignovnt Is filled In here L. O• D• $ on the property described hereon. NOTE e rate is deper ent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value bf it) roperty: The our ed or declared value of the property is hereby specifically stated by the shipper to be Agent or Cashier. not excek) / , - / , A ,. ...< . A.. z................, / Per per i a, ,,, ,.... i - 71 -..-- CENTRAL FREIGHT LINES , INC. (The signature here acknowledges ,,,,, ..... only the amount prepaid.) Shipper ..J '1 771 Charges Advanced: Pet" Address BY 0 .1/ ,l(J" 5 ' "THIS SHIPMENT IS TENDERED AND RECEIVED SUBJECT TO THE TERNt AND CONDITIONS OF THE CARRIERS' BILL OF LADING AS FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION" NOT NEGOTIABLE CY" SHIP CENTRAL - ITS CONVENIENT & SAFE , . ....- .......- CENTRAL FREIGHT LINES INC. BILLING STATION COPY iv o 6 2 3 4 8 0 8 7 ,. CONSIGNEE t....4,,Zi ::,4 STREET ADDRESS Us.,-.STINA i ION E .' E & A i..; / ;,.; if fr' tc RNA 1 I tt kb L ! . SHIPPER et B/L NO. . 1 ORIGIN ISSUED Y O/L REF. & RC)l;TE 4 ;«,:: tl:Ne. i::; L; Ak;r1 Y t t 4 +.; ! L fif t EtitiE t '' S Yis i,', if 1,:,:r, .., PAID OUT NET ----- --- NO. 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BILLING STATION COPY , CONSIGNEE 4;648— No. 02348089 STREET ADDRESS DESTINATION DATE CSA CR) COWL 1 WTERNAli ONAL DoCk 6 112 1 SHIPPER & El& NO. e' iE ivALJAM ' fir:XIS T T4 I E., XA5 IC 1 4 74 STREET ADDRESS OFtIGiV ISSUED EY C/L REF. ARE re ■, - • - r 411 14 Et4E L1,-: i A ii PAD OUT NET NO. PIECES -- --- DESCRIPTION WEIGHT RATE TOTAL //I Cs. E1SCUITS 01 CM 11EM 12200 ta---4C WE0 CHC.I. TO fe Lo:,.LECT -;s'Sgb ii tk-221642 k APPL 1 ES 11 ME V i...t23440:. t C1 __.. 4 1 _ RECD IN GOOD ORDER / 1 _EY_ ____ _ /- CLIAtivo- at 1611+ Ci-oi "G4 1 P . 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