HomeMy WebLinkAboutPoinsettia Memorials Christmas 1991 *CONGREGATION STANDING WELCI4E to everyone who is worshiping with us this morning. Will you please take a moment early in the service to sign your name on the attendance registration sheet as the booklet moves along your row. We pray that you will find among us a caring fellowship and the blessing of God's presence and peace as you share in this time of worship. 1USIC FOR THIS MORNING'S 9:00 SERVICE is played for us today by Anne Brown. We are thankful for her help. OUR USHERS TODAY at 11:00 are Walter Manning (head usher), Scott Estes, and Bill and Judi Whitney. POINSETTIAS TODAY and through the Christmas season are given to the glory of God by Francis Badgett in memory of Mary Frances Wilson and her father Howard Badgett; Edith Betts and Lorene Brown in honor of Mrs. Dorena Adams and Mrs. Mable McFadden; Rayford and Tillie Brooks in memory of their daughter, Marilyn Brooks Marks, mother of Sarah and Jon Marks; Kirk and Connie Brown; Julia Burns; Burns and Helen DuBose; Karen Gartner in ,honor of the choirs; Richard and Lyn Griffin; Robert and -Martha Hurley; Walter and Eva Nell Juliff; Walter Lora McAlpin; Robert �• P McAlpin; Wayne and Pinky McCully; Caroline Mitchell; Marjorie Morrison; Ken Nicolas; The Joey Porter Family in memory of Michaela Waldrop; John and Alice Riggs; Jane and Melvin Rivers; Bill and Jean Roenigk; Lewis and Joanne Williams; Anna Morris Whiteley; and James and Gloria Woodall. THE CHILDREN'S CHOIR will rehearse this morning at 9:30 in the Choir Roam. They will participate with the Chancel Choir in our Christmas Eve service at 7:00 on December 24. A special thank you to all of the children and to their leaders for the fine contributions t worship they have made through the year. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES FOR ALL AGES are held from 10:0 to 10:45 each Sunday morning. The location of most all classes is off the courtyard of the Christian Educatior Building. If you don't know the place or the way to ge there, please ask. Were happy to help and to welcom you or your children.