HomeMy WebLinkAboutVarious REACT news articles 1977 CB rest stop aids
Labor D a d rivers ,�� r NOTICE
Y �N_ C Due to circumstances be-
r v yond our con trol, the Golden
c 4 1 11.".
,p Eagle C.B. Club's Annual
By MARVIN ISSAACKS in emergency situations.,' "This is a project N a. L. Cof fee Break to be held
CO D of on Oct. 1, 1977 has been
Battalion Staff to serve the community by allowing O w" CANCELLED.
"You north and south bounders out on people to stop, rest and refresh them- s+
{p The people holding tickets
Highway 6 tonight stop and have a cup of selves and allow them to prepare for the c I; on the Siltronix 10 -11D Radio
coffee before you hit the road." road. ahead," said Jaycee Craig Lauder- may mail the tickets to the
The call, heard yesterday by motorists dale. 0 e president of the club for a
monitoring channel 19 on their CB radios, - Coffee, punch, ice water and doughnuts H refund.
Thank You,
was coming from the Bryan - College Sta- were provided free. A crew of windshield Robert S. Boyd
tion Jaycees' Annual Labor Day Rest Stop. washers was on hand to wash the 1410 Skrivanek
More than 500 cars had stopped by Sun- windslYields of those who stopped. Bryan, Tx. 77801
day night at the rest stop located six miles Emergencies and communications were r
08 e,
north of Bryan on Hwy. 6. taken care of by the Bryan - College Station 1 LEGAL NOTICES I. 1 e' CB `'R
The rest stop, organized and manned by REACT team. This was the first year I. J CLUB
W/ _ members of the Bryan - College Station REACT worked with the Jaycees on the LEGAL NOTICE
_ Jaycees and REACT Chapters, was started project. REACT members monitered CB
Sealed proposals addressed
10 years ago as a public .service by the radios 24 hours a day, responding to calls the Board of Trustees, " "
t Jaycees. from motorists with flat tires, empty fuel adisonville Independent
• . on a.... ana
t (/ REACT is a volunteer organization of tanks, and broken motors.
1 1/4 CB radio listeners who assist one another "We chased cows off the highway one
morning at two o'clock," said Roy \Vig
gins, a member of the REACT team.
:. The Jaycees amd REACT members'
1 I I
worked the rest stop in four hour shifts
f Some work for several shifts. "We try to
4' he of some assistance to the people. \Vc
4 don't mind giving up our weekends," sai • .. jack Kees A REACT team member.
� ✓ J Jaycee member Pat Shelbourne said 1
r there is really no way to measure how
:` much good the Jaycees were doing in pre-
venting accidents on the highways. How,
r "_ ever, the Jaycees feel preventing even one-. •
accident is worth the effort. "If we didn't
"= think we were helping, we wouldn't be
! here," said Shelbourne.
Local REACT member
serve as our `ears
To the Editor:
The article about citizen band Letters to Editor
(C.B.) radios in police cars omitted
a few important facts your readers Letters to the editor - are
should know. Indeed its comforting welcomed by The Eagle.
to know that "smokey" is paying However, they must meet
attention to a motorist's welfare as certain criteria. They must be
well as his speedometer. However, signed. They must be no longer
the article did not mention the than 250 words and. preferably,
(N. thousands of unseen "ears" country should deal with issues rather
wide that regularly monitor channel than personalities. The Eagle
1 9, the national emergency channel. reserves the right to edit letters
I am referring to members of and to delete material that is not
REACT (Radio ' Emergency good taste or s legally
1 Associated Citizen's Teams) an FCC questionable.
sanctioned, international
organization whose members are assistance to motorists. Members of
I found in more than 1600 local Brazos County REACT number
organizations across the country. about fifty and most have received
Your readers may be interested to emergency first aid and CPR
know that the Brazos Valley area training.
has 3 local REACT teams which So for those readers who may
serve the communities of Hearne wonder whether the Brazos Valley
(Booger County REACT), Caldwell smokies have "ears ", we can't say.
and Sommerville (Burleson County But anyone who calls for smokey on
REACT) and the Bryan - College Channel 9 will be talking to a trained
Station area (Brazos County REACT monitor who can dispatch a
REACT). All 3 REACT teams have police unit or ambulance to the
members on monitoring duty 24 caller's location as quickly as it
hours to provide emergency radio takes to dial a telephone number.
communication and personal Edward D. Harris