HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Re: Request for Quotations F NT cif. " .. o f � DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY • �� OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY Q OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE - REGION FIVE 7 ''' DENTON, TEXAS 76202 f+ O S T4 i i 5 �� TM Mr. C.O. Layne, Coordinator Division of Defense and Disaster Relief Texas Department of Public Safety P.O. Box 4087 North Austin Station Austin, Texas 78751 Dear Mr. Layne: Step I and Step II for Brazos County CSP have been reviewed by this office, and the mockup is approved for printing and public distribut ion. A Request for Quotations is enclosed which should be completed in accordance with the cover sheet instructions and returned to this office. Item 8. on the first page should be completed to show the name and address of the individual to whom the purchase order should be issued. If you desire government printing on this CSP including the preparation of camera ready coy, leave item A.(iv) and B. on page 11 and item 2. on the first page of the RFQ blank. Item C. on page 11 of the RFQ should be itemized listing the number of pieces to be mailed, cost per piece, cost of mailing permit,.and cost of any labor required, etc. In the blank on page 5 in which you are to indicate the starting time for distribution, state "(blank) number of days after receipt of printed material from GSA ". If you desire GSA to ;purchase mats for this CSP, please furnish the mat sine required and identify the part of the CSP that is to be included in the mat. If GSA is to furnish line engravings, advise whether one or both sides of the CSP is desired, and if so, which one. If mats, line engravings or negatives are procured locally, state the number and size required and the number of newspapers that will use this material. The Request for Quotations form will be revised in the near future eliminating item number 1 of the three listed fundable items. This is done because of limited funds for fiscal year 1969. Until further notice, OCD now considers that arrangements to -gay for the production of information materials to meet attachment number 1 requirements are the responsibility of the local government concerned. After receipt of the RFQ, we will add the GSA =;printing cost to the >roposed dis- tribution cost to determine if the unit cost exceeds 15c. If it does, we will advise you of changes required to reduce the unit cost When you return the completed RFQ to this office, please provide an original signed signature page for copy number "C" and the bulk mailing permit number. Also, provide the graphic of Texas A&M University. Sincerely, Bill Parker Regional Director Attachment STANDARD FORM 18, JULY 1966 REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS PAGE I OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (THIS IS NOT AN ORDER) 13 FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1- 16.201 1. REQUEST NO. 2. DATE ISSUED 3. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQUEST NO. 4. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER DAHC20 -69 -Q -5019 9 -16 -68 BDSA REG.2IND /OR DMS REG. 1 RATINGs 5. ISSUED BY 6. DELIVER BY (Date) 11VV Office of Civil Defense, OSA See Page 5. Paragraph 7 Procurement Division 7. DELIVERY The Pentagon, Room 1D -521 0 FOB DESTINATION Washington, D. C. 20310 Mr. Calkins FOR INFORMATION CALL (Name dNd tel. ne.) (No collect calls) (AC 202 OXFORD 7 -1608) ® OTHER (See Schedule) S. TO NAME AND ADDRESS 9. DESTINATION (Consignee and address including ZIP code) r 7 * Office of Civil Defense, OSA ake Canglose, County Director, Region 5 s a nd' Brazos County Civil Defense Federal Center ZIP Code) Brazos County Courthouse Denton, Texas 76202 Bryan, Texas 77843 * Quoter shall return the completed RFQ to this address. 10. PLEASE FURNISH QUOTATIONS TO THE ISSUING OFFICE ON OR BEFORE CLOSE OF BUSINESS 10-16-68 8 SUPPLIES ARE OF DOMESTIC ORIGIN UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY QUOTER. THIS 15 A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION, AND QUOTATIONS FURNISHED ARE NOT OFFERS. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO QUOTE, PLEASE SO INDICATE ON THIS FORM AND RETURN IT. THIS REQUEST DOES NOT COMMIT THE GOVERNMENT TO PAY ANY COSTS INCURRED IN THE PREPARATION OR THE SUBMISSION OF THIS QUOTATION, OR TO PROCURE OR CONTRACT FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES. SCHEDULE 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ITEM NO. SUPPLIES /SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT This Request For Quotations is issued in accordance with the provisions of Federal Civil Defense Guide, Part D, Chapter 3, Appendix 1, Lnnex 7, AttcCh- ment 4, Page 146 thereof, and /or your oral request or letter of interest dated 9 -13 -68 • PRIOR TO PREPARING YOUR QUO^_ATION PLEASE REVIEW THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTION THOROUGHLY (PAGES 6 7, 8 AND 9) 1. Quotation for Attachment #1, "Informing the Public About Their Community Shelter Plan," Requirements (See Page 10) $ * 2. Quotation for Attachment #2, "Developing the Local CSP Emergency Information Readiness Materials," Requirements — (See Page 11) $ * 3. Quotation for Attachment #3, "Developing •zbii< Plans for Issuing Local CSP Information During a Period of Increased International Tension," Requirements (See Page 12) $:, * ;1suo L 3M!JJu *ENTER "NA" WHEN EITHER "NO COST" IS INVOLVED OR COSTS ARE BEING ABSORBED LOCALLY, 17. PRICES QUOTED INCLUDE APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT % 10 CALENDAR DAYS; % 20 CALENDAR DAYS; % 30 CALENDAR DAYS; % CALENDAR DAYS. NOTE: Reverse must also be c pleted by the quo er. 18. NAME AND ADDRESS OF QUOTER (Street, city, county, State, 19. SIGNATURE F PE SON AUTHORIZED T SIGN 20. DATE OF QUOTATION including ZIP Code) QUOTATIO L C L , `" ! � razas County Civil. Deg r e :e `� z `— SR+'t emher o 1968 a� 21. SIGNER' /NAME AND TITLE (T i or print) 22. TELEPHONE NO. (Lulua area rode) County Courthourie Jake Canglose AC 713 845 - v'Oii ;Irnro,i, Texas 77843 County Director 18-105-01 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS The Quoter represents and certifies as part of his quotation that: (Check or complete all applicable boxes or blocks.) 1. SMALL BUSINESS He ❑ is, ❑ is not, a small business concern. A small business concern for the purpose of Government procurement is a concern, including its affiliates, which is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is quoting on Government contracts, and can further qualify under the criteria concerning number of employees, average annual receipts, or other criteria, as prescribed by the Small Business Administration. (See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 121, as amended, which contains detailed industry definitions and related procedures.) If the quoter is a small business concern and is not the manufac- turer of the supplies offered, he also represents that all supplies to be furnished hereunder ❑ will, ❑ will not, be manufactured or produced by a small business concern in the United States, its possessions, or Puerto Rico. 2. REGULAR DEALER - MANUFACTURER (Applicable only to supply contracts exceeding $10,000.) He is a ❑ regular dealer in, ❑ manufacturer of, the supplies offered. 3. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION (Applicable only to quotations in excess of $2,500.) (a) By submission of this quotation, the quoter certifies, and in the case of a joint quotation, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that in connection with this procurement: (I) the prices in this quotation have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other quoter or with any competitor; (2) unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this quotation have not been knowingly disclosed by the quoter and will not knowingly be disclosed by the quoter prior to opening in the case of an advertised procurement or prior to award in the case of a negotiated procurement, directly or indirectly to any other quoter or to any competitor; and (3) no attempt has been made or will be made by the quoter to induce any other person or firm to sub- mit or not to submit a quotation for the purpose of restricting competition. (b) Each person signing this quotation certifies that: (1) he is the person in the quoter's organization responsible within that organization for the decision as to the prices being quoted herein and that he has not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to (a)(1) through (a)(3) above; or (2)(i) He is not the person in the quoter's organization responsible within that organization for the decision as to the prices being quoted herein but that he has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the persons responsible for such decision in certifying that such persons have not participated, and will not participate, in afy action contrary to (a)(1) through (a)(3) above, and as their agent does hereby so certify; and (ii) he has nipt participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to (a)(1) through (a)(3) above. (c) This certification is not applicable to a foreign quoter submitting a quotation for a contract which re- quires performance or delivery outside the United States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico. (d) A quotation will not be considered for award where (a)(1), (a)(3), or (b) above, has been deleted or modified. Where (a)(2) above, has been deleted or modified, the quotation will not be considered for award unless the quoter furnishes with his quotation a signed statement which sets forth in detail the circumstances of the disclosure and the head of the Agency, or his designee, determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. REVERSE OF SF -18 2 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS 4. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. (Applicable to contracts, subcontracts, and agreements with applicants who are themselves per- forming federally assisted construction contracts, exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause.) By the submission of this bid, the bidder, offeror, applicant, or subcontractor certifies that he does not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. He certifies further that he Will not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he will not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder, offeror, applicant, or sub- contractor agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in this contract. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of habit, local custom or otherwise. He further agrees that (except where he has obtained identical certifications from proposed sub- contractors for specific time periods) he will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of Equal Opportunity clause; that he will retain such certifications in his files; and that he will forward the following notice to such proposed subcontractors (except where the proposed sub- contractors have submitted identical certifications for specific time periods): NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATIONS OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities, as required by the May 9, 1967, order on Elimination of Segregated Facilities, by the Secretary of Labor (32 Fed. Reg. 7439, May 19, 1967), must be submitted prior to the award of a subcontract exceeding $10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each 3 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS subcontract or for all subcontracts during a period (i.e., quarterly, semiannually, or annually). (MAR. 1968) (Note: The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001.) 5. In order to verify whether the political subdivision(s) covered by your quotation have an approved Community Shelter Plan, please fill in the following dates and information: (a) Step II of the Community Shelter Plan was approved by: COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT(S) 2' V C tlou Ot M APPROVED OYILI{VCLO'i* C i 011I KEWE➢1 Brazos County September 7, 1968 . Ig6u4xcs1 ccLc {llcvfilou• City of Bryan, Texas (£ixccst rip6 September 7, 1968 City of College Station, Texas Pe 1 411 lox. September 7, 1968 u,k4A4a4o.6.i Cpst ps Nil s»+j;a {u 411s,p anpcouttscta exceGglu$ X30'000 zl`.p 6 xsot 6xeu+bt /Low tpe c6xj4;4cttioua Lrow bx,oboa6q anpcol tx.acrete btlor. co rpG er+,atq o; c: aaaccsctcrx.a tot abecll.lc tliu6 b6x.:oria) pc i ii optslu 4g6utic'JT Apei6 p6 p =.:a op :iau6q 4geurTcai cszt.lilcetloua rxow bxoboa€q arr>w ;salt' /Dear cne :ow of otperAIae* H6 lnttpct at.e641 tpat (6xc6b ;u tls6 psara ot, .see' ct661 ' COJOL of uarlousj ()LOW pecsnae o; (b) Step II of the Community Shelter (CSP) was transmitted to the a State civil defense agency on .$eptesnber 7, 1968 . (date) gretalu? (c) Step II of the CSP was approved by CE /NAVFAC (for contract 3 CSP projects), or by the OCD Region (for noncontract CSP Ipla projects) on UNDERSCORE THE gel zr fcptcmbc l 1068 (date") .. as p- APPROVING AGENCY IN THE PRECEDING SENTENCE. ' 1 e68Lceteq S) �"" T T 'Y !` r w (d) Cite in the space below, or on a separate sheet, whether the materials which you are proposing to reproduce and distribute differ in any way from those proposed in Step II. If they differ, outline the differences and the reasons therefor. The sheet in the brochure containing city maps of Bryan and College Station has been redesigned to make better use of space on t;.e sheet and to better use a graphic of Texas A & M University campus. EdnaT Obbor.rn T Tge:.gITX 5 ` >r; c.vu“Lnct.lou coulzecta' 6xcesglu IO'00G ; cc.-i;a y .;..a 4 : u,,., y�..: za~e z a r: tp abb3lcauta expo ate. tp6ua6IA6a bet - 4' .01 a ; f bb ce s co couctuc ' .01 r �''w�- �Gm�<IJ �� "IT'I;LIE2" (� �� AI ll F f,l ;s <I OI U 4 — - f- — REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS 6. Cite in the space provided below the identity of the metropolitan area planning commission, municipal or county government(s) or other government entity submitting this quotation, and the individual representative or representatives thereof who will be responsible for carrying out the provisions of the work under your quotation (include telephone numbers): GOVERNMENT ENTITY REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE NO. Brazos County, Jake Canglose, AC 713 845-6011 Texas County Director, Civil Defense • 7. The initial distribution of the Official. Local CSP Emergency Informa- tion Readiness Materials will start within •• and be completed within of receipt of a purchase order or contract. (Fill in the number of days, weeks, or months that will be required. It should be noted that all such work should be completed within six months after receipt of an order or contract for same.) YOU ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO STATE YOUR ANTICIPATED DELIVERY OR COMPLETION DATES FOR INDIVIDUAL COST ELEMENTS UNDER ITEM NOS. 1, 2, AND 3 ON PAGES 10, 11, AND 12. • *30 days after receipt of printed material from GSA. 5 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Your attention is directed to Exhibit A, Federal Civil Defense Guide, Part D, Chapter 3, Appendix 1, Annex 7, pages 147 -150 thereof, for guidance on what information should be included in your quota- tion (proposal), in addition to any information requested herein. INDIVIDUAL COST ELEMENTS SHOULD BE LISTED IN DETAIL, AND PROPOSED DELIVERY DATES FOR EACH PHASE SHOULD BE STATED. Your quotation should include evidence of having obtained competition for those cost elements where it is obtainable, such as local printing. At least three sources should be solicited in these instances, and if no competition is obtained an explanation should be supplied stating why. The names and addresses of the firms submitting verbal or written quotes, and the amount quoted, should accompany your quotation (See No. 10 of Terms and Conditions, Page 8). For cost elements where competition is not obtainable, such as mailing costs, it will not be necessary to furnish such a statement or evidence. Competitive quotations may be solicited orally for cost elements estimated at less than $2,500; and in writing, or confirmed in writing, for cost items estimated to be $2,500 or more. A cost element is defined as: Any quantity of goods or services for which there is a specific dollar entry under each Item No.; for example, mats, slides, spot announcements, camera ready copy, photographs, etc. are cost elements. COMPETITION SHOULD BE SOUGHT ON ALL COST ELEMENTS EXCEEDING $250 IN VALUE. 2. THE COMMUNITY SHOULD SUBMIT A QUOTATION on Items Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (Attachment #1, 2, and 3 Requirements, respectively) FOR THOSE AREAS FOR WHICH IT CANNOT ABSORB THE COST. 3. Any contractual instrument issued as a result of this Request For Quotations and resulting documents will either be in the form of a Purchase Order (under $2,500) or a Formal Contract (over $2,500). A purchase order does not require any signature on the part of the community after its receipt; it is full authorization to proceed with the work cited therein. A formal contract requires the signature of both the community's and the Federal Government's representative prior to becoming effective. 4. In regard to Item No. 1, Attachment #1 Requirements, the community submitting this quotation should bear in mind that informing the public about CSP, when the local EIR materials are distributed to the public should be accomplished by local news media at their own expense as part of their normal local news coverage and as being within their public service responsibilities. The community should 6 TERMS AND CONDITIONS submit a quotation on Item No. 1, only if it has been approved under Step II of the CSP, or if the deviation is supported by a sound justification. It should also be noted that the cost of development or production of complete program documentary films will not be funded by OCD. 5. In regard to commercial printing costs, the Government reserves the right to use State or Federal sources for printing. This decision will be determined by reviewing the extent of commercial competition, or lack of it; the production time required to move the job from the mock -up to finished - product stage; and the reasonableness of costs submitted. 6. The distribution costs for the materials of Item No. 2, Attach- ment #2 Requirements, should generally not exceed the cost obtained from the following formula: Dist. costs = 4c X 1/3 of the peak population figure (cited in the CSP Plan) The distribution plan and costs should be in detail; every effort should be made to keep these costs to a minimum. The distribution plan shall accompany the quotation. 7. Payment of salaries or related expenses of any employee whose salary is matched by the Federal Government under the OCD Personnel and Administrative Expense Program will not be an acceptable item of cost. 8. In regard to the materials developed under Item No. 3, Attach- ment #3 Requirements, this material will generally be retained by the local CD Director for use during periods of Increased International Tension. Attachment #3 does not provide for any printing or distribution of these materials; it is anticipated that this will be done locally as a public service. 9. Payment and Invoicing. The community generally will not be advanced funds for doing work under any purchase order or contract. Payment will be made as work is completed. Partial payments may be requested if desired or necessary for completed portions of the work. Invoices, in quadruplicate, will be sent to the OCD Regional Director for approval and payment processing. Generally, payment should not take more than three to four weeks after submission of the invoice to the Regional Director. An invoice format will be supplied with the purchase order or contract. 7 TERMS AND CONDITIONS If a community is prohibited by state statute or local ordinance from making payments from non - budgeted monies it receives, it may request in writing, that the Government make payment to their subcontractors performing the work under their prime contract /order. This special . procedure will be used only when such legal restrictions exist. The community's request for special payment hereunder constitutes a certification to the effect that they are prohibited by state statute and /or local ordinance from making such payments. The quoter must indicate below the address(es) to which payment should be made if such address(es) is (are) different from that shown for the quoter, or where the special payment exception cited above applies: 10. Pages 10, 11, 12, and 13 of this Request For Quotations provide initial space for detailing your firm costs and plans for the production and distribution of CSP information material. Additional sheets of paper containing the quotation information referred to in No. 1, Page 6, of the Terms and Conditions should be attached after Page 13 if space for this information is not sufficient on Pages 10, 11, 12, and 13. 8 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 11. The contractor and any subcontractor hereunder shall pay (except for work contributed as a public service) all of their employees engaged in performing work on the contract not less than the minimum wage specified under Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended ($1.40 per hour as of February 1, 1967, and $1.60 per hour as of February 1, 1968), and are subject to the regulations of the Secretary of Labor thereunder (29 C.F.R. Part 4). When labor is contributed knowingly as a public service, the quotation should so state,especially when the hourly rate shown is less than the minimum wage. 9 REf. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONTD. PAGE I OF STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 GENERAL FED. ROC.EREG.E(41 ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET DAHC20 -69 -Q- 5019 10 13 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. SUPPLIES /SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Detailed Quotation Item No. 1, for Attachment 1, "Informing the Public About Their Community Shelter Plan," Requirements (Federal Civil Defense Guide, Part D, Chapter 3, Appendix 1, Annex 7, ATTACHMENT 1, PAGES 87 -129) SEE #1 OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTIOI' A. Television Materials (Indicate type, quantity, delivery, and cost). None B. Briefing Materials including blowups of Charts and Maps (Indicate type, quantity, delivery, and cost). None C. Still Photographs (Indicate type, quantity, delivery, and cost). None D. Other (Specify type, quantity, delivery and cost). None TOTAL AMCUNT • None (The TOTAL AMOUNT figure should correspcnd with the "AMIUNT" column for Item No. 1 on the f rst page of this Request For Quotat ons) 36- 108 -02 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT'D_ PAGE I OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1- 16.101 DAHC20- 69-Q- 5019 11 13 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. SUPPLIES /SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2, Detailed Quotation for Item No. 2, Attachment 2 "Developing the Local CSP Emergency Information Readiness Materials," Requirements. (Federal Civil Defense Guide, Part D, Chapter 3, Appendi 1, Annex 7, ATTACHMENT 2, PAGES 130 -139) SEE #1 OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTIO' A. Information Publication (See Page 13) (i.) The initial printing production figur: is • (ii.) The additional printing figure (not to exceed 25 pErcent of 1 above) for new families /business and stockpiling is 44100 . (iii,) The peak population figure from the C'P Plan is _.: (iv.) The total publication printing figure and cost (i, and ii. above) is (Specify type, quantity, delivery, an. cost). B. Producing camera -ready copy from the approv:d mock -up of publication (Specify type, quantity, delivery, and cost C. Distribution cost of printed material (Spec fy type, quantity, delivery, and cost). Cost of bulk imiling permi plus rmewal :$43.00;$359.06 cost of mailing 18,698 brochures X3.036 c - nts each: $673.12; • payment of i/2 postage char;es by cities 'id county: 5359.06; t' erai f d r Tnbursementt t c at ed : 359,06 u. Otner and type, quantity, ii , aeltvery, an cost). �6SiEsc. (TCSrt 1BA'� r QQQ TOTAL AMCUNT $ (This TC.TAL AMOUNT figure should correspond with the "AMOUNT" column for Item No. 2 on the first page of th_s Request For Quotation;) 36- 108-02 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. Of DOC. BEING CONT'D. PAGE 10f GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1- 16.101 DAHC20- -Q- 12 13 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. SUPPLIES /SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 3. Detailed Quotation for Item No. 3, Attachment 3, "Develop -ng Plans for Issuing Local CSP Information During a Period of Increased International Tension," Requirements. (Federal Civil Defense Guide, Part D, Chapter 3, Appendix 1, Annex 7, ATTACHMENT 3, PAGES 140 -143) SEE #1 OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTION A. Newspaper Publication of Local CSP Emergency Information •:tis (1.) Mats (Specify size, quantity, delivery, and cos:). (ii.) Line Engravings (Specify size, quantity, delive . ry, and cost). .vc n e (iii.) Offset Photographic Negatives (Specify size, quantity, deliver), and cost). `ekte • (iv.) Other (Specify type, quantity, delivery, and cost). coq e B. Local Radio and Television Materials (1.) Spot Announcements and /or Short Scripts (Specify type, quantity, delivery, and cost). c«s7t (ii.) Blowups of Maps (Specify size, quantity, delive_y, and cost). -"Ile (iii.) Slides (Specify size, quantity, delivery, and cost). `;: n e (iv.) Other (Specify type, quantity, and cost). None TOTAL AMOUNT $ _ 'done (This TO TAL AMOUNT figure should correspond with the "AMOUNT" column for Item No. 3 cn the first page of this Request Fcr Quotations) 36- 108 -02 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT'D. PAGE 1 OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1- 16.101 DAHC20- 69.Q -5019 13 13 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. SUPPLIES /SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Reference Page 11,Item No. 2.A. -- Information Publication, please fill in the space provided below the specifications pertaining to the aforementioned publication; in lieu of filling in this information, you may attach a separate specification sheet. In any case, the detailed publication specifications shall accompany the quotation. SPECIFICATIONS: 1. SIZE (Flat) SIZE (Folded and Tri ed) 2. NUMBER PAGES AND MAKEUP 3. PAPER STOCK (KIND) a. INSIDE b. COVER 4. INKS (KIND AND QUANTITY) a. INSIDE b. COVER 5. TYPE (KIND) a. INSIDE b. COVER 6. BINDERY WORK (Indicate method -- stapled, folded, etc.) 7. OTHER 36- 108 -02 0 2 7 7 0 2