HomeMy WebLinkAboutTigerland 1958 � 1G�Mls r, ° e 1 y k { t} • i . j' : . iiif 1 rii i i /11/11/1/111/111111/4 III 4. : . , ' , 4. S r i' A' �` • . ! 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It e e „3 s . hai 1611k ''''' —1 ' ''''' e s } � a as ...... ■ Perhaps PARTICIPATION, more than her word, deud of C.H. S. students. Through four happy, busy years the young men and scribes women of this e school assume responsibility for the jobs to be done and the lessons to be learnedthe , attit and yet enjoy many extracurricular and community activ ities. It is the hope of the staff of the 1958 Tigerland that this annual will be a cher- ot ished record of your participation. tiolume 20 Published by Students College wi St ation, Texas of t A & M Consolidated High School t: o Mr. Larry K. Hayes � headed the physical education department, ° o coached basketball, and ,` taught world history. Mr. Robert L. Boone was kept very busy Mr the directing plays, chorus and band. is to any g tb, / * t 111 ' ,,,,, ., 3 3 , ' '''' ,viiiit .,„ .° , a s r Mrs. Patricia Welch taught lively and enjoyable girls' ph education , li."44.:::1.14.-;',.,....:„.1.1:4,-,,Ari.,..00.4,5,t,..:, , classe ' 4 ,.,,i,„,,,,,...,. , , Mrs. Vera Dowell Mr 'V.„,, , aS our counselor, effi is understanding sch and helpful. the C It V , : : ' ' " Mr. Edsel Jones coached _; our baseball team to the regional e finals. . Z a iml \,,,,° . _ •, Mrs. Shirley Frazier, the speech therapist, _ _ is always ready to help: any students. v �� �' , i l Jr w �` Mrs. Charles L. Hurley ae tau English and coach declamation and poetry- reading. ° e e % $ a - -S �R 4a r i °° tea .e, • A *r.- Mr. Jack Chaney efficiently manages school business as well as sponsoring the Auto Mechanics Club. t x 7 YOUTH SPONSOR SUCCESSFUL TAP DRIVE: WORK ON OTHER COMMUNITY PROJECTS. Outstanding example of the high - schooler's participation in community work is the "Teens Against Polio" organization. This year more than $2000.00 was raised by this group for the March of Dimes. An Aand M Consolidated student, Patricia Jackson, was the Brazos County Chairman. The teens sold "Peanuts for Polio ', had a talent show, made collections at the basketball games, had a toll road, and sponsored a dance. One Saturday the managers of WTAW in Bryan turned the radio station over to the young people to make money any way they could. Another community project has been the Negro Community Nursery. One group of high school students took orange juice to the children once a .. week, with cookies on special days. Some students bought 6 ` a Christmas tree, decorated it, and put presents under it. ^ Others got school supplies for �., the children, such as crayons, • paper, and scissors. During the summer sev- eral girls do volunteer work at the Crippled Children's Ther- ° apy Center, - ., - is*--' i '''' ..„„, k i7 t, , 2. , ...,A ' ' �`,e r 1 0: .. li‘,. r a axe_ y Bill Jones is surrounded by some I of the children from the Negro .a Nursery, each of whom wants to carry the orange juice. Jeanelle LaMotte, an industrious worker for the Teens Against Polio, here collects money from a motorist on the "toll road." i 10 }! YOUNG PEOPLE PARTICIPATE IN CHURCH ACTIVITIES. 1 4 1 0, fit +° 4p 3 -. '. 4 Rte At At t I P% 1 `.. f 4, . & a F 4 4 -- s -: a is tt y. yet 1 " a E a ' es 4 ' 11 7 ,,,, 46 ,,,,lit ' ° ;e:int ''''.:64" 1 • ...,-?'' -,.., f ,, fi , '.-;.r \ , , “ a Consolidated students and the College Station community join in with Texas A and M Coll- ege in its pride in the Inter -Faith Chapel on the campus which represents all churches. Their church and spiritual life is important to most teen - agers, and they The young people are valuable aids participate actively in the services and in the church program, serving as Sunday work of their own church. Schoolteachers, accompanists on the pi- Most of the churches have active ano or organ, teachers in Vacation Bible youth organizations which meet on Sunday School, typists in the church offices, by night. Many of these groups cooperate in keeping the nursery, or by singing in the the C. S. C.Y.F. (College Station Council church choir. of Youth Fellowships) which meets four Some College Station youth have times a year for supper, program, and served as district and regional officers in recreation. the area youth fellowship organizations. 11 ,..,..„ A C T IVITI E S , , , , 1 ,, .. • _ _ . .. .,•.:..,....:•.,_,...., ,, ,,, ...„4.: „,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,, ,...,„..,,,::, e a , , , f e a 1 . , : k . ,, . „,s,a4 ,. , ii „ , ,_ _ _ ,, ., 0„ ., .. ,„,, f ACTIVITIES at Consolidated are many and varied. At the school are opportunities for partic in band, choir, dramatics, special interest groups, and purely social events. i I 1 13 CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS . .. , -, .....-- i _ , om'', ' # ,.., ,,,, '.. ' 4 'f4S' /* t. jilik ,i 4-0% .0111.P , c'-/ - i ,, 4 „,1 tallelli 1,..,,,,,, ' I- -4-7 .., >. -. y : . ,ir i* .,:- P • a te. STUDENT COUNCIL Left to right, first row: Junius Clark, Carolyn Wilson, John King, Mary Linda Cathcart, Steadman Davis, Ann Cleland, Millie Caughlin, Mr. E. P. Ozment, Advisor. Second row: Sara Goode, Jimmy Walton, Helen Klipple, John Beaty, Nancy Jo Rogers, Don Avera, Bruce Thompson. Third row: Bob White, Anita Hamner, Dee Smith, Charlene Matejka, Bobby Adams, Blair Perryman. Last row: Patsy Varvel, James Riggs, Shirley Rogers, Joanne Pedigo, Tommy Letbetter. Members not shown are Anita Mowery and John Martinez. A store where school supplies could be bought was the major project of ° the student council. In ad- dition, the council had a pay phone installed for the ' students, sponsored some . a assembly programs, and presented some constitu- ' tional amendments to the . 4 student body. Two are people, a elected boy androm �� a girl, f� ,,A.-,. each homeroom to repre- �® sent it on the student coun- p`� cil. Six students are nom -� inated by the homeroom w teacher and then the mem- ° bers of the homeroom vote. Officers not shown are Nancy Rogers, Recording j Secretary; Ann Clelend, President of the Student Body Corresponding Secretary, Vice - President Millie Caughlin and Don Avera, Treasurer. Steadman Davis 15 ,, .:... ... -.. :::».aG °.°Nw.�F' Es-, .. x .'.. , .. r 17 ,....; . :til v li;',..'44 301 . 1 1 4.f , ..f.3.?":: . , 4. 1 f t 'ti '- ,, le ... - , ''' * ..,..,... ' : - IN ' ....--,.., '`-'4-2 r :,#.•'• - 4 , . ° d w 'a x" 3 3.33 First row, left to right: Ann Cleland, Sweetheart; Kenneth Cooner, President; Edgar Feld- man, Vice - President; James Barker, Secretary; Bobby Ross, Treasurer; Sidney Greer, Re- porter; Marshall Crenshaw, Sentinel; Jim Tom House, Advisor; Second row: Raymond Bark- er; John Wayne Todd; George Carroll; M. L. Schehin; Brenner Sayers; Calvin Schehin; Alton Arnold; Delbert Hovarek; Billy Mac Miller; Third row: Donald Thomas; Harry McCluskey; Kenneth Greer; Manuel Martinez, Henry Allen; Morris Stone; Tommy West; Freddy Wright; Winder Faulkner; Raymond Huff; Byron Bostick FFA AWARD WINNERS FFA QUIZ TEAM - During the year the FFA chapter Henry Allen, Calvin Schehin, sponsored the FFA Calendar, the Kenneth Greer, Freddy Wright Youth Rodeo, Sweetheart Contest, Placed second in District I, and the Donkey Basketball Game. third in Area 3 GREEN HAND FARM SKILL DEMONSTRATION - 1 + Byron Bostick, Raymond Huff, Morris Stone Third in District I .., DAIRY PRODUCTS JUDGING TEAM - Manuel Martinez, Harry McCluskey, Freddy Wright Fourth in Area 3 0 STAR CHAPTER FARMER - Bobby Ross. STAR GREEN HAND - ,.. io 6 Morris Stone l ., ,,:. LIONS CLUB OUTSTANDING CLUB WORKER AWARD - i Kenneth Cooner FFA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD - Henry Allen CERTIFICATE OF MERIT _ ',- � WINNERS - Raymond Barker, Henry Allen FFA SWEETHEART CANDIDATES Left to right: Sweetheart Ann Cleland, senior, NATIONAL FFA FOUNDATION Nancy Ray, sophomore; Patricia Jackson, MEDAL WINNERS - junior; and Sue Ross, freshman. Bobby Ross, Raymond Barker FUT CHESS CLUB , 1 Teache Members of the Chess Club, sponsored group c will be by Mr, Arthur Bright, learn how to play ahorta chess and practice in club period. The members are Frank Duran, Noel Stra- ence w< der, Bill Laurenson, Gail Nash, Condy elemen Pugh, Marvin Nichols, Charles Shrimp- club w.' ton, Russell Brown, Larry Maddox, Mrs. J Alpha ) //1111P°' n_ ° � Bruce Thompson, John Calhoun, John k Litzler, Alex Rush, Howard Mitchell, Gould Joe Heffernan, Mike Denison, and Kelly Gould, k Parker. land h han, L ." Mary V Varvel, Left to right: Russell Brown, Alex Rush, Joe Heffernan, Gail Nash, James Morgan, John Calhoun. Seated: Howard Mitchell, and Mr. Bright. MAJOR ATHLETICS CLUB ,. - - The Major Athletics Club was " organized for boys who participated in ,m the major sports, football, basketball, ` � baseball, and track. However, foot - ball filled the greater part of the club° interest. Meeting on Monday, the club „., , ; " :, ° , 44 could discuss the game of the previous week, and make preparation for the one t "• coming up on Friday. Mr. Gardemal and p Mr. Logan sponsored the club. *- Bob White, Ben Ray Jackson, Condy Pugh, Larry Gosch, Joe Guidry, Joel Mills, Larry Rice, John Pedigo, Morris Stone, Bobby Ross, Bobby Adams, Jimmy Wright, Harry McCluskey, Mark Luther, P.D. Left to Gandy, and Virden Smith. Judy B Science Club members sponsor the Standir SCIENCE CLUB an nual Science Fair. The group partici- pates indistrict, regional, and state com- petition. The i Club co. m- interest Sc g ence roups, such as che divided mis - . °� pe a ° try, biology, entomology, electro nics, and others. Every year, Mr. Morgan takes a group to the Academy of Science meeting in Dallas. The Science Club arouses the Joy dra " ,, _ interest in science at CHS. to awa ° an awa: �, Mr. Kenneth C. Morgan, teacher of Mabel ' - chemistry, biology and general science at �"r� sci- hers ar t.a ° g ar A and M Consolidated boas, sponsors a total the ei Fitts t � ?� ence Club, which t s g hteen , "• r members: Mike Adam, Bill Berry , Mike John B ��-� � Bloom, Victor Clark, Hal Delaplane, Har- '"`'� i I . ry Ellis, Bill Farrar, Bob Fitts, Lyman "� Hardeman, Kathleen Heaton, Clark Kim- " berling, Larry Ma ddox, Alphonse Marek, °' � � ,� Molly Martin, John Martinez, Larry Rice, ' e ti ti ", ,,. ,. A "Cre " " <' '1, Virden Smith, and Pamela Sperry. Left to Back row, left to right: Bill Farrar, Victor Claris., Verdon Smith, Pam Bob F Sperry, Molly Martin, Bill Berry. Seated, left to right: Harry Ellis, Lyman ress, Hardeman, and Mike Bloom. rt TEXAS JETS Texas Junior Engine ering Techni- 4 - C Society has its goal to ep ' its cal members choose as their m own field h tel f Kimbr 4 �';'' eng with the guidance of their sp onsor, Mr. Arthur Bright. The mem- Natior. 1 begs are Jake Van Luik, Bill Farrar, team Jerry M ills, David McQuire Jesse contes ' iiiiii, ' , :iiii: '''". 1- : ,,' , ' "' Natior L Jimmy Walton, and Howard Byron Mitchell, phons well, / - �. . :_� Left to right: Bill Farrar, Jake Van Luik, David McQuire, Jesse Liguez, Jimmy Walton, Jerry Mills, Mr. Bright, and Howard Mitchell. • LIBRARY CLUB . Members of the Library Club actually practice lib under the direction of their rary procedure sponsor, Mrs. J. T. Duncan. The members are: Janis Gard,, Elaine Chalk, Linda Chalk, and Rebecca 1 McNeil. Standing, left to right: Mrs. Duncan, Elaine Chalk, Janis Gard, and seated ° Linda Chalk. a Stand PHOTOGRAPHY CL UB 1 Jerry Joe F The Photography C lub is one of the most . ,, functional clubs at Consolidated. Under the direction of Mr, K. C. Morgan, the 1 "" members learn the principles of good E picture making. They have opportunity to put their knowledge into action when Exte they make pictures of all school events patec .---i'---Nq l for the annual. The school owns and test, • �' ' : e m a well equipped dark room " where members develop and print book, their pictures, The go members are: Judd club 3r Rogers, Richard Badgett, Larry Mad- Grar _ dox, Joan Loveless, Hugh Glenn, Matt Wilk : i Gaddis, Hank Bardi Paul r Mike Gay, and Mike Dittm Blooan, m, n Nelson, Cynd �:� Seated, left to right: Noel Strader, Stan( Seat Richard B Mike Bloom, and i ' Bill Berry. Danis 1a Standing, left to right: Russell Brown, Hugh Glenn, Larry Maddox, Joan Love- elle less, Mike Gay, Matt Gaddis, Hank Jack; Dittman, and Bardin Nelson. ti. m ` w ee , „ _ 11. 4.i. .,,,,,, M 1 , , ,,,. „,0 . � -..,.„,: ,,,N ;' lihttti, ' A 6 J 0 R DRUM MAJORETTE, ANNE WILLIAMSON HEAD TWIRLER, CAROL DE E { T � i i,„,,s6 ' '' I , ' 4 E MARY VARVEL KATHRYN GOULD 25 I CHORUS ax ..w * t i ..„ ', , '4 ° k '44 - 1 4, ,,, , 7 .,1 : 1 ,., ' ( * °' i : t 1 6 , i 6 , ,,1 iii ■ k • 1 i 1-s * 4 c 44 t„k ' 1 S -- = * r , .,'',„ k°,,,,°"- ■ , ' - ',,-- ,','°,4k;■,4°,*°,Pkit,,',„ti. '■ I 1 i I ROBERT L. BOONE, Director ANITA MOWERY, Accompanist Front row, left to right: Suzanne Sorenson, Ann Cleland, Carolyn Wilson, Mary Margaret Hierth, Sue Ellen Scarborough Dorothy Berry, Jean Anderson, Evelyn Parsons, Joan Loveless, Susan Wormeli, Ruth Shinn, June Barker, Marilyn McElroy, Anita Mowery, Mr. Robert L. Boone. { Second row: Carole O'Donnell, Sharon Logan, Ann Elkins, Blair Perryman, Helen Holland, Nancy Rogers, Gloria Reed, Sylvia Nye, Amy Norcross, Judy Litton, Margaret Huff, Sue Ross, Peggy Williams, Donna Dale. Third row: Alvin Brewer, James Arnold, John Hamner, Edgar Feldman, Mark Luther, John Wayne Todd, Bill Foster, Dennis Minor, Michael Walton, Melvin Bauer, David McNeely, LyndonHarper, Bill Kavanaugh, Wayne Thompson, John - ny Turner, John L. Bearrie. { The chorus has provided many programs of entertainment and inspiration throughout the year. They have performed in churches, local clubs, assemblies, on television, and at interscholastic league contest. The chorus ended its successful year at the annual Night of Music program. I t I. i> k 27 CI SENIOR PLAY ;" 1 "NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH" r Fe The setting for this play was . 11 a a court room, and it was ' presented as an actual mur ' der trial. The most interest- !� , ii (° ing feature of the play was 'it °e ; a jury drawn from a list of ` townspeople. The Jurymen �� ". � -� sat in a jurybox on stage and " x lis tened to the evidence pre ` j , e° 1. ;° sented by the "witnesses" � 0 Then they retired and reach '+ °� ed their verdict, a differ I. t . ent one each night, as it ; happened. � €� ....... � � .. , +� _e � , l III Mr. Boone, director, helps Bill Farr- The Seniors and dates have fun discuss- arwith make up before going onstage. € ing the play at the cast party. . ..0 7,4a - ,:::, E II Karen Andre, defendant, throws fiery accusa- Larry Regens gives his side of the puzzled tions at Byron Faulkner's widow, Nancy Lee, story to the district attorney, Flint. I I II 0 '''''''.41:':: ' '''' ' '::;., ' " ' ' '. : — 16! I a a i 1 t 1 Attorney Stevens questions Magna Swenson, Flint and Stevens shake hands in front of Karen house keeper of the murdered Byron Fau Andre after the jury gives their decision. 1 29 Y ALL SCHOOL FAVORITE i rg i 1 ![ , t€ 4. a x S ,s ^� �` 5 4. i E rod 5 I ■ tt A Cq a '' a `fix t , 4 ., Steadman Davis 35 SENIOR FAVORITES a L ,A,,,_,,,.. ,,„, , , , , , ,. ,,,,,. .,,,,,,,,,,, 1.,,,,i.,„,::„..,..., 4. 43 , ',.: ,,,,,,.:. .,,, 4 • «s' ff. r» a a- ^: Y Billy Kavanaugh May Garc 1 36 I' ,,..,., JUNIOR FAVORITES .., _ ...,,. .,., , ....,. . , .,.[ • , • ,.. - ....., - , .. , -.„ . ,,,,,,,,,, `,..,',.• °-. ' ' . , "4%i, • James Walton , .,.. 5 1 . ■ ' - - . . , ,... ..,.. ., ., ..., D o in a n L aV e l l e . ' .,. -' . - - .,.,..:'.-i.•,il'i‘'i:----,.i...,,...-'..':-..;,-.-:.'.:.,‘-..„,:.,-.4',,,f'.''' ,,.1' •. ,. ,..,,..-, .. ' - ,..,, -,..,,,,,.: 1 37 SOPHOMORE r FAVORITES 4 y. ' b Y , " • ._ sue, -1,,..m1/44,4-T,...- °p was^ �.a � °tea Anne Rudde Co � o-� w �, � � :: rs ° � � �F�t :' ^P �v, Johnny Martine „ FRESHMAN ., . , FAVORITES .. ` r X04 w t . �, }wit ,- 3 t ! Condy Pugh , l a 1 I II I 1 B lair Perryman I I Millie Caughlin elected Queen to reign over royal festivities of HOMECOMING 1957 ',,s.;: . .x , ,,,k, 1 —4 ‘ , .. 4 $1.- ,k \ .-- , .°% .4 4. ?- s -� a a e " , - -.' , ;I" ' ' The royal Court is presented to the Home- �. 1 coming crowd. Margaret Huff, Princess; Millie Caughlin, Queen; and Patricia Jack - a son, Princess; ride in a black and white Underclassmen congratulate the Queen as Oldsmobile convertible. she returns from her triumphal journey. Consolidated students have been at work for many days be- � fore Homecoming day begins. The Bonfire which they built was y set off by the football co-cap- tains Thursday night, exempli- the burning Tiger spirit. A yell- practice followed with Alk. ; a ,, peeches by exes, yells, and hool songs. A q Seniors sponsored the selec- * tion of a girls � Qu een; two from f4 each class were nominated by the football team. Townspeople are allowed to cast penny votes t * ,°,`,...":!.',":1,t4";,, 1 - ga for their favorite candidate. w The after -game dance and ,' t ,,,,„ . I. ,2 :4'''' ' ' ' ' t the whole of Homecoming was made more exciting when the i Tiger Team beat Cypress Fairbanks 32 - 6. All the people turn to look as the duchesses are introduced. Left to right are; Ann Cleland, senior; Marilyn McElroy, and Nancy Ray, sophomores; Millie Caughlin, senior; Suzanne Sorenson and Sue Ross, freshmen; Margaret Huff and Patricia Jackson, juniors, 45 .r► FOOTBALL * S' - ' 6 t'''''' kw-- f ‘411. Pttl, - r r ile-- .. z.77., , . .""r '.• 7 l' I 1., 1 0 **( '''' c 'tt ve ffi �m { d e 4 ,,,,, ch t. 7 .61 ...v„,„ ,_ , �' / I' THE VARSITY Bottom row: Billy Kavanaugh, Alton Arnold, John Martinez, Jim Johnston, David McNeely, Junius Clark, Lyndon Harper, Mike Walton, Steadman Davis. Second row: Manager Bill Berry, Pete Rodriguez, Edgar Feldman, Don Avera, Kenneth Cooner, John King, John Wayne Todd, Kirby Jackson, Jud Rogers, Head Man- ager Wayne Thompson. Third Row: Assistant Coach Ed Logan, Joel Mills, Ben Ray Jackson, Dee Smith, Virden Smith, Brenner Sayers, George Outlaw, Bob White, Coach Gardemal. Back row: Victor Clark, Condy Pug.i, Alex Quisenberry. BEST TIGER SEASON IN FOUR YEARS In his first year as head coach at A &M 20 -7. Giddings managed to hold down the Consolidated, Dick Gardemal guided his rough Tigers and went on to score a 19 -0 charges through the best Tiger season in win, after five costly fumbles aided them. four years. Only an end -of- season upset The final non - district battle was a 7 -0 by Bellville kept the Tigers from capturing thriller in which the Tigers came out on the District23AA crown. Bellville went on top over Sealy. to win regional honors in the state school C.H.S. got off to a flying start in the boy race. district competition by blasting Navasota Consolidated posted a three win and 33 -6, and Cypress- Fairbanks 31 -6, and three loss record in their non - district tilts. Caldwell 34 -14. However, in the final game In the opening game of the season the Ben- of the season, Bellville scored three times gals bowed to Cleveland 26 -14, after a third within five minutes to take the champion- period rally fell short. Adecisive 31 -6 vic- ship game by the score of 24 -0. tory over Madisonville brought to an end a It was an ironic ending for the high nine game losing streakwhichwas carried school careers of the nine Tiger seniors over from the previous season. who played their final game. After three The Tigers were nudged by the Dis- losing seasons, it seemed the Tigers were trict 21AA champion, Rockdale, 13 -2. The destined for the top, but Bellville wrote the Tigers then pounced back to hand tough Bre- final chapter in the book of memories, as mond their first loss of the 1957 campaign they laced the Tiger ' - 4 I *ttir i ' -. - 1 ,,,1„,....I.,:-.1, . s i 8 2 4 itsus ... ‘-. ,.... , "B" TEAM : Bottom row: Manager Hank Dittman, Kenneth Cantey, Bobby Adams, John Pedigo, Frank Duran, Howard Mayhugh. Second row: Mark Luther, Darryl Bailey, Mike Denison, Jimmy Wright, P.D. Gandy, Kelly Parker, Coach Bright. M ,,,,... . , os . i, ‘, '...,, ' \---lp,' % ors i a ° jY The coaches line up in their "official uniforms" INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS No. of Total Player carries Yardage Average Points Billy Kavanaugh 128 67 5 5, 27 42 Edgar Feldman 100 393 3.93 30 Alton Arnold 70 434 6.20 55 Dee Smith 57 220 3.86 25 Johnny Martinez 32 144 4. 50 6 John Wayne Todd 25 91 3.64 -- Jim Johnston 22 86 3.91 -- Condy Pugh 13 19 1. 47 -- Steadman Davis 6 36 6.00 -- Brenner Sayers 9 24 2.66 -- Don Avera -- - -- - -- 12 Pete Rodriguez - -- - -- 2 s { + s off'. a W ,,,,,.,..,, e 4. ds g ! Coach backfield Gardemal poses with the Tiger �� . . Coach goes over a play with the co- captains. 52 S. ,,, „..,.„ 1 ,,. ,,,,,,..,,,, 1,,I! Os - , .":,,,,, .",'4. ' .o., f ' ' 4 , , . 6 „ . , . ,,,„. . - T ''.,: 2 " v : ' 4 , '''‘'''' 4 --'1114: "I' —; k '''''''', 1 t- t. ? Center Steadman Davis Billy Kavanaugh David McNeely Fullback Guard Lettered -3 Lettered -3 Lettered -3 Bryan Daily Eagle's Bryan Daily Eagle's Bryan Daily E ll- Di aglstr e's All- District All- District All- District Coaches All- District Coaches 2nd Team Coaches Aict Co- Captain All- District Outstanding Lineman Honorable Mention All -State Co- Captain Outstanding Back s. 1 p _ y , , , . ./. - Alton Arnold Lyndon John Martinez yndon Harper Halfback Tackle Halfback Lettered -3 Lettered -2 Letterean Dd -2 Bryan Daily Ea Bryan Daily Eagle's Bryaily Eagles 2nd Team All- District Honorable Mention 2nd Team All- District 1 53 BASKETBALL aP r' ' *,,. .... ,, 1.1 .,. 0 , ..' ' it. i 1,,, , % .. , , 1 . ° , , 0 , , „I. ":*??' '''—''' 0 " ' - , • . . , , . as $ � °* Y I v e = ee: : $ .. e THE VARSITY . Standing, left to right: Coach Larry Hayes, Don Avera, Billy Kavanaugh, Joe Randolph, Alton Arnold, 4 George Fort, Manager —Mike Gay, Johnny Barger, Manager — Billie Dean Letbetter. Kneeling: Johnny Martinez, Jerry Holland, Kenneth Cooner. i BASKETBALL TEAM EDGED OUT FOR DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Bellville dealt the Tigers a bad blow in the bas- Afterpicking up their first win against Bellville , # ketball campaign. They put an end to the Tiger in district play, Consolidated thundered into the hopes of a district championship, when they upset Navasota Invitational Tournament and easily de- Consolidated 48 -44 late in the season. The loss feated Tomball in their opener 49 -25. However, - on the part of the Tigers enabled Cypress- the next day the Tigers bowed to Bedias in double Fairbanks to grab the District 23AA crown for the overtime 51 -50. Later the Bedias squad went on second year in a row. to win the meet. as' After slightly shaky start, Coach Larry s Cypress- Fairbanks Ha e Al to C loss o a tough r F g y y ry y g yp ess airbanks dimmed charges began to churn. Early losses to Hunts- Consolidated hopes slightly, but victories over ville made the Consolidated record for the first Navasota and Caldwell put the Tigers back near few weeks top -heavy with losses. By the time for the top of the district. With the exception of the their own tournament, the Tigers had developed upset loss to Bellville, Consolidated managed to into a fine team. Wins over Bryan, 46 -39; and Mont- to finish the rest of their district schedule wit h gomery, 46 -33; put the Tigers in the finals against out another loss, even triumphing over Cypress - Richards. There the drive fizzled and they had to Fairbanks 36 -32. be content with second place after a 27 -37 loss. 58 1 'troll .o' , 3 3 , tz # + v em ° ' II ir,- '..ti . . 0 - . * l e s AIV ''''''''' .II, arY , , t: &I , t ) 1 .1. 1 fk. „,; '','-'"74 ' ) , 1 . 1- ', 3::,".',. ' .. ' ,B v eFa 4 z # k. Don Avera `* ' Forward �� Alton Arnold Lettered -2 ° Forward Lettered -2 Coaches All-District ° 5 ' Bryan Daily Eagle's Bryan Daily Eagle's Honorable Mention All- District Most Valuable Player Most Valuable ins Kiwanis All-Tourney 4 Bryan All- Tourney .,-.3:....'- = a Navasota All- Tourney • i , a Kenneth Cooney 1 % e Guard i Lettered -1 e e 1, • I Johnny Martinez Joe Randolph Guard = Lettered -2 Center Lettered -1 Bryan Daily Eagle's Honorable Mention 59 t. I ' ‘E'it . -;:i 1 " , , , .i : , " . ..:'..., :- :.!!!'* — .1; - e � , !J , fi �s. 4. 0 w Jerry Holland �.. Billy Kavanaugh Guard a Forward j Lettered -2 �� Lettered -2 Captain s Bryan Daily Eagle's Bryan Daily Eagle's All- District 2nd Team All- District • Bruce Thompson Center -4 4 ;i411 Lettered - 1 Bryan Dlily Eagle's ' Honorable Mention' 1. ve a Johnny Barger Forward George .Fort Center 60 k Via li te , it. "B" TEAM Standing, left to right: Mark Luther, John Bearrie, Tommie Letbetter, Fred Brison, James Riggs, Bobby Adams, Wilburn Kirkpatrick. Kneeling: John Pedigo, Danny Garner, P. D. Gandy. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS G FG FT PF TP AVE. Don Avera 23 122 50 42 294 12.8 Bill Kavanaugh 22 56 49 66 161 7.3 Alton Arnold 19 64 32 60 160 8.4 Bruce Thompson 23 20 31 49 71 3.1 Jerry Holland 22 28 14 51 70 3.2 Joe Randolph 21 23 21 17 67 3.2 Kenneth Cooner 20 5 11 25 21 1.0 Johnny Martinez 18 8 3 18 19 1.1 i i George Fort 9 7 0 11 14 1.6 Johnny Barger 7 1 1 3 3 0.4 Fred Brison 4 0 0 0 0 0.0 TEAM 23 334 212 342 880 38.3 L . .,, I - '-''' ki,, ....-:: f, I i' srt a j ;,, s ., .„,, , ,,,, ,,, ,... — aT .. g , 1 11' 4' l ie '' re ,,' i '. # :t. qi — lk— jiii ' '"g' )1 1 11/ 1 ' , 4, : ., r: 1 3 Joe Randolph lays up a crip Don Avera hooks one for two shot for two points 61 points 1 BASEBALL ' " ,,,,,,„ ' : ';', , ‘.. _4, , ; , 8.. ,,,,,,,.. ,.. t ...,..i,,,, 41.,e,,, :, , .,,, v,.,,At• o r 4 4 . ,,, _, 8 ' , t ,. ,, C , „.. ... , Al.'' . ',,p,,p, 4 ° :,,, � g " � � 1 t � \ /0 , °fi Et f iili 441 o \,. ,, . .. ,., . t,,. , ‘,... , A. .. • ., 1 V; c , . . .gyp �.^� . .� . �� , �, � . .• ",. �., m, . Standing, left to right: Coach —Edsel Jones, Bobby Ross, Alton Arnold, Pete Rodriguez, Edgar Feld- man, George Carroll, Ben Ray Jackson, Assistant Coach —Ed Logan. • K neeling : Manager —Hank Dittman, Kelly Parker, John Martinez, Kenneth Cooner, Steadman Davis, Victor Clark, Bob Lawrenson, Bob White, Manager — Weldon Umphress. Not shown: Mike Dennison BASEBALL TEAM HAS ANOTHER FINE SEASON Grand champions of all were the Att&M Consoli- trict play they went without a blemish, finishing dated Baseballers. The 1958 crew, under the di- three full games ahead of the nearest rival. In the rection of Edsel Jones, forged its way to a second opening bi- district tilt Edgar Feldman stopped the bi- district crown in a row and only a strong third Cleveland Indians 8 -0 at Kyle Field before a ^ "~ f game surge by the Elgin Wildcats kept Consoli- large crowd. However, at Cleveland the story was dated from winning their second regional crown in a little different. The Indians took the measure of succession. Consolidated 7 -2, nevertheless Consolidated Two pitchers carried the load of the Tiger at- bounced back and posted another 8 -0 victory to tack throughout the season. Ed Feldman and secure the bi- district crown. Alton Arnold mowed down b at t e r after b a t t e r, Elgin proved to be a tough customer in the re- game after game to pace the Consolidated crew gional fight. In the opener, Consolidated got off to a to victory. bad start and never seemed to be able to rally Consolidated started strong against weak op— quite enough. The final score turned out to be 6 -5. .` position and quickly had built up a 4 -0 record. It The two clubs then moved into Legion Field in was then that they first ran across the Brenham Bryan to wind up the season. Edgar Feldman Bears. For the first seven innings Alton Arnold hurled near perfect ball, and the Tigers came out held the Bears run 1 e s s. But in the eighth they on top 7 -2. In the game for the championship, came across with three runs and Consolidated was Elgin c h a s e d across four unearned runs in the able to score only two runs in their half of the first inning and controlled the Tigers to win 5 -2. frame. After this defeat, the Tigers piled up a This was the second year for the Tigers to get to skein of sixteen victories. the regional finals, and every player of the team Brenham again was the stopper with a 2 -1 vic- should be congratulated. A special thanks to our .' tory over Consolidated, but the Tigers bounced two fine coaches, Mr. Jones and Mr. Logan. back to anotherrow of victories. Through the dis- 0 v C O d F A� ` ; „fir , ,g, ce, . r e a # „ t me ' c am � . 8 ; • \ t ' Cu, , g • Bob White ' r 4‘ ,. ' Outfield �,• Bob wrenson Outfi t`" f , :0",9;,(3:,`,...°';',",- ti . . g • . • i " i i ---- F .... 1 p I Victor Clark Mike Denison Pitcher Infield °1 Lettered -1 9 INDIVIDUAL PLAYER AB R H STATISTICS Edgar Feldman 95 81 26 RBI 2B 3B HR B.A. Steadman Davis 37 31 4 6 2 .457 Johnny Martinez 36 43 25 1 3 1 65 3l 24 5 .452 Pete Rodriguez 7(, 28 23 0 0 .370 Billy Kavanaugh 32 11 2 4 .303 George Carroll 79 5 17 0 9 11 5 0 1 Bobby 19 20 .281 t t y Ross 67 8 17 8 2 .254 2 Alton Arnold 72 17 18 1 0 .254 Wayne Thompson 28 5 1 0 0 .250 Bennie Jackson 17 1 5 7 0 0 .179 John Wayne Todd 13 3 0 154 Victor Clark 1 2 6 0 0 0 Kelly Parker 7 1 1 0 0 .154 0 31 8 4 5 0 0 0 .143 Kenneth Cooner 69 4 8 0 0 .129 .000 Mike Dennison 5 1 2 1 0 0 .116 Bob Lawrenson 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Bob White 0 0 0 0 0 (Team Totals) 7 39 191 21 <, 141 _ 0 0 0 .291 0 .000 4 3h 15 9 PLAYER Record G IP Edgar Feldman (10-0) 16 ER H 152 34 SO BB • Alton Arnold (10 -4 78 18 Victor Clark (3_l� 19 91 7 21 183 0.53 ERA —(3 4 20 7 12 41 0.54 (Team Total) (23 -5) 28 189 18 12 --------o.,2.54 20 51 353 0.74 f .40 11?, , , . ' 0 1- 1 ,,, lit ;sue 0 4 , Nancy Rogers Jerry Mills Doubles Doubles Lettered -1 Lettered-2 Regional Finals Regional Finals f r ill11 , 1 * Susan Dowell Sin Lettered -2 State 1 ( , , , ' Semifinals , , oil, ,g 1 --..(_ , ,I 4a... <A // L ., I Pam Sperry ` / Don Avera Doubles Doubles Lettered -2 Lettered -1 Regional Finals 6 Regional Finals GOLF j r-----n"" sen and AO Jor • Jerry Holland Kirby Jackson Lettered -3 Lettered -1 , 1 r the ft TWO TEAMS QUALIFY FOR REGIONAL IN GOLF The 1958 Tiger Golf team had the youngest mont, Fort Worth, Lampassas, and Texas A. and team ever to play for Consolidated. Jerry Holland, M. were some of the tournaments the Tigers at- the only senior on the team, was the number one tended. In these five tournaments the Tigers were "4, player. He was followed by Kirby Jackson, Condy always near the top. Pugh, and John L. Bearrie. These four boys made The golf team played two matches with Bas - up the first team. Bobby Adams, Johnny Barger, trop, one here and one there. Both of these J � Alex Rush, DannyGarner, and John Pedigo made matches were won by the Tigers. The first and up the second team. second Tiger teams placed first and second in le The Tiger team participated in some of the the District 21A meet held in Navasota. In Hous- finest tournaments in the state. Liberty, Beau- ton at the regional meet, the first team won third place. 70 et [ SENIORS SE ■ 'q° , e � ` JAMES HENRY ARNOLD (Armadillo) 1. F.F.A.; Homeroom Officer, F.F.A. Officer, Danc< Clb; District F.F.A. Votivg Del 2. Wrestling team; Officer, F.F.A. Homeroom Officm, Dmce Club; F F.F.A. Senior Farm - Skills Team; 3. F.F.A. Officer, Homeroom Officer, Senior Farmskills Team; Stage Crew. Junior Play, 4. Auto Mechanics Club; Chorus; F.F.A.; 4 -H• Homeroom OHice 4 ::' ''' l' '' r''''''. 4: .;:a. • I CHARD HOWARD BADGETT (Badge) JUNE LEA BARKER (Judy) [ 1. F.H.A. 2. F.H.A. 3• F.H.A.; Jun or Play, C JULIA ANN CI 1 Scien Club. 2. Photography Club; Scievice Club. 3 Photography Club. 4. Photography Club. m t. . 4 ...; Chorus Sewing Club. 1. F.N.A. 2. j 3. tiger's Tal m Worker, 4 S + Secretary; Winn .. .. Bust s Colle • $ �� � E Professional A 4 4 ,,,,,,,,„„,„,,.„„,„,„,,/ of k@ e� ,. " JUDITH ANN BISHOP (Judy) WILLIAM GRIFFIN BREAZEALE, JR. (Breezy) 1 1. Band; F.H.A.; Homeroom Officer, Typing Interscho• J 1. Basketball; Sharpshootei s Club; Major Athletics. ANN ELIZABE lestic League; Operetta. Z Band; F.H.A.; Outstanding 2. Basketball; Track; Sharpshooter's Club; Major Ath- 1. Homeroom O "' Y Worker; Typing Awazd; Tiger's Tale Staff; Homeroom Letics Club. 3• Junior Play; Basketball; Auto Mechen- Choral Club, De Offices 3. F.H.A.; Tiger's Tale Staff; Junior Play. ica Club; Ma)oc Athletics Club. 4. Senior Play; Aum Council; Ensem ea & ®, x 4. Tiger's Tale Staff; Senior Play. Mechanics Club; One -Act Play. Deus; Junior Ch Candidate; Avm msponding Secr ;Annual Sinl J h[ att; Homecom e; Chorus; Se ¢ Faculty Selene a STEADMAN DAV MARY LINDRA CATHCART '1 MILLIE RAY CAUGHLIN 1. Student Cou I. S[uden[ Council; Homeroom Officer; F.H.A.; Dance a 1 F . H . A .; Dance Club; Class Officer S h 1 t ball; Co , Club. 2. Student Council; F.H.A.; Tigers Tale Staff; F .a - Honor Roll; Homeroom Officer. 2. F.H.A. Off CI dent, Sharpshooce t t e Homeroom Secretazy. 3. Homeroom Treasurer, Annual e„ Favorite; Hommoom Officer, Tiger's Tale; Homecoming a "`* dent Council; Be+ 2' Staff; F.H:A. 4. Student Council; Homeroom President; princess Class Offic +c 3 Annual Stall; Scholastic F.H.A.; Kiwania Senior Sewing Award; Faculty Se- Honor Roll; F.H.A.; Civil Defense Charimm; Student Baseball; Capra leas; National Honor Society. Council; Junior Play; National b D Society. 6, Stu• Outstanding den[ Body Presidmr, Speech Club; Declamation; Homo- shooter's CIub; 4ce coming Queen; National Honor Society; Faculty Select; Athletics, Class t it A ward; Scholastic Honor ROIL Council; Student a " D[sttict, Football .,� _ k shell; Repcesa Via club; Speech CI spnttamanan�pA. g . cil; Co•Capt n, S �. 2, R') hexer; Baseball; ' 6 : Club; Spotty Edi+ Selects; Citizen i dent Comcil As SENIORS NANCY ELAINE CHALK (Louie) ' 3 1. Round -up Staff. 2. Tiger's 'Pale Staff; Librazy Club. 3. Homeroom Secretary, Prestdent, Librazy E Club; Stage Manager, Junior Play; Tiger's Tale S[afE; Typing Proficiency Award; Scholastic Honor y Roll; 4. Senior Play; Tiger's Tale Staff; Library Club; Scholastic Honor Roll; Second Plac ,Spell- , :. ing, Interacholasric Lague; Naziona1 Honor Society. I . p. 0 ' . ' 1 1 ■ JULIA ANN CISNEROS (Shortie) t 1. F.H.A. 2. F.H.A.; Tiger's Tale Staf N, Chorus ;.. JUNIUS MANSON CLARK 3. Tiger's Tale Staff; Library Club; Outstanding Homo- l 1. Tennis; Band; Deuce Club; Scholastic Hon R 11 v �! om Worker, 4. F.H.A.; Tigers Tole Staff; Homeroom 2. Tiger's Tale Staff; Slide Rule Club; Dance B d Secretary; Winner of Scholazship to McKenzie - Baldwin Tennis; Band; Biology Aaard. 3. Major Athletics CI b °t g e Business College given by the Bry an- College Station ' Slide Rule Club; Tennis; Football; Band; Dance B d Professional Women's Club. g Scholastic Honor Roll; District Winner, Slide R I g. 4. Senior Business Manager, Tigerland; 'C' Cl b x 9 d * « Football; Band; Dance Band; 2nd place, Disvic Sl d a ; ggl r. �"? Rule; Citizen of the Month; Faculty Selects; M h 'm maucs Award. ANN ELIZABETH CLELAND (Cleo), 1. Homeroom Officer, Homecoming Princess; Chorus; d.08ERT BRUCE DAVEY , S. ' ‘,„„:‘,.„,cii„...,:,......:::,......1,...,,,,,, ' : Choral Club, Dance Club. 2.'Homeroom Officer, Student. Council; Ensemble; Dance Club. 3. Homeroom Offieer, �aA 2. Came from Denron Tezas; ... . .. . . Jun Jun y Sports Queen F. A; Auro Mechanics Club. Choros; roc Favorice; roc P I a N { ��� : - Cm:didare; Annual Staff; F.H.A. 4. Yell Leader, Cor- �., espondivg Secretary of Student Counul; P.H.A. Offi- ' r, Annual Staff; Homeroom President; F.F.A. Sweeo- h an; Homecoming Queen Nominee; All- School Favor- �' .,� e; Chorus; Senior Play; National Honor Society; I Faculty Selects. C & t 1 STEADMAN DAVIS (Steady) 1 Student Council; Most Polite Boy; Football; Base• ball; Co- Captain, Golf; District Medalist, Golf; Presi- WILLIAM FRANK FARRAR (Bill) d ,Sharpshooter's Club; Major Athletics Club. 2. Sru• ) d r Council; Best Blocker, Football; Most Police Boy;;. I. Rifle Club. 2. Rifle C 1 u 6. 3. Fifle Club Off car; j B ebell; Captain, Golf Team; Presidrnt, Golf Club; �S Tezes Junior Engineering Technical Society Off er, 33 0 standing Club Worker, Golf; President, Shetp- � In[eraeholastic League Poetry Reading; Junior P1 y; & h is Club; Outstanding Homeroom Worker,. Major " °: °.. wimming Team; Science Fair. 4. Captain, of S - L „A Athl tcs, Class Favorite. 3. Vice- Preaidenr, Student '_ * g Team (State Champion, 100 yd. &andazd Bre 8 a C il; Student Council Award; Best Blocker, ALI- ,q tke Senior Play; Science Feir (first place D '^ D sarcr, Football; Co-Captain, Baseball; Manager, Boo- � rrMis ;., J� tr r Honorable Mention, Regional); Tezas Junior E S �` - k l.afl; Re rve ro Bs State; Ma or Athletics ¢ � � gineering Technical Socitty Officer, Slideaule Cl b, q presenro t ys 1 9 a 'y^.a Science Club. -_ h � Club; Speech Club; Presidevy Homeroom; Babe Ru[h � � $rtsmenship Award. 4. Viee- President, Student Coun- "� q 8�� 1, Co- Captain, All- DisRicr, Football; F.H.A. Swett- d 6a h ; Baseball; Preside ?, 'C Clob; Major Athletics �..& , CI b; Sports Editor, Tiger's Tole; Senior Play; Faculty acl Selects; Citizen of the Month; All- School Favorite; Stu- : dent Council Award; Tigers Tale Awad. :6 g -- , r SENIORS 3 MARY SALAS GARCIA 1. Library Club. 2. Library Club. 3. LibraryClub; Chorus. 4. Chorus; Car didate for Sports Queen; " Senior Favorite. - t Y e R7� - d $k' 4th e GIs `^ ) % CECIL GLEN HALLNARK .. kY JOHN BENNETT HAMNER KEITH ROBER .. 1. Sharoshooter's Club. 2. Science Club. 3. Slide Rule 1. Homeroom Officer; Swimming ream; Tumbling ream; 2. Came from 1 Club; Au o Mechanics Club. 4. Slide Rule Club; Auro Rifle Club; Rodeo Club. 2. Rifle Club; Rodeo Club, 3. Presider[, 3 ,�$ Mechanics Club; Auto Mechanics Club Award. a Wrestling team. 3. Speech Club; Junior Play; Speech Club: 4-H Liv � ��¢, - Club Play; Tumbling ream; Chorus. 4. Football; Cho- stock Judging ^J^ non; Boys Quarter, Tumbling team; One-Acn Play, Boor ]udging Conies ActoDistrict, All St err CasRegiona; Senior Pley; Drama * , . l ,a ® tea LYNDON LEE HARPER (Rubber) A ® a MARY MARGARET HIERTH (Hierthy) HUGH WARRE 1. Sharpshooter's Club. 2. Sharpshooter's Club; Maior -- �, . Outstanding Scholar, Scholastic Honor Aoll; peo- 1. Baseball; S P1 errs; Homeroom Officer, Dance Club; Choral Club; Cho- Club. 2. Shur , 4 Mo i An h Football. 3• l; Senior P loy; Athletics. ru 4 . . Ma Athletics Football; Senior Play; 'C' Club; y s. 2. Class Seaetery; Outstanding Scholar; 7igei s Award. 3. Slid A Cl u b ; Ch orus; Drama - Tale Staff; Scholastic Honor Roll; Chorus. 3. Class 4. Auto Mecha Treasurer; Advettising Manager, Tiger's Tale; Ttger- 1 d Staff; Junior Play Casr, Scholastic Honor Rofl; �. Otsanding Scholar, National Honor society; Babe w ag � R th Award. 4. Editor- in•Chief, Tiger• - �- l d; Treasurer, Tiger's Tale; Homeroom Officer, Cho- .e s E M S en i or Pl S Honor ' + R ll; Annuel Staff Awazd; DAR American Hi g w A ard; Outstand Scholu; Fnculry Selects; Nm has ✓ 4a7Ae t ® 'y� Merit Scholarship Finalist; Valedictorian. S a E v. " ;' .$ ] JERRY ALLEN HOLLAND a JAMES CHAMBERS JONNSTON (Jim) BURNEY WIL -8 1. Homeroom President; Basketball; Baseball; Golf IP 3. Came from Florida. Sharpshooter's Club; Juni L Sharpshr ��' Athletic Club. 2. Basketball; Baseball; Golf; A[hlenc Gass Pcesidenr Homeroom President Track. 4. F 3• Secreracy.1 ' Club; Homeroom President. 3. Homeroom Pcesidenr, ball; Student Council Homeroom President; Moved President' Ac Basketball; Golf; Athletic Club. 4. Class Vice- Pcesi- ''.4."..,74-:.„i''''..., Alabama. ''' * `,.. ( derv, Homeroom Pcesidenr, Captain, Basketball Teem;a' Golf; • C• Club; Faculty Selects. E qty :., ..« ...,.�.,:.' lot„+%'. ". ..�YS'TMR•:O tr.75c rr. « ^.._ . _ .,. _ .. - BILLY RAY KAVANAUGH 1. F.F.A.; Dance Club; Football; Basketball; Track; Baseball; Sharpshooter's Club; Homeroom = Officer; Outstanding Homeroom Worker; Chapter Farmer, Major Athletic Club. 2. F. F. A.: Dance Club; Football; Baseball; Basketball; Track; Homeroom Officer; Hovoteble Mention AIL,pist ' e 4 Fullback; Major Athletic Club. 3. F.F.A.; Speech Club; Major Athletic Club; 411 Distric Fullback Speech Club Play; Chorus; Junior Play; Co-Captein of Baseball; Basketball; Football; All Ki- wanrs Touroament Player; Homeroom Officer, Most Valuable Fo&ball and Basketball Player. ,u 4. Senior Play; All District Basketball; Football; Haseball; Senior Favorite Homeroom Officer•, '^' p First Place Disrict One -Act Play (Second Best Actor Award); Second Place Re aI; 4I1 School 4 Favorite Runner U Co- gron p; Captain of Football Teem, Best Defense. � g cB '° ; .), ,, ,, a , , , I r+, if v .', ,, , ; :;4.., ; : ,10 ,,, . /- te r.° KEITH ROBERT KIDWELL JOHN BUTTRILL KING 2. Came from Housron, Texas. Reporter F. F. A. 4 Came from Austia, Tezas; Football; Higher Mathe- 3. Preaidenr Rodeo Club; F.F.A. 4. Secretary, 4 -H .�; - cs Club; Slide Rule Club; Student Council. Club: 4-H Livestock Team; 1st Place, Stare Live• - man stock Judging Contest; 3rd place, National Livesrock - ; �i Judging Conresr in Chicago, Illinois. erg, a ° ° HUGH WARREN LINDSAY DAVID MICHAEL McNEELY (Neely) 1 • . Baseball; Sharpshooter's Club; Major Athletics I. Football; Malor Athletic Club; Baseball; Dance � Gub. 2. Sharpshoocer's Club; Perfect Attendance Club; Home Officer, 2. Football; Golf; Baseball; Award. 3. Slide Rule Cfub; Au[o Mechanics Club. Major At Clu Golf Club; Science Club; Presi- a` w A , f 4. Auto Mechanics Club; Slide Rule Club. deny Sophomore Class; Homeroom Officer. 3. Jun play; Football; Major Athletics Club; Nazional High t School Poetry Asso.; Speech Club; Homeroom Offic r, Student Council 4. All-Di s tri c[, Football; Senr � ) � �3g Play, 3rd Placq Regional Declamation; 2nd plat % � . Student Council Talent Show; Tiger's Tale Staff; Ma; Athletics Club; 'C Club. . - d ,:ii, „,..,,,., ii :,,,,,, C re £ BURNEY WILLIAM MEYER, JR. (Sonny) auffi JERRY WOODROW MILLS (Miller) 1. Sharpshoote Sharpshooter' CI b $ ; - 1. Science Club; Round- Staff; Scholastic Hono 3. Secretay- Treasurer Auto Mechanics Club. 4. V ) gar's Preaidenr Aura Mechanics Gub. Roll; Scholastic Student Council; Tennis. di Tan Staff; Scholastic Honor Roll; Outs tandin g g Homeroo Worker, Student Couvcil• Slide Rule Club; Basketball F ` Tennis. 3. Slide Rule Club; Scholastic Honor Roll tea'. Regional Finalist Doubles, Tennis; Basketball; Home- " m Officer. 4. Higher Mathematics Club; Slide Rule Club; Runner -un, National Merit Scholarship Program; t , .$ e„ Regional Finalise Doubles, Tennis; Bausch -Lomb g 6 ;., Science Award; Salurarorim. f ,l' . ar } I ' -P SENIORS S E } P I -kg DENNIS EARL MAJOR Z p. $, $ 1. Sharpshooter's Club. 2. Sharpshooter's Club. 3. Sha puboorer's Club. 4. Auto Mechanics Club; l P ': Chorus. � , i DORIS AMY NORCROSS Cl HAROLD EDWARD NOLAN N=' g Opereaa; Dsnce ub; Homeroom Offices GEORG 2. Shacpshootei s Club; Band. 3. Sharpshooter's Club; mss+ q, Camp Band. 4. Projection Club; Higher Mathematics Club. - J O F.H.A. Officer, Night n i Tale Staff; 11°m ecoom Officer. 3. Chorus; Night Music Soloist Second Di- Rating Inte[scholas[ic League Solo Contest vis A.; Junior Play, 4. Chorus; Night of Music Solo- " d @�, is[; Class Officer, Speech Club; Th ird Division Rain In[eracholastic League Solo Conte Se for Play. JOE NEAL RANDOLPH (PachucahJoe) RUTH JEANETTE SHINN (June) 1. Baske tball Tennis; Band; Scholastic Honoc R�pll; - q. Came from Washington, D. C. F.H.A.; Seatng Club; LEAH A. Z H omeroom Pcesi Slide Rule Club; Prolect'on q st Chorus; Night of Music. 4. Came Club; Basket Tennis; Band; Scholastic H q Roll. 3. Homeroom Pcesidenr, Slide Rule Club; B .- ke[ba1l; Tennis; P ro j colon Clab; Scholastic H x Roll. 4. Slide Rule Club; Basketball; Scholastic H' 4 " R Il; Citizen of the Month; Senior Piny; Higher Mathe, ;g:f meat Club. 3., ifiet , e' DEE WAYNE THOMPSON SUE ELL. 4 -H; Smdenr C un c i I Tu mb li ng team; CHARLES ELBERT TODD (Charlie) 1. E. H. A ; Baseball; Sharphooter's Club, 2, F.F.A. Second D. Freshmen Favorite. 2. Student Counc F ootball; 4-H Club Secre 3. r Auto Mechani C I cs u b; Baseb Il 4. Presi- Contest. '.. 7V''.% ' m F.F.A.; racy; Chapter Farmer. 3. Moved ' dent, Auto Mechanics Club. faa. to Rio de ]aneuo, Brazil. 4. Senior Class Pcesidenr Interschol Major A[6l cries Club; Football Mmager, Tumbling .oloist. g . .. teem; Boys Quarter, Senior Play; Ono-ACt Play; Cho - , „; ; Night of Musicoloist. 1 SENIORS DOUGLAS 1 ETTA NARIE DOUG t 4. Came from Rosebud, Texas; Tiger's Tale Staff; 3igecs Tale Award. GEORGE ELY FORT . $. 4. Came from Bryan, Texas. Higher Mathematics Club. S DANIEL ALBERTO GRAMATGES 4. Came fro Dolores School, Santiago de Cuba; Ex- S F A, temporaneous Speaking Club; Higher Mathematics Club. RI t 4.. Aitil- to i' 4,,a's' , • LEAH ANN KING � SYLVIA MARGUETE NYE 4. Came from Columbus, texas; Aggie Wife. " ° 1. F.H.A.; Spoors RI candidate. 2 F.E.A.; Principal, (peretta. 3. F.H.A. Songleoder; Night of Music Soloisr, Junior Play. 4. Senior Play; Night of Music Soloist. is L SUE ELLEN MOWERY SCARBOROUGH GLYN BOYD WILKINSON (Pete) 1. F.H.A. 2. Historian, F. H.A. 3. F.H.A.; Chorus; *� 4. Came Erom Los Angeles, Californi e. Senior Piny; a �' Second Division Racing, Interscholastic League Solo 1 Extemporaneous Speaking Club; Exrem oraneous s Con r. 4. F.H.A.; Chorus Third Division Razing, p t..,1 :° �a S p e aking, Inrer scholasuc League Inre scholasuc League Solo Conresr, Nighc of Music&°I' ^ soloist. *".,;' 3 Carroll Kenneth Cooner Ilik Marshall Crenshaw l',.: , .. .,� Gordo Darrow Carol Dew 1, ' ' Susan Dowell 'r fi e.,. ' . 1 +� _a : PPP ... ? Ma Esten an Edgar Feldm Bill Foster arth g ;# + s< 0 .,.. . Pat Freeman ,,,.., . , . ..., . ,,,. .:‘,.,.,,,:,,, ,,, ,,,. ,,,,,, ,.,,,...,,,,,,,,,, ,:,..,,,,,..,,,,,....,,,,,,..„,,,.,,,,,...,„4:,,,,,;,,,,,„,,, Matt Gaddis Sidney Greer 82 • . „,. ,,� .r,,._.a, Y_ .� .. , , ._ 3, . r t Sara Goode Kathryn Gould ,.,,,..it. 9. .,.,, _ :. � Marga Huff 1 .,....,,r„. . �\ r r t . , 1/44 v , 6, j? '' . Y. f K irby Jackson Patrici Jackson Kim Johns o lt ,t.iin '1.° ,),,, , , '11' '4414 • Bill Jon Barbara June Wilburn Kirkpatrick VW— r ,,,,.„- „ ,4,. Helen Klipp $ Jeanelle LaMotte r. Doinan Lavelle } 83 ' Billy Dean Letbetter R Je L � �: e d�y Litton , < i , . M Sharon Logan Theron Logan Joyce Lorenz ° i'0-11;''-''''''!: Beatrice Luther Dolores Marquart a Nancy McAfee v 1: Carole McElroy David McGuire James Morgan 84 :r Wi n.. a" lot 4 ,.. ,. ,„ a ! Ann Elkins Emi gy p; Janis Gard Jane g Mar Mike Gay IF $ p �� Larry Godfrey Shai t i �a i Larry Gosch Johx Bill Gray Cha Joe Guidry Mar • Anita Hamner Mar tit' al ' il 8 � 4r rope " Virginia Hearne � Hel a rt Joe Heffernan Bil Alphonse Hol Joe t , Jimmy Holland ick • H a � ° 'E''''.- " ' , i:' . t°'1' . ° , ''' '', 1. : ' ''''''''''''19. r ���$, � �, � � Florice Horsica � ....,, ,1 it '. ,.. Delbert Hovarak Do E ot David Howard Ha a . ° , Ben Ray Jackson L 1 �' g t P s v 9[ �_ ., .v° �." ®:� per. ", t 88 ell Carol O'Donn Kelly Parker .raw 4.4tow . -,„, 06.-- Yvonne Parker t ' ' LaVerne Patterson rw Patterson ,i` a Nancy Ray � Sharon a. Gloria Reed , % Brenner Sayers rr Dee Smith Virden Smith ..,.. :: , ''' i* ;:-.:11i. ',,,,:- -..' � Pam Sperry R ober t Spicer Y x4 / 1 ( d Billy Taub Donald Thomas Bruce Thompson Tommy West Peggy Wil ns 90 1 , , ,<._ , ....„„.,.‹..,, , ..... .,... 1, _ x , . „, ,.. . , • 1 r . ., . . 4 a : John Turner laughs to see the damage he in- What could be the matter with seniors Jerry flicted on some rather drenched girls. Mills, Joe Randolph, and John King? .;, - � P i ' .7 ° 11 , - % s e . ' ' tee. z! ' ° '' d ,, a cr Senior boys watch Ann Cleland swim the v. length of the pool after she "jumped the gun'. ,. Keith Kidwell does a good job of riding the barrel, at least for a while. li a ri ; - _ { , ,., .. , i Pretty little Carolyn Wilson is trying to improve her suntan. Amy Norcross and Etta Douglas return from 99 a stroll by the river. Y FORTY —THREE MEMBERS THE CLASS O , OF F '58 r GRADUATE FROM CHS li t,.:'. ,, e ,. . , .„,...,. ,,,,,,,, .,,„,„,„ t, .. ,„.. A& „„,„,,,,, .., . A,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . „A.„,„ t 1 Sen iors adjust their cas a s th li up f or e p ; �� ce ssional to the strains of Gounodey 's Mne arch Pontifi le ' on Baccalaureate night. p a. � '", } Mary Ma Rev. Robert D. Longshore, Minis of the First Baptist a four -y Church, gave the Baccalaureate sermon. "A Recipe for scholar: a Successful Life" was the title given to his excellent vided b3 -, ' ,' i ° talk. The Baccalaureate service was held in the CHS Sam Hoi w . ' �" _ au on Sunday, May 25. to any ' 5.- .... , ' _ ,,.. r ,_ � provides e { ;i r *a Relveated µ Salutato �. , r a3 '' ,, ceid - '" * ° e schoo i ° 1s' of Chur *ag neros rE la' � . Bawin q t t n by the 1 � � � Women': a $1000 of Hous Sen cross, ‘ , Ci snerc Mar Li vis pre2 Discussion of future plans may be what is taking place as these senior girls joy- • 1 fully anticipate graduation. .; ( ADVERTISEMENTS Caldwell's Jewelry Store DIAMONDS — WATCHES — SILVER Bryan Texas e, of ' ` O ur .Jlower.S Say. it Jor You j :j ON ANY OCCASION AGGIELAND FLOWER SHOP Victor 6 -5825 College Station, Texas The Collegiate Shop "Distinctive Apparel 1 For Smart Women ... - EXCLUSIVE FOOTWEAR Kingsridge & Varsity-Town Suits Bryan, Texas Stetson Hats — Manhattan Shirts Nunn -Bush & Edgerton Shoes McGregor Sportswear — Boys Kaynee Wear VENTED HEAT REFRIGERATED AIR Ladies Department Military Uniforms RADIOS TELEPHONES FREE COFFEE CENTRAL LOCATION Bryan Store - TA 2 -1553 Mid Walt Motel College Store - VI 6-5419 3117 Texas Avenue BRYAN, TEXAS ANTONE KRENEK a. 6Co. TRAVIS NELSON • PHONE TA 2 -3745 MENS CLOTHING SINCE 1896 CUSTOM ° of II { MADE BOOTS and ` SHOES MADELEY PHARMACY BOOTS and SHOES IN STOCK t1 SOUTHSIDE - COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE * Makers of the ... College Station, Texas FAMOUS TEXAS AGGIE "SENIOR" BOOT Holick's A &M Since 1891 North Gate College Station, Texas LESTER'S SMART SHOP DISTINCTIVE APPAREL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN 107 North Main Bryan Ph. TA 2 -1525 McCULLOCH DANSBY CO. 118 N. Bryan Avenue BRYAN, TEXAS • FURNITURE G. E. APPLIANCES Ph. TA 2 -5164 Ph. TA 2 -1695 Sandi MOTEL 52 Ultra- Modern Units * Air Conditioned Television * Swimming Pool College Station Highway 6 Texas • •K PARKER-ASTIN HARDWARE COMPANY • Bryan, Texas The Fabric Shoppe Your Exclusive Fabric Center Ph. TA 2-1645 106 Main , Brazos Motor Company STUDEBAKER - PACKARD MERCEDES - BENZ 1211 Texas Avenue Ph. TA 2-7009 YOUR TRUSTED KEEPSAKE JEWELER SANKEY PARK 111 North Main Bryan FROSTOP Sulphur Springs Road Northgate • AUTO - FIRE - CASUALTY - BONDS - HOMEOWNERS r.:1 1:1 milm, ip BURGESS CASH ifir 0 IN 111111110041 STATIONVIVEXAs NI 1 110 1 1 t ANAiiiitg:Detil Depends On the Agent' 12. 201 Main Ph. VI 6-4729 . • - •. - 7 Compliments of... THE CITY NATIONAL BANK Bryan, Texas • MEMBER F.D.I.C. • Brazos Office Equipment Dictaphone Sales & Service THOMAS C. BLACK, Owner T. D. CHANCE, Service Manager 506 South College Ave., Bryan Phone TA 2 -5254 CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE COMPANY 202 South Bryan Avenue HARDWARE TA 2 1388 COMPLETE LINE OF - BUILDERS SUPPLIES CHINAWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES CRYSTALWARE PAINTS AND VARNISHES AND GIFT ITEMS Bryan, Texas Conway & Co. MEN'S WEAR Bryan, Texas - I COMPLIMENTS OF... BRYAN BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 114 South Bryan Bryan, Texas Congratulations From ... FLOYD'S RADIO SHOP • FLOYD GODWIN Harry's Barber Shop Southside J. W. Sorenson Hardware Co. HARDWARE - GIFTS - HOUSEWARES 109 North Main College Station NAN'S BLOSSOM SHOP 1105 South College Avenue BRYAN, TEXAS THE FIDELITY HOUSE ` t "Your Home Entertainment Headquarters" CAMERAS — HI -FI — TELEVISION — PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 2014 Texas Avenue Television Service (HUMBLE Best Wishes To The Class Of "58" PETROLEUM PRODUCTS EDGE'S COURTNEY'S MEADOWBROOK SERVICE "ON THE CORNER" STATION 3210 TEXAS AVENUE .*. BRYAN, TEXAS Ladies Department Store PHONE: TA 2-5967 Smith's Cleaners Shaffer's Book Store • North Gate North Gate • PHONE VI 6 -6615 P. O. Box 890 Ph. VI 6 -4818 _: . . F : ALLEN & STONE . . Q F� � � Bryan's Modern Shoe Store y y ML� f . for Men and Boys • ." �tr F Mi F f � IGH GRADE MEN'S FU A smart new store featuring • "? *HRNISHINGS * FINE QUALITY SHOES NOVELTY * SPORTS WEAR * GIFTS * LEATHER GOODS and TOP QUALITY LUGGAGE FOR MEN an WOMEN 114 NORTH MAIN STREET • BRYAN • Simply , Wderful Sportswe on £>: �, Ellison Pharmacy geverte y Bryan 101 South Main North Gate U�ra tec� College Station P romp t, Free De Service I ..:i's:i.::itt . / h "' _. BRYAN STUDIO C : ii, li .......7........ t �... See Us For Anything You Ne ed In .. . :. r PHOTOGRAPHY t i �;/J /,' 104 South College Bryan, Texas DIAL TA 3-6330 LOUPOT'S Halsell Motor Company, Inc. NORTH GATE DODGE — PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS * Ph. VI 6 -6312 309 Sulphur Springs Road 1411 Texas Avenue TA 2 -3784 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BRYAN, TEXAS ri. ..,,..... , ', ' A 7 7. t , 4 iit'Z.4::',"' .,'~'''' . ' /: 4,, .. .� a e a e �'.. a x e s t e ",' ' 4 :a '. ..„'' ' ,' 1 °I !li t. „ 9°,,,..;:' • ,,.e.,s, �. . .Q �.�.w..- asp. V,. i 1 I aaA PRUITT'S FABRIC - BEAUTY SHOP Southside Colle Sta tion MILLER'S SUPER _MARKET THE CENTER OF FINE MEATS Phone VI 6 -6613 3800 Texas Avenue y a " COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK • 501 Sulphur Springs Road • PHONE VI 6 -5511