HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1999 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee Oistoric Preservation Committee Regular Meeting College Station Conference Center 1300 George Push Drive Wednesday, September 1, 1999 -- 5:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Jasek, Chair; Bill Lancaster; Dock Burke; Shawn Carlson; Elton Abbott; Joan Perry; Margaret Griffith; Russell Duke; Monte Trenckmann MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Jock Peters, President Texas Eagle Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society; Dennis Maloney 1. CALL TO ORDER: Deborah Jasek called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the May, 1999 meeting were approved as written. 3. HEAR VISITORS: Jock Peters explained that he was there to represent the newly formed railway historical chapter. The Texas Eagle Chapter, named after the passenger train that used to go through town, was chartered by the National Railway Historical Society in April and has official recognition from the State as an unincorporated, non - profit association. Still small, with only 13 members, they are interested in preserving railway history in the area and possibly establishing a library or museum someday. They are also interested in doing an oral history related to railroads. They are working on a project currently - documenting the rail spur at Millican that used to serve the rock quarry there. The current owner of the rock quarry was told that rock from the quarry was used to build the seawall in Galveston. The chapter is trying to verify that. The rock was probably also used to construct roads in the Brazos Valley. He said a newspaper article had been found dated 1905, which described how the owner of the quarry at the time had tried to get the IGN (International and Great Northern) Railroad to build a depot at the quarry. His efforts failed however, because the H &TC built the spur down to the quarry. Jock said he was here to make contacts and to ask for help in several areas. He wanted to get: * references to persons to interview for the oral history; * references to persons with information or collections regarding the railroad; * persons who may have info about the Millican rock quarry or the railroad during that era. Historic Preservation Committee Page 2 Deborah suggested that Jock meet with Grace Calbert for help with the oral histories. She invited him to attend future meetings, and keep the committee up -to -date on their progress. Jock stated that his group met the fourth Thursday of the month, and the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) members were welcome to attend as well. He said he could be reached at 260 -2584, and he appreciated being able to meet with the committee, and any help he could receive. 4. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT/UPDATE: Deborah welcomed Monte Trenckmann to the committee. He filled the position vacated by Dennis Maloney. Deborah presented Dennis with a plaque in appreciation for his dedication to the HPC. Deborah updated the HPC on a few things that had taken place over the summer: a. Deborah told the members about a new committee she's on. It concerns Veterans Park and Athletic complex, a new park which will go in off Highway 30 behind Sam's and Furrow's. It's about 600 acres in a floodplain area, and will contain soccer and softball fields, a pavilion, tennis courts, trails, and possibly a swimming pool and recreational vehicle hookups. The committee is made up of veterans representing almost all branches of the service, and a chair has been appointed. Currently the committee is trying to decide how to recognize veterans in this park. All branches of the service would be recognized, as well as all veterans in our community, living and dead. There may be a memorial wall of some sort. Deborah would like to see a wall similar to what's at the Nimitz museum in Fredericksburg - a stone wall with plaques commemorating different people and groups. Deborah said this project would be ongoing, adding that they have discovered that there are more than 10,000 veterans in Brazos County. She welcomed the HPC's input, and stated that if anyone was interested in attending the meetings, they would be open to the public when they begin later this fall. b. The Brazos Valley Children's Museum wants to restore the Old City Hall building in Bryan, for their new home. Funds had to be raised in order to restore the building. Deborah briefly described the Matagorda County Children's Museum, an old post office that has been turned into an interactive museum. She said she would try to bring in pictures, and she thought it would be great if something like that could be done here. c. Deborah stated that a new vice -chair needed to be appointed since Dennis was gone. Margaret nominated Russell Duke. The motion was seconded, and voted on with no opposition. d. Margaret asked for an update on the Benito Flores report which had been received over the summer regarding the Satchel's restaurant. Elton stated that the Northgate Revitalization Board had looked at the requirements. There were three preservation categories in the Northgate area - high, medium, or not considered eligible for historic preservation. The Satchel's structure was ranked medium, which meant it was supposed to follow the guidelines of the National Register for Historic Preservation. The Northgate Revitalization Board has voted to change that. Primarily because even though the building had been designated locally as a medium priority structure, it was not eligible for funding for a historic project by the National Register or the Texas Historical Commission. If it had followed the local guidelines imposed, it would not have not been eligible for any funding. The local requirements imposed were so Historic Preservation Committee Page 3 severe that it would have had to be renovated according to historic guidelines, which would have made it cost prohibitive to do anything with it and it would have remained as it was, in a dilapidated state. The property has gone from a $30,000 property to a $250,000 property on the City tax rolls. It's also part of the Facade Improvement Program and it has been almost universally admired. Elton explained that at the time the Northgate structures were designated, the City Planner, Joey Dunn, and student help, had gone around and surveyed and designated all the buildings. They didn't really use any special guidelines. The Northgate Revitalization Board has voted to change the rules so that they are more reasonable. Bill stated that historic preservation is a very nebulous thing. He said a lot of these buildings shouldn't be preserved as they originally were, and you want some upgrading of some of them. Elton agreed, stating unless it was from the standpoint of the Texas Historical Commission and the National Register. He said he was a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, but you had to be reasonable about some of it. Bill said you had to have a worthy project to start with, and some were just not worthy projects. Elton said that was correct. He said revised wording on the priority standings would come out soon, which states that a property has to be eligible to be on the list, before you can enforce the rules. This particular property was not even eligible to be on the list. Deborah said if the members were interested in getting involved with the Veteran's Park or the Children's Museum, to let her know so that the item could be placed on the agenda for a future meeting. Margaret said it might be best if the HPC asked the groups how they could help. Elton felt it was important for the committee to help out with the Veteran's Park issue. 5. HISTORIC HOME /BUILDING PLAQUES - REVIEW & DISCUSSION OF APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED: David said there were no new applications for review, however the plaque for Elton Abbot's house would be presented at the September 23, Council meeting. Elton stated that the original owners of the home, would be coming to town for the presentation, and all former owners of the house would be present as well. He invited everyone over to his house that evening after the presentation. 6. ORAL_HISTORY BOOK UPDATE - DISCUSSION: David said he'd talked to Jeff Carroll, who would attend the HPC meeting in October with copies of the manuscript for the members. David said Jeff had written up to chapter 10, and was expecting to have a 17 -20 chapter book. The book begins with the first civilization in Brazos County and takes you up through to the 1900's. The first 3 -4 months of work on the book consisted of doing research on those early civilizations, instead of working with the oral histories. David said when Jeff brings the copies in, they would only be on copy paper, which brought up the subject of a publisher. He asked the committee if they wanted to try and go through A &M Press. Elton said he thought A &M Press wasn't interested. David said it's possible they might agree to publish the book, however they needed something in writing explaining what the book would be about to take to their committee for approval. They only publish certain types of books - history books being one type. Deborah said she knows that A &M Press is in a consortium with other University Presses, and they do a good job of advertising /publicity for the books they publish. Elton said he would prefer A &M to Wheelock Press because of quality. Elton asked if the publishing would have to be bid out. Historic Preservation Committee Page 4 David said he would have to check on that. Margaret felt that going with A &M Press was preferable. If any problems arise, you're dealing with a local company, and they have a good reputation. Elton made a motion that the book be presented to A &M Press for consideration. Joan seconded, and all members were in favor. 7. THE WALL OF HONOR AT THE HIGH SCHOOL - DISCUSSION: The principal of A &M Consolidated High School, Chrissy Hester, was to have been at the meeting, however, she did not make it. David said she had told him that the committee was about two years late with the Wall of Honor idea. He explained that when the high school was built, there had been no funding for /or thought to, wall dressings - other than paint. Chrissy Hester had formed a student /staff committee to deal with the walls. When the HPC approached her with the idea of the Wall of Honor, the school had already decided what to do with the walls. David said Chrissy Hester still wanted to meet with the committee. Deborah said another high school would be built in the near future, and perhaps the Wall of Honor could be done there. Deborah asked to have this item moved to October's agenda. 8. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS: Deborah reminded the members that the Parks Board has agreed to notify the committee anytime there is an item on their agenda that would affect the HPC, so that someone could attend their meetings and have input. The HPC has agreed to reciprocate. Items for future HPC meetings: * Update on Veteran's Park * Update on Children's Museum of Brazos Valley * Wall of Honor * The Oral History book David asked all members to get any changes in address /phone number /e -mail address, to Pam so that the member list could be updated. David said that everyone had received a copy of the "Historic Preservation at Work for the Texas Economy" report which had been put out by the Texas Historical Commission. The report basically states that history is tourism, and can generate money. Copies would be gotten to the City Council. 9. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:26 p.m.