HomeMy WebLinkAboutTexas IRIS reporting exercise 1969 II 1 Srazos County "l Defense • DOE • TABOR . MOOR /NG It. URTEN Hw p, BRYAN COLLEG N . HARVEY STAT /ON Texas d AbiM d O y m WELLBORN. v N 0 rti • M ILL /CAN R /VER - - r„ , , p ,,,,, , 1 R i s _ / q 6 7 ,,.(,xitzuuz.., i i 4 ,, L_________ OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PLANNING FOR BRAZOS COUNTY • BRYAN • COLLEGE STATION • TEXAS A &M TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • WILSON E. SPEIR Division of Defense and Disaster Relief CD -12 Director C. O. L AYN E State Coordinator Date August 19, 1969 • • TO: IRIS - 69 Participants FROM: Chief C. 0. Layne, State Coordinator SUBJECT: IRIS - 69 IRIS - 69 is a very basic increased readiness reporting exercise designed only to familiarize participants with the forms and procedures used in the Increased Readiness Information System. Future exercises will be much more camprehensive. • The exercise simulates a three -day increased readiness period. Each of the envelopes contains news items that point up the international crisis that is developing and also contains some increased readiness activities that are suggested by the Federal OCD. Three things to remember here are: 1. Only SIMULATE taking the actions. 2. The news items may or may not have any bearing on the situation. 3. The Federal guidance can be taken or ign_ored...in other words... play it as you see it. The exercise can be played anytime during the week of August 25 -29. When you finish all three days, reduce the information on the 766 -L forms to message form (like it says in the book). Mail one copy of each to: Texas Department of Public Safety Division of Defense and Disaster Relief P. 0. Box 4087, North Austin Station Austin, Texas 78751 (We would also like to have the pink copy of the 766 -L for each day.) At the time you mail us copies of the messages, give a set of copies to your RACES operator and instruct him to transmit the messages to Austin on the regular State RACES Net. This will give RACES a little experience in handling IRIS messages. You should not have any trouble with this little exercise if you follow the book. Thanks for your participation and good luck! • • 9 { • • LOCAL REPORTING PROCEDURES INCREASED READINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM (IRIS) • PURPOSE During periods of increased international tension, local governments may take actions to increase progressively their civil defense readiness. The Increased Readiness (IR) actions taken would be based on guidance in Federal Civil Defense (FCDG) Guide part G, chapter 5, and its appendices, "Actions for Increasing Local Government Civil Defense Readiness." As a basis for decision- making during periods of increased tension, it would be vitally important for key national officials to know what IR actions had been taken by localities throughout the country, and what level of civil defense readiness had thereby been attained -- as well as to know of significant public response or activities during the crisis period. Regional, State, and local officials would also require the same information, as a basis for taking appropriate action. Accordingly, the Increased Readiness Information System (IRIS) has been established, with selected localities participating. Based on brief reports from these localities each evening, summaries of Increased Readiness activity are prepared during the night, for informing key national, regional, and State officials the next morning. In addition to the importance of IRIS reports to the national, regional, and State authorities, the IRIS Local Status Form (OCD Form 766 -L) -- described in this manual -- will serve local officials as a checklist and cumulative record of IR actions taken by their jurisdiction. Local CD directors may use their daily IRIS report as the basis for a written or oral report to their chief executive. { -1- k , 1./ , i i' ( LOCAL IRIS REPORTING OCD Form 766 -L, "Increased Readiness Information System (IRIS) Local Status Form" (fig. 1), is to be used by all localities participating in ' - IRIS for recording and subsequently reporting key IR actions to the head of local government and to the State CD office. This form is to be filled out according to the instructions in this manual and on the form itself. The • headings listed on the form under "Increased Readiness Actions To Be Reported" serve to remind the local. CD director of the IR activities with t which he should be concerned. I- i Each Form 766 -L consists of a set of three identical bound pages r on no- carbon paper. They are to be used as follows: a o The first page of the set, green in color, is to be used by the CD director as his record copy and for use in preparing the next IRIS report. i; o The second page of the set, yellow in color, is to be used by a - communicator to report IR information to the State CD office. (The "communicator" could be the CD director, his secretary, ( or some other local employee.) • o The third page of the set, pink in color, is to be used as the basis - for a report to the local head of government. This third page can be used directly as a report, or the information can be used R to support a written narrative report. - Blank copies of Form 766 -L may be obtained from the State CD office. s Any locality designated by the State CD office as a participant in IRIS is to submit to that office an IRIS Local Status Report on a daily basis during , an Increased Readiness period. The first report is to be made upon the - request of the State or Federal CD authorities, or when local authorities have taken IR actions that require reporting -- whichever is earlier. I 4 i The IRIS Local Status Report to the State CD office will enable the - State government to know which of their local jurisdictions have acted the measures they have taken, and the changes in readiness posture that have resulted. Similarly, Federal authorities will be able to use this information after it has been processed and forwarded at the State, regional, and national levels. (. - 3 - V July 1969 Change 1 to Manual for Local Reporting Procedures, Increased Readiness Information System (IRIS), dated July 1967 Refer to page 5. Change in Criteria for Making Report of Local IRIS Status Form for Items 3D and 3E: (Insert this page between pages 4 and 5 of the Manual) 3D ESTIMATED LEVEL OF SCHOOL Report estimated percentage ABSENTEEISM ABOVE NORMAL of student body absent only when it reaches a level that is above normal. For example, if the normal level of school absenteeism for the time of year and day of the week is 5%, then no report will be made until the level reaches 6% or higher. (Thus • the maximum level reported using this concept is 100 %. ) 3E ESTIMATED LEVEL OF Report estimated percentage ABSENTEEISM FROM WORK of work time absent only when ABOVE NORMAL it reaches a level that is above normal. See example for 3D above. The current supply of IRIS Local Status Forms (OCD Form 766 -L, July 1967) will be used until the supply is exhausted. New forms will have the reporting item guidance changed accordingly. • PAYE Information in this column O cr i if INCREASED READINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM (IRIS) LOCAL STATUS FORK �i the text are to eport_ ed to the STATE CD OFFI r Ct REPORT NUMBER Report CNLY CHANCES in Inc .. cued Readiness actions from yesterday. Use criteria on bock of this STATUS PORT. If no changes have occurred. report NO CHANCE. FROM: (Driaincting office) Submit report to STATE CD OFFICE dally by 1800 (6 pm) local time (or other time requested by State CD.) For tests and exercises, use test or exercise name at beginning and end of message. L. J e BEhc14 A B C D E FCDG INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS TO BE REPORTED PREVIOUSLY DATE REF airs Federal CD Go ds, Port G, Chapter 3) REPORTED, CONOITIOf NEW CONDITION TODAY CONDITION REPORTED G-5-I BASIC ACTIONS TO INCREASE LOCAL GOVERNMENT READINESS • IA HEAD OF GOVERNMENT BRIEFED AND FCDG G•5 AND APPENDICES (r•e 1 r••, Ft a than;• REVIEWED 1141 2tza� G - 2 EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION : '::::::':;::: <:::;:: ': i:»::::;:::: :i > : :.'• :; : : : : : : : :;b : : : : : : : : : :> : : : : :; : :: 2A MODERATE STEP -UP IN LOCAL CD PUBLIC INFORMATION ACTIVITIES (Y•l Yes, t • eneng• STARTED I 2A (Yes) I "Y••, If 0 cnongO 2B LOCAL CSP -TYPE INFORMATION DISSEMINATED TO PUBLIC 23 2C PUBLIC URGED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO MAKE FINAL CRISIS K•a "Yes," if a Chang* PREPARATIONS SHORT OF T AKING SHELTER I ZC 6 SIGNIFICANT PUBLIC ACTIONS DURING INCREASED READINESS PERIOD 3A ESTIMATED LEVEL OF RETAIL FOOD SALES ABOVE NORMAL n •w I•n•I 7. 3A % 33 ESTIMATED LEVEL OF RETAIL GASOLINE SALES ABOVE NORMAL new 10.1 ° 38 14 ESTIMATED LEVEL OF WITHDRAWALS FROM FINANCIAL now 10..01 SC INSTITUTIONS ABOVE NORMAL ° fe 3C 7• w 3D ESTIMATED LEVEL OF SCHOOL ABSENTEEISM ABOVE NORMAL e 3D nt 1i•1 % e 3E ESTIMATED LEVEL OF ABSENTEEISM FROM WORK -ABOVE NORMAL 1111w I.n•I 3E ° fe 3F ; 3F 34 ACCELERATED TRAINING 4A (Tool I "Yes: If 0 thong* ACCELERATED TRAINING STARTED ; 4A numb... 1 new 1010, 43 NUMBER SHELTER MANAGERS COMPLETING TRAINING 1 4B umber 1 naie Into) 4C NUMBER OF RADIOLOGICAL MONITORS COMPLETING TRAINING n 4C G - 5 - 5 _ EOC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT OR DEVELOPMENT 5A ne cde E OC Iocility exrsrsi IMPROVEMENT OR (MO "Yes: H 0 Chong• DEVELOPMENT OF EOC F ACILITY STARTED 5A 53 IMPROVEMENT CR DEVELOPMENT OF EOC COMPLETED Wes/ "Tae It • enang0 G - DIR ECTiO N A CONTROL READINESS ;;" ? : » : :;: 5 :; : : :2 » : ?; : :x : : : : :>. : : : : : >i; :; : : : :: <> >: > : ? :> :ru ••.� (Yoe) ! "Y•s; 11 0 chant• 6A EOC MANNED 24 -HOURS AT STANDBY LEVEL s.a 6B EOC MANNED AT MINIMUM OPERATIONAL LEVEL Ms) 63 Y.•," ° cn°ng• 6C EOC FULLY MANNED (Yes) I "Yea; If • ch•nt• 6C G - 5 - 7 1 8 1 9 COMMUNiCt;T WAARNIN_G RADEF -NO !RIS REPORTS RE�U1�EDii :: i:,::::: ::: > : : : : :.: : :' » : :? :> : ; is L : :i :? :2: i :i i5i•`: is G-5-1O PU3LIC SHELTER DEVELOPMENT OR 10 A ACCELERATED PUBLIC SHELTER MARKING STARTED IY•q Yu; If a thong• I0!•1 'VIA/ 103 ACCELERATED PUBLIC SHELTER STOCKING STARTED (YCQ 108 rn u 0 ' U0 ng0 • 10 C EXPEDIENT GROUP SHELTER CONSTRUCTION STARTED (Yit) 1 r•a, If a change I i IQC IQD IOD G-5•11 THROUGH 21 NO IRIS REPORTS P.E!?UIRED is ins :; :i : < > : <. : : < :' ?::;:;:2; ;:;;::;:::•::C' ............................. ............................. .: ............................ - ..�w_.+.� --`; . ; -•^o?aLie+F}MMP4,S;- 1�i:C4 ?�4GF Wvi,4�Y4C4W?r'?Y .."°:'< ".'c. ° :'f'.t. : : :. : : :' :: � ::::: ................ y� �•i` ?•:•::4:!•:• } :: :: : :• : : :: ti:•::v:•i:•:: i : : :�• :• : : :• : :• : :•: :' :tie :� : : :' :vi :vi :� :4 : {tivi ?Y.v :•i :H.r. If neoeseary, briefly e_piain the items above, identifying the titan by nuntar, e.g. 3A. Also include any acticr.a damned highly significant but not oowred in checklist above. COKLIU4'ySt0 ISSITIALS TIME SENT���_ —^ l / x'710 OCD FORM 766-L, July 1967 • Figure 3. -- Example of detailed Increased Readiness information entered by a locality on the IRIS Local Status Form, OCD Form 766 -L, for use in transmitting report No. 1. — 6 — HOW TO RECORD IRIS INFORMATION • Step -by -step instructions for filling out the IRIS Local Status Form (OCD Form 766 -L) are set forth below: Use a ballpoint pen or typewriter so that entries will be clearly legible on all three copies. First Report (see example, Fig. 3) To prepare the first report covering IR actions taken the first day of the reporting period: 1. Enter today's date (month and day) in the upper left corner box; for example, "Oct. 14." 2. Enter the numeral one (1) in the Report Number box in the upper right portion of the form. 3. Enter in the FROM box below the Report Number the official • title of the local government originating this report. The title used should be the same as that used on the Program Paper submission. 4. Consider each item on the IRIS Form under Column B (Increased Readiness Actions To Be Reported). 5. For any Increased Readiness actions taken, enter pertinent information on the IRIS Form in accordance with the criteria on the back of the form set. In Column E (New Condition Today), enter only changes today -- either "Yes," a percent, or the total number of shelter managers or radiological monitors (if any) trained during the first day of the IR period. 6. If necessary, other information about your Increased Readiness activities may be entered in the TEXT section at the bottom of the IRIS Form. Keep the text brief. 7. Remember to check all copies for errors -- particularly if there have been erasures. 8. For transmittal instructions, see pages 14 - 17, of this manual. - 7 - f DAT[ Infcrwiion in this b eolanl OGT. 15 IIeC.9EAS.rt) RElaf3iiFESS I }iFOR'9�.Ti0Y SYStE;i (!`iIS} LOCAL STATUS FORM d to e th tk¢ ..T Tex: ATE CD or OFFICE or rep REPORT ■UMBfR geport ONLY CPQNCES in Increased [e.dine•• actions from yesterday. Use criteria on back of this STATUS POET. a / . If on changes have occurred, report NO CHANCE. C FRC.R: {Oriyincfing Olfical Submit report to STATE CD OFFICE daily by 1800 (6 pm) local time (or other time requested by State CD.) L NGA r l• For testa and exercises, use test or exercise name at beginning and end of message. "-o�G A 9 C D JE FCDG INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS TO BE REPORTED REPORT DATE 1I REF REPORTED, CYDiTiOa NEW CONDITION TODAY (See Federal CD Guide, Pert G, Chopfer 51 CONDITION REPORTS! G-5 -1 - BASIC ACTIONS TO INCREASE LOCAL GGVERN ENT READINESS < :: _ `' •' ' : " `'.`.' .`. :' IA OF GOVERNMENT BRIEFED AND FCDGG -S AND APPENDICES (Y!51 . )'' / IA 110 R 'c WEO VOA ... .. '• . • "Yes," .f o d»ne. ...... ... Y : .. . ...i : t� E .. : : ::a; • : i : .i } :� }i: : :; i i• } :•i :• { {i :•i }• } G-5-2 EA.cRG_t.C PU,.LlC INFORMATION � :� : :�[� :�� 5:.:. a%:> i�: �;' t�1t%< Ct� : � > : � : a� : 21 : :G(> : }� : ?� : :. ...:. ...... ..... . . L A MODERATE STEP -UP IN LOCAL CO PUBLIC INFORMATION ACTIVITIES (rs) 1 Yet, u ho o tng° STARTED I 2A (Yam) 1 ' YN. If • chomp. 23 LOCAL CSP -TYPE INFORMATION DISSEMINATED TO PUBLIC I 2B 2C PUBLIC URGED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO MAKE FINAL CRISIS lee , Yes, If a Mange PREPARATIONS SHORT OF TAKING SHELTER 2C G-5-3 2C G - 5 - SIGNIFICANT FUGLIC ACTIONS DURING INCR EASED "LEADI�•.IESS PERIOD ? > ?ri : : : : : :: :.i : : :> `' iii :: ` is i :: :i : :: : ::•':: : :: > :: : n•r Lr•I 3A ESTIMATED LEVEL OF RETAIL F000 SALES ABOVE NORMAL „, 34 � ESTIMATED LEVEL OF RETAIL GASOLINE SALES ABOVE NORMAL new ter•1 3B % 3E3 % ESTIMATED LEVEL OF H FROM FINANCIAL n•r I..••I 3 C INSTITUTIONS ABOV'c NORMAL % - 3C % .•r level 30 ESTIMATED LEVEL OF SCHOOL ABSENTEEISM ABOVE NORMAL % 3D mom level 3E ESTIMATED LEVEL. OF ABSENTEEISM FROM WORK -ABOVE NORMAL ° !a 3E °!e 3F 3F G`3 ACCELERATED TRAINING :.::. ... r• :.:-:.x-x ,t„•, _- ...................:::. r ,::. a::. �:::: aI.I.:: �• : :._ : :• : : : : : :._ : : : : : :: 44 (Tet) 1 �Y.s. • : 1f 1f o thong• ACCELERATED TRAINING STARTED 4A rd... umber 1 n•r Wog 48 NUMBER OF SHELTER MANAGERS COMPLETING TRAINING n 4B nomb.r t .. 4C NUMBER CF RADIOLOGICAL MONITORS COMPLETING TRAINING L 4C G 0-5-5 -!'t 1 , < c DEVELOPMENT E r �" >: } i ;: ::<•> :: ; : ; : ;: : :i:. t : : : %J :> : :" : :: � 2 : :? : ::: � : : : :: EOC FACILITY II.iP.,�lE.. E i7 OR U _V_ LOP, _,aT <::;:::::...... I :::::.:•::: ::::.::.:...:.:..:.:::. 5A CI-Er r o adeCuote EOC fo (.'F': e .fC) Ih :PROVEMENT OR I. tree) 1 15A "Yea," u a ehon•• CE VE LOPMENT OF EOC ACILITY STARTED I _ t F.13 (Yes) 1 `Yea, H o Nang* SJ !MPRO'JEMcN7 OR DEVELOPMENT OF EOC COM ?LETEO . . ;: . _ s: ,,. .R READINESS . y; : i<+? i< ii f::. . 53 � • . :.�: G S DIRECTION A.,J CO .i I nOL k.UiI.L 1_2 ?i :i; :>`µ c6 _ : :.• 1 .. :• : :<• : : : : .: : : :> : : : : : . :• : "Y :. esi :•:: : char; : = » (r. a/ i 1 Tu, I! o GA EOC MANNED 24 -HOURS AT STANDBY LEVEL VV., IIV IS C 68 EOC MANNED AT MINIMUM OPERATIONAL LEVEL .----Trim) 1 F----' r •t; v a change v I (real I "YS.; If s chan SC EOC FULLY MANNED I G-5 U 5 CG! LiG .=. l;IC IO S VlAEN!N RACFF-NO IRIS IREPORTS F(FQUI'=Di ': ! ::: 7 G r.OIPU LtC .,.W ,_L -, ,..., 5. , ,,,.,, 1 'Yet. If • chnnp• Y O 10A ACCELERATED PUBLIC SHELTER MARKING STARTED , ({ J 110 1 4110A 103 ACCELERATED PUBLIC SHELTER STOCKING STARTED ( t� ea) I "Yes. If a chance I i 10 3 I EXPEDI GROUP SHELTER (.•)NSTRUCTION STARTED (Yad 1 r•s, If a change 10C 1 i IBC • l00 1 100 G-5-11 THI UGH ,"!i .I G I R1,, TS REQUIRE _ ::r.. : is _ . i . If noarsaary, briefly arpZain the .tans abc,.s, i eatifyvl Ow itsl by n nDer, a.g• :A. Also Laahvdc w.yo ^ti.;ra aecssad highly significant bat not caw ..ad'in chs_kliat above. r tl;15`CATI n L: :TULS r I tJ ,I:i£ S£ _ __ __ .G I OCD FORM 766 -L, July 1967 Figure 4. -- Example of detailed information entered by a locality on the IRIS Local Status S.' of m, for use in transmitting the second report. -8- 1. Thus, IRIS report number 1 might be made by Long Beach on October 14 as shown in Figure 3. The IRIS report reflects that during the first day of the crisis the head of local government was briefed on the situation, and that FCDG chapter G -5 and appendices (or local Increased Readiness actions) was reviewed. (Item IA is answered "Yes.") Also, there is at least a 24 -hour communications watch in the EOC (so Item 6A is answered "Yes "). And accelerated public shelter marking was commenced (so Item 10A is answered "Yes "). • Second and Subsequent Reports (see figs. 4 and 5) To prepare the second and subsequent daily reports on a new OCD Form 766 -L set: 1. Enter today's date; for example, "Oct. 15." _ 2. Enter Report Number in consecutive order for each succeeding report, for example 2, 3, 4. 3. Enter in the FROM box the official title of your local government. 4. In Column C, enter information obtained from yesterday's report: o Number entries to be made in this column are obtained from Column E of yesterday's report; or if no entry there, then from Column C of yesterday's report. o "Yes" entries to be made in this column are obtained from Column E of yesterday's report; or if no entry there, then from Column C of yesterday's report. 5. In_ Column D, enter information obtained from yesterday's report: o Enter yesterday's date if an entry was made in Column E of yesterday's report. o Enter the date found in Column D on yesterday's report, if no entry was made in Column E of yesterday's report. Note that the effect of the instructions in 4 and 5 above is that "Yes" answers are carried forward frorn day to day, together with the date on which each IR action was first taken. Number or percentage answers are carried forward until they change, and the associated date shows when they last changed. - 9 -- 6. Consider each item on the Local Status Form under Column B. 7. If no new Increased Readiness actions have been taken since yesterday's report, and numbers have not changed, enter "NO CHANGE" in the section at the bottom of the IRIS Local Status Form. Then send the report according to transmittal instructions found in pages 14 - 17 of this manual. 8. If any Increased Readiness actions have been taken, enter pertinent information on the IRIS Form in accordance with the criteria on the back of the form set. In Column E, enter only changes today -- either "Yes ", a percent, or the new total of shelter managers and radiological monitor graduates trained during the IR period. 9. If necessary, other information about your increased readiness activities may be entered in the TEXT section at the bottom of . the IRIS Local Status Form. Keep the text brief. 10. Remember to check all copies for errors -- particularly if there have been erasures. 11. For transmittal instructions, see pages 14 - 17, of this manual. Thus, IRIS report number 2 might be made by Long Beach on October 15, as shown in Figure 4. Note that report 2 carries forward in columns C and D the information first reported on the previous day, October 14. Column E reflects the condition or changes occurring on October 15. Thus, Items 3A and 3B reflect an above- normal level of retail food and gasoline sales, while Item 4A reports that accelerated training has been started. IRIS report number 8,- 1/ for the eighth day of the crisis (October 21) is shown in Figure 5. The information in Columns C and D reflects all conditions or actions reported through October 20, together with the dates on which they occurred. New information for October 21 is shown in Column E. Thus the level of retail food sales (Item 3A) had decreased to 75 percent above normal (vs. 100 percent reported yesterday); but retail gasoline sales had risen to 100 percent above normal (vs. 75 percent reported on October 19). In addition, Items 3D and 3E reflect the first • reports on above - normal absenteeism from school and work. (This could be related to the report in the text of people leaving the area.) Items 413 and 4C reflect the new net total of shelter managers and radiological monitors trained during the IR period. 1/ Report on the. eighth day of the crisis -could be Report Number 8 if there were no intervening special reports. - 11 - • Response Reports to Special Requests Special requests for information pertaining "to the IR actions taken by the locality may be made by State or Federal authorities. For example, Federal or State authorities might, on October 22, request Long Beach to submit more details on the report made in the text of the October 21 IRIS report, on persons leaving the area. "Response" reports to such requests are to be made through IRIS as soon as possible after the request has been received, unless another reply time is specified. To prepare the response report: • 1. Enter today's date; for example, "Oct. 22." 2 Enter the Report Number, which is the next consecutive number from your last.IRIS report; for example, 9. 3. Enter in the FROM box the official title of your local government. 4. Enter the response information in the TEXT section at the bottom of the IRIS Local Status Form. An additional page may be used if essential information exceeds the space provided. Response information should, where appropriate, reference the IRIS report item. Carbon copies of the additional page must be made and be routed in the same way as the IRIS Local Status Form set. To conserve communications time, responses should reference the request message; and they should be as brief as possible. Operational Test Reports Operations tests may be used to check out design changes and /or to maintain IRIS readiness. Appropriate instructions and materials will be distributed in advance of su:h tests. A test identification word or code name is to be used in every message sent or report made during these tests. The appropriate test identification is to be noted in the Report Number box prefacing the actual report number and at the end of the TEXT, so that the communicator carp preface and end all test messages with this test identification (see example, fig. 6. ) - 13 - HOW TO PREPARE FOR COMMUNICATING IRIS INFORMATION After entries have been made opposite those IR action items on Form 766 -L to be reported, the three pages of the IRIS Local Status Form are to be separated and used as follows: o Page 1 (green) is to be retained as the local CD director's record copy and for use in preparing the next IRIS report. o Page 2 (yellow) is to be used by the communicator for sending the local IRIS report to the State CD office. o Page 3 (pink) is to be used for making a current status report to local government officials. HOW TO TRANSMIT IRIS INFORMATION The information entered under Column E of page 2 of the IRIS Local Status Form is transmitted to the State CD office as follows: Report Tinges The IRIS Local Status Report is to be made on a daily basis after IRIS reporting has been started, until attack occurs, or instructions are received through the State C?? office that reporting inay be terminated. Replies to requests for special Increased Readiness information are to be made whenever appropriate. The report times of these two reports are: o Daily reports. -- No later than 1300 (6 p.m, ) local time (or other tin-ie requested by the State CD office), to include Increased Readiness actions taken that day and since the last report. Only one report is to be submitted each day. o Respo .ses to special requests. -- No later than the time specified in the request. If no time is specified, as soon as it can be transmitted. Transmission Methods IRIS reports are to be transmitted by voice or teletype. Proper communications procedures are to be used to conserve communications time. Voice and teletype procedures are described below: - 14 - V Voice. -- The NAWAS.circuit or regular telephone will probably be used by most localities making IRIS reports to the State CD office. Radio can also be used. The communicators sending and receiving an IRIS report must use the established IRIS forms. This is critical because transmissions will involve information keyed to the IRIS forrn by a number and letter (e. g. , "4A "), plus a number ora "Yes." For all voice reports, radio communications procedures are to be used -- that is, brief and factual messages containing only essential, official information. In transmitting the local report, the communicator will follow the format below: • • !REPORTING LOCALITY -7 1 (I) "(Name of the ). STATE CD, THIS IS (reporting jurisdiction, e. g. , LONG BEACH)." tSTATEL "GO AHEAD, (name of reporting jurisdiction). " REPORTING LOCALITY:I (2) THIS IS IRIS REPORT NUMBER TWO." (see fig. 4), or. "THIS IS TEST (identification word), IRIS REPORT NUMBER (from report form)." (3) "1 HAVE THESE ACTIVITIES TO REPORT: THREE -A, TWENTY FIVE PERCENT. THREE -13, THIRTY FIVE PERCENT. • . FOUR -A, YES." -21 or Use the authorized phonetic alphabet only when necessary to ensure correct receipt of specific letters and numerals; e. g. , "One -A, Yes," and then only when asked for a repeat, as: "Oise -WUN -A -ALFA, Yes." The phonetic alphabet is included as Attachment 1, - 15 - ' Y "NO CHANGES" (4) "I HAVE THIS TEXT TO REPORT, (text message)." or "I HAVE NO TEXT TO REPORT." (5) "END OF MESSAGE, HAVE YOU COPIED ?" or "END OF (test identification) IvMESSAGE,HAVE YOU COPIED ?" STA "ROGER or REPEAT (part to be repeated) AGAIN." As. each item that has an entry in Column E on the IRIS Local Status Form has been transmitted, the sending communicator should place a check mark in the margin of the form, adjacent to that item. The communicator is to note the time sent and place his initials in the appropriate boxes at the bottom of the form; inform the originator, if it is another individual, that the report has been sent; and then file the report in the communications center file: Telet ;pe. -- Some localities have teletype communications to the State CD office. IRIS information may 13 reported using this capability instead of by voice as described in the previous section. Local in- station teletype procedures are to be used to send IRIS reports. For consistency in message content, the following format guidelines are to be used: 1. Each reported activity is to be set off by slant lines; for example, • "/IA, YES /." 2. Commas are to be used to separate the activity code (e. g. , "4A ") and the information (e. g. , " /4A, YES /, " or /4B, 150/. "). 3. Each line is to contain no more than 69 spaces and characters. 4: Each line is to end with a semicolon (;). 5. The activity code and the associated information must be complete on the same line (e. g. , " /4A, YES/"). - 16 - 1 6. Only one slant line is required between coded activities on the same line .(e. g. , "/A, YES A, YES/."). 7. Test identification names are to be the first and last words of the body of the teletype message, when IRIS is being tested. Error- correcting messages are to be used, if errors are found in the teletype copy. The communicator is to note the time sent; place his initials in the appropriate boxes at the bottom of his copy of the IRIS Local Status Form; inform the originator, if it is another person, that the report has been sent; and then file the teletype copy together with the IRIS Form in the communications center file. HOW TO USE IRIS INFORMATION FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT REPORT Page 3 of the IRIS Local Status Form may be used directly as the report or as an attachment to a written narrative report to local government officials on the IR activities taking place within their jurisdiction. The IRIS Form includes only required information about key IR actions taken by a locality. For a complete indication of the degree of civil defense readiness and public response and morale, the local government officials should be informed not only about these reportable key or significant activities but also of other IR activities - being taken. An example narrative report that might represent an evening report from the CD director to the Mayor of his locality on a specific day of a crisi., and reflecting activities reported to the State CD office as in Figure 4, is shown in Figure 7, in memorandum form. - 17 - • NOTE: The assumed crisis to which the memorandum below applies is of a level and nature similar to that of 23 October 1962, the day following public knowledge of the Cuban Crisis. • TO: (Mayor, City Manager, or other, Date: 15 October 1967 as appropriate) FROM: Director of Civil Defense SUBJECT: Civil Defense Increased Readiness Status (of Long Beach, as of the evening of 15 October 1967; with recommendations for further IR activities) 1. General - This report presents the CD estimate of the civil defense readiness status of our city as of this evening, 15 October 1967. It is based upon reports received from all departments of our city government and established commercial, industrial, and Federal agency reporting sources. Upon request, our office will furnish a detailed briefing as we did yesterday. 2. CD Readiness Summary As of the end of the second day of public knowledge of the crisis, public activities appear to reflect sorne citizen concern. For instance, retail sales of food and gasoline have been 25 to 35 percent above normal; and inquiries for shelter information have increased substantially, with the CD staff being hard - pressed to meet the demand. All departments are reviewing their emergency plans. Meetings have been set up with local news media for arranging future news releases and coverage. Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) procedures are being reviewed with all of the County jurisdictions. Classes have been started for training more local government personnel as shelter managers Figure 7. - First page of example evening report from CD director to the local chief executive(s), on local government Increased Readiness actions through the second day of crisis, plus recommendations for further activities. • - 18 - ' r and radiological monitors. Public shelter marking is continuing where owners agree to temporary designations. The State CD office advises that other cities in the State are taking similar actions. 3. Recommendations for Further Increased Readiness Actions I recommend that the CD office be authorized to step up the distribution of CD literature, as well as the releases of information about our city's readiness and emergency plans; and that our CD staff be temporarily enlarged by five (5) people to handle telephone inquiries and to release some of our staff for other tasks. I further recommend that announcements to the public be made by your office by noon tomorrow, to help curb scare buying or related activities that could develop if the crisis continues. NOTE: The IRIS Local Status Report for 15 October 1967 (`fig. 4) would be attached to the above narrative report, so that the Mayor, City Manager, or other, as appropriate, are continually aware of the State and Federal requirements for reporting the Increased Readiness actions being taken. Figure 7 (cont'd. ). - Second page of evening report. -19- :_.. J ATTACHMENT 1 PHONETIC ALPHABET The following authorized phonetic alphabet and numeral listing should be used only when necessary to ensure correct receipt of specific letters and numerals, and then only when asked for a repeat. In sending the IRIS message, first transmit the intended letter or • numeral, and then the phonetic term representing the letter or numeral; for example, "A- ALFA ", or "4 -FO -WER. " A ALFA T TANGO • B BRAVO U UNIFORM C CHARLIE V VICTOR D DELTA W WHISKEY E ECHO X X -RAY F FOXTROT Y YANKEE G GOLF Z ZULU H HOTEL I INDIA J JULIET 0 ZEE -ROW K KILO 1 W UN L LIMA 2 TOO M MIKE 3 THU -REE N NOVEMBER 4 FO -WER O OSCAR 5 FI -YIV P PAPA 6 SIX Q QUEBEC 7 SEV -VEN R ROMEO 8 AIT S SIERRA 9 NI -NER • The phonetic alphabet need not be used in copying messages; for example, receipt of "O- OSCAR, C- CHARLIE, D- DELTA, " would be copied "OCD. " 21 - 837` 8 C I? IS -6 • • SAMPLE r CC,AGE TEXT FCfl PACES EXERCISE' IRIS_69 OCTOBER 4 N3. 2 DALLAS 1A YES 2C YES 3A 40 PERCENT 3B 15 PERCENT 3E 25 PERCENT 4A YES 6A YES PEM BKS 3A FOOD WHOT,ESALERS DOTJELIN'G DELIVERY TO PETAL STORES SAMPLE yu;SSAGE TEXT Fna