HomeMy WebLinkAboutTwister III Exercise 1987 � City of College POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 March 25, 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: Department Heads ji FROM: Steve Beachy, Emergency Management / Coordinator SUBJECT: TWISTER III EXERCISE I have scheduled our emergency management seminar on April 1st from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Central Fire Station training room. The purpose of this seminar is to review and up -date our Emergency Management Plan that was prepared last year. I am requesting each Department Head to review the plan prior to April 1st and be prepared to present the role of their organization in emergency operations. Also, I would like to have any recommendations for changes to the plan presented at that time. The seminar will include the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, Department Heads, and other key supervisors in the city as listed below. I intend to schedule future presentations for individual Departments to present the plan to all remaining Division Heads and other personnel once changes have been implemented. I plan to test our off duty phone notification plan prior to the seminar. Please ensure that all employees furnish current phone numbers to their supervisors and are aware of Departmental notification plans. Also, I plan to test emergency communications systems at the Emergency Operations Center from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. on April 1st. cc: King Cole, City Manager Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager Peggy Caliham, Public Information Officer Charles Yeager, Assistant Fire Chief Harry Davis, Fire Marshall Tony Cisneros, Assistant Director PARD Bennie Luedke, Water Superintendent APP 1 ^+ 1987 � City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 April 13, 1987 Mr. Jake Canglose Brazos County Emergency Management Brazos County Courthouse 300 E. 26th Street Bryan, Texas 77803 Dear Jake: The City of College Station conducted an emergency management seminar on April 1, 1987 for our training requirement in the TWISTER III exercise. The seminar involved a detailed presentation of our Emergency Management Plan and involved all Department Heads, Assistant Department Heads, the City Manager and Assistant City Manager. Several recommendations for changes to our plan were discussed and revisions will be implemented accordingly. The main change is the relocation of the EOC from the Police Station to Central Fire Station. We set up the EOC in the Training Room of Central Fire Station that evening and conducted communications checks with City, County, REACT, and RACES frequencies. RACES and REACT mobile units were dispatched to four separate locations in College Station that would be utilized in the event of a disaster. Also, the 16mm film THE DAY OF THE KILLER TORNADOES" was shown during the morning seminar and again that evening for the RACES and REACT personnel. I have attached correspondence related to our TWISTER III exercise along with a statement of our emergency readiness equipment, planning, and training deficiencies. Much work has been done since last year and our overall status for emergency management has improved significantly. Major improvements include the following: 1. Advertisement for bids are now in progress for a new 80kw generator to supply emergency power to the entire Central Fire Station. Installation should be complete this summer. 2. The existing 12.5kw generator will be moved to the garage warehouse to supply power to our fuel pumps, air compressor, and other power equipment. Installation will occor with the planned renovation of that facility. 3. We are revising our Emergency Management Plan to correct current deficiencies as identified during our seminar April lst. This should be completed by May 1st. 4. The City of College Station recently purchased a 24 passenger bus from TAMU that will serve as a field command post during disaster situations. Very little modification will be required due to the seating arrangement on this vehicle. The bus will serve as transportation for City committees, recreation programs, and related activities during normal duty hours. 5. Two City staff members attended the DISASTER RECOVERY COURSE and two others attended the SHELTER SYSTEMS OFFICER COURSE conducted by DEM in Austin. Also, two people are planning to attend the EMERGENCY PLANNING COURSE to be held in Houston at end of this month. 6. The EOC will be operated from the Central Fire Station now that supplies, maps, and related materials have been pre - positioned. Radios are still a problem, however, our contingency plan for communications at the EOC enable us to meet basic requirements as demonstrated this morning during the severe weather warning. Eventually, we hope to have radios dedicated to the EOC and we are working towards that goal. 7. EENET broadcasts are now carried by McCaw Cable on Channel 24 on a regular basis. This offers training opportunities for many people who would not have access to them otherwise. I would like the County, TAMU, and both cities to provide some type of recognition to McCaw at the end of the season for providing this service. The greatest acheivement over the past year is the increased awareness of the City's role and responsibilities during disaster situations. This is a credit to our key staff members and their efforts in this regard. Sincerely, Step en C. Beachy Emergency Management oordinator City of College Station cc: King Cole, City Manager Ron Ragland, Asst. City Manager DEPARTMENT HEADS ANNEX RURAL PRECINCT FIRE DEPARTMENTS Each rural fire department chief has responsibility for the following emergency operations in their respective precincts: a. Fire Fighting b. Rescue c. Ambulance Service Coordination d. Hazardous Materials Accidents e. Fire and Hazardous Materials Hazard Mitigation I. GENERAL If the Fire Department is the first respondent to a disaster, notify the Sheriff's Department and establish a command post liaison officer in the S.O. Command Post in or near the disaster area. If Fire Dept. is first at the scene of a disaster, a command post will be maintained until the S.O. Command Post has been established. II. FIREFIGHTING AND RESCUE All fire fighting and rescue operations will be under command and control of the precinct fire chief. Mutual aid assistance and resources will report to the assigned control point for coordination and assignments. Determination will be made for public utilities disconnect needs and relayed to the command post for proper agency response. Rescue assistance and ambulance operations will be requested through mutual aid agreements with Bryan /College Station Fire Departments. Any additional assistance needed will be requested from the EOC or Sheriff's Dept. Communications Center. Engineering, public works, heavy equipment, and transportation needs will be coordinated with the County Engineer. Displaced persons needing shelter will be directed to the Sheriff's Dept. Command Post. -2- III. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND RADIOACTIVE ACCIDENTS The Fire Dept. has primary responsibility for responding to hazardous materials accidents and determining the danger type and need for area evacuation in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Brazos County Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan. The Sheriff' Dept. will be notified if evacuation, barricades, or cordon is required. All requests for special hazardous materials specialists or trained personnel needed will be made through the S.O. Communications Center or EOC. IV. HAZARD MITIGATION Each precinct fire department will maintain current information on operations in their precinct that has a disaster potential. Recommendations for hazard mitigation should be submitted to the proper county agency. V. REPORTING PROCEDURES FOR LOCALIZED EMERGENCIES In localized small emergencies such as home fires, home loss from high winds or small localized tornadoes, the fire departments shall notify the local Red Cross Disaster Chairman for victims' shelter needs. Fire Chiefs will maintain current notification lists of all Petro - Chemical operations in their precinct in case of emergencies involving pipe line or Petro - Chemical operations. Report to the Sheriff's Department all train derailments, aircraft accidents, tornado or severe weather damage, road floodings and other emergencies that occur in area fire jurisdiction and assist S.O. in warning disseminations. VI. COMMAND AND CONTROL During a declared disaster or major emergency, command and control of all rural countywide operations will be under the direction of the -3- County Judge or his appointed Coordinator as outlined in the County Base Plan, the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 and Brazos County Court Order dated 8 Oct 84. VII. Each Fire Department will develop and maintain Standing Operating Plans and notification lists for emergencies. ANNEX COUNTY SHERIFF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS RESPONSIBILITIES The Brazos County Sheriff, as Chief Public Safety Officer, has the following emergency assignments in the event of an emergency, disaster, or threat thereof for all the unincorporated areas of Brazos County; Warning Communications Command Post Operations Evacuation Law Enforcement Radiological Protection Coordination with Local DPS The Sheriff's Office serves as Emergency Communications Center for all warnings issued by State and Federal agencies. These messages are normally transmitted to the S.O. Communications Center from the Texas Department of Public Safety Communications Network. Upon receipt of warning messages from the communications, dispatcher must insure that the Police Dispatch Center of College Station, Bryan, and University Police Dept. has received the warnings. The County Sheriff or his designated officer is responsible for the following areas of notification, coordination, and operations during an emergency or disaster. I. WARNINGS Upon receipt of a national emergency, tornado, or severe thunder- storm watch or warning, county emergency or disaster; the S.O. Communications Center will immediately notify: -2- o County Sheriff o County Coordinator o County Judge o Precinct Commissioner of disaster area and Precinct Constable effected o County Engineer o Rural Fire Departments o DPS -(on any County - generated disaster, emergency, tornado touchdown, flooding, or severe weather damage) o Highway Department - (on any road flooding or emergency on state - maintained roads) o County Health Officer - (for disasters with large -scale injuries or deaths) II. COMMUNICATIONS CENTER The Sheriff's Department Communications will serve as the primary Emergency Communications Center for any emergency occurring in the un- incorporated rural areas of Brazos County. The Communication Center will maintain communications with the County EOC and keep the County Judge and /or the County Coordinator informed on disaster conditions and requests for emergency resources. III. COMMAND POSTS In the event of a disaster or an emergency condition, a Command Post will be established in or near the affected area. A designated official of the Sheriff's Dept. will act as the Command Post Coordinator and will be responsible for communications between the Command Post and the Communications Center. The Command Post will serve as a coordination and control point for field operations and will have assigned liaison officials from other County Depts. and mutual aid agencies involved in the emergency disaster operations. IV. EVACUATION The Sheriff or his designated deputy will be responsible for evacuation of any area that may be necessary to prevent injury or -3- loss of life. In a Hazardous Materials Accident, the decision to evacuate a given area is determined by the area Fire Chief. In other types of immediate emergencies, the decision to evacuate an area may rest with the first responding officer. (Assistance and resources for evacuation will be listed under Resources.) V. LAW ENFORCEMENT In an emergency or disaster condition, the Sheriff or his designated official will be responsible for a. Cordons and disaster area security. b. Traffic area entry control. c. Coordination with County Engineer and Rural Fire Depts. or road blockades. VI. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ACCIDENT AND RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION In the event of a radioactive incident or hazardous materials accident, the responding officer will immediately notify the Commun- ications Center and keep unauthorized persons away from the danger area. The Communications Center will immediately notify the Department of Public Safety, the Highway Department (if on state- maintained roads), the County Emergency Management Coordinator, and the local area Fire Departments so that trained personnel and emergency teams can establish evacuation area size and protection or disposal operations. VII. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATION The local DPS Office and County Coordinator should be notified immediately when any of the following conditions exist: a. Tornado Strike. h. Severe Weather Damage. c. Hazardous Materials or Radiological Accident. d. Train Derailment (even though no emergency exists). -4- VIII. COMMAND AND CONTROL During a declared disaster or extreme emergency, command and control of all rural countywide operations will be under the direction of the County Judge or his appointed Coordinator as stipulated by the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, Brazos County Court Order, dated 8 Oct. 84 and approved County Disaster Plans. IX. RESOURCES AND ASSISTANCE Resources available during any emergency or disaster that is not covered in interjurisdictional mutual aid agreements. These resources can be obtained by contacting the County Coordinator or the Liaison Officer by prior agreement: 1. Communications Assistance a. RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) b. REACT (Citizens Band Emergency Radio) c. Fixed Communications (to be installed on an emergency basis) 2. Law Officers a. County Constables b. Game Wardens c. Department of Public Safety 3. Other a. Shelter needs will be coordinated with Red Cross Disaster Chairman. b. National Guard and State Guard units must be approved for call -out by the County Judge and State Control Center. Utilizing these agencies may incur reimbursement costs to be paid for by the County. c. Other resource needs should be requested through the County Coordinator. X. Maintain current emergency operating plans, procedures and notification lists. ANNEX BRAZOS COUNTY ENGINEERING /PUBLIC WORKS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS RESPONSIBILITIES The County Engineer who has management responsibility for all Engineering and Public Works in Brazos County has the following areas of responsibility during a disaster or emergency in the un- incorporated areas of Brazos County: a. Coordination, direction, and control of all Engineering and Public Works operations during a disaster. b. Establishing coordination with the Precinct Commissioner of the area affected. c. Establishing liaison and coordination with the Sheriff's Department Command Post and keeping EOC informed on operations and resource needs. d. Establishing a point of assembly control and coordination for equipment and resources needed. e. Assistance and coordination with Sheriff's Dept. for area cordons and road blocks. f. Debris clearance, restoration of access roads and providing equipment for other special needs. g. Coordination requests and control of manpower and equipment needed. h. Maintain current Standing Operating Plans for emergencies. I. COMMAND AND CONTROL During a declared disaster or extreme emergency, command and control of all rural countywide operations and resources will be under the direction and control of the County Judge or his appointed coordinator as stipulated by the Texas Disaster Act of 1875, Brazos County Court Order and Resolution dated 8 Oct. 84 and approved County Disaster Plans. ANNEX MEDICAL /HEALTH DIVISION The City- County Health Director will be responsible for developing planning and procedures to respond in the event of an emergency and perform services to facilitate recovery. The following areas of planning and operations will be assigned to the Health Director in the area of medical and health during emergencies: a. Identifying resource agencies and medical personnel and defining duty assignments. b. Identifying hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities that could be used as emergency treatment centers for disaster victims. c. Providing sanitation inspections and health care in Congregate Shelter Facilities. d. Expanding mortuary services in an emergency and coordin- ating mortuary operations. e. Monitoring innoculation needs and providing innoculations if warranted. f. Coordinating with Regional and State Health Department official for medical /health resources and support. g. Field triage and first -aid operations in a disaster. Establish planned triage teams. Work with. Fire Dept. ambulance personnel in establishing triage stations and command posts. h. Establish crisis augmentation of medical /health personnel, facilities, Red Cross personnel, volunteers, etc. I. COMMAND & CONTROL In the event of a major disaster, the County Judge or his appointed official will be the directive authority for all County operations in the unincorporated areas of Brazos County. II. The Medical /Health Director will maintain Standing Operating Procedures notification and resource lists.