HomeMy WebLinkAbout'Hams" to test emergency Plan for Brazos County Disasters 1965 `Hams To Test Emergency Plan For Brazos County Disasters By JANIE WALLACE an alternate control station will Battalion Staff Writer be operated by David Hoffman, Members of the Brazos County I WA5SQT. A number of mobile Amateur Radio Emergency Corps,) short -range radio stations will consisting mainly of A &M stu- be situated at strategic points . dents, will conduct a simulated around Bryan - College Station and emergency test of the Brazos a long -range fixed station will County emergency plan on Jan. supply c o n t a c t with distant 25. points. Also, a mobile cruising unit will "The plan will provide the BrY- be operated by Jess Rhoden, an- College Station area with WA5KXC. The local network will emergency facilities, in the event be tied in with the National Traf- of a disaster that might damage fic System for swift communica- or incapacitate normal H Perry, tion with points outside the local cations," said Franklin H. Perry, area emergency coordinator of t h e American Radio Relay. As a part of the test, partici- pating amateurs will originate The AREC is a group of ama- messages to their section emer- teur radio operators who volun- gency coordinators and civil de- teer their time and radio stations fense directors will communicate so that the area will never be with civil defense officials at t without communication because of state and federal level. Red Cross'``` failure of telephone, telegraph or chapter executive officers will re- q. power lines, port by radio to area and national The test, conducted nationally offices through the National Traf- . by the Amateur Radio Public Ser- fic System and other facilities. vice Corps, will emphasize coop- The AREC is a part of the Na- >• eration with Red Cross chapters tional Amateur Radio Public Se and civil defense agencies. vice Corps. Other local operatort - Perry's control station with call participating are Ed Campbell, letters WA5RXO, is located at K5SQT; Brian Derx, WB2HEY /5; 202 -D Spruce Street and will di- Steve Pearce, WN5UDV; a n d rect all operations. If necessary, Gene Whitehurst, WA5GZX.