HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Bad News 1964 TH E - N - EZ A group of Consolidated students Bulbous Belch, Communist ring were seen picketing the Bohemian loader at Consolidatod, was intor- embassy in downtown Bryan, last viewed by the staff (it was pret- April fools day. When asked why ty sticky) of thc - *Bad bows::-.,--: he was participating in the riot, last Friday the 13th; this date, Ogden Rambler, a well known lead- was by the way, thc 200th anivcr- er of student uprisings screamed: sary of the Boston Tca Pary. "Ban takes the worry out of being crccirg7Whon askod what ho thought of close," the tea, Belch answcrc: "I hate ^'*** tea, ospocially K T- Birds." When When asked why he hated T- Birds, Two Consolidated students were Belch rcplicd: "Because there al- caught burning a copy of the Btal ways Stalin," But, when consultod Bad News*** last week. Funeral about T- shirts, Belch rcpliod services will be held at ten to- (Redly): "Oh, I love Lenin." By night. this time Belch was pretty teed ,,,,a:* off and hotly dcclarcd ho would donounco the 4*;;Bad News*** in his For your noon hour entertain- paper, Tho Rod Rover. mont the ***Bad News*** is spon- soring a number of group activi- ••,• ties: (1) Hopscotch and Jax gamos on Ogolthorpc Swayback, talontcd tho slab. Consolidated broad jumper, was (2) Dice shooting in trio rest soon jumping a broad in broad day - rooms. light. Whcn askod why he distres- (`) Zobogram drawing, which or- sod a damscl during tho day, he iginatod from the "Happy Hour," in ropliod: "It boats tho knight." Mrs. Martinotte t s roam. (L1) Popeyo and Mickey Mouso ;;;;;;;;,; cartoons in tho spooch laboritor - v. (5) Supplimentary social rola -- A group of Consolidated seniors tions classes behind tho auditor- wore soon at school Friday. What ium• arc you kids doing anyway? Buck- ***** ing for brownie points? Sid Sower, Consolidatod water- ,;;;;;;;;; boy, was proclaimed drip of the year by tho reigning principal. Sunny Diabetes, well known Con... solidatcd XXXXXXMIXX basoballcr, .c-a; - was caught off socond base last week. When the unpiro askod him Nebuchadnezzar Warmonger' now for a cigarette, ho rcplicd: "Itm froshaaan at Consolidated, was out." drawn and quartered by the F,F.A. for impersonating a farmor. * Alphonse Nasal, brilliant Con- solidatod student, won the K ocnex Tad Polo, talented Consolidated scholarship by a nose. When askod vaulter, was soon crossing tho bar about his win, Alphonse rcplicd: last night. When asked about his "Oh, itis snot much." drinking while in training, Polo rcplied • "Oh, I ncvor got too high." „ ,, ,, ,„ * Tho ***Bad News � n * is proud to announce that Friday the; i3th will Van Ishing was soon. bo the deadline for submitting ap- plications for the Student Couneol kite flying contest. For hose students either out to lunhh or Elly Punt, Captain of the girls continually up in the air, appli- weight- lifting team, was soon cations ray be turned in February carrying a huge trunk around the 310 campus. When consultod on the "This contoct will take place subject, Elly bellowed: "Who instod of building a now dam on Nose ?" the crook ," said David Gay, lxm damply. . ' Tho dam plan was nixed. "This is tho first of what we 4 hope will bo an annual contoct each spring, stimulating more high t schcol.crs to go fly a kite," Gay ad dod. •