HomeMy WebLinkAboutFord, George George Ford was born in Burleson County, Texas, to Mary Williams, his father’s last name was Ford; his siblings were William Flowers, Bud Nelson, Arthur Williams, Forrest Ford (the only full brother), and sisters Julia Lewis and Sophia. It has been stated but not confirmed that George Ford had a number of sisters on his father’s side. Victoria Smith Ford was born in Georgia to Eli and Josephine Cowles Smith; her only known sibling was John Harris. (Grandma’s maternal grandparents were Nancy and Jim Cowles.) George and Victoria were united in marriage and raised their family in Brazos County. There were a total of 11 children with Brother dieing in his infancy and Martha dieing at the age of six. The other 9 children in the order of their ages are Sam Ford, Bose Ford, Viola Ford Toliver, George Ford, Jr., Josephine Ford Ross, Webb Wade Ford, Winnie Mae Ford, Kermit Ford and Atoy Ford Peterson. Uncle Williams, Uncle Bud & Grandpa George were the closest of the brothers; his sister, Sophia was living with him and his family when she died. George Ford attended church at Sulphur Springs until uniting with Roans Chapel Baptist Church in 1911 where he was a deacon until his death. From these Christian forefathers came the “Family legacy” of (1) belief in God and family (2) a spirit of giving, sharing and caring, and (3) entrepreneurship