HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoint Meeting minutes EM/CDC and Local EPC 04.23.1992 BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT /CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL and LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE JOINT MEETING Thursday, April 23, 1992 3:00 p.m. 104 Courthouse Bryan, Texas MINUTES PRESENT Jake Canglose, Brazos Cty. Emrg. Mgt. /Civ. Def. Council, Chairman Steve Beachy, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Chairman Jeridan Strong, Brazos Cty. Emrg. Mgt. /Civ. Def. Deputy Coordinator John V. Blackburn, Bryan Emergency Management Garry A. Lange, College Station Public Utilities Jon R. Demere, Texas A &M University Safety /Health Office Bill Schaer, College Station Fire Department A. W. Onstott, College Station Police Department Jeff Haislet, Brazos County 911 B. G. Maddox, Bryan Police Department Charles Phelps, Bryan Police Department Sam Logan, Texas Forest Service Judge R. J. Holmgreen, Brazos County Judge David Jefferson, Brazos County Health Department Douglas Williams, Texas A &M University Bus Operations ABSENT Jim Bland, Bryan Fire Department Ronnie Miller, Brazos County Sheriff Michael Strope, College Station Police Department (sent Onstott) Bob Wiatt or Elmer Schneider, TAMU Police Department Mary Kaye Moore or Roy Ross, Bryan Emergency Management (Blackburn here) R. Harry Stiteler, TAMU Safety /Health Dept. (sent Demere) Richard Orange, College Station Fire Department (sent Schaer) Alvin Phelps, Brazos County Firefighters Association Dr. J.E. Marsh, Brazos County Health Department (sent Jefferson) Walter A. Godfrey, St. Joseph's Hospital Ed Ilschner, Bryan Municipal Services Dr. Bennie J. Camp, Mega Laboratories, Bryan Bob Foust, TAMU University Police Department GUESTS Steve Vaughn, State Division of Emrg. Mgt. Reg. Liaison Ofcr., Waco Kelly Brown, Bryan /College Station Eagle, Reporter Council /LEPC Joint Meeting -2- April 23, 1992 MINUTES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT /CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL MEETING: o CALL TO ORDER - Meeting called to order at 3:07 by Jake Canglose. Judge Holmgreen said a few words of welcome and appreciation for.the work Council and Committee are doing. Steve Vaughn, the new Region- al Liaison Officer of State Division of Emergency Management (DEM) in Waco was introduced by Jake and gave a short talk about his back- ground, offering his assistance in working with us in any way possible to insure we get the services we need. Jake then told the group of a letter from the State DEM Office announcing Robert Lansford, State Coordinator of DEM, was retiring and would be hon- ored at a retirement reception in Austin on May 26, 1992 at 3:00 p.m. in the DPS Headquarters Building. He has served for 23 years. Jake wanted to schedule a regular Council meeting at a certain time every month. It was decided upon by the group for the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. The next Council meeting will be Tuesday, June 2, 1992. Jake mentioned that the appointments to the Emrg. Mgt. /Civ. Def. Council would be going out soon with cer- tificates of appointment and ID cards. He said that if anyone did not receive telephone resource directory for 1992 yet to let Chris know. Those being appointed who have not received Directory will receive it in their appointment packet. Jake also wanted to sched- ule another meeting of the emergency management coordinators (John Blackburn, Steve Beachy, Harry Stiteler) and Jerry and himself to go over and sign off on the new Hazardous Materials Plan (Annex Q) and Emergency Response Procedures as well as discuss a local emer- gency management workshop and its topics. It was decided on Tues., May 12, 1992 at 9:00 a.m. here in Room 104. (This date was later changed to Tues., May 19, 1992 at the same time). Severe Weather Reporting forms were passed out for all dispatchers - -- Central Dis- patch (911), police, fire, sheriff, etc. to fill out and send in to Emerg. Mgt. /Civ. Def. Office when needed. Jake asked Steve B. and John B. for good city maps from both cities to use for under- ground pipeline emergency planning. Jake advised the group that he has appointed Freddie Forsthoff, retired from DPS recently, as Special Projects Officer for Emergency Management. He also said Jerry Strong, who has been appointed Deputy County Coordinator for Emergency Management is now updating all the emergency plans. Jerry is also doing a pipeline inventory calling companies and getting all the data from the maps together so we can put together an accurate inventory and mapping system of the pipelines under the county. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING: o CALL TO ORDER - Meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m. by Steve Beachy. o APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The Minutes from the January 16, 1992 meeting were gone over and approved as read. Chief Phelps motioned for approval. Jerry Strong seconded. o OLD BUSINESS - Council /LEPC Joint Meeting -3- April 23, 1992 A. Command Post Fax Update - Steve informed the group that the fax machine for the mobile command post (MCP) was received and installed. It did not work correctly and was returned and replaced by the company. Garry Lange said that Jerry brought the new one by yesterday and it would be installed in the next week. B. Emergency Response Resource Inventory - Bill Schaer, the only representative of the fire departments on hand, said he would check the status of the resource inventory list. The fire departments are responsible for working on the list which will include all equipment, vehicles, etc. for use in emergency. (ie. earth - moving equipment, heavy hauling equipment, tractor trailer trucks, special pumps or tanks, generators, fuel tank trucks to refuel vehicles in field, water tanks, etc.) Discus- sion of equipment to include in list and departments involved within the county ensued. It was decided that Steve B. and John B. would work together for what is needed from the two cities and that every government agency within the two cities and the county be involved. Jon Demere of Safety & Health Department at TAMU said he will check with Harry Stiteler about acquiring a list of A &M's equipment. C. County EOC Committee Report- Steve said that a committee com- posed of John Blackburn, Jerry Strong, Harry Stiteler, Bob Wiatt, Ron Miller, Holland Winder, Jeff Haislet, Jake and himself were exploring the possibility of a joint cooperative effort in terms of an Emergency Operating Center (EOC). The initial meeting occurred last week. Nothing has been decided upon at this time. The committee will report back at the next LEPC meeting. o NEW BUSINESS - A. Underground Pipeline Hazards in County - John Blackburn said that a complete list was made in the 1980's of all oil wells in the City of Bryan and they are in the process of updating. Jake informed the group that Jerry is calling all pipeline companies we know of that are running under the county. He is asking for a map of their pipelines, what is being pumped, and the emergency telephone numbers from each company. The response has been very good and companies are cooperating. Jake said we would like to put together a county manual of pipelines within Brazos County. He passed out a preliminary listing of pipelines so far notified. There will be more. Jeff Haislet offered to put together through the City of Bryan a map of pipelines with different companies in layers on one map. Dis- cussion followed on mapping pipelines. Jake then asked the two cities (Steve and John) to get together with their Engin- eering Departments and send copies to Jake of all pipeline crossing permits (of lines crossing roads within each city) and continue to send copies of any new permits as well. B. 1992 Brazos County Emergency Management Workshop - Steve said that one of the requirements of the LEPC is to have an actual exercise once every two years. We thought this year we might, Council /LEPC Joint Meeting -4- April 23, 1992 instead of our typical field exercise, conduct a workshop to include not only hazardous materials but other aspects of emergency management as well. Typically the fire and police departments are very heavily committed in a field exercise but the other areas of emergency management don't get enough involve- ment. Jake agreed with the idea of a workshop, saying we could go by topics -- -law enforcement evacuation procedures, warning procedures, hazardous materials response procedures, communica- tions procedures, We have many good resource people in our community that we can use in a seminar setting. Workshop was discussed. Jake said that we have learned a lot in the last several months about damage assessment, disaster declaration and flooding emergencies due to our own local flooding disaster. John Blackburn brought up the fact that our last exercise at the Airport needed alot of refining and asked if perhaps we might want to perfect that first. Discussion followed on the possibility of a Communications Exercise instead of an actual field exercise. Steve suggested having the EOC's and MCP operat- ing but not fire trucks, etc. Steve asked Jake if he thought we might have a Communications Exercise as opposed to or in addition to an Emergency Management Workshop. Jake thought in addition to it but said the emergency management coordinators could get to- gether and brainstorm about it and it would be discussed at the next LEPC meeting. o HEAR VISITORS - Nothing discussed. o OTHER BUSINESS /COMMITTEE CONCERNS - None brought up. o ADJOURN - Committee adjourned at 3:50 p.m. David Jefferson motioned for adjournment. Jake seconded. cpc �.r _ j{ �11 t �r a _ 1 ! . f p±.....:4,,mil. t 1 ,wit __ '�`' • S O " •. 1 ._ — - 1 t • • -C•�. • I /' : ,` M N.... 1 .. G ,•,•'1• ri m' ;.. ' Al f SO r • 3 • • • 62 i 73 i 1 • j • �f'r 37 .4 i_ . ALARM COUPON Id :4 , 7 1 I. k I I l f t. i 1 _. 1 . 8 . A1111131°. .... t L � 2e �• s 4 ,t• b • 6 4 � aROUS COUNTY ' �' �' .L ? 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