HomeMy WebLinkAboutOil Company Participation 1963 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE Region 5 Denton, Texas January 31, 1963 REGION 5 FIELD BULLETIN NO. 63 -7 TO : All State and Local Civil Defense Directors, Region 5 SUBJECT: Industry Cooperation in the National Shelter Program Attached are copies of two recent letters indicating acceptance, support, and recommendations for cooperation in the Fallout Shelter Program. Thn Hwmble Oil and Refining Company letter authorizes its branch office officials to sign the "Fallout Shelter License or Privilege" form rather than sending the forms to the home office for signature. The letter from the Socony Mobil Oil Company provides for reconsideration of agreements for licenses which were previously denied. These letters speak for themselves as more examples of leadership which industry is providing for active support of the National Shelter Survey. BILL PARKER Regional Director Attachments 1. Letter Humble Oil & Refining Co. 2. Letter Socony Mobil Oil Co. C 0 HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY Houston 1, Texas November 7, 1962 Civil Defense Fallout Shelter Program TO OFFICERS AND MANAGERS OF REGIONS, DIVISIONS AND HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENTS OF HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY In support of the National Fallout Shelter Survey, Marking and Stocking Program the Executive Committee has authorized management representatives having responsibility for Company -owned buildings to make available to local Civil Defense authorities for public shelter use those spaces in such build- ings which are in excess of the Company's emergency requirements. Space required for the Company's emergency operations shol.ld be determined by the estimated number of employees required to continue essential operations during the critical period of the emergency and the restoration period immediately following. Employees who are not required for these essential operations may use the areas released for public shelter if they so desire. The Office of Civil Defense, Department of Defense, has responsibility for implementing the Shelter Program and is being assisted by local Civil Defense offices in the various states and cities. Preliminary engineering studies sponsored by the Office of Civil Defense indicate that several build- ings owned by Humble offer adequate shelter protection from radioactive fallout. Several requests that Humble make some spaces available for public shelter have been received, and it is anticipated that such requests will increase in the future. Local Civil Defense directors should be contacted if you have any questions regarding details of the Shelter Program. Humble's willingness to make such space available must be indicated by executing a "Fallout Shelter License or Privilege" agreement on each building. You may proceed to execute shelter agreements, at your dis- cretion, on buildings in your area that have been identified by Civil Defense authorities as having fallout shelter potential. Samples of the license agreement form and fact sheets concerning completion of the forms are being distributed by Mr. Roger C. Aude to individuals who have previously been designated to work with him on matters relating to emergency planning. L. J. Weigle LJW:fh c 0 SOCONY MOBIL OIL COMPANY P (interoffice Letter) 0.28- COMPANY BUILDINGS AS PUBLIC SHELTERS This refers to our letters of August 10th and 15th on the above subject. In light of further information received by the Security Department from the Office of Civil Defense in Washington, D. C., and additional informa- tion developed by them in the preparation of emergency plans, we now with to rescind both of these letters from this office, It has become apparent that the Company should take full advantage of areas in company buildings and facilities that qualify as fallout shelters in order to provide adequate protection f o r our employees wherever each shelter may be found. To the extent areas in Mobil buildings are licensed as public shelters, not only will these shelters afford protection to our employees working at or in the vicinity of such buildings, but the cost of stocking the shelters will be borne by the government. The fact that some of our buildings are in close proximity to volatile pe- troleum products should not, for that reason alone, disqualify them from being licensed as public shelters. Perhaps in many cases these may be the only shelters available to our employees in emergency. We believe that the lack of protection from possible fallout should an enemy attack occur pre- sents even greater risk than the hazard of volatile petroleum products in close proximity to shelters affording protection from fallout. The Security Department's initial consideration of this problem concentrated on the aspect of non- employees from outside entering shelters in our buildings, Civil Defense authorities have now assured us that the normal occupants and users of our buildings (in most cases our own cmployees) will have first call upon these shelters and that our management at each location will at all times have control of the people who might enter the shelters from the outside under conditions of extreme emergency. In this sense, the occupants of a building (our own employees) are considered just as much part of the public as non - employees from outsides In view of the foregoing, we request the followings 1. In cases where you have already rejected request for licensed agreements for reasons outlined in our Letters of August 10th and 15th, you inform the local civil defense authorities that upon further study of the subject, we wish to reconsider their request and have them resubmit to you (This specifically refers to requests from Plattsburgh and Utica, N. Y., and St. Louis, Mo.) 2. Submit all licensed agreements requests to this office for clear- ance with Security Department. This is to be done regardless of any factors which would influence whether or not the agreement should be executed. 3. In transmitting licensed agreements for review, we will appreciate having your recommendation and comments as to such facilities' proximity to volatile product storage or other hazard and poten- tial interference with operation. C. W. Pease PHCarmondy:if -2-