HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Shelter Information 1963 t tpri.l 29 196'3 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE l'UBLIO FALLOUT Sua,TER INFORMATION The purpose of the National Shelter Program is to survey, mart and ?toot existing buildings which qualify es public fellout shelters, providing building owners will allow the use of their buildings. Mr. Emmett Trent, lose) architect and heed of the Brazos County Civil Defense Shelter Proarem„ W83 trained by the H. S. Corps of Engineers to conduct the survey for Brazos end surrounding counties. As a result of his survey and the outs cooperation of the build- ing owners of Brazos County, a number of buildings will be marked and stocked in Bryen, Co11eFe Station end Texas PAM College as Public Fallout Shelters. This Makes Cain Sense -- However, this will not meen thet there will be enough shelter space for every citizen in Brazos Count,. Only pert of our looel citizens can be protected in these shelters. Private or hone ehelters are still the best answer for fellout protection for most of our citizens. Every hcaecwner or prospective homeowner should incorporc to e shelter in their ezistirg or proposed home. It could be as cheep es the t extra bathroom and it could be worth your life. Ask your builder about it. In a netionel ernar ;envy our greatest dexter will be from redioactive fellout. Follow these simple rules and plan to survive: 1. Provide a fellout protection for you end your family. 2. Heve e two weeks sippiy of food and water. 3. Have a porteble redio for inforiw tion end instructions. ( Conelred - 1240 end 640 ) PUBLIC FALLOW SHELTER INFORMATION Buildings marked as Public Fallout Shelters vill be used PS folLr%it during and alter every actual or impendlag atteck. B. B. Public Fallout shelters will be utilized on a first Gera - a. Zech pm7ol1c shelter will IVTO the following civil de 1. Shelter Manager 2. Assi't Manager 3. Radiological Monitor D. All buildings marked es ?Olio Fallout 3heiters are scheduled to 1- with food, water, medical kits, senitetion kits end radiological lastruMents. CPersons utilizing public shelters should bring, if - sPecial medicines needed end blankets or quilts for sleeping pGreesee, E. Buildings marked es Fallout Shelters have been surveyed for redietion protection only end do not necessarily offer Protection from tornedoe; or bomb blast. Jake CangloSe Director Brazos aounty Civil Defense Note: Marking and stocking of Public Shelters will be carried out in three major chases • Phase 1---- Marking shelters in Bryan and College Ste. 2T--- Marking shelters et-TaaeS A&M College 3,--- Stocking of shelters as euPolies are recieved, JOHN M. BARRON W. D. BURLEY District Judge . CE OR� Clerk of District Court W. C. DAVIS % �^ A. B. SYPTAK County Judge 'County Clerk RAYMOND A. NOLAN N " D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. i a 4o County Attorney GEORGE DUNN • o • RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRA ZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 J. W. HAMILTON JESS McGEE, Place No. 2 Sheriff Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE September 8, 19S5 SUBJECT: Public Sheltet Communication Program PURPOSE: To provide two -way radio common ication between public shelters ^nd the emergency control center. The Brazos Coun ty Civil Defense Office has fifty units licen sed in the Citizen Band Radio Service which will be used to provide com- munication between the public fallout shelters and the County Control Center. The Cities of Bryan and College Station purchased the antenna systems and Citizen Band equipment owners appointed as shelter radio operators installed the antenna systems. George L. Huebner, Civil Defense Communications Officer for Brazos County, and B ill Wedel Public Shelter Communications Officer, were responsib le for the planning of and putting into operation, the public shelter communications program for B ryan and College Station. In the ev en t of a national emergency and local shelters are opened, each radio operator will report to his assigned shelter with transceiver and batteries, connect his two -way radio to the ntenr3a system and establish contact with the control center. »Q-4 �"`^9�°''z / 0-T� Civil Defe.sv Officials installing shelter antenna at Stephen F. Austin High School: 1. F-ed Sandlin, City Manager, Bryan. 2. Bill Wedel, Civil Defense Shelter Communications Officer. 3. A. W. Doninik, Radio Operator for Stephen F. Austin Public Shelter. i. George L. Huebner, B razos County Civil Defense Communications Officer. 5. Henry Alsmeyer, Sr., Civil Defense Administrator, Brazos County. 6. Jnke CPnglose, Director, B razos County Civil Defen se. To: Owners of buildings containing areas which qualify as fall out shelters under the National Fallout Shelter Program: 1. A Department of Defense survey of buildings in this area for fallout shelter capabilities has recently been completed. Your building, or a part thereof, affords the radiation protection factor necessary to qualify as a Public Shelter. 2. The conversion of these areas to emergency shelters will not hinder normal day -to -day usage; however, some space for storage of emergency supplies is necessary. 3. If this emergency usage is acceptable to you, please complete the enclosed forms and mail one copy of each registration form and original with one copy of license form to: Jake Cangelose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Brazos County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Three individuals, preferably your employees or others having immediate access to the premises, should be appointed by you as shelter officials; to include a Shelter Manager and two Assistants, one to receive radiological monitoring training, the other to be trained in first aid principles. The local Civil Defense Organization will provide training and indoctrination in the designees' spare time. Persons so designated will be appointed as Civil Defense Officials and identi- fication cards will be issued to them. gi reant, Jr Shelter Office Brazos County ivil Defense § Y s JOHN M. ; BARRON W. D. BURLEY District Judge ' CZ 06. 6-1 Clerk of District Court W. C. DAVIS kjL A. B. SYPTAK County Judge RAYMOND A. NOLAN 0 to County Clerk D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. i GEORGE DUNN o ' o County Attorney RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax As•essor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BR, COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor - BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 1. W. HAMILTON JESS McGEE, Place No. 2 Sheriff Justice of Peoce, Precinct 4 BRYAN PUBLIC SHELTERS Building Name and Location Shelter Manager, Name and Address No. of Spaces and /av other Officials 1. Astin Building, Main at W. 26th Robert L. Allen, 100 S. Main, Mgr. 77 Edward P. McSwain, Asst Mgr., 106 W. 26th A. C. Cooper, Radiological Monitor, 106 W. 26th M. Monk, Communications Officer, 507 W. 31st 2. S. F. Austin High School, Gayle Todd, Mgr., 908 Stanfield Circle 175 801 S. Ennis Hugh A. Lancaster, Asst Mgr., 909 Nall Ln Thomas R. Jones, Radiological Monitor, . 2010 Echols A. W. Dominik, Communications Officer, 507 N. Coulter 3. Fannin Elementary School, 500 Block, 205 South Baker Wm. 0. Davis, Communications Officer, 1111 S. Winter 4. First National Bank, 120 N. Main Travis B. Bryan, Jr., Mgr., 257 120 N. Main Cecil. A. Nigh, Asst. Mgr., 120 N. Main Reuben A. Bond, 1312 E. 27th, Radio- logical Monitor C. Dobbins, Communications Officer 1307 Hoppess 5. First State Bank & Trust, Charlie Zikes, Mgr., 1707 E. 27th /5-0 Robert D. McCorquodale, Asst Mgr. 1709 Nuches Lane Thomas D. Chance, Jr., Radiological Monitor, 1302 Botts Joe Navratil, Communications Officer, 801 S. Washington 6. Hotel Charles, 201 S. Main Charles S. Myers, Mgr., P. 0. Box 935 241 Thomas J. Saxon, Asst Mgr., Hotel Charles, P. O. Box 935 George F. McKenna, Radiological Monitor 221B S. Main Alvin W. Ginzel,._Communications Officer 2504 Villa Maria BRYAN PUBLIC SHELTERS, Cont'd Building Name and Location Shelter Manager, Name and Address No. of Spaces and /or other Officials 7. LaSalle Hotel, 120 S. Main Mark Ayres, LaSalle Hotel, 120 754 S. Main Searcy Lee Wilborn, 1010 W. 17th Asst Manager Mrs. W. E. Crutchfield, Radiological Monitor, 205 Edge Roy Wiggins, Jr., Communications Officer, 1307 Mockingbird 8. St. Joseph Hospital, 401 W. 28th Edward L. Zweifel, Manager, 401 W. 28th 399 Gilbert Sefuentz, Jr., Asst Mgr., 1210 Sanders Mrs. Otilia Maria, Radiological Monitor 400 N. Sims Ed. Pohorelsky, Communications Officer 506 Tatum 9. Travis Elementary School, Pierce A. R. Denney, Manager, 702 E. 26th 502 Street at 25th _ Travis Lipscomb, Asst Mgr., 708 E. 20th Joe H. Davis, Radiological Monitor 1213 Ursuline Avenue Chester R. Price, Communications Officer 808 Banks TOTAL SPACES FOR BRYAN: A7 0 JOHN M. BARRON W. D. BURLEY Judge Distr DAVIS p J C`� 1L O Clerk of District Court W. County Judge ;ct b� A. B. SYPTAK ` + 1 County Clerk • RAYMOND A. NOLAN {w n�J CO Commissioner Precinct No. 1 D. BROOKS COFER, JR. p �• o County Attorney GEORGE DUNN a • RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY B AZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 COUNTY �I County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 J. W. HAMILTON JESS McGEE, Place No. 2 Sheriff COTLF3E STATION PUBLIC SHELTERS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 • B1'i1tiing Name and Location Shelter Manager, Name and Address No. of Spaces and /or other Officials 1. First Baptist Church, College Ed. E. Powell, 512 Brooks, Manager, CS 592 Main Street Robert E. Meyer, Asst Mgr., 308 -B Pershing, CS John T. Morrow, Radiological Monitor 304 Gilchrist, CS Henry Wedel, Communications Officer, 2016 S. Cavitt Ave., Bryan 2. U. S. Post Office, College Station Ernest Gregg (Postmaster), Manager 500 U. S. Post Office, C. S. - Joe Gomez, Asst s Manager, 519 N. Coulter, Bryan Robert M. Marcotte, Radiological Monitor 101+ Milner, CS J. D. Davidson, Communications Officer 500 -A Dogwood, CS TOTAL SPACES FOR COLLEGE STATION: 1 ,092 • JOHtZ BARROtsr D. BURLEY W. O District Judge [��' OF Clerk of District C., W. C. DAVIS " a� A. B. SYPTAK County Judge County Clerk RAYMOND A. NOLAN V P1/4 . O1 D. BROOKS COFER, JR, Commissioner Precinct No. 1 0 . a County Attorney GEORGE DUNN • a RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 J. W. HAMILTON JESS McGEE, Place No. 2 Sheriff TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PUBLIC SHELTERS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Building Name and Location Shelter Manager, Name and Address No. of Spaces and /or Other Officials 1. Animal Industries Building, Texas Dr. General Tye King, Manager, 180 A&M University 1011 Walton Drive, CS Dr. Zerle Leon Carpenter, Asset Manager, 900 Edgewood, Bryan 2. Architecture Building, Texas 76 A&M University 3. Bizzell Ha11, Military Walk, Texas Dr. Guy A. Franceschini, Manager 98 A&M University Pieter Groot, Asset Manager, 306 Spruce, College Station Clyde H. Blum, Radiological Monitor, 211 Pershing, College Sta. 4. Bolton Hall, Texas A&M University William L. Caughlin, Manager, 466 2609 Wayside Drive, Bryan W. P. Worley, Asset Manager, 1003 Dexter, College Station Albert J. Druce, Radiological Monitor 4312 Nagle, Bryan 5. Briggs Hall, Texas A&M University Calvin Reese, Manager, 720 Marylake, 56 ,y Bryan James David Fox, Asset Mgr., Dorm 2, Texas A&M, College Station Garry Lee Tisdale, Radiological Monitor, 908 Apartment A, Welch Street, College Station 6. C. E. Building, Ross Street, Texas Wayne Allen Dunlap, Manager, 208 Poplar, 266 A&M University College Station William B. Shanks, Asset Mgr., 604 Mont- clair, College Station Joseph H. Sorrels, Radiological Monitor 1007 Francis Drive, College Station 7. Chemistry Building, Texas A&M Keith A. Rowe, Shelter WAnsger, 1,654 University 704 North Street, Bryan William W. Spurlthck, Asset Mgr., 1602 Jersey, College Station Dr. Fred Sicilia, Radiological Monitor 100 Moss, College Station TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PUBLIC fHELTERS, CONT'D • . . • Building Name and Location Shelter Manager, Name and Address No. of Spaces and /or Other Officials 8. Coke Building, Military Walk, Johnnie Wayne Sepulvado, Manager, 140 Texas A&M University 505 Nagle, Apt. #4, CS • Robert B. Floyd, Jr., Asst Mgr., 411 Oak Street, CS Robertleas9n;_2z , Asst Mgr., 1009 Hereford, College Sta. 9. Cushing Library, Texas A&M Dale A. McCoy, Manager, 310 Hensel 528 University Drive, Bryan Alvin F. Halbrook, Asst Manager, 10 Rt. 3, Box 250, Bryan Charles F. Richardson, Radiological Monitor, 1013 E. Foster, CS 10. Francis Hall, Roberts Street, Texas John E. Oliver, Manager, 378 A&M University 1207 Winding Road, CS John V. Van Ingen, Asst Mgr., 505 Jersey Street, CS Dr. Leonard R. Burgess, Radiological Monitor, 404 Timber, CS 11. Geology Building, Ross Street, Melvin C. Schroeder, Manager, 1,078 Texas A&M University 1215 Orr Street, CS William D. Harris, Asst Mgr., 400 College View, Bryan Oran M. Taylor, Radiological Monitor, 1211 E. 26th Street, Bryan 12. Guion Hall, Lamar Street, Texas 137 A&M University 13. Henderson Hall, Jones Street, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Murphey, Manager, 51 Texas A&M University Henderson Hall, Texas A&M S. M. Meeks, Jr., Asst Mgr., 109 N. Avenue, Bryan William Cuthbertson, Radiological Monitor, 720 E. 27th Street, Bryan 14. Memorial Student Center, Lamar Alvin W. Houston, Manager, MSC, CS 310 Street, Texas A&M University John A. Cornejo, Asst Mgr., 1900 Rosedale, Bryan Walter F. Riddle, Radiological Monitor 3014 Maloney, Bryan 15. Military Science Building, Texas Frank Kenneth Nicolas, Manager, 200 A&M University 904 Lazy Lane, Bryan Billy C. Presnall, Radiological Monitor, Rt. 1, Box 74, Bryan 16. Nagle Hall, Texas A&M University Charles M. Hepburn, Manager 190 201 Timber, College Station Garland E. Bayliss, Asst Mgr., 207 W. Brookside, Bryan Dr. Allan C. Ashcraft, R. M., 201 Elm, Bryan TEXAS A&M UniverSITY PUBLIC SHEIT S, Con Building Naze and Location Shelter Manager, Name and Address No. of Spaces and /or Other Officials 17. Nuclear Science Center, Past John D. Randall, Manager 238 Easterwood Airport, Texas A&M 1601 Lenert, CS Donald E. Feltz, Asst Mgr., 201 Fairway, Bryan Lorenzo Wilborn, Radiological Monitor 709 Dansby, Bryan 18. Petroleum Engineering Buiiaing .` Spence Street, Texas A&M Leonard C. Bishop, Manager 555 5 Norton Street, College Sta. Robert L. Whiting, Ass't Manager, 1031 Walton, College Station Dr. Robert G. Cochran, Radiological Monitor, 515 Kyle Ave., CS 19. Physics Building, Texas A&M Robert S. Tapley, Manager 734 University 305 Timber, College Station William R. Petty, Asst Mgr., 807 Stuart, Bryan Wallace C. Cantrell, Radiological Monitor 11.10 Caui9ill St., CS 20. Plant Science Building, Nagle Dr. Robert S. Halliwell, Manager 2,252 between Lamar & Hubbard, Texas 1204 Dominik, College Station A&M University Robert R. Rhodes, Asst Mgr., 413 Walton, College Station Dr. Charles S. Miller, Radiological Monitor, 1104 Timm, CS 21. ACADEMIC BUILDING NR. HALE D. PERRY , SHELTER NNGR. AM UNIVERSITY 800Thomas Blvd. Bryan TOTAL SPACES FOR TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY: r ,1,2 ,