HomeMy WebLinkAboutFallout Shelter License Form and Example FACT SHEET CONCERNING THE FALLOUT SHELTER LICENSE FORM I. PURPOSE OF LICENSE: The obtaining of a large percentage of signed license forms from building owners whose structures offer fallout protection is vital in providing local citizens with fallout protection, in our future planning and to the success of the National Shelter Program. A completed license joins individual citizens, local, State and Federal governments in a common effort of National defense in keeping with the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950. This Act places the responsibility for Civil Defense upon all elements of government. Coordinated effort, in cooperation with private citizens, is essential to an effective civil defense program. II. PARTIES TO THE LICENSE: A. For the Shelter Building: The owner or person otherwise authorized to grant such license or privilege. B. For the Local Government: A local official (usually Mayor, City Manager or Civil Defense Direc- tor) who is legally empowered to sign for the political subdivision. C. For the Federal Government: Steuart L. Pittman, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense. III. GENERAL TERMS OF LICENSE: (for exact terms see License Form Text) A. Building owners: 1. Allow use of the basements, corridors, other common use areas or other areas of the building or structure as specifically indi- cated by building owner, which offer protection from radioactive fallout, for use by local government as public fallout shelter in the event of enemy attack. 2. Allow the affixing of appropriate signs designating shelter areas. 3. Allow for the placement of a minimum amount of shelter supplies within the designated shelter area (estimated requirement-- approximately one and a half cubic foot per person sheltered. Actual floor space required will vary slightly depending upon arrangement of store room, ceiling height, etc.). -2- 4. Allow, during reasonable periods when the premises are open for business, authorized civil defense officials the right to inspect the shelter area including supplies stored therein. 5. Owner may revoke the license or privilege by ninety (90) day written notice to the political subdivision and Federal govern- ment sentby registered mail. B. Local Government: 1. Contacts building owner or authorized representative for purpose of executing license or privilege form. 2. Places within the designated shelter area, Federally procured shelter supplies. Accepts title to such supplies and gives them the same reasonable care and maintenance as that afforded to other focal government property. 3. Prepares local government plans for use of such shelter space in the event of national emergency. C. Federal Government: 1. Through private architectural and engineering firms, surveys structure to determine area within the building offering suit- able fallout protection. 2. Provides and affixes appropriate shelter signs to designated shelter areas. 3. Provides to local government minimum shelter supplies necessary for sustaining shelter occupants for the period immediately before and shortly after an enemy attack. IV. LIABILITY: A. For Shelter Supplies: The license or privilege form specifies that, "It is expressly under- stood that the Grantor shall have no responsibility or liability for the care, protection or maintenance of the shelter stocks, willful damage or bad faith excepted." B. To Persons Occupying Shelter: Section 7 of Texas Civil Protection Act of 1951. C. Liability Insurance: Annex G. DOD /OCD National Fallout Shelter Survey, Marking and Stock- ing Program document dated February 15, 1962, refers to this subject. -3- V. USE OF SPACE: A. The license or privilege specifies that the designated shelter space is to be used for the sole purpose of temporarily sheltering persons during and after any and every actual or impending attack. It does not provide for use of designated shelter space during test exercises or tornado or other natural disasters. The use of such space for any test exercises would be a matter of arrangement between the local government and the building owners. B. The license or privilege form stipulates the use of basements, corri- dors, and other common areas of the building or structure which are determined by survey to offer protection from fallout and are suitable for shelter purposes. As the license form is executed before the final results of the survey are known, it is not certain that a structure will have suitable shelter space. Supplies will be stocked and shel- ters marked only in buildings found to offer suitable shelter space. Also, the exact shelter areas or numbers of shelter spaces within a structure cannot be determined until after detailed computations are completed. C. If the building owner wishes to grant a license for space within the structure other than that specified in Paragraph I. A. of the License or Privilege (basements, corridors, and other common areas) a descrip- tion of such area may be inserted in the blank space in the middle of the license or privilege form. This space may also be used for limit- ing areas within the structure covered by the survey. D. Designated shelter space is to be used during attack by the public, in accordance with the local emergency plan. The public, of course, in- cludes building occupants, customers, and others in the immediate area. VI. COMPLETION OF FORM: A. Upon receipt by the building owner, the license form will already be signed by authorized representatives of the Federal and local govern- ment. It remains only for the owner or person otherwise authorized to sign three copies in the blank space labeled " Grantor(s)," provide the signature of two witnesses and enter the date of signature in the appropriate space. No formal "Seal" other than the Grantcr(s) signa- ture is required. B. Grantor(s) signature on all copies may be imprinted by rubber stamp or by using carbon paper if so desired. Owner should retain one copy for his files. C. The text of the license or privilege form cannot be modified in any manner. There is a blank space in the middle of the form for spe- cifically identifying areas within the structure to be covered by the license or privilege if such insertion is desired by the Grantor, under the conditions outlined in Paragraph V. C. above -4- D. It is desired that a separate license be executed for each structure under consideration. However, if an owner desires to use a single license form for a number of his buildings, this is permissible, pro- vided the required information is attached to the license and the license itself indicates that this is an attachment. VII. GENERAL: A. Minimum Requirements for Fallout Shelter Space: 1. Offer a protection factor of 100 or above (inside radiation intensity is 1/100 of outside intensity.) 2. A minimum capacity of 50 persons. 3. Space of 10 square feet per person with adequate ventilation » 500 cubic feet per person without ventilation. 4. Storage space is indicated under Paragraph III. A. 3. B. Shelter Supplies: (A more detailed description can be provided by the local civil defense director, Annex E to February 15, 1962, document.) 1. 10,000 calorie food supply per person sheltered. 2. Water containers for a fourteen day supply based on one quart per day per person sheltered. 3. Radiological measuring instrument and minimum medical supplies. 4. Minimum sanitary facilities and supplies. FALLOUT SHELTER LICENSE OR PRIVILEGE I SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON R$VERSE SIDE . WHEREAS, The President of the United States has un- B. Further, the right to designate the said building dertaken for the Nation an accelerated and strengthened civil or structure as a civil defense shelter, and to affix defense program, including a fallout shelter program; and thereto, and maintain thereon, at no expense to the Grantor, such civil defense shelter and other signs WHEREAS, a fallout shelter survey has indicated that as are determined appropriate, so long as there is certain areas of the hereinafter described premises will afford no interference with the usual use of the premises persons protection from the hazard of fallout in the event of for the carrying on of business therein. enemy attack; II. The Federal Government, said State and said polit- NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, being the owner of ical subdivision may place and maintain on the prem- the hereinafter described premises, or the person otherwise au- ises such appropriate shelter equipment and stocks thorized to grant such license or privilege, does hereby volun- as may be determined necessary, estimated to re- tarily and without compensation, in consideration of the mutual quire approximately one (1) cubic foot per person of promises expressed herein and in cooperation with the Federal, the shelter capacity; and it is expressly understood State, and local civil defense programs for measures to protect that the Grantor shall have no responsibility or lia- persons against the threat of fallout radiation from enemy at- bility for the care, protection, or maintenance of the tack, grant to the Federal Government, the State of shelter stocks, wilful damage or bad faith excepted. The shelter stocks and equipment placed in the li- censed or privileged area are to be cared for and and the political subdivision of d ty maintained by said political subdivision at no ex- and to the general public for use in accordance wi civi de- pense to the Grantor. fense shelter plans, the following license or privilege; III. The Grantor agrees that, during such reasonable pe- 1. A. Use of the basements, corridors, and other common riods as the premises are open for business, the po- areas of the building or structure situated at litical subdivision and the Federal Government, Tim= MC U3L VQI'�] t f their authorized officers, agents, or representatives, shall have the right to inspect the premises, includ- and known as ing any equipment and supplies stored thereon, so as well as any other common use parts of the said long as this license or privilege is in effect. building or structure which the Federal Govern- ment and the political subdivision shall determine This license or privilege is granted on the express appropriate, including without limitation the rights condition that it shall be valid and binding upon the heirs, to the public of ingress to and egress from the - assigns, or successors in interest of any nature whatsoever, premises, for the sole purpose of temporarily shel- this license or privilege may be revoked by ninety (90) days' tering persons during and after any and every ac- written notice to the political subdivision and the Federal tual or impending attack. Government, sent by registered mail. Signed, sealed, and delivered this day of , 196 WITNESSES: • SEAL GRANTOR(s) The acceptance and approval of the above license or privilege is authorized by the political subdivision of Standard Location Code Facility Number (Official Title) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: The United States of America acknowledges the voluntary cooperation of the above -named Grantor in the civil defense program of the Nation; and his Government extends its appreciation for his uncompensated assistance. The above license or privilege is accepted I and approved by the United States of America when completed in accordance with its terms and conditions and filed with its authorized representative. % Assistant Secretary of Defense (Civil Defense) • INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF FALLOUT SHELTER LICENSE OR PRIVILEGE OCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL be typed, stamped, lettered or in longhand prior to contacting person in . -- 1. Forms may be signed by local official prior to contacting persons in trol of premises. .ntrol of structures for signature. Local government official's signature d title may be imprinted by rubber stamp or by using carbon paper, if so 2 • When forms have been executed by owner, retain original, return a ired. Entries in blanks common to a given locality, such as, name of copy to local field office of Army Corps of Engineers or Navy Bureau of ate and political subdivision and standard location code number, facility Yards and Docks conducting the survey in your area; present owner with ber, address of building or structure and name of building or structure may one copy. The local field offices are; Alabama US Army Engineer District, Mobile, PO Sox 1169, Mobile, Alabama Alaska US Army Engineer District, Alaska, PO Box 7002, Anchorage, Alaska Arizona US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, PO Box 17277 Foy Station, Los Angeles, Calif. Arkansas US Army Engineer District, Little Rock, PO Box 867, Little Pock, Arkansas California US Army Engineer District, Sacramento, PO Box 1739, Sacramento, California Director, Southwest Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, 1.220 Pacific highway, San Diego, Calif. District Public Works Officer, 12th Naval District, San 3runo, California US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, PO Box 17277 Foy Station, Los Angeles, California Colorado US Army Engineer District, Omaha, 215 No. 17th Street, Omaha, Nebraska Connecticut Director, Atlantic Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, 90 Church Street, New York, New York Delaware District Public Works Officer, Fourth Naval District, Bldg. 1, Naval Base, Philadelphia 12, Pa. Florida US Army Engineer District, Jacksonville, PO Box 4970, Jacksonville 1, Florida Georgia US Army Engineer District, Savannah, PO Box 889, Savannah, Georgia 1{awaii US Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean, Bldg. 96, Ft. Armstrong, Honolulu 13, I{awaii District Public Works Officer, 14th Naval Dist., US Naval Base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii US Army Engineer District, Honolulu, Bldg. 96, Ft. Armstrong, lionolulu 13, Hawaii Idaho US Army Engineer District, Walla Walla, Bldg. 602, City - County Airport, Walla Walla, Washington Illinois US Army Engineer District, Chicago, 536 South Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois US Army Engineer District, Rock Island, Clock Tower Bldg., Rock Island, Illinois Indiana US Army Engineer District, Louisville, PO Box 59, Louisville 1, Kentucky Iowa US Army Engineer District, Rock Island, Clock Tower Bldg., Rock Island, Illinois Kansas US Army Engineer District, Kansas City, 1800 Federal Bldg., 911 Walnut St., Kansas City 6, Mo. Kentucky US Army Engineer District, Louisville, PO Box 59, Louisville 1, Kentucky Louisiana US Army Engineer District, New Orleans, PO Box 267 Foot of Prytania St., New Orleans 9, La. District Public Works Officer, 8th Naval District, Bldg. 16, Naval Station, New Orleans 40, La. Maine District Public Works Officer, 1st Naval District, 495 Summer St., Boston 10, Massachusetts Maryland US Army Engineer District, Baltimore, PO Box 1715, Baltimore 3, Maryland District Public Works Officer, 5th Naval District, Naval Base, Norfolk 11, Virginia Massachusetts US Army Engineer Division, New England, 424 Trapelo Road, Waltham 54, Massachusetts Michigan US Army Engineer District, Detroit, PO Box 1027, Detroit 31, Michigan Minnesota US Army Engineer District, St. Paul, 1217 USPO, 180 E. Kellog Blvd., St. Paul 1, Minnesota Mississippi US Army Engineer District, Vicksburg, PO Box 60, Vicksburg, Mississippi Missouri US Army Engineer District, St. Louis, 420 Locust St., St. Louis 2, Missouri US Army Engineer District, Kansas City, 1800 Federal Bldg., 911 Walnut St., Kansas City 6, Mo. Montana US Army Engineer District, Walla Walla, Bldg. 602, City - County Airport, Walla Walla, Washington Nebraska US Army Engineer District, Omaha, 215 No. 17th St., Omaha, Nebraska . Nevada District Public Works Officer, 12th Naval District, San Bruno, California New Hampshire US Army Engineer Division, New England, 424 Trapelo Road, Waltham 54, Massachusetts New Jersey US Army Engineer District, Philadelphia, PO Box 8629, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania New Mexico US Army Engineer District, Albuquerque, PO Box 1.538, Albuquerque, New Mexico New York US Army Engineer District, New York, 111 East 16th St., New York 3, New York US Army Engineer District, Buffalo, Foot of Bridge Street, Buffalo 7, New York US Army Engineer District, Eastern Ocean, 346 Broadway, New York 13, New York Director, Atlantic Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, 90 Church Street, New York, New York North Carolina Director, Southeast Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, US Naval Base, Charleston, S. C. US Army Engineer District, Wilmington, PO Box 1890, Wilmington, N. C. District Public Works Officer, 5th Naval District, Naval Base, Norfolk 11, Virginia North Dakota US Army Engineer District, Omaha, 215 No. 17th St., Omaha, Nebraska Ohio US Army Engineer District, Huntington, PO Box 2127, Huntington 18, West Virginia US Army Engineer District, Buffalo, Foot of Bridge St., Buffalo 7, New York Oklahoma US Army Engineer District, Tulsa, PO Box 61, Tulsa, Oklahoma Oregon US Army Engineer District, Portland, 628 Pittock Block, 10th Ave. & Wash. St., Portland 5, Oregon Pennsylvania District Public Works Officer, 4th Naval District, Bldg. 1, Naval Base, Philadelphia 12, Pa. US Army Engineer, District, Pittsburgh, 925 New Federal Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania Rhode Island District Public Works Officer, 1st Naval District, 495 Summer St., Boston 10, Mass. South Carolina Director, Southeast Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, US Naval Base, Charleston, S. C. US Army Engineer District, Charleston, PO Box 905, Charleston, S. C. South Dakota US Army Engineer District, Omaha, 215 No. 17th St., Omaha, Nebraska Tennessee US Army Engineer District, Nashville, PO Box 1070, Nashville, Tennessee US Army Engineer District, Memphis, PO Box 97, Memphis 1, Tennessee Texas US Army Engineer District, Ft. Worth, PO Box 1600, Ft. Worth, Texas US Army Engineer District, Albuquerque, PO Box 1538, Albuquerque, New Mexico US Army Engineer District, Galveston, PO Box 1229, 606 Sante Fe Bldg., Galveston, Texas District Public Works Officer, 8th Naval District, Bldg. 16, Naval Station, New Orleans 40, La. Utah US Army Engineer District, San Francisco, 180 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. Vermont US Army Engineer Division, New England, 424 Trapelo Road, Waltham 54, Massachusetts Virginia District Public Works Officer, 5th Naval District, Naval Base, Norfolk 11, Virginia US Army Engineer District, Norfolk, PO Box 119, Foot of Front St., Norfolk, Virginia Area Public Works Office, Chesapeake, US Naval Weapons Plant, Washington 25, D. C. Washington Director, Northwest & Alaska Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Seattle 99, Washington US Army Engineer District, Seattle, 1519 South Alaskan Way, Seattle 4, Washington US Army Engineer District, Walla Walla, Bldg. 602, City - County Airport, Walla Walla, Wash. West Virginia US Army Engineer District, Huntington, PO Box 2127, Huntington 18, West Virginia Wisconsin District Public Works Officer, 9th Naval District, Bldg. 1A, NTC, Great Lakes, Illinois Wyoming US Army Engineer District, Omaha, 215 No. 17th St., Omaha, Nebraska District of Columbia Area Public Works Office, Chesapeake, US Naval Weapons Plant, Washington 25, D. C. American Samoa Director, Pacific Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Canal Zone US Army Engineer District, Jacksonville, PO 4970, Jacksonville, Florida Guam Director, Pacific Division, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Officer In Charge of Construction Marianas, Public Works Center, Guam Puerto Rico Area Public Works Office, Caribbean, US Naval Station, San Juan, Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Area Public Works Office, Caribbean, US Naval Station, San Juan, Puerto Rico HER OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE may be imprinted by rubber stamp or by using carbon paper, if so desired. 1. If the owner is granting a license or privilege for other than the 3. Retain one copy. .ecified parts of the building or structure, insert description of area in LOCAL FIELD OFFICES OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND BUREAU .ace provided in the form. The grantor must initial ail changed insertions. OF YARDS AND DOCKS 2. Owner's or his authorized representative's signature on all copies 1. File returned copy and notify State of receipt. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1962 0 - 625020 .