HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrisis Relocation Plan - Bryan and Brazos Counties 1975 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION INCLUDING RURAL BRAZOS 8 BURLESON COUNTIES CRISIS RELOCATION PLAN ".„ BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION RISK -HOST PLANNING AREA WHAT IS CRISIS RELOCATION? ESSENTIALLY, CRISIS RELOCATION IS THE PRE - PLANNED MOVEMENT OF PEOPLE FROM CERTAIN DESIGNATED HIGH RISK AREAS TO SAFER LOCATIONS, CALLED HOST AREAS, WHERE THE LIKELIHOOD OF SERIOUS NUCLEAR DEVASTATION IS MINIMIZED. HIGH RISK AREAS CONSIST OF HIGH VALUE MILITARY INSTALLATIONS, KEY INDUSTRIAL, TRANSPORTATION, AND LOGISTICS FACILITIES, AND CONCENTRATED POPULATION CENTERS. CRISIS RELOCATION WOULD LIKELY BE INITIATED BY STATE COVER- . NORS, ACTING AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE PLAN WOULD REQUIRE FROM ONE TO FOUR DAYS FOP ORDERLY ACCOMPLISHMENT. AM 1 IN A TARGET AREA? HOW DO 1 GET THERE? The Defense Civil Preparedness Agency believes that most major If you have a car, truck, recreational vehicle, or other cities in Texas would be targets in event of a nuclear attack. private transportation, drive it -to your designated host Whether or not a particular city would be attacked can best be county along the route designated in the ''RISK -HOST AREA judged by the presence of one or more of the following charac- LIST." Traffic will be heavy, and may move slowly over teristics: parts of the route. If you get caught in a traffic jam, A. Presence of a military base with an immediate turn off your engine, remain in your car and listen for offensive (countertorce) capability official instructions on your car radio. Do not leave B. Presence of other important military instal- your car for any reason. Do not get out of line to find lations an alternative route. Emergency assistance vehicles and C. A complex of nationally essential businesses traffic control points will only be available along the and /or industries designated travel routes. Your patience is requested to D. A large population concentration accept any delays enroute. Because several of these characteristics are present, there is a very real danger that this area is a possible target. SHOULD I RELOCATE? CAN I GET PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION? Look at the "High -Risk" area map in this supplement. That map If you have no means of private transportation and can displays a heavy black dashed line drawn around the area which not ride with friends or relatives, public transporta- would probably experience the greatest damage from a nuclear tion will be provided. Local officials will announce, attack. If you live inside the outlined area, you could be in via newspaper, radio and TV, the time and locations at considerable danger from the blast and fire effects of nuclear which public transportation staging areas will be open. weapons. Your home as well as larger nearby buildings could be If you need public transportation, but are handicapped destroyed or heavily damaged. You are in the area for which and unable to go to the staging area, instructions will relocation plans have been developed. You should be ready to be broadcast for requesting public transportation from leave the area if local relocation plans are put into effect. your home. Do not use your telephone to obtain public transportation unless instructed to do so by local of- If your home is outside the outlined area, you may be in rela- ficials. If instructed to use your telephone to obtain tively less danger from the direct effects of a nuclear attack. such assistance, call only the number or numbers spec - Your house might suffer light or moderate damage which you and ified for that purpose. your family could survive if you have taken proper precautions. Larger, more strongly constructed buildings in your neighbor- hood probably would suffer only light damage. Relocation has not been planned for your area but you should take precautions WHAT IF I HAVE A PRIVATE DESTINATION? against fire and radioactive fallout. If you live very near the boundary of the outlined area, you As the crisis intensifies and relocation seems imminent, must make your own decision of whether or not to relocate. See if you have a vacation cabin or friends outside the risk the illustration, "DIRECT EFFECTS OF 1 MT. BLAST," below for area, but within a reasonable distance, go there as soon the type of damage you might expect in your area. If you decide as possible. As relocation gets under way, it may be dif- to remain at home, take all of the same precautions and gather ficult or impossible toget to the destination you select. the same supplies suggested for those persons who are planning to relocate. Most stores and businesses will close if reloca- NOTE: If you do decide to go to a private destination, tion occurs and you might be on your own for some time. do not plan to use public lodging facilities; these will be reserved for and filled by persons relocating to their assigned area as instructed by their local government. A mobile home or recreational vehicle would be an excellent means of relocating your family in some degree of comfort for the duration of the crisis. Be sure that any private .u, destination you select is not in another high risk area. Generally, all of the larger cities in Texas - and the areas near those cities - are high risk areas and should be avoided. As soon as possible after reaching your destination, ad- vise local officials in the nearest community of your presence. Food, fuel, health care, and other resources will be redistributed to host communities to support the relocated populations. Local officials will have to be aware of your presence to accurately determine community needs and insure an equitable distribution of those re- sources. Fill out and turn in the registration forms in We . � � � _ this supplement. They will provide local officials with information necessary to determine local resources needs and will provide assistance in contacting you during the WHERE SHOULD 1 GO? crisis. The High -Risk area (outlined by a dashed black line on the map) REMEMBER: Even in the host area, you will need to have fallout shelter available if an attack should occur. Be has been divided into small sectors. If you live inside one of certain to pick up an information package explaining the the sectors, note its letter and see the 'RISK -HOST AREA LIST" dangers of radioactive fallout and protective actions you for your host destination and highway travel route assignment. can take to guard against those dangers. Also, find out Traffic control points along the designated routes will direct what plans the community has for providing fallout shel- you to a reception center within the host area. At the recap- ter. Unless you already have an existing shelter in your tion center, your family will be assigned tots lodging facility and a feeding facility and will receive additional information new location, you might obtain better fallout protection by participating in the community shelter effort than by on what to expect during your stay in the host area. attempting to improvise shelter on your own. PAGE 2 J WHEN SHOULD I GO? WHAT WILL I DO IN THE HOST AREA? The decision to implement the Crisis Relocation plan can not be a local determination. Because of the tremendous effect N you errivc at the . <ceotioe center., you 'Jill be asked to relocation would have on the economy, and on the lives of all rer anr: list any skills or training which may be of value citizens, that decision must he made by the President of the during the crisis. After gettin; settler in a lnd- facility United States and his advisors following consultation with anc' caring; for immediate needs, the first priority for everyone the governors of the various states. If you do not have a 'i11 be to construct or improve s.u`ficicnt fa'lont snclter for private destination, wait until you receive official notifi- nll persons in the community. Ti_:- probably -ill mean one or cation through local government that relocation has been ad- t'.o days of faith' yard work, hot r•i11 be absolute1 accessary vised for this area. If you have some place to go and y our to insure your safety i, an attack should occur. Once the task job or family commitments do not require that you remain, it or, providin;- su fici.ent fallo -t shelter has been accomplished, might be advisable that you take your family out of the risk you . probably he asked to assist east nersonnol in meetin• area now, before organized relocation makes traveling to the the ezistin' needs of t. combiner p• „ ation. The detro , o, destination of your choice difficult or impossible. cnri'oct and security •rit .!!!'c' any cnmrunit•• me.•ts tale crisis p” i.. ..l ('erei.d ..l.mn :ii. eeti.7ely oil the ana' r..•spon- srs i_tk 'iiich ine;.vicuals . ._ Y:_ situation. HOW MUCH TIME WILL I HAVE? WHEN CAN I COME HOME? If relocation is announced, you should have several days to prepare and to get to your host area. The basic factor which While in the host community, you will be kept informed both by makes planned relocation possible is the fact that the Soviet local officials and by the public media of events back home as Union would need at least 72 hours ( three days) to complete well as on the international scene. As soon as the crisis has movement of their population once their relocation is begun. been resolved and you can safely come back home, you will be Once Soviet movementis detected, all high risk areas in Texas given instructions covering the return phase. You may be in- will be able to begin and complete their relocation before structed to remain in the host area longer than seems to you Soviet relocation is completed. If you are prepared to move, to be necessary. If so, it will be for an excellent reason. there is no need to wait until the last minute; but there is Everyone can not rush back home at the same time. A number of also no reason to rush out of the risk area in the first few persons will have to return sooner than others because sanita- hours. Take the time necessary to check your supplies, lock tion services, health and medical services, grocery stores and your house and protect your property before you go. Review other necessary operations must be restored before it would be the section in this supplement ("WHAT TOIX) NOW ") to see that possible for the remainder of the population to safely return you have made all necessary preparations before you go. to the area. No one can say today how long you may have to re- main in the host area, but officials will make every effort to keep your absence from home as short as is safely possible. WHAT ABOUT MY JOB? YOUR Most businesses will close when relocation is announced, and C C M M U N y 1 T will remain closed until the crisis has been resolved and an 7 attack no longer seems probable. The survival of the United SI ULAN States population is far more important than any possible loss of profit resulting from such closure. Some vital activities WHERE TO GO AND WHAT TO DO will be continued during the crisis. Police, fire and other 4 4 41 IN CASE OF NUCLEAR ATTACK emergency services, and all industries whose products are essential for defense or for the immediate well -being of the REMEMBER: Crisis Relocation is a plan based on the most population, will continue to function on a somewhat revised probable chain of events; that any attack would be pre - schedule. Persons required for this type of essential activ- ceded by movement of enemy populations out of their high ity will relocate with their families to their assigned host risk areas. While this would be the most probable action, areas and will commute to the risk area in shifts. If your the possibility still exists that an attack could come at services are required, your employer will notify you and you any time. Whether or not crisis relocation has been an- will receive more detailed instructions in the next few days. nounced, ff you are inside the high risk area and receive information that the United States is under attack, or that an attack is probable, follow the Community Fallout Shelter plan for taking shelter as soon as possible. If a very brilliant flash or heavy shock occurs and you WILL I NEED TO TAKE MONEY? are not in a shelter: (1) IF INDOORS, drop to the floor; get under a bed, desk, or heavy table, and stay close to Do not take large amounts of cash with you when you relocate. the floor, out of the way of flying glass. (2) IF OUT - You may wish to take a small cash reserve along to cover un- DOORS, quickly get into a ditch, behind a tree, or other anticipated situations; but all basic necessities will be protection. Cover your head and neck with your arms. provided regardless of ability to pay. NOTE: It may take (3) Then follow the instructions in your Community Fall- • several days to deliver adequate quantities of some necessary out Shelter plan. items to the host areas. For that reason, and because few items other than basic necessities will be available, a list If you have a copy of the Community Fallout Shelter Plan, of "WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU" is included in this supplement. study it along with this Crisis Relocation Plan so that The list contains some items which are so necessary that you you will be prepared for either contingency. If you do should not risk being without them even for a few days; as not have a copy of that plan, and have heard no official well as some other items which are readily available at home announcement concerning its distribution, call the local and so easily taken along that there is no reason to leave civil defense office for information. them at home and be uncomfortable if replacements can not be obtained in the host area. PAGE 3 • BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION HIGH RISK AREA • INCLUDINO RURAL RRAZOS A BURLESON COUNTIES - ` \ - i s \ • jam \,: •••' \ i �• . 14 1 _,—,• L � ..,;',; �� �`` f zf-- i � � .- -- !4 \:::"A" S Y1 , � : `I ■ B ,..... , ,..... . 3 t - /,' - - ;- - *" / ; - ' ._ ... i "., 1 . 11 co • RISK -HOST AREA LIST ' ; • �� RY T I T .+ ,ice 1�- �y - R/SK AREA RICAT ROST ARIA - • f - ( L. / SECTOR TRAM. ROUTE COUNTY 1 l i A SN -6- Robertson _ l �": ►_ ^ •('. '. - N L _`� / ice i E SR -21 or Burleson C SN -6 or Crises - SN -IO BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION PAGE 4 � : k o 1 1 1 Li a 1 i \ Q + : W I , J at . \-,. \ c s Y pl x x 4 vi n. , H \ 5 ` H . L.-- > -'-'si 1 0 CIL c \ � I p....../- ,J f' - 1,—.' • I at 0« \ r ^r,�, C \ 3 i Z H �/ V � tJ O / tet r a W � 1 .11 . * ; ; �_ W r Q �11T Tr ' , / / o • 44 � 4 - , V Q ' t, A y N ii k m� d • ' _ ' . Q o 9 ti �, • * v W ' "441 4 • : :44■:;40 ' , r- *; ' X vt — ft . .. . v o� _ *Ir. w La \ i s i i . W ac OC W m O 2 1W' - 0 V aC O O =v W m OC WHAT TO DO NOW: There are a number of precautions you should take to improve your 12. In addition to normal fire prevention actions, there is capability to cope with Crisis Relocation, or with any other dis- one important step which should be taken to reduce your home's aster situation that might occur. The check list below provides a vulnerability to fire in a nuclear emergency. Keep the intense guide for things to do now, while there, is still time to prepare. heat rays of nuclear explosions from entering the house by closing doors, windows, and venetian blinds. If windows are 1. Take a First Aid course if one is available. not fitted with blinds, cover the glass with a light colored water base paint, whitewash, household cleaning powder or even 2. If no First Aid course is available, obtain a good First Aid mud. Because thermal radiation travels faster than blast manual, study it and keep it at home. Be sure that other members waves, these precautions can shield the inside of your home of your family are also familiar with basic First Aid procedures. by reflecting fire - causing heat even though the windows may be broken a short time later when the blast wave arrives. 3. Obtain a good First Aid kit, and keep your home medicine chest well stocked with items you may need in an emergency. 13. Arrange a safe place for your valuahles. Host communi- ties can not assume responsibility for the security of your 4. Inventory prescription or special medications. Obtain refills valuables. If you take such personal possessions with you to if you have less than a 30 day supply of any important medication. the host area you do so at your own risk. 5. Check flashlights and transistor radios. Take flashlights, 14. Make arrangements for your pets. (If time permits, one transistor radios and extra batteries for each when you relocate. solution may be to take your pets now to a friend living out- side the risk area who is willing to care for them until you 6. Supplement food stocks so that you have a two -week supply of can safely return home.) Do not wait until relocation is an- foods which do not require refrigeration and which require little nounced to provide for your pets. Once relocation is under or no preparation. way, your safety, and the safety of your family will require your full attention. 7. tlhile adequate quantities of water will probably be available in your host area, there could be some delay in establishing dis- 15. Be sure that you have sufficient quantities of the items tribution systems to all lodging facilities. Take at least one you will need to take with you if you relocate. To save time gallon of drinking water in plastic bottles, water cans or other if relocation is announced, plan now how you can pack items unbreakable containers, for each member of your family. to be taken along. 8. Be sure your car is in good condition for a trip. Keep the 16. Stay tuned to local television or radio stations or gas tank at least half fill at all times. (Do not take extra cans instructions. They will broadcast the notice to relocate, it of gas along if you are instructed to relocate. Where necessary, directed by local government officials. additional fuel will be available at rest areas located along your assigned travel route. Any extra gas you take out of the risk 17. Cut out the registration form contained in this supple - area would only reduce supplies available to refuel the trucks ment and fill in both copies. Take the form with you to the bringing food and other survival items to the host area.) registration center in the host area. (Leave the "HOST AREA HOUSING INFORMATION" section blank. This will be filled in 9. Learn where to turn off water, gas, and electricity to your at the registration center when you arrive. home. (When you relocate, turn off these utilities if instructed by local officials to do so.) 18. Read this supplement carefully and discuss it with your family. If you do not understand any of these directions, 10. If you have fuel oil, butane, or other fuel stored at home, call your local Civil Defense office. Take this supplement turn off supply lines at the tank before you relocate. along if you relocate. 11. Check in and around your home for potential fire hazards. Thermal radiation can start fires in light materials as far as 8 to 10 miles from the point of the explosion. Blast damage to gas or electrical lines can cause fires to start at even greater dis- tances from the actual detonation site. WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU: I You should take those things you would take for a vacation trip of a week or more - plus some other items you will need for your stay in the host area, including tools needed to help construct fallout shelter and those things you will need to take into the shelter if • an attack occurs. Do not take all your favorite belongings; your home and property will be protected while you are away. All items • on this list should be included if you have your own transportation. If you use public transportation, take as many as you can carry. Items marked with asterisks ( *) represent the minimum list of items which should be taken as needed for each member of your family. FOOD & UTENSILS PERSONAL HYGIENE CLOTHING & BEDDING TOOLS FOR SHELTER CONSTRUCTION 1 'Take all the food you can carr "toothbrush and tooth•aste (work gloves (take along the ones you have) ((canned or dried food requiring comb and shavin. articles / 1ork clothing and shoes hovel l w •. llittle or no preparation) * a toilet ..er /work clothing (seasonal) Wick ax I iwater (at least one gallon per •sanitar na kins lextra underclothing and II-x 'person in plastic bottles or lltowels and washcloths socks or stockin.s $ rowbar * i 'water cans) bath soap and laundry 'U.a'amas and housecoats hammer and nai s soecial or dietary foods 1 detergent •rain _arments screw drivers and screws (bottle and can opener Isewin• kit '"I♦ and saw h ating utensils SAFETY & MEDICAL • s eets and •lankets over saw an.. extension `I plastic or paper plates, cups, *I (battery operated radio p ows ` Pay duty staple gun and cor staples r ,paper towels and napkins and extra batteries •cots or s eeping .ags lastic and paper bags i flashlight and extra •p astic rop c oti * INFANT CARE SUPPLIES(IF NEEDED) (batteries Bring all items you have that would * jccandles and matches be necessary for care of your baby. * 'first aid Be sure to include any special for- * Tprescription or special mula or medications. Ljmedications PAGE 6 HOST COUNTY IDENTIFICATION LETTER FILL (1F7T REGISTRATI(►\ FORMS F: \R(1(TE. out the letter of your area and tape it to the ide of the car windshield beside the inspection cker. The area letter will assist traffic con- Cut out these registration forms fill in all information except HOST al personnel in guiding you to your host county. AREA HOUSING INFORMATION, and take both copies with you to the regis- tration center in your host area. If you go to a private destination, give these forme to local officials in the nearest host community. (PRINT) HOST AREA HOUSING INFORMATION LAST NAME HOST FAMILY OR LODGING FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS 0 ASSIGNED BY HOST AGENCY 0 PRIVATELY OBTAINED STREET ADDRESS TYPE OF HOUSING LODGING :AGILITY VACATION CABIN MRIVAT! tlOMB GRIPER 1. V., LTC. RELATIVES /FRIENDS OTHER ( ) CITY STATE :IP PERSONAL DATA (List only members o your household with the above last name. Fill out • seperate registration your ar who have relocated card for members of yy r household with a different last n ated you.) EIh5T NAME MIDDLE NAME SK EMPL Ace SOC. Sec. I OCCUPATION /SEALS 1 OYEE MAN OM WAN MAIDEN NAME CNILDREN (CONTINU! OM BACK IF NECESSARY) s i OTHER (CONTINUE ON BACK IF NECESSARY) IF SOLE MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD i REGISTERED UNDER A DIFFERENT LAST NAME, LIST THEIR FULL NAMES HERE. IS ?MERE A RELATIVE OR CLOSE FRIEND WHO COULD ASSIST AUTHORITIES IN CONTACTING OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY IP NECESSARY? (THIS SHOULD BE SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT LIVE IN A HIGH RISK AREA WHO WOULD NOT HAVE RELOCATED.) NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER ID (PRINT) HOST AREA HOUSING INFORMATION L AST NAME HOST FAMILY CR LODGING FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS • O ASSIGNED BY HOST AGENCY 0 PRIVATELY OBTAINED STREET ADDRESS TYPE OF HOUSING LODGING FACILITY VACATION CABIN PRIVATE HOME CAMPER R.V., ETC. RELATIVES /FRIENDS OTHER ( ) CITY STATE.. ZIP • PERSONAL DATA (List only members of your i,ouaehold with the above last name. Fill ou r seperate registration FIRST HAM$ r srd for members of your household with a� n s different lest n who have relocated with you.) MIDDLE NAME SEE ACE SOC. SEC. 141 OCCUPATION /SKIILS 'EMPLOYER MAN ■ X WOMAN MAIDEN NAME F CHILDREN (CONTINUE ON BACK IF NECESSARY) I OTHER (CONTINUE ON RACK IF NECESSARY) IF 5014E MEMBERS OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD ARE REGISTERED UNDER A DIFFERENT LAST NAME, LIST THEIR PULL NAMES HERE. IS THERE A RELATIVE OR CLOSE FRIEND WHO COULD ASSIST AUTNGRITIES IN CONTACTING OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY 11 NECESSARY? (11415 SHOULD BE SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT LIVE IN A HIGH RISK AREA WHO WOULD NOT NAVE RELOCATED.) NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE NIBEER 1'%KF :'I'HIS NI R1.11:1TI(1\ V111'11 1()1 VC11F:\ \(11 111.:1,111'1"1'F:. I . PAGE 7