HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrinting on Water Drums for reuse as commodes DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE Region 5 Denton, Texas SPECIAL N O T I C E PRINTING ON WATER DRUMS December 3, 1962 The metal water storage drums now in procurement channels will be printed with "Filling, Dispensing and Use as a Commode" instructions on the outside of the drums. This wording differs from that on containers already delivered or in warehouse stocks. A. The instructions for filling will read as follows: TO FILL "REMOVE DRUM COVER. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING WATER - STORAGE CON - TAINERS WHICH ARE PACKED IN BOX CONTAINING THE PLASTIC BAG LINERS. DO NOT FILL DRUM WITHOUT USING PLASTIC BAG LINER. AFTER FILLING REPLACE DRUM COVET." Each unit package of 20 bag liners contains an instruction pamphlet which stipulates the techniques and procedures to follow during water filling operations. Contents of the instruction pamphlet have been stip- ulated or concurred in by Public Health Service. B. The instructions for dispensing the water will read as follows: TO DISPENSE "REMOVE COVER. REMOVE WATER PURIFICATION TABLETS (IODINE) FROM MEDICAL KIT AND DISPENSING SPOUT FROM SANITATION KIT. UNFASTEN PLASTIC BAG SPOUT, DROP 10 TABLETS INTO BAG LINER INSIDE OF DRUM. RE -TIE BAG LINER SPOUT. WAIT ABOUT 5 MINUTES. UNFASTEN WIRE TIE AND INSERT SIPHON TUBE ABOUT 3/4 LENGTH, AGITATE SIPHON TUBE FOR 30 SECONDS. WAIT 20 MINUTES. PINCH TUBE AND PULL DOWNWARD ABOUT 18 INCHES WHICH WILL START FLOW OF WATER. RELEASE PINCH AND FILL INDIVIDUAL CONTAINERS. The dispensing instructions stipulated above are being printed on the drums at the recommendation of Public Health Service. At the time of pro- curement of the drum being currently furnished, water purification tablets were not included as a Civil Defense provisioning component. Since then, on the recommendation of Public Health Service, water purification tablets were added as a component of the medical kits. In order to meet scheduled shipment dates, it was necessary to acquire tablets from the Army stockpile. Since the labeling in these tablets relates to use with a canteen of water, the dispensing instructions on the drum are being modified as described above. The Office of Civil Defense "Description, Care and Handling of Supplies for Public Fallout Shelters" will also contain instructions concerning the addition of water treatment tablets at the time of dispensing. C. The instructions for use as a commode will read as follows: TO RE -USE AS COMMODE "CUT TOP SEAM OF LINER BAG FOR FULL WIDTH OF BAG. SPREAD MOUTH OF BAGS OVER AND DOWN AROUND TOP OPENING OF DRUM ABOUT 4 INCHES. ADD WASTE TREATMENT CHEMICAL. PLACE COMMODE SEAT ON DRUM. WHEN WASTE IS TO SANI- TARY FILL LINE, CLOSE MOUTH OF BAGS AND TIE WITH WIRE TIE. DO NOT REMOVE FILLED BAGS. REPLACE DRUM COVER." This wording, relating to re -use as a commode, is the same as appears on the drums which are now being delivered.