HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrazos County RACES Application 1961 CTS ON RACES In an effort to simplify the procedures required to set up a RACES Program the following information is furnished: 1. A packet is supplied by the State Civil Defense Office which lists requirements of OCDM and FCC offices. This packet con- tains the Guidelines for a Model RACES Plan and can be used as a format in writing a plan. Also included are Advisory Bulletin No. 122, which includes FCC regulations regarding RACES (Part 12, subpart B); a manual entitled "Standard Operatint Procedure & Training Manual for Stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service" by the USCDARA; FCC Form 481, "Applica- tion for RACES Station Authorization "; and 482, "Certification of R «dio Officer." A close study of this material will answer most questions concerning RACES responsibilities and require- ments. Any additional information can be had upon request. 2. Civil Defense Communications authorities and amateur radio groups should get together and decide what communications are required for their needs and how best they might be set up. Equipment privately owned by amateurs can be utilized, but equipment owned by the city or county is the proper approach. Equipment may be purchased by the local government through the Matching Funds Program. Privately owned equipment could be used at first, but the local government should plan to supply the equipment as soon as possible. 3. The RACES plan should be written to cover all requirements specified in the FCC regulations. This can be accomplished by following the Guidelines for a RACES Plan. Four copies of this plan are made and signatures of the following are affixed as applicable: A. Local Civil Defense Director B. Local Communications Officer C. Local Radio Officer Spaces will be provided for the signatures of the following: A. State Civil Defense Director B. State RACES Radio Officer C. OCDM Regional Communications Officer The four copies are then sent to the State Civil Defense Office. After approval by the State, three copies are sent to the OCDM Regional Office. One copy is retained in the State Radio Officer's files. After concurrence of the OCDM Regional Office, two copies are then forwarded to OCDM Operational Headquarters, Battle Creek, Michigan, who will forward one copy to the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D. C. FCC then returns the final approval to the office originating the plan. 4. Certification of the Radio Officer is established by completing FCC Form 482 and including it with the plan. If a change is - 2 - made in the appointment of the Radio Officer at some later date, another FCC Form 482 should be filed through the same channels for certification, accompanied by an amendment to the plan, as required in the FCC rules. At least one alternate should be appointed and 482 executed for him. 5. It is necessary to have only one station license for each net- work of operation; however, more can be issued. Application is made by filing FCC Form 481 through channels for each station license desired. It is the desire of FCC, as well as OCDM, to have as few station licenses as possible. This will allow more flexibility at the local level. If provisions are made in the plan to use up to a certain number of units, either mobile or portable, assigned as part of the base station, then changes in equipment or operating personnel will not -have to appear as amendments to the plan. An example of this would be a city with one RACES station license which may have as many as 50 mobile units operating under the one call sign with a unit designator attached. It is suggested that 481 be exe- cuted for each Radio Officer and alternates. 6. Individual RACES operator certificates are issued to qualified personnel by the local Civil Defense Director upon recommenda- tion of the Radio Officer of the area concerned. As long as operators meet the requirements of FCC Rule 12.241, the FCC Office is satisfied. This Rule makes it a requirement of the local Civil Defense Director of area involved to issue a cer- tificate to operators in a RACES plan. If the operator holds a license as written in the Rule and the certificate is issued as required, then FCC requirements are met. This allows the Radio Officer to appoint his operators which he feels are qualified. The local Civil Defense Director, upon recommenda- tion of the Radio Officer, will issue these certificates, which should contain the signatures of both. 7. The Radio Officer should from time to time check with the Net Control Officers to assure that training activites are pro- gressing satisfactorily, and should plan periodic tests of RACES networks for operational readiness. He should keep posted on activities such as Operation Alert and plan to uti- lize RACES as much as possible. Frank T. Cox, K5T Officer Division of Defense and Disaster Relief State of Texas BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE BRYAN TEXAS August, 9, 1961. Bryan Texas 402 Mitchell St. Communications Officer Diviaioa Of Defense : Disester Relief Austin Texas Mr. Fronk T. Cox, 0TRY Deer Sir, inclosed you will find our RACES plan and required applicetio#s to establish our loeal. Civil Defense RACES nrogram. If there is anything else reouired to get our program under way, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Jake Cenglose , Director Brazos County Civil Defene RADIO AMMER CIVIL IMBESINCW SIMI= PL*I. FOR DRAWS CO TE 'lifAC 26 July 1961 Pursuant to authority contained in Federal Coemunicatioas COmmisaion Rules, Part 12, All exist/mg p eeviakwa of nub -part 4, "tales deveralas Ametwe Radio Stations and Operetors " through section 12.162, sad sub -pact s, "Reels O eenieeg Radio Meteor , esy Servile", submitted herewith is the Mal . This Plain will cover the area within the bead rims of t' *salty, including towns and communities, except as specified by civil defames authorities. SEW R. P? O The 1kdio AatistatMv Civil Emergency Services (RACES) is a }base of Ametuer Op priori for Civil defense sawwtsstiemee purpose only. Primarily, it is demillsd s• backup commmeleatteaa for telaac amd teletype landline sonam eiestios systems applisaale to Civil Defeaee. Rases co will be utilised for the pwrpas of communications at pints of disaster, and vhsreever seeded, at the discretion of Civil Defame authorities. Its purpose is to relieve overloaded circuits and to replace circuits temporarily out of operation, as well as to furnish communications from 'roes where communisations are not meeaally available. D. M$ 1. A Radio Amstusr Civil S'aarpmsy Station is am Ametver Radio Station authorised to operate in the Radio Aastmer Civil Siengemay Asa for Civil Defense Communications. 2. Civil Defense Commeeatsattems are these Oswteatious or Signals essential to the conduct of Civil Defames activities of duly authorized civil delletse organisations, intivdieg comnunications directly eeeserning safety of life, preservation of property, astuteness* of law and order, alleviation of human suffering and need, and dissemination* of warnings of enemy attack to the civilian population to ease of actual or impamdtas attack, or in any diameter or other incident sadeagertng the public velfars. Such sommunications may also include transmissions necessary for the establishment and maintesesee of Radio system and ss nations essential to the trainins of Civil Defense personnel. C. Li OI IRILITX 1. Civil Defense Director a. The legally appointed Director of Civil Defense for this county is responsible to local governmental authorities for protection and aid to the civilian population in the avant of awned attack, or of any disaster or other incident endangering public safety. SORMICT: *ACES PLAN Brazos County page a b. This *ACES Plan and 411 future aarsnsds sate will bear the signature of the Civil Defense Director. c. The Civil Defense Director for this County is: NAME: Jake Canglose AD NSRS: 402 Mitchell, Bryan, Texas 2. Civil Defame* Com.uaieations Officer a. The Civil Defense Cwiaations Officer has the direct responsibility under the Civil Defense Director for the provision, organisation, Maintenance readiness, and utili- sation of Communications to be used by this Civil Defense Organisation in the performance of its lawful functions. b. The Civil Defense Communication Officer for This County is: RAMS: Cheater A. O' Donnel 60 /,I- e - 4- 0t . _- ADD*RSSs 315 ewe Street, Collar: Station,'' Texas 3. Civil Defense Radio Officer a. The Civil Defense Radio Officer is directly responsible to the Communisations Officer for the previsions, organization, maintenanea, readiness, and utilisation of Radio Communications facilities for Civil Defense use. le is also responsible for training of operators in the Standard Operating Procedures. b. The Civil Defense Radio Officer for this County is: NAME: James Rishard Bluth ADDRESS: 701 Rigilarnd, College Station, Texas QUALIFICATIONS: Answer Radio Opr K5**, Cleared for Secret. 4. Alternate Radio Officers and Net Control Officers are: Name; Charles E. Burris Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 705 Old Rimy 6, College Station, Texas (rAistuar Radio Opr K5EP1) Name: Edgar D. Davidson Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 206 Needs!, Street, 1lryan, Texas (Anstusr Radio Opr ) N eae: Les L. !trains Position: Alternate Civil Defense Radio Opr Address: 200 Asada, Street, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr W5DPP) w sas:John B. Beckham Jr. Position: Net Control Officer for Brasoe County Address:1015 James Parkway, CollegeStation, Tex. (Amatuer Radio Opr K5WIC) Nees: Leonard P. Woodworth Position: Asst Net Control Officer for Brazos Co. Address: 403 1i. bevel! Dr, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr WSAZH 5. RACES OPERATORS: a. Each laces Operator is rsspnssible to the Radio Officer or Alternate Radio Officer, through his Net Control Officer, for the operation of his assigned radio station, This will include # ISAP WNW County Page 3 samdims sass receiving of authorised traffic, using proper procedures, knowing and adjusting Lis assigned equipment whore applicable, keeping loss and records of Transmissions, receiptioas and traffic. b. Races Operators to be utilised in this plan are to be properly investigated as per paragraph Ire: of this plan, smd a certif- icate issued to each operator in accordance with FCC Rules, Part 12, Sub -Part paragraph 12.241. D. A CA . '!! + ' : � ,, RA© A • - 4 L . , In all cases not specifically covered by regulations contained in FCC Rules, Part 12, sub.Past S. Licensed _Amat sr Stations authorised for operation in the Rad o Aartuer Radio Civil Smerg.ncy (RAMS) shall be governed by the provisions of FCC lures, Part 12, Sub Part A, "Rules Govereing Radio Stations and Operators ", and advisory Bulletin # 122 (Revised October 1, 1959), which are not in conflict herewith. In case of conflict, the rules governing Radio Amatuer Civil Embesency Services (RACSS) shall govern in respect to any station operated in that service. X. 10ALTY A1© 1AZI islliATlc c 1. Fasilitise Available for Investigation Completions: a. federal Bureau of Investigation b. Texas *bray Petrol c. Breams County Sheriff's Deeparteaat t. Bryan, Two City Police Department e. College Station, Tsars, City Police Department f. Co- Workers s. Friends b. Neighbors L. employers j. Former Imploysea 2. All operators will be investigated by placing calls to the local law enforcement agencies concerning law violations. Operators must complete a prepared form listing names of friends, former employers, neighbors, etc. All references will be checked and upon satisfactory completion of investigation, sewpl.ted forms will be filed by the Radio Officer. F. $ 8RTIFICATION A• . ACT& 1. A completed Federal Cammem atlan (FCC) Form 482 for the Radio Officer is submitted with this plan. 2. A completed FCC Form 481•3 far is Radio Officer and his alternates is submitted with this plan. 3. A certificate fulfilling the roMudsansuts of FCC Rule Part 12, Sub Part 8, Par 12.241, will be issued to sash operator - Station under this plan. SUBJECT: RACES PLAN 70* * lege 4 G. WIN, AfD DIf ATION : Full ssrpraties will be made with st*t1*r abtrorks in this and adjacent areas N M to provide efficiest sharing of frequencies to avoid or eliminate interferesce. This Civil Defense Orgmaiaation will resolve all RAM Irequency sherim problems within its own area of operations. This organization will resolve with Civil Defense Organizations in other areas, any mutual *ALMS Irsquse sy«shariag problem*, present or future. II. WANIQUALOAL A. S RTWQk. CS: a. The Network Use is: Brazos Ceaaty Civil Defense Nat b. The Area to be covered by this Nat is: Braises County and Cities listed therein. A crap of Brazos Comity, Tease is attached to this plan. c. The herpes* of this met is to provide Radio Communisations for Civil Defense Communications purposes only. d. List of Frequencies to be used in the Operation of this Ust aht 1. =retard: 28.72 2. verities on Call of the Civil Defense D vect.r is: 2$.71 NC, 143.440., 240.469 Ng jal.60 MC e. Call Sips of the Net Control Station is : K 5 WIC NCS: John B. Beehbee RSWIC 1015 James 7s*keey, College Station, Texas •LTI1DAT$ NC$: Lessard V. Woodworth WBASD 403 N Newell St., Bryan, Tense f. Call Signs will be assigned by the radio Offtcar or his alternate in such a oazmer that there will be minimum possibility of con - fusion: Call Signs will be The Unit Type: WIC 6 B 1, WIC i B 2, etc. g. The Tactical Cell $tgan for Brno* County is: Made gin Off. h. No Codes or Ciphers will be used. i. Types of equipment, emulsion, Power sours*, power output, location and other pertinent information will be kept on file with the Bream County Radio Officer for use when seeded. J. List of all fixed stations and other possible places of operation will be kept ea Vile with the BMW, Gusty Radio Officer for soy possible tree. Braises County Civil Defense Radio Statiee (!lain) will be established in the Brazos County Court louse. k. $etimated No. of Portable and Mobile Stations expected to be used: Dims (f) B. ja■.c hens Neel Communications will be through the facilities of State Meese Nt. SUBJECT: RACES PLAN FOR IMAMS WNW Page 5 alinakUMUMSI It is tbs responsibility of each RAMS Operator to qualify himself to operate in aseordanes with the US Civil Defense Anatol: Radio Alliance (11149A*A) Standard Operating Plss dares Mrawl. !Ys Radio Officer will delegate to the Met Control Missy the responsibility for organising train• ins networks for the purposes of training DAM Operators. "• iMinfingUENM Aar amiss in this plan pertaining to tho operations or personnel will be submitted for approval as amendments to this playa. AIWAL: County Radio Officer APPROVAL: County Cennnnisatiess Officer APPROVALl County Civil Defense Director ASINOWils State Radio Operator APPROVAL: State Civil Defense Director AtPIO/AL: Office of Civil and Defense Mobilisation LE tatbasets � 1« Brasov Csuaty Nap BRAZOS COUNTY AMATEUR STATIONS Net Controls, Ass't and 2nd Asst and Power Equipment In case of emergency, any of the following stations may called on to furnish communications for Bryan, College Station Civil Defense net on CenTex Emergency Storm warning net. Net operations on 3870 KC or 3685 KC. Net Control for Bryan: Area: KdHXD Ass't Net Control - W5DPP 2nd Ass't - -- W5Iy2 Net Control for College Station C. S. Area K5EPE Asst KSEPR 2nd Ass't K.SWIC Denotes Net Control Denotes Asst Control Denotes 2nd Ass't Control 1 q W5 DPP or KSWFC is representive for Citizen Band Net frequency - -- 3870 KC - CenTex Emg. Net 3835 KC - Brazos Co. Emergency Net BRAZOS COUNTY K5EPE Chas. Burris: 705 Old Hiway 6 VI 6..6560 A & M College VI 6-4791 Ext. 60 Mobile: None Power Supply: None K5W33 Jean Burris Same as above 145DPP Lee Piraino 200 Academy TAR-4053 405 W. 25th IA-161l A & M College VI6-4791 Ext. 60 Mobile: (2) CB units Channel 11-14-18 Power Supply: 1.5 kw AC Supply no portable 750 watt portable K5ZPH James R. Kluth: 701 Highland VI6-6353 National Guard Armory TA2-1600 Mobile (1) Power Supply: 750 watt AC supply portable Note: KUM has access to National Guard Radio Equipment K5KIA Chester O'Donnell 313 Lee V16-4256 Bryan Police Dept. TA2-1205 Mobile: (l) 4matuer Power Supply: None K5QEV Morris Stone 701 Maryem (next door) VI6-7871 Student A & M Cons. VI6-5911 A & M College VI6-5321 Take note: EzcsjAtit CW man Mobile: None Power Supply: None K5WIC John Beckham 1015 James Parkway VI6-5290 Student A & M Cons. VI6-5911 Mobile: None Power Supply: None Take note: Excelland CW man W5IT, James Lynch 702 Edgemore VI6-4856 Milton Franklin store TA3- Mobile: (1) Amateur (1) CB Power Supply: 1.5 kw AC Supply none port. KSHXD Doug Davidson 206 Gordon TA2-3418 AM,CW National Guard TA2-1600 Mobile: (1) Aaateur Power Supply: 1.5 KW AC Supply non-portable WSRAS Henry Menifee 2614 Maloney TA3-6577 AM,CW Mobile: (1) Commercial SSB Power Supply: 1.5 KW AC Non portable WtlAI Roy Burnheart Allen Academy TA2-1421 Mobile: (2) Amateur Power Supply: None W5CTR Mim Burnheart Same as above AM,CW K5CBH Joe Bonifazi Kurten, Texas TA2-.3096 Mobile: None Power Supply: None K5FJQ Lyman Hardeman Jones Bridge Road VI6-6004 Student Mobile: None Bower Supply: None IL5KKC Red Scarmardo $00 N. Parker TA2-8539 Mobile: Amateur Power Supply: K5KXB Angie Scarrnardo Same as above KSMUI Johnnie ladgett 203 Pershing VI6-4238 Student VI6-5911 Mobile: None Power Supply: None W4AC Club Station A & M College VI6-8721 AM,CW k W5A.ZH L. F. Woodworth 403 N. Haswell TA2-6040 & M College V16-4791 Ext 60 Mobile: None Pl:er Supply: None K5CCE Cecil Stallworth 2021 Nuches Lane TA 2-4511 Griesser Electric TA2-1423 Mobile: (1) Amateur Power Supply: 1.5 KW AC Supply non portable K5UJC Bryce Britton 103 S. Ennis TA3.3378 Mobile: None Power Supply: None Note: Very good O. man K5VE Tom Sanford 4008 Glenn Oakes V/6-4606 A & M College V16-4791 Ext 73 OSB Dr. T. O. Walton Munson Drive V16-4034 903 Hiway 6 V16-4613 Mobile: None Power Supply: None K5VGM Don Dale 1008 Winding Road V16-5935 131B Texas Avenue TA2-2732 Mobile: (2) Commercial Power Supply: None Note: Amateur operator without equipment may be called on for operation of spare or unmanned rig. K5HMM Gale Burrage 1116 East 25th TA2-5369 Bryan Police Dept. TA2-1205 W5SPS L. P. Martin 4111 Woody Lane TA2-1116 Bryan Police Dept. TA2-1205 W5JUS Red Gaston Hiway 6 North TA3-4177 Commercial Radio TA3-6577 Mobile generator 10 KW, 12.5 ':VA a'Id 750 Watt generator available from Micrometeorological Department, contact K5EPE - VI 6 -6560 or Dr. Bill Clayton, VI 6 -6409, or Andy York TA 2 -4347, for instruction after 5:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. 8:00 am. - 5:00 p.m. weekdays, call VI 6-4791 Extension 60. T:RAZCS CfU','12i CIVIL DOME BRAZO7 mum BRYAN Date SUBJECT* Brazos County Civil Defense RACES Alert Plan ' Mr Jibe Cangelose TO* Me Brazos County Civi/ Defense Director Breese County Court Orme B ps Tem= The followin is as alert Magma tee the alert of Ike NM and Officers t of the Brazos Coun Csi t DPetslnlra CD DIRETDR COUNTY f Brazos County Ca mm Officer \ V Chester ©: DQruzeu K 5 K Z Cs Edgar D Derides" wee E. 1�'Lutli =' Charley; E Burris/ Lss i, o JO. imakftel Morris D Stole Brice Britton 0. / �d� ►s tt 0. I.. Ya.te L i del Sia1i AIL Ban Dale ► Roy � Jim Nash Jam Lynch t 1' 0 Walton Or Marion Henry Menefee Jahn Ba telie Misommrd, Roll of ad"eMee and business ad to this letter, s Wig boos rid buanes phones atcc :ec3 JAlThS R. MTH Radio Officer Brazos County RAC L( A to Brazos County Civil Defense RACk Alert Plan. Page 1 NAM, ADDMISS(Ikele and Work) Phone (Business & tome) Jake Cangelose 1402 Mitchell, Bryan, Texas TA 406421 Dept Oceanograpkr AMC VI 791 Chaster ODonnell E5EIG 315 Lee St, Coller fe Station, Texas VI 6.4256 Bryan Police Dept TA 2.4205 Edgar D Davidson K5HXD 206 3 Gorden St, Bryan, Texas TA. 2-3418 Natisnal Guard UMW ,13ryan,Tax TA 2-1600 James R. riuth X5EPH 701 Highland, College Station, Tex VI 6.6353 National Guard Armor7,Dryan,Texas TA 24,00 TA2-N50( Charles E Burris X5EPE 705 Old away 6,Colle e Station,Texas VI 6.46560 Dept of Mietsro/ogy, TexAlIC VI 6-14791 Est 58,6( Joe M Bonifasi K5CBH 'Curium, ?gam TA 2-3096 Ulf Ibrdarewieearezer Rancher Morris B Stone IONV 7ce Meryen St, College Station,Tex VI6.7871 Or V16-6520 John B Beckham Jr KWIC 1015 Jdmes Parkway,College Station,Tex VI 6.6290 Student MN Consolidr.ted High VI 6.4813 Part Work-A&M Golf Course VI 6-5110 Brice Brittion W5UJC 103 3 Ennis 3t, Bryan, Texas TA 3-3378 Barron Brittion Inc 1213 5 ColiegeOrtan TA 20.1305 O.L. Pate KG Harvey Road, nryan, Texas TA 2.0508 Fire 3tation,Bryan AFB, Bryan TA 2-3681 Lee Piraino WOPP/K5FO 200 Academy, Bryan, Texas Mk 2-4053 Lee Radio,405 W 25th St,Bryan, Texas TA 2.4611 L. F. MoodworLh W5ALH 1403 ! Haswell,Bryan Zwas TA 2-6040 Dept of Ocmaaograph;INsissaligy MmAMC VI 6-4791,Lxts 60 or 58 Cecil Stmllworth K5CCE 2021 Neuchss Lens, Bryan, Tex TA 2-4511 Oreisser Sleet, Bryan, Texas TA 2-1423 Don Dale K5r24 1006 Winding RdOellegs Stetion,Tax VI 6 -5935 1313 is Ave, Bryan Tomas TA 2-3732 Roy Burnheart w5nAL Allen Mil kcadAryea„ TOMB TA 24428 Marion Scarmardo MOW 800 N Parker St , 3114M, TOMS TA 2-4515 Seamed° Grocery Store TA 2-8539 Angelia Scarmardo XD 800 N Parker St, bryan, Texas TA 2...4515 issemards OvemorY store TA 2-8539 Ai X A To BraLos County Civil Defense. PACES Plan Page 2 NAME ADDRESS Now and Work) PHONE (Busine 4orie) Henry Yenefee W5R,AS 2614 Maloney 3t, Bryan, Texas IL3-6577 2 Way Radio Service T12-3733 Jean Burris K54JJ 705 0].d hiway 6,Collese Station V16.6560 John Badgett K9IVI 208 Pershing StpCollege itation VI 6-4238 Student A&M Consolidated High School VI 64110 Dr T 0 Walton Sr Munson Dr, College Station, Tema VI 6-403L 903 away 6 VI 6 WILL OPYRATE W 5 AC Texas MM Clud Radio Station John Barnett K501U Roan 9 Mitchell Hail.Call Housing Office VI6-5713 Part Time Work KBTX TV VI 6 Can Call MSC ct 25 V16-8721 Jim Nash K5BLIC Room 78,Leggitt }all-Call dousing Office VI Can Call MSC Ext 25 V16-8721 BRAZOS COUNTY RASE PLAN ANNEX III PACES DIVISION ___ PROCEDURES FOR OPERATION DURING SEVERE WEATHER ALERTS 1. THE RACES DIVIESION IS PERFECTLY SUITED IN IN ASSISTING THE TORNADO WARNING GROUP DUE TO ITS ABILITY TO OT3TAIN INTELT,FNGENCE INFORMATION FROM OUTLYING AREAS BY USE OF LONG RANGE AMATUER RADIO CONTACTS. THE MOST VALUABLE SERVICE THE LOCAL RACES DIVISION CAN RENDER THE LOCAL GOVERMENT, ISTO: a. ESTABLISH ItD MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH AREAS FROM WHICH SEVERE WEATHER IS APP 'POACHING. b. ACCUMALATE__THIS INFORMATION THAT WIIL BE OF VALUE TO THE LOCAL TORNADO WARNING GROUP AT A CENTRAL POINT. e. ESTABLISH CONTACT WITH THE RADAR ROOM OPERATOR AND FURNISH HIM WITH THE INFORMATION HE REQUESTS OR IS AVAILABLE FROM THE RACES SERVICES. EXCEPT FOR SPECIAL INFORMATION REQUESTS BY THE RADAR OPERATOR; THE NOtMAL INFORMATION HE WILL NEED IS: REPORTS OF DAMAGING WINDS IN STORM AREA APPROACHING TTTIS COUNTY. REPORTS OF HAIL /ANDOR HAIL DAMAGE REPOSETS OF UNUSUAL HEAVY RAINFALL REPORTS OF TORNADOES. THE RADAR ROOM WILL :BE EQUIPED WITH A RADIO 'UNIT ON THE 28.72r RACES FREQUENCY TO HAN IE WE &THER COMMUNICATIONS . THE NET CONTROL FOrLISTFTERNATES IS SUBJECT: RACES Plan Brazos County Page 2 c. The Civil Defense Director for this county is: NAME: Jake Cangelose ADDRESS: 402 Mitchell, Bryan, Texas 2. Civil Defense Communications Officer a. The civil Defense Communications Officer has the direct responsibility under the Civil Defense Director for the provision, organization, maintenance, readiness, and utilization of all means of communications to be used by this civil defense organization in the performance of its lawful functions, b. The Civil Defense Communications Officer for this County is: Name: Chester OtDonnell Address: 315 Lee St, College Station, Texas 3. Civil Defense Radio Officer a. The Civil Defense Radio Officer is directly responsibility to the Communications Officer for the provisions, organization, maintenance, readiness, and utilization of radio communication facilities for civil defense use. He is also responsible for training mod of operators in the Standard Operating Procedures. b. The Civil Defense Radio r4F for this county is: Name: James Richard K1uth ADDRESS: 701 Highland, College Station, Texas QUALIFICATIONS: Amatuer Radio Operator, Back Ground Investigation by FBI (Cleared for Secret) K5EPH 4, Alternate Radio Officers and Net Control Officers: Name: Charles Ep Burris Alternate: Civil Defense Radio Officer Address: 705 Old Hiway 6 So 0 College Station, Texas ( Amatuer Rdio 0pr)K5EPE Name: Edgar D. Davidson Alternate Civil Defense Radio Officer Address: 206 Gordon St, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr) K5HXD Name: John B. Beckham Jr Net Control Officer for Brazos County 1015 James Parkway, College Station, Texas(Amatuer Rdio Opr K5WIC ) Name: Lee Piraino Asst Net Control Officer for Brazos County 200 Academy, Bryan, Texas ( Amatuer Radio Opr WSDPP) 5. RACES Operators: a. Each RACES Operator is responsible to the Radio Officer or Alternate Radio Officer, through his net Control Officer, for the operation of his assigned radio station. This will include sending and receiving of authorized traffic, using proper procedures, knowing and adjusting his assigned equipment where applicable, keeping logs and records of trans -3 facilities for civil defense use. He is also responsible for training of operators in the Standard Operating Proceedures. b. The Civil Defense Radio Officer for this county is Chester A O'Donnell 315 Le Ave. S. Coll ge St ion, Texas 4. Net Control Officers a. The Civil Defense Net Control Officer is directly responsible to the Radio Officer for operation of his network. It is his duty and responsibility to see that the network is operated in an efficient manner using proceedures approved by fkxxRNAtxxiaAAimmxx and at times authorized by kimx the Radio Officer. He will conduct training and drills as may be required to bring hin network to a peak operating efficiency. It will also be his responsibility to see that the network is not in violation of any rules or laws of the FCC, RACES, CD and the State. - b. The Civil Defense Net Control Officers for this county are 1 Alpha - Qammand Net - E. D. Davidson GcMM44 (Lou !t/ r- 206 S. Gordon Bryan, Texas ��'ry7 _ � _ Q / Bravo - - }9a' er d 'dare �e 1413 rt St. B an, T xas . - ' - 2 a Charles E. Burris 705 Old Highway 6 College Station, Texas Deln.ea-1-- aunty George E. Huebn-. 0 Wa on C- eve . 'on, Texas 5. RACES Operators a. Each RACES operator is responsible to the Radio Officer or Alternate Radio Officer, through his Net Control Officer, for the operation of his assigned radio station. This will include -4- YL j sending and receiving of authorized traffic, using proper proceed - ures, knowing and adjusting his assigned equipment, keeping logs and records of transmissions, receptions and traffic. b. RACES OPERATORS to be utilized in this plan are Marion J. Scarmardo Angelina M. Scarmardo 800 N. Parker 800 N. Parker Bryan, Texas Bryan, Texas Roy R. Bernhard Oda L. Pate Allen Military Academy RFD 3, Box 235 Bryan, Texas Bryan, Texas Y Morris B. Stone James H. Lynch 1 701 Maryem 702 Edgemore College Station, Texas Bryan, Texas Lyman J. Hardeman Lee L. Piraino t- RFD 4. Box 179 -A 200 Academy St. Bryan, Texas Bryan, St. Y'' Joe H. Bonifazi Bryc$ O. Britton RFD 2, Box 228 103 S. Ennis St. Bryan, Texas Bryan, Texas v' James R. Kluth Chester A. O'Donnell 701 Highland 315 Lee Ave. S. College Station, Texas College Station "alter Ware E.. D. Davidson 1' = rt St. 206 S. Gordon Bryan, Texa Bryan, Texas Charles E. Burris Ge. Te Huebner 705 Old Highway 6 1010 .1 :• College Station, Texas Col ege Station, Texas c. Each of the above named rnen licensed amateur radio operator, AL hate aril had network experience, and a41 owns e quipment which can and will be operated in CD operation. D. Applicabilit of Rules Governing Amateur Radio Stations and Operators: In all cases not specifically covered by the regulations contained in the sub -part, licensed amateur stations authorized to be operated in the Ut Og trkeleyotrigt , MOO T V& y v y 4 g- O 0 ti ti h Es a a A 1 I 1 r.l. a 3- A 2. I �' fo C1 x h ° t mil cn el tp w A Z H 1 ..1.1 ;1" . i . co to, .t_ `' A °p CO SZ 11A 4 o ft) Z h7 44 A ,7- , • F. a pt 'o r G o �' a C7 a b =. El tri ax oa. n 6. z 1 o A. Q t-i 3 y tr (4 b 1 a a 5 4 a p Z n O o z' A , -V g i S1 — °» N $` CO O a e Qt . G — i o a ro h gt gt . ■ • . ■ . . ♦ A 4 4 `C ; A , . ,' . a, . ∎ l 4 4 4 A ' 1 p o 4, A T H State of Texas 1 County of Travis 1 do solemn'Iy swear: "1. E r LI � 5 "1. That I am not, and have never been, a member of the Communist Party. (The term 'Communist Party' as used herein means any organization which (a) is substantially directed, dominated or controlled by the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics, or its satellites, or which (b) seeks to overthrow the Government of the United States, or of any State, by force, violence or any other un- lawful means); and "2. That I am not, and, during the preceding five year period have not been, a member of any organization, association, movement, group or combination which the Attorney General of the United States acting pursuant to Executive Order No. 9835, March 21, 1947, 12 Federal Register 1935, has designated as totalitarian, fascist, communist or subversive, or as having adopted a policy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny others their rights under the Constitution of the United Statcs, or as seeking to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means; and "3. That I an not, and, during the preceding five year period, have not been, a member of any 'Communist Political Organization' or 'Communist Front Organization' registered under the Federal Internal 5.�:�rity Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C.A., sec. 781, et seq.) or required to so r egister under said Act by final order of the Federal Subversive Activities Control Board." So help me God. (Th Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said _ __ - - - -__ -- this day of 19_, to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Notary Public _ Travis County, Texas y. • o k . • 4 . all . . ': : Y 1. • FCC Form , 81 -J CD -1 0 Apr 11 1858 United States of America FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMDRIKIN Unit 6201 Jr. AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE Name o f llcenee -- a - -_— _ CW 81an81an - --- � s Frank T. Cox K5'1 y • Norm f ooa aerNorm— peritlon — ---- ___._,______ State of Texas ` Name and address of civil defense radio officer Frank 'T. Cox, K5TRY _ Box 2276 Capitol Station Term of authorization: FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date , u L Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) • -4 . Earc on�3 {1to P ns: — - - -- 1-28-64 B' direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNI TIONSCOM1dL98ION - bone ,bt.ftu g Ac.'•7 Secretar : • • a • i FCC Form 481 -3 _ April 1958 States of America p�t� e� ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION "� LICSNSS AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE GENC RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE ::::‘:,', . 7 : 4. ' . ' Name of licensee — ________ �1, 1t � � C 1 31gn - -'-- — 1'Iifrmal area op +ratio. - --- - = -- Lk ame and address X111-:S' h ,p G �+ "�' radio i er A I� tES . 1dG&RP.1 6 13c l! g5 4•/ 7c...5 Lic1 w14ytM - ec, (l1Gc,. v . 6 -e. ^T x4S Term of authorization: FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date w Y 1 2-27 -6 Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) c a con one: - - - - - -- �" I�VV BY dlrecUon SERA M ML U111CA r e y �I LSSION None ,4t,,,� � y � �, - . Acting seemeta 1! j . • «4.44.. - I. • FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- 16141.3 SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUTICOPIONS COMMISSION I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission CHESTER ARTHUR O'DONNELL such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, 315 Lee Ave. S College Station, Texas whether ation. b license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this L. I now hold amateur /' L r k_ - operator license, Privileges Conditional class, .. Signature o app cant (Must a ee with Ite 1) , Subscribed and sworqq ,,.,.� and amateur station license, call sign K 5 K T Cr • to before me this 1.4 day of May , 59 Expiration date: sa zr l 3 , l Q S2 (SEAL) (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3, Application for: (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law does not require seal.) New station ® Modification ❑ Renewal E 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment ❑ Notary Public �� D A and control points covered by this application both as Yes No to physical operation and service conducted? J11ne 1 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires 1, 1 959 razo s C, t nl y Civil DP fen sP TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 8. Give location of the headquarters and area served by that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above - named civil defense BRAZOS COUNTY COURT HOUSE BRYAN TEXAS organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation f f in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. AREA SERVED: Brazos County I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- BRAZOS COUNTY cations plan identified herein c4 n a amendment the eof. 7 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in i� / - -� - - which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signs ure . Offi er^ that plan. " - 3 `s "�°' '.. FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Effective date Expirationdate(3a.m. E.S.T.) Plan for Brazos County, Texas Brazos County Communication Officier _ - - -- ` - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- ___ - - FCC Form 481 - " FCC Form 481 -3 April 1958 ' April 1958 United States of America RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Name and address of licensee 1 AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE CHESTER ARTHUR O'DONNELL Name of licensee Call Sign 315 LEE AVE. S. CHESTER ARTHUR O'DONNELL K 5 K I G COLLEGE STATION TEXAS f Normal area of operation Call sign K 5 K I G BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization Name and address of civil defense radio officer Brazos ZOS CCU Civil Defense Chester A. O'Donnell BRYAN, TEXAS 315 Lee Ave. S. FOR 9AMMISSION VIE ()NIA' C911ep Station, Tex s WPM of anthoriaa €iana WPM �€ ��€� ®riaa €ioni FAR COMMISSION LIRE ONLY DLLs® €jve date Expiration date (8 a, in, ILL TO Eff @@ €iv@ date Expiration date (3 a,tn, !I, ®,T.) ipeeial eondi €ion@; p@o a @on itional Sildiit le FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMIS= • 4 . ®ecretarr OA „; INSTRUCTIONS FCC Form 451-4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE - -- t April 1905 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Application® for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there a CHESTER ARTHUR O'DONNELL is on file with the Commission, or submitted with the app11- cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- ” 315 LEE AVE. S. work in which the station will operate and the official certi- COLLEGE STATION TEXAS fication of the civil defense radio officer. 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forme except where otherwise instructed. i - - - -.- Call sign K 5 K I G _ 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other ;'Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur g radio station license, are eligible for an authorization in this service. Brazos Count" Civil Defense 4, BRAZOS COUP COURT HOLSE Each application meet be ceuntereigned by the appropriate civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the BRYAN , TEXAS application form. 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, : Washington 25, D. C. i FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: GPO: 1958 0 - 464712 Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) ■ FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- R141.3 SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- I. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission Leonard Forrest Woodworth such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, 403 No.. Haswell Drive Bryan, Te whether by license or other and request an authorization in accordance with this Y i' xas application. 2. I now hold amateur _ s.d - / ! / — /' ` .. /�� operator license, Privileges General. l ign. . • r'.. an .. rus •g ' . • � m W5AZH class, - o ti'Y 5AZH Subscribed and swo n — j - and amateur station license, call sign 9Y ZH to before me this 7j .N day of , 19 .• Q Expiration date: 4May 196-1.r j- j r ` _ — / ?c / (SEAL) 47 7 CO[!' (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3. Application for: (Check one) requires otirrwise state that law does not require seal.) New station El Modification j Renewal 0 . _ !.. , / 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment NUAH ' "!° - Notary P d r and control points covered by this application both as Yes ® No ii v ,. — t . • to physical operation and service conducted? 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires . - 4 / Brazos bounty Civil Defence TO BE COMP TED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 6. Give location of the headquart rs and area served by that organization I hereby certify th t the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense organization and has • . tisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation C ounty Court House in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. Brazos County, Texas I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan ide tified herein or an approved amen.. ent thereof. Brazos County, Texas 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in >i e , which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under `'^ Signature of ileac Officer that plan. - ((TT s .8 0t. t '- ar-- FOR CO 4 V N IlSE ONLY Term of authorization: Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan for Brazos County Texas FCC Form 481 -2- FCC Form d81 - April 1958 ' 1 April 1958 United States of America RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE I FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION r Name and address of licensee ■ AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 403 No. Haswell Drive Bryan, Texas I Name of licensee Call Sign 1 Leonard Forrest Woodworth Leonard Forrest Woodworth W5AZH 1 Normal area of operation W5AZH Call sign W I Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization Brazos Count-, Texas Name and address of ..y, +. . radio officer County Court House I Chester Ar O'Donnell Brazos, County, Texas 315 Lee Ave. S. Prasoc F 11 1 lISiI 1 RISE o D o fongo College Station, Texas Term of authorization: 'Term of authorization: FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) I Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) 1 1 Special conditions: Special conditions: . By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION , r a 1 ; I Secretary ww INSTRUCTIONS ,FCC Form 481 - 4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE ' April 1958 FCC RECORD COPY 'Name and address of isen,s ee 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur i Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there Leonard Forrest Woodworth .s on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- , 403 No. Haswell Drive cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- , work in which the station will operate and the official certi- Bryan , Texas fication of the civil defense radio officer. , 1 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms 1 except where otherwise instructed. ! - 'Call sign W5AZH 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur 'Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization radio station license, are eligible for an authorization in Brazos County Civil Defense this service. Brazos County Courthouse 4 . Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate 1 Bryan, Texas civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the I application form. 1 I 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning 1 the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, 1 Washington 25, D. C. 1 FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY ,Term of authorization: GPO: 1958 0 - 464712 , Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) 1 FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- 11141.3. SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant -(Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with Beckham, this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- John B. Be Jr. vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission % such action is deemed necessary. Z I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this 1015 James Parkway, College Station, Texas application. 2. I now hold amateur Conditional , ---& / 4 c 4 / � operator license, Privileges class, ig a . - o a• can •' us a:ree 1 • �r Subscribed and sworn and amateur station license, call sign K5WIC to before me this z 4 day of , 19 • Expiration date: November 10 1964 (SEAL) (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3. Application for: (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law does not require seal.) New station l Modification D Renewal 0 /-}.�/ 4 • . Will applicant have control over all the equipment Notary Public 1.. :Ze r�CJ and control points covered by this application both as Yes E No to physical operation and service conducted? / 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires O - /- 1 4 Brazos County Civil Defense TO /BE COMPLETED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 6. Give location of the headquarters and area served by that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense Bryan, Texas Brazos County Courthouse organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. rzos County, Texas I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has -'._> -" been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan identified here'. or an apvendment' e -..,/,/ ��� Brazos County, Texas »! 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in `-,-- which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Si: : ture of Radio Officer that plan. FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Term of authorization: Plan for Brazos County, Texas Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Network dontrol Station Fixed FCC Form 481 -2 »-- -- -- -___ _»_._ ___. , __ ___ _ ____w_»._w______ ____:_ _ 1 FCC Form 481 -3 April 1958 i April 1958 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE Name and address of licensee AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE John B. Beckham Jr. i Name of licensee Call Sign 1015 James Parkway John B. Beckham, Jr. K5WIC College Station, Texas f Normal area of operation 1 Call sign KSWIC ■ Brazos County Texas Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization Brazos County Civil Defense 1 Name and address of civil defense radio officer Bryan, Texas E. D. Davidson Brazof County Courthouse 206 South Gordon Street FOR COM USE ONLY Bryan, Texas Term of authorization: ! FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) , Term of authorization; + Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Special conditions: Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION i 1 I -' Secretary ° q ` - -- °s____ __ -- s ue _= s 9- - ° -' ° - - - - - - '° - ° ° - - °s - - - a_ v__._,___w__w.. ___ » _____-"- --- - - -.r. - INSTRUCTION3 I FCC Form 481 -4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 April 1958 1 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur ;Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there 1 .a B. on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- i John B cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- + Beckham, JrT • work in which the station will operate and the official certi- 1 1 015 James Parkway fication of the civil defense radio officer. i College Station Texas 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms 1 except where otherwise instructed. Call sign K5WIC 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other i than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur + Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization radio station license, are eligible for an authorization in 1 this service. i Brazos texas Civil Defense t 4 . Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate 4 Bryan, civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the j application form. ; Brazos County Courthouse • 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, 4 Washington 25, D. C. i FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY 1 Term of authorization; Giro: 1958 O - 464712 1 Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) t 1 FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved r April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- R141.3 SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- JAMES MATHEW LYNCH vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, 702 Edgemore Dr. whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this application. ' Bryan, Texas , i 2. I now hold amateur r 4 11 1 f operator license, Privileges Cond. class, .p• 1 an emus '° ee 1 em Subscribed and sw. n and amateur station license, call sign W5IYQ to before me this _�� day of 19/. • Expiration date: March 1, 1965 (SEAL) (Notary Public's seal must be affixed wherelaw of jurisdiction 3. Application for: (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law does not require seal.) New station n Modification Ei Renewal Ei / / y 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment Notary Public ,i ,,..,L____-_ ._ -� � i �- j and control points covered by this application both as Yes Ril No E to physical operation and service conducted? 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires �- ‘.3/ ....1_'... BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE TO BE COMPLETED BY HE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 6. Give location of the headquarters and area served by that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense Brazos Court House organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation Bryan, Texas in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has Serving all Brazos County been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense comet ' ations network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan identif 1� ein or / - . approved a thereof. Bryan, Texas an vicinity AV , r ,,._0.;-.s= 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in , which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signature of •,.e �fficer that plan. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY g y Term of authorization: Plan for Brazos County Texas Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) April Form 1 FCC Form A81 - 3 1 April 1958 United States of America RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Name and address of licensee 1 AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE James Mathew Lynch 1 Name of licensee Call Sign 702 Edgemore Dr. , JAMES MATHEW LYNCH W5IY(': Bryan, Texas 'Normal area of operation Call sign 75IYQ 1 Bryan, Texas and vicinity Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization 1 Name and address of c �'•'- se radio officer Brazos County Civil Defense 1_ Chester A. O'Donnell 4IPI Brazos County Court House 315 Lee Ave. Bryan, Texas � College Sta., Texas FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Term of authorization: Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) I 1 Special conditions: 1 1 Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1 1 pii I 1 1 S ecretary °. • INSTRUCTIONS 1FCC Form 481 -4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE : April 1958 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there JAM +"S MATHEW LYNCH ., on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- : cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- 1 702 EDGEMORE DR work in which the station will operate and the official certi- 1 + . fication of the civil defense radio officer. 1 BRYAN, TEXAS 1 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms 1 except where otherwise instructed. :Call sign W5IYQ 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other 4 than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur 'Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization radio stationlicense, are eligible for an authorization in � BRAZOS COUNT °I CIVIL DEFENSE this service. 1 BRAZOS COURT ,FUSE 1 4 . Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate I BRYAN, TEXAS civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the 1 application form. 1 I 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning 1 the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, 1 Washington 25, D. C. 1 FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY : Term of authorization: GPO: 1958 O - 464712 1 Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) I • FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- R141.3 SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission JOE H. BONIFAZI such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this ROUTE 2, BOX 228 BRYAN, TEXAS application. ■ 2. I now hold amateur c.' cC 1 f,.. L -":0 C . operator license, Privileges CONDITIONAL class, Signature api l �Iust a ee wiem 1) CBH and sworn and amateur station license, call sign K5 4 CBH to before me this ✓S d of T- , 19 G G) Expiration date: 2� �62 TT? 62 (SEAL) (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3. Application for: (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law does not require seal.) New station X Modification _ Renewal El 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment Notary Public and control points covered by this application both as Yes iill No to physical operation and service conducted? / / 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires 8 — '—' La / Brazos County Civil Defense TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 6. Give location o the headquarters and are served by that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense Braz05 C ounty Uour t house organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation Bryan, Texas in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. Brazos County I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan identifie. - 'n or . approved amendment thereof. Brazes county, Texas - ' 4, e":2,(42.--0,.._,,,--e-e--e..._ 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in .u„s•e -C- rn • which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signature of ASIR& Officer that,�qlan Ka Amateur Civil Emergency Service FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Texas Term of authorization: date ion: Plan for Brazos County Te Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) _ _. FCC Form 481_ 2 - - - ------------------------ -- -- ----- -- ------ -z--- __- - - - - -- ._.�_w��we��. April 1958 FCC Form "81-3 ii April 1958 United States of America RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE u FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Name and address of licensee AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE TOE H. BONIFAZI 1 1 Name of licensee Call Sign • ROUTE 2, BOX 228 JOE H. BONIFAZI KSCBH BRYAN, TEXAS il I Normal area of operation Call sign K5 CBH " 0 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization d Name and address of kite Ianense radio officer Brazos County Civil Defe N Chester A. O'Donnell o Brazos Couhty Court House 4 1 315 Lee Ave. Rryan, Texas N Colleire Sta., Texas FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY i� Term of authorization: ii FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) !I Term of authorization: n Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) I Special conditions: x Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 4 M 'r 1 Secretary '4.00 INSTRUCTIONS 1 0 FCC Form 481 -4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE a April 1958 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there 0 JOE H BONIFAZI ,s on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- H. v cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- i ROUTE2, BOX 228 work in which the station will operate and the official certi- d fication of the civil defense radio officer. BRYAN, TEXAS 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms 1 except where otherwise instructed. Call sign Kc rpL7 H 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other i i1J li than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur y Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization radio station license, are eligible for an authorization in Brazos County Civil Defense this service. Brazos County Court House 4 • Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate ` Bryan, Texas civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the 1 application form. j 1 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, 1 Washington 25, D. C. 1 FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY 1 Term of authorization: GPO : 1958 O - 464712 ! Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) 1 FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52-R141.3 SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission G ayle R. Barrage such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this 1114 E. 25th, Bryan, Texas application. 2. I now hold amateur -/ �, 491 4. . .i_tra«..2 operator license, Privileges Conditional class, 11 ∎ ure o ap. ican Y us agree wi t sign Ky5 to and sworn - day of ' and amateur station license, call si / a. g A AE7a1 to before me this y ` ,L,. 19 �O Expiration date: 5 — 13 -- 62 (SEAL) (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3. Application for: (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law does not require seal.) New station ® Modification ❑ Renewal E a 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment Notary Public -b ''''. i and control points covered by this application both as Yes ® No ❑ to physical operation and service conducted? 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires / 41, i r Brazos County Civil Defense TO BE COM ED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 8. ive location o the headquarters and area served by that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense B razos County Courthouse organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation Bryan Texas in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. a Brazos County I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communic ions network in accordance with the civil defense communi- Brazos County, Texas cations plan ident in an approved amendment thereof. eL, era a .- ,..-.-e-e___ 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signature of4ldiio Officer that plan. AaQ10 Amateur Civil Emergency Service FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: Plan for Brazos County Texas Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) FCC Form 481 -2 — __ —__ - __ � -- . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -. April 1958 FCC Form a81 - United States of America April 1955 8 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 1 Name and address of licensee 1 AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 Gayle R. Barrage 1 Name of licensee Call Sign o i114 E. 25th Bryan, Texas Gayle R. Barrage K5HYV 1 Normal area of operation 1 Call sign KS M 1 Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization : Brazos Count , Texas razos CC B iul l ense 1 Name and address ofcvj se radio officer Brazos Coun ty CC Couvl hoDus efe 1_ Chester A. O'Donnell Bryan, Texas 315 Lee Ave. FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY 1 College Sta., Texas Term of authorization: 1 FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) 1 Term of authorization: 1 Effective date Expiration date (9 a.m. E.S.T.) 1 Special conditions: 1 : Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1 1 1 Secretary 1 INSTRUCTION3 1 FCC Form 481 - RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 April 1958 1 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur 1 Name and address of licensee 1 Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there 1 Gayle R. Burage is on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- 1 cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- 1 1114 E. 25th. St. work in which the station will operate and the official certi- 1 fication of the civil defense radio officer. 1 Bryan, Texas 1 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms 1 except where otherwise instructed. 1 1 Call sign Om M 1 i7ai� 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other 1 Name and location of headquarters organization than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur : d9 of civil defense gan radio station license, are eligible for an authorization in 1 Brazos County Civil Defense this service. : Brazos County Courthouse 4 . Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate 1 Bryan, Texas civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the 1 application form. 1 1 11 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning 1 the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, P Washington 25, D. C. N FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: GPO: 1958 0 - 464712 M Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) P I `. 1 FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- R141.3 SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission r� Q such action is deemed necessary. {TL/ A /�j��/ ai 4 I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or othe • • ise, and request . • authoriz. on in accordance with this application. •�. N� ire.. -p?Y rkQ., 2. I now hold amateur da ` ,ai! ; ', A i operator license, Privileges egkt ditAald / class, 'igna ure o a. us agree wi em Subscribed end sworn V and amateur station license, call sign r to before me this day of 1 Expiration date: • 4 _ (SEAL) • - (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3. Application for: (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law does not require seal.) New station Modification 0 Renewal El / 4. Will applicant have control over all the equipment Notary Public L��� � /_� tt /1_s[ %i - c and control points covered by this application both as Yes i2 to physical operation and service conducted? J 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires (� — / TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER Rrazna County Civil De fan ga 6. Give location of the headquarters and area served by that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense Brazos County Courthouse organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation Bryan, Texas in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. Bra County I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan identif' in or approved amenereof. Brazos County, Texas 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in osorpy«Cey.. which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signature o - Henke Officer that Man. Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: Plan for Brazos County Texas Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) FCC Form 481 -2 —_ - --- - - -- - --- - -- --- - - - --- — -- _ i_ April 1958 I FCC Form A81 -3 April 1958 United States of America RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Name and address of licensee AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE Marion J. Scarmardo : Name of licensee Call sign 800 N. Parker Marion J. Scarmardo K5KXC Bryan, Texas Normararea.of operation Call sign K5NXC 1 Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization Brazos County, Texas 1 Name and address of eamig radio officer Brazos County Civil Defense Chester A. O'Donnell Brazos County Court Huse 315 Lee Ave. N Bryan, Te 2 , O MMISSION USE ONLY Y I A11 Age Ci:A _ T ('rB $ Term of authorization: 1 FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E. S. T.) Term of authorization: Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Special conditions: 1 Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Secretary ' INSTRUCTIONS FCC Form 481 -4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE April 1958 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there �( J. Scarmardo is on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- Marion . Scarmardo cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- 1 800 N. Parker work in which the station will operate and the official certi- fication of the civil defense radio officer. Bryan, Texas 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms i1 except where otherwise instructed. Call sign K r 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other t 5OC than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur 1 Name and location Of headquarters of civil defense organization radio station license, are eligible for an authorization in 1 this service. 1 Brazos County Civil Defense t I Brazos B County Court House 4 • Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate 1 y civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the 1 Bryan, Texas application form. 1 1 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning 1 the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, 1 Washington 25, D. C. it FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY 'Term of authorization: GPO: 1958 O - 464712 4 Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) 11 FCC Form 481 -1 Form Approved April 1958 United States of America Budget Bureau No. 52- R141.3. - SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A STATION ISI THE RADIO I recognize the temporary nature of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE agree to abide by any and all orders and directives of the Federal Communications Com- 1. Name of applicant (Print) mission as they apply to that service and that any authorization issued in accordance with this application shall be issued with the express understanding that it is subject to re- /n 42. /n a/ ! . 5 ) r e r a-y a 1 0 vocation or cancellation by the Commission at any time if in the opinion of the Commission JJ " 9 such action is deemed necessary. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as Mailing address (number, street, city, state) against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, N whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this 80 N Parke-,r Wye. application. / 1 2. I now hold amateur � operator license, Privileges (217 df /04 3 f class, 'i�: ure o app ic. 'us a: ee wi em , ...c- �� Subscribed and savor Subscri and amateur station license, call sign to before me this y of _ lg bp Expiration date: '�-""" ..5-'"' 4 3 (SEAL) (Notary Public's seal must be affixed where law of jurisdiction 3. Application for; (Check one) requires; otherwise state that law es not require seal.) New station d Modification 0 Renewal E 4. Will applicant have control over all the e Notary Public tafe and control points covered by this application both as Yes lie ii to physical operation and service conducted? / o 5. Name of the Civil Defense Organization My commission expires ( Rra7oa County Civil u vil D µ ef g ense TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO OFFICER 6. Gil) r az0s t li0Ul1+ a y e 4 0r �I�w5 rd y that organization I hereby certify that the applicant is a member of the above -named civil defense organization and has satisfied all requirements (both local and federal) for participation B ryan, Texas in the radio communications network for the area served by that organization. Brazos C O1 'ty I further certify that the amateur station licensed in the name of the applicant has been approved and, when authorized by the Commission, will actually constitute a unit of 7. Give the area intended to be served by the network in which this station will operate. a civil defense communications network in accordance with the civil defense communi- cations plan idea ' re' or an approved a ndment thereof. Brazos County, Texas 8. Identify the communications plan for the civil defense communications network in et Wir which this station will operate and describe the manner in which you will operate under Signature A Office that plan. FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Ter of authorization: g y Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) Plan for Brazos County Texas FCC Form 481 -2, -. - - - - - April 1958 FCC Form 481 -3 1958 United States of America April 1 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 Name and address of licensee AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A STATION IN THE RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE Angelina M. Scarmardo i Name of licensee Call Sign 800 N. Parker Ave. �An 'n � M Scarmardo K5KXB Bryan. Texas � Norm a ® oper ion Call sign K5 i Name and location oY6e"d$ quarters of civil defense or anization Rraz rOU*lt T Brazos County Civil Defense a da dfe sof v 1 8 defenseradio officer > s.er A. Donnell Brazos County Court House 315 Lee Ave. Bryan, Texas College Sta. Texas FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization: FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) i Term of authorization: 1 Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.) 1 1 Special conditions: !Special conditions: By direction of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION i i Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 4 FCC Form 481 -4 RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE : April 1958 FCC RECORD COPY 1. Applications for authority to operate in the Radio Amateur Name and address of licensee Civil Emergency Service will not be considered unless there . Angelina M. Scarmardo .s on file with the Commission, or submitted with the appli- cation, a copy of the approved civil defense plan for the net- 800 N. Parker Ave. work in which the station will operate and the official certi- : Bryan, Texas fication of the civil defense radio officer. a 2. Applicants are to complete all pertinent parts of these forms I except where otherwise instructed. *Can sign 1(51/3B 3. Only those persons holding an amateur operator license, other than Technician or Novice Class, and appropriate amateur Name and location of headquarters of civil defense organization radio cnlicense , are eligible for an authorization in I Brazos County Civil Defense this service. r Brazos County Court House 4 . Each application must be countersigned by the appropriate y civil defense radio officer in the space provided on the 0 Bryan, Texas application form. 1 5. Submit one copy of this form, and all inquiries concerning S the application, to the Federal Communications Commission, , Washington 25, D. C. h FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY Term of authorization; GPO: 1958 0 - 464712 ` Effective date Expiration date (3 a.m. E.S.T.)