HomeMy WebLinkAboutRACES Operations Manual 1963 2.14.51/11 AR1C /RACE'S OMATIONS MANUAL 16 April, 1963 Communications Plan for Brazos Co., This plan was prepared for the purpose of informing the average amateur in the Bryan area of the responsibilities imposed upon him in the event of a local emergency or national disaster, '•Tithin the next few pages of this manual, we will attempt to provide an accurate alert plan in and for the county of rrazos. In the event of a national disaster, all communications in and out of the county will be carried on through the County RACES officer (Charles Burris). His reports, in turn, will be passed on to state officials through the District Radio Officer or his alternate, All county RACES radio officers and alternates will be subject to call at any time by Civil Defense Officials. Brazos County, as well as other counties in District 62, has a county RACES Liaison Station, This station is required to participate in any District net activities. He (or she) will be responsible directly to the District RACE'S radio officer for proper operation of his station. His job may very from running phone- patches from the court house to recording changes in temperature, etc „,"Full cooperation will be made with other similar networks in this and adjacent areas so as to provide efficent sharing of frequencies to avoid or eliminate interference.® This civil defense organization will resolve all frequency sharing problems within its own area of operations. This organization will resolve, with civil defense organization in adjacent states and Region 5, con, any mutual frequency sharing problems, present or future." COUNTY AND LOCAL NETS All county and local nets will operate under separate plans developed by the government entity concerned. These county and local plans must be in accordance with FCC, OC?3 and State Rerulations© Operation of county and local nets will he under the direction of local civil defense authorities. Net control of the County RACES officer, Charles 13urris,K5EPE. Frequencies for operations of this type of mkt will be assigned by the state RAGS radio officer (Frank Cox,K5TRY) in accordance with OCD NP-l5 -1, Proceedures used will he those in accordance with the Tit CTS COMMUNICATIONS PLAN AND OPERATIONS MANUAL. Until future notice, 3,87Omeg. and 2Fa875mcs, (alternate) 3,885mcs0 will be used Each operator is charged with the responsiblity of monitoring the net frequency at any time severe weather or other disaster is predicted for his area, or for t he state as a whole. The local radar will be used extensively in this operation to the best of the Civil Defense abilities. The following information contains a comrlete, up- to- -date list that will be used as an alert plan for the An"C /RACES, ARC will be used extensively; but in the event of a national emergency, RACES will go into effect and control communications in the county. AR C RA GS ALA PLAN rM7RG N CY COORDINATOR 4 Lynn Pridgen,KSJOT 10h Davis Street TA2 -!1322 ASSISTANT EC ASSISTANT '?C ASSISTANT EC Jim Hunt,KSZRL * Charles Burris,K57P7 John Beckham,,K5WIC 1910 7chols 705 Old Hwy.6 1015 James Parkway TA2 -3191 VI6 -6560 VI6 -5290 Linton Jones,K5KA! ** Jim Kluth,KS$PH Il Ere Wilson,T SO'TB 1617 Woodland 701 Highland Hwy. 6 South TA3 ©5365 ' VI6 -6353 716.5538 Walter Neaves,KSK°TE Neil Page,K5MLT 414:' Buster Louis 515 Pease 710 Inwood 602 Churchill TA,3 - 2505 VI6 - 6193 TA2 Sand.- Neaves,WSJBU Doug favidaon,K5HXD A & M Club Stat. W5AC 515 Pease 2"6 S, Gordon College Station TA3f92505 TA2G3I4l8 YSC- Extension 55 nryae 9ritton;n5UJC Morris Stone,K5Q7V O,L, PateK5GIC 103 S. Ennis 702 i•'aryem Harvey Comm„ TA34:.3378 None TA2 - 0508 Joe Donifazi,K5CT3H Lee Piraino :50Pr Cecil Stallworth,K5CCE Tturten 200 Academy 2021 Nuchels Lane TA2a3096 TA2 053 - TA2 - 1611 TA2u -h511 Jack 1 kite, el5HP, I 910 ' 26th.. TA 2- 6273.TA 2. -9.01 - In the event of a National Disadter, the above note change will be made: Charles 7. 9urris,K5EP", wi41 he in charge of all amateur radio for 9razos County, with the exception of K5'`PH,, and K5JOT who serve on the State RACES net, ' *District RACES Radio Officer. ***Assistant County RACES Officer. In the event of local disaster, Civil Defense or the sheriff or a member of his staff, will call the 7C or RACES radio officer. The TC in turn will contact the three Assistant 7,C every member will he called by phone or via local communication channels. ''Mr'RrdCY - Bryan Plan Texas WHAT TO 00! In an emergency in the 'Aryan area, it will be the mission of amateur radio to provide: 1. rmer*ency communications to outside areas: 2, 7mergency local communications between the city and areas across the rivers, and the various areas north and south of the city. WHAT NOT TO DO. During an emergency the se rules must be followed to the letter: 10 Do not call local or state Police unless you have Information of importance 2. n not call Radar Room under any condition, J no not call Civil Defense Director, or Civil Defense Headquarters THr 7M7R!'T NCY CrTT7R For r.lanning purposes, the home of K5ET'6 has been designated as the emerc; ?ncy center, (Until at such time the City is able to provide a better location.) emergency pourer has been provided for by n 10KVA 110/220 motor driven generator. The station will have poer except in the most extreme emergency. The shelter has the following facilities: ! uipment: 1, Transmitter- V70 -501 watt - 160 -202eters, FSK adapted. 20 2- R399 /URR Collins receivers, (. 55')..3')mcs, ) 3. Dual diversity RTTY converter. !a, 2$Klienschmidt page printers, (lapa'l1e of l )wrm, ) 5, 1- i'lienschmidt perforator and re -perf. 6© 1 -10 meter tranceiver (5 watts.) The following equipment may be made available in an emergency: 1, i"'KV'. motor driven AC generator, 2. 750 w^tt v' n vv n o 3, ^mergenoy van (29 passenger -1955 bus) containing the following equipment: See net page for list. • 1 DX-130 sideband transmitter -100 wtts output, 1 SB «10 sidebanc exciter /adapter. 1 SX -99 receiver, 1 RC -669 tranceiver (AN: --FSK) 1 10 meter tranceiver. 1 BC.- 603 -CB and Police Monitor, 1 Twin -city special TU. 1 BC -221A Frequency meter. 1 1:Tork -bench for field maintenance, 1 Plotting board and desk. Rescue equipment for several persons assigned to bus by CI, Provisions for sleeping 2 people. In the event of local emergency✓, F5JOT will be in charge of the van, while MP": will set up the emergency communi ^ations shelter. Other members will he distributed to either bus or shelter or will be placed in operation or stand -by operation with their run mobile units, (Or at their home QTR.) This item is subject to change without notice. The emergency center will maintain liaison with the following and contact these activities as earl* as noss5»Ie in event of emergency: Civil Defense, Police, State Riway Radio, Railroads, CAA Airport Comm, nistrict RAMS officer, -"led Cross's Mestern Union, Telephone Company, Poorer Company, and local news media- -not necessarily in that order of importande,,,,o K5FPE will he NCS for the county RAM net. K5JOT will be NCS for the 10-meter local AW C net with R57.XL as alternate. Outside traffic will be routed via the Central TFXAS "mer ency Net (3.P70mcs.), National RACSS frequencies, and OARS assigned frequencies, each amateur is asked to monitor 28.875 and or 3.872mcs,, He is also asked to provide himself with emergency equipment for either 75 or 10 meter phone or both, and be prepared to operate from his home or mobile (if he skhas one) station when requested by the EC or County RACES Radio Of''icer. Distri All local amateurs and ofricials of agencies concerned, Proposed net frequencies are: 1`) meters -2P' a R75mc, (phone) 75 meters- 3870mc, (phone) alternate- 30P85mos (phone) 80 meters-30737mcs. Og. 80 meters -34 es, (RT Cw 91ternate. A. Approved / fOisapproved/"��.�°d,��{�..A., Chas. r�urris,R5?FF �/J RACE'S Radio Officer /proved /,fiisarproved /'� •/� Jim K1uth,K5r`Pl v j9 District RADIO Officer Approved / /Disapproved.,, G' Lynn Pridgen,K5JOT 7C- Prazos County. Assist. `)istrict RADIO Officer